The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 137: Teaching Them A Lesson

Chapter 137: Teaching Them A Lesson

In the ensuing minutes, slurping and the sound of lips smacking one another filled the entire room alongside several lecherous moans as Qing Tan turned around and covered her ears with both hands as the two shameless youths indulged themselves without any shred of regard to her presence.

Meanwhile outside Chi Zheng's apartment was Min Hong who was about to enter only to have the door opened as the downtrodden and disappointed figure of Zi Kun appeared in his view. 

They both stood there and looked at each other for a few moments and whilst Min Hong was just slightly surprised to find Zi Kun here especially because of what he was about to do, Zi Kun was shocked because he never expected that the group, he and Chi Zheng just spoke about to be right at his doorstep.

"What are you looking for here?"

He challenged Min Hong who just gazed at him amusingly before responding; 

"I was just about to drop this for your boss. I don't mind if you could help me give this to him otherwise, I would have to ask you to step aside." Min Hong spoke with a taunting grin on his face.

Though he didn't know what exactly got Zi Kun to have such an expression on his face, but he wasn't going to pass on the opportunity to rub more salt on his wound.

Thus, he decided to call Chi Zheng his boss, and that statement really worked like a charm.

This was because Zi Kun was now glaring at him with an expression of anger mixed with true bitterness.

"Chi Zheng is busy at the moment and I am not going to deliver your message either. So, I suggest you leave and return at another time."

Zi Kun replied through gritted teeth as he released a bit of his aura in a bid to cower Min Hong since he knew he was just in the Peak King and Qi Sea stage, at least that was according to the entrance selection exam results.

But the smile on Min Hong's face vanished instantly as he replaced it with a solemn expression whilst softly and solemnly replying;

"I won't repeat my words again"

The moment Zi Kun heard that, the 6 Star Dan Formation aura he had been leaking earlier burst out in full force.

He was truly fed up by the number of levels his status had dropped in recent days and adding the insults that Min Hong was adding to his already fed-up mind, he decided he had taken enough of it and decided to lash out at Min Hong;

"I told you to-"

But before he could finish his statement, he saw a fist gradually magnifying in his face and instantly crossed his arms in front of his chest in a bid to block it.




He was sent flying into the door of Chi Zheng's room before blasting the door and tumbling about three times with his hands vibrating intensely from absorbing the shock behind Min Hong's punch.

Then, Min Hong's group pressed into the room catching the lecherous Chi Zheng duo in the act. "Ooh. What do we have here?!"

He said before adding; "I can see you have received another palmprint in such a little time. You must love being spanked a lot."

Min Hong's amusing smile returned to his lips as he taunted the Yue Yao who was just removing Chi Zeng's naked sword out of her mouth whilst wiping her mouth from the excess slimy liquid on its corners.

"Hehe. That's some nasty actions you two are indulging yourselves in."

Mu Li also walked in and saw the naked duo before adding with a knowing wink at Yue Yao whose face had already turned scarlet red brightening the palm print that was already on her cheeks in the process 

"Qing Tan, are you alright?"

Min Qing who was still behind Min Hong wanted to go help Qing Tan out of the bath when she was blocked by Zi Kun.

Then Qing Tan stepped out of the bathtub and tried to approach Min Hong's group when Chi Zheng's voice bellowed through the room;

"Where do you think you're going, little b*tch. Did I tell you to leave?" He said before adding; "Get back in there and stay wet!" He said as he finished dressing up.

"Mu Li, Mu Bai, go help Little Qing out of that thing and get her a sheet or something to keep her warm."

Min Hong didn't even turn his head as he ordered the Mu Twins who instantly sprang into action.

Mu Li was still trying to carry Qing Tan out of the bath, but Mu Bai destroyed the bath instead as he had an incensed expression on his face.

He could not stomach the fact that this shameless and lecherous duo could be doing such a thing in front of their innocent Qing Tan.

Thus, the water that was within the bath streamed all over the floor. 

Zi Kun tried to stop the Mu Twins from taking Qing Tan but was blocked by Min Qing who had a scornful smirk on her lips.

The Mu twins got a thick blanket out of their storage rings as they wrapped it around Qing Tan before Mu Bai proceeded to carry her like a princess.

Then Min Hong ordered;

"Fei Qing, follow Mu Bai and take Little Qing to my apartment, we will be joining you pretty soon." 

Min Qing then retreated from Zi Kun as Mu Li took her place in blocking Zi Kun.

"You little ant, do you think you can stop me?!"

Zi Kun erupted with his 6 Star Dan Formation stage cultivation base once again before arcs of lightning began to flicker all over his body putting his First Plane Lightning Intent in full display.

Yue Yao simultaneously erupted with her 5 Star power before her First Plane Flame Intent bloomed into golden-red flames which wrapped around her forming a battle armour that completely covered her naked body as a flame sword appeared in her right hand. 

Mu Bai responded in like with his 5 Star power as surprisingly a Second Plane Wind Intent breezed across the room blowing away the lecherous smell that was stuffing up the room.

But for the remaining trio; Chi Zheng, Long Sha and Min Hong, didn't even move or respond to their actions.

Instead, it was as if they didn't even know what was happening. Now there was a 3 vs 3 confrontation happening in Chi Zheng's room.

To Chi Zheng's left was Yue Yao clad in flames whilst Zi Kun who was covered in lightning arcs stood to his right. 

As Zi Kun was about to move, he was stopped by Chi Zheng who yelled at him;

"Zi Kun, stand down!"

The lightning around Zi Kun flickered slightly as he was clearly affected by Chi Zheng yelling at him forcing his confidence to take another blow.

But what happened next completely plunged his confidence into a bottomless pit as Min Hong spoke;

"Yeah dog, listen to your boss and lie down!"

Min Hong added more salt to his injury as he enjoyed the expression on Zi Kun's face who nearly spit out a mouthful of blood in frustration.

"What brings you to my apartment Fei Hong?" Chi Zheng finally asked exceedingly calmly for some strange reasons.

"Furthermore, how are you planning to pay for the destruction your dogs have caused?" He added trying to save a bit of face for Zi Kun.

But Min Hong only smiled brightly at his mode of addressing Mu Twins as he asked;

"Mu Li, what are you going to do for the destruction we have caused here?"

Mu Li seemingly understanding Min Hong's intentions dispersed his Wind Dao as his cultivation receded before replying;

"Hmph! He should consider it a massive let off for what they have done to Qing Tan." 

"You heard the man Anyways, I didn't come here for all of that, all they have done is their business."

Min Hong replied as he took three steps towards Chi Zheng putting Mu Li a step behind him.

Mu Li who caught Min Hong's unspoken statement, retreated three steps as he now stood beside Long Sha who had been looking at the entire scene with a nonchalant expression.

"So, what business have you come to me for?" 

Chi Zheng who saw the tactical understanding amongst Min Hong's group inwardly cursed the duo beside him for lacking wisdom.

Even when their opponents have receded their powers, these two fools were still flaring their entire strength to their opponents.


Min Hong threw the challenge issuance letter to Chi Zheng before turning around and leaving. But just as he was about to step out of the apartment, he added;

"I hope you both won't cower in the face of such a challenge."

"Yue Yao, if you really love being spanked, you can come to me anytime and er you can continue with whatever you are doing, I have seen worse."

Min Hong laughed as he left leaving Yue Yao with a mixed feeling of anger and shame as she was forced to rethink how lowly she had stooped in recent days.

"What, do you want to battle yourselves now? Hmph!"

Chi Zheng yelled at the ZI Kun duo who realised the reason why he was furious and reigned in their cultivation and Dao.

Chi Zheng then sat on his bed as the once again naked Yue Yao began to massage him only to be aggressively pushed away by Chi Zheng who cursed;

"Get off me, slut!"

Chi Zheng then looked into the challenge letter, and when he saw the nature of the challenge, his anger finally receded as he smirked;

"A stupid fool who doesn't know his limits. Fine! since you so wish to meet your maker, I would gladly send you over to them"

He then bit his finger as he stamped the letter with his thumbprint. He then threw the letter over to Zi Kun. 

Zi Kun who was stunned by the action looked into the letter and instantly lost control of himself as his aura rippled through the entire room brushing Chi Zheng in the process;

"Idiot, what are you fretting over it for.

We have a chance to get rid of him once and for all and we are going to do just that, no matter how shameless it looks.

After all, he was the one who came to us." Then he looked over to the duo and spoke;

"Both of you had better not mess things up again, otherwise your clans can forget about getting a slot into the inheritance ground next year!" 

He bellowed before looking to Yue Yao; "Clean up the place and restore the damaged door and bath before I exit seclusion."

He ordered before heading over to the cultivation area of the room that had a hole underneath it.

Zi Kun had a flabbergasted expression on his face as he finally understood why his father had instructed him to serve Chi Zheng as he would his master.

Apparently, this was all because an inheritance ground had appeared in the region under the Chi Super Clan's control.

Meanwhile Back at Min Hong's apartment 

Min Qing was currently laying on Min Hong's bed whilst cuddling the shivering Qing Tan.

The reason why she was shivering was not because of a cold or the water, afterall, that was the innate Dao she was born with.

Rather, she was shivering due to the several scary and nightmarish experiences she had gone through in less than 24 hours.

The Min Hong trio finally entered as Min Hong walked over to the bed with a serious expression before speaking to Qing Tan;

"Little Qing, I know you have been through a lot, but you really need to shed away this childish attitude of yours!" His voice sounded very stern as he spoke.

"The world out there is wicked and what you have just experienced is nothing more than a speck of the sheer amount of wickedness and evil that is out there in the world. If you were all alone in this sect, how were you planning on getting yourself out of such a situation?"

Min Hong raised his voice slightly making the childish Qing Tan tear up and begin to sob.

The Mu twins frowned slightly at Min Hong's statement as they thought that it was not a wise decision to chide a little innocent girl who had just gone through such a tragic experience.

After all, she was only thirteen...

So, they looked over to Long Sha seemingly expecting him to step in and do something but Long Sha just kept looking at them with his usual nonchalance.

Then they looked over to Min Qing only to see that she had her head slightly bowed to Min Hong as if she was scared of looking him in the eye.

"Now you are crying. You need to grow up and understand that in this life, you have only yourself to rely on. True, we have friends, families and partners, but at the end of it all, everything still falls on your shoulders."

"It is solely your responsibility to take care of yourself as it's also the same for the rest of us. We can only lend a hand when you are overwhelmed, but it's still up to you to stand up for yourself and face challenges with a matured, condescending and overbearing attitude if you are looking to make it far in this strong eat the weak of our cultivation world!"

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