The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 100: Entering the Sunfire City

Chapter 100: Entering the Sunfire City

"What! I dare not say that, not even if I was granted ten new lives. I am only insinuating that the Min Family Head must have an ulterior motive for keeping such matters a secret. If not, why would anyone deny their family members such a chance to become top and famous experts?"

"So, I can only deduce that there must have been an ulterior motive for such actions. Furthermore, the way they battled with immense ferocity and even sacrificed their lives just to ensure the escape of these kids and the magic beast, shows that there is something fishy going on about them."

"This is the reason why I came, your majesty. I wish to request for a few imperial guards to come with me, to go and capture these fugitives and bring them back to the capital, so that they can be punished for their crimes of killing several border guards of my Tiandou Kingdom."

"We could also use that opportunity to interrogate them and find out information on what their family was scheming, so we can prepare for whatever it is they have schemed about." King Tian Xing blurted his plans and reason for visiting.

"Your Majesty!" The four of them including the General of the East Wind Empire's Military Division; General Luo, chorused when they saw Emperor Duan Ji stand from his seat.

"Commander Ting, send a dozen imperial guards to retrieve those kids and capture that beast. Bring them back unharmed, I will hear their part of the story before any decision or punishment is made." The Emperor declared in a calm tone.

"Tian Xing, you can return to your palace. When the kids have been apprehended, I will send someone to summon you over to the Imperial Throne Hall. Then we can settle this matter." He added as he waved both King Tian Xing and Lu Chen away.

The moment they left the area, General Luo and Commander Ting walked up to the Emperor as they voiced their thoughts.

"Your Majesty, those two incompetent fools sound really suspicious. Though they tried to hide it the best they could, I could still sense their unease" Commander Ting was the first to speak. As the commander of the imperial guards, he was also the Emperor's personal guard.

"Even if they were all in the Nascent Soul stage, there was no way they could ever escape the onslaught of about five thousand Dan Formation experts. Hmph, Imbeciles! They actually dare to act shamelessly in front of your majesty." General Luo spoke with a disgusted expression.

"Do you both really think that, I already didn't notice something fishy about their stories, I am not just in the mood to listen to Tian Yun nag today. After all, I am very sure she is also in the mix." Emperor Duan Ji sighed in frustration as his two companions also gave awkward smiles.

"So, what should we do about this matter, or are you planning on leaving him to his devices. He is really getting bolder and bolder by the day." Commander Ting added.

"Hmph! They are all bunch of clowns acting a circus. Send someone to the Soaring Cloud Village, let the person anonymously gather information about what truly happened there." Emperor Duan Ji turned around gave commander Ting an instruction.

"Luo Tan, add three of your most trusted soldiers into the squad of Imperial guards setting off to retrieve those kids, bring them back safely. I really want to know what those two fools are so wary and uneasy about." He instructed General Luo.

"Those two must be really talented to have that level of cultivation at such a tender age, and since Tian Xing has said the Min Clan denied any relations to them, I wouldn't mind adopting both of them. If the beast was truly their protector, then it would surely follow their choices."

"If they mean harm or hold any form of grudges towards us, then we will get rid of them once and for all. But if they don't, then I will gladly open my arms and welcome them. I am always ready to invest in talents, especially when they're that young." Emperor Duan Ji added.

"That way, we don't suffer any losses but rather obtain an opportunity to recruit potential experts. Your Majesty is always wise and judicious in his decisions and actions" General Luo bowed slightly as he praised the Emperor with a smile.



Whilst the Emperor Duan Ji trio were busy formulating their plans, a twelve-horsemen group were currently escorting a golden carriage along a road that stretched across a dense forest.

This forest was usually a very beast lively forest, but the aura that was being radiated by these twelve horsemen, including the ferocity and the aggressive galloping of these entourage, ensured that these beasts comported themselves.

The silhouettes of two men could be seen from the windows of these carriage, their whispers also occasionally drifted out of the carriage.

But their statements wouldn't make any sense to anyone who was eaves dropping. Since the whispers only came and went. 

Of these two men, one was slightly round and bald, while the other was muscular and fit like a truly seasoned soldier.

These two were naturally King Tian Xing and Lu Chen, who seemed to be formulating some sort of plan amongst themselves.

"Get some information about the guards Commander Ling is planning on sending on the search and capture mission. Use any means necessary to make sure they agree to our plan. They must kill those kids on sight, and they are never to return if the mission is a success."

"As for their families, I will take good care of them. But if they fail, then their families would be the first to suffer the consequences, and after that I will also make sure they are reunited in heaven or hell." King Tian Xing whispered.

"Yes, your highness. But what about the beast?" Lu Chen responded.

"If they can kill it, it's all good. But, if they can capture it, it would be even better. Remember, if anything goes wrong, it cannot be traced back to I and my sister and I trust you know what to do" King Tian Xing warned.

"Yes, your highness. I will take full responsibility for every problem that arises and the punishments." Lu Chen bowed slightly as he reassured King Tian Xing.

"Good You know how important the Soaring Cloud Village is to our plans. Nothing must go wrong. My sister is playing her part within the Imperial Court, so we must do our part on the outside, diligently." King Tian Xing added.

"Rest assured, your highness. You will get your desired results" Lu Chen spoke once more.

"Don't worry, if you play your part well, then you will get what you were promised. Furthermore, if our plan seamlessly succeeds, I will definitely make sure you are additionally compensated. Remember, we also have your family, so don't go formulating any wrong ideas." 

King Tian Xing used the carrot and stick tactics on Lu Chen, who wore an expression of emotional anguish for a brief instant, the moment his family was mentioned.

But he quickly recovered as a determined expression crept into his face. Then he declared;

"I, Lu Chen, will not fail in the tasks you have given me, your highness. Even if I have to go to hell and back" Conviction oozed from him as he spoke.

King Tian Xing nodded contently as he looked out of his carriage into the distance at the setting sun and mumbled to himself; 

"Just like this Sun, Duan Ji's reign will perish and ours will rise up and take its place."


Back at the entrance of the Sunfire city, two figures donning black capotes walked over and joined a very long, three-lined queue.

In front of this there-lined queue were two giant stone gates where three men stood, collecting taxes whilst ushering people in. 

The first figure carried a silver eagle on its left arm, while the second had an azure snake's head poking out of its right sleeve.

These were naturally Min Qing and Min Hong, carrying Elder Yun and Little Ming respectively. 

Of these two gates, the one on the right had no queue as it was about 10 metres wide with an adult head-sized gem embedded on its frame.

Only few people walked or flew through it, and when they did, the crystal embedded on its frame will glow with a bright blue light.

"I dream of the day I will also be able to enter through that gate and won't need to queue needlessly anymore." One of the people behind the Min Hong duo spoke with a longing sigh.

"Dream on! Like you can ever reach their position and level of influence in five lifetimes." Right next to the man, another person jeered at him."

"Are they not the disciples of the Desert Sun Sect?" Another man whispered.

"You're right, I heard the sect reached out to all their disciples who were out on cultivation adventures and missions to return to the sect at once." The man who jeered earlier responded.

"Yeah. Apparently, the grand tournament which holds every five years is about to begin in about six months. So, it is only natural that their most talented disciples would return to the sect." The man responded.

"The Desert Sun Sect will be holding an entry competition in two months to accept new talents into their sects. That is why I have brought both my sons here to give it a shot. With their talents, they should be able to make it into top ten at least." A tall and skinny man added.

Min Hong activated the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' and took a glance at the skinny man who just spoke.

Though he was skinny, tall and looked like someone who would collapse at the slightest tug of wind, his 3-Star Nascent Soul stage aura alongside his third plane Wind Intent, argued in the opposite direction. 

His two sons who were actually a twin, looked very much like their father in terms of looks.

Their father was about 2.5 metres tall and they were already 2 metres tall.

They were also just as skinny, but the aura Min Hong sensed from them were in no way weaker than Min Qing's.

The twins were both in the 5-Star Dan Formation stage, and seemed to be about sixteen years in age.

They have also both comprehended the Wind Law, and though it was still Concept level, Min Hong knew they only needed a tiny push to break into the Intent level of the Wind Law. 

Just as Min Hong averted his gaze from the twins, he was met with the gaze of their skinny father.

The man looked at Min Hong but was slightly shocked to find out that he couldn't see nor sense anything.

In fact, it seemed like his Spirit sense were being sucked away by him.

He looked at the shrunk Elder Yun and was surprised when he noticed it was a 1-Star Dan Formation beast, then his gazed landed on the hooded figure carrying the beast and could easily detect that it was a teenage girl in the 5-Star Dan Formation. 

But the surprise turned into shock when he realized that it was actually a little girl who was about fourteen years old, that had a 5-Star Dan Formation stage cultivations base.

Furthermore, she had comprehended the first plane, Intent level of the Yin Law?

This was a feat that was only natural to experts in the 1-Star Nascent Soul stage, but here a fourteen-year-old girl, who was only halfway through the Dan Formation stage was having the same level of comprehension?

This was the true definition of absolute monstrosity! 

He turned towards Min Hong's right sleeve and could easily notice Little Ming who was also in the 5-Star Dan Formation stage, then he started to feel a little wary of this hooded duo.

Their group had two 5-Star Dan Formation stage expert and one 1-Star Dan Formation stage. 

Furthermore, this was also including Min Hong, who he couldn't gauge his level of strength.

He knew that this could only occur under two conditions; either Min Hong was stronger than him, or that he possessed some top-class technique that could mask his cultivation base.

He guessed that the latter condition was more feasible than the former. But either ways, they were not someone to be taken lightly.

So, he looked towards his two sons and mumbled to them;

"This competition would be much more difficult than I initially thought. You two would have to bring out the utmost best of yourselves if you want to stand a chance at being accepted."

The twins heard their father and were slightly shocked.

They were very familiar with their own strengths and weaknesses, and have calculated that, no matter how the situation within the competition might change, they would at least be able to reach top ten in the competition. 

But now, their father was telling them that they might not even be able to gain entry at all.

Furthermore, they knew how accurate and concise their father's judgments are, every time he makes one, but they were also teenagers and they have a strong belief about themselves. 

Soon it was the skinny man's turn, and he entered the city with his kids about a few moments later, another group joined the queue.

It was a young lady dressed in red and golden robes. Her robes had flame patterns that had yellow bases and golden tips. 

She was with a little girl who was about twelve years old. She was also dressed in a similar attire, but the only difference was that hers were blue and gold unlike the young lady beside her.

The flame pattern on her sleeves had blue bases and golden tips. 

She was a redhead, and was a little over five feet tall, she had alluring curves all over and the slit on the side of her tight-fitting dress revealed her long and slender legs.

The slit also revealed her soft, tender and fair thighs. 

If the slit had gone a little higher, then her bountiful buttocks would have been visible.

But there was no need for that, because her tight-fitted dress already gave everyone a description of what it would look like, should she undress.

She also appeared to be about sixteen years old. 

Furthermore, there was a deep sense of maturity oozing out of her, and all the men in the area were almost drooling at the sheer level of her sexual appeal.

Her chests were also plum and the first two undone buttons made sure her fresh, shiny and soft duo within were half-revealed. 

Then, there was her lips which looked somehow wet for some reason, almost dripping and that only tempted the many men around here to want to help suck them dry.

But as sexual as she was, there was also this fiery aura around her that brought these men back to their senses. 

The little girl beside her were also dressed exactly the same. Similarly, all the boys around had almost ripped apart her dress just with their sharp gazes alone.

Some of them who had greater self-restraint, had cheeks so red that it seemed blood would drip out anytime soon. 

As these two sex beacons walked through the crowd, a path seemed to be cleared for some unknown reasons (LOL).

As they walked past, some men actually had their mouth leak a bit of saliva. No one knows what was going on in their minds.

A few ladies also had embarrassed expressions on their faces as they gazed at this fiery duo...

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