The Latest Game Is Too Amazing

Chapter 41.2 - So He Rises to His Feet (2)

Chapter 41.2 - So He Rises to His Feet (2)

The place where I logged out last time is deserted. I can hear sounds of metal striking metal coming from outside. Its similar to the noise I heard before when we attacked Clermont. This is the sound of battle, isnt it? Did Commune and Weichsel actually go to war? If so, then Roseline is in danger. I hope shes alright.

Even if I look at the map, I wont be able to tell where Roseline and the others are from the markers. This function isnt so convenient that you can use it to find a specific person. The places where people are gathered are near the palace entrance hall and one other location. Since Roseline is an important person, she should have a lot of people guarding her. Its difficult to imagine that the princess would be in the entrance hall where the enemy is invading. So, by process of elimination, its highly likely that the other location is where Roseline is.

I start moving, trying to avoid encountering the green markers as much as possible. Its hard not knowing whos an enemy and whos an ally. If I encounter them, its possible that Id immediately get dragged into combat. But to get to the room that Roseline is likely to be in, I cant avoid the crowded entrance hall completely. In order to not be overwhelmed by hopelessness, I start sprinting forward.

Thankfully, I dont run into anyone. I probably look pretty stupid sneaking and peeking around corners to make sure there really isnt anyone hiding there even though nothing shows up on the map. Soon, Ill make it to the entrance hall. I can clearly hear the sound of fighting. I gulp in nervousness. Alright, lets go.

With determination, I enter the entrance hall, and theres a familiar group fighting there. Its Havoc and the others. And one theyre fighting is Irene?! Shes fighting on equal footing against multiple opponents. In that case, I should probably praise them for holding out against Irene, whos high level after upgrading her class.

As far as I remember of their levels, Emilia was the highest at around 13. I didnt check all of them, but the knights I partied up with in Commune were also around 10-20. Considering that, Emilia and the others should have about the same level of strength as the knights. Havoc seems to be the oldest one in the party, and although I dont know what his level is, I doubt its much different from Emilias. But if thats the case, it seems strange.

A 30-40 year old adventurer like Havoc should have fought and defeated way more monsters than I have. Of course, its possible that Havoc only became an adventurer just recently, but all things considered, his worn-out equipment and the atmosphere about him really makes him seem like an experienced veteran. It feels unnatural that despite this, his level is low enough that I can surpass him with just a few days of leveling.

In other words, maybe this means that its hard to level up in this world. Its true that realistically, getting stronger the more monsters you defeat is pretty implausible. Its not like strength is as clear-cut as levels in the first place. But in that case, it doesnt make sense. Irene and Alexia were leveling up at the same rate as me. And they got stronger the more they leveled up, so I know that their levels do affect their strength even in reality.

It bothers me, but Ill think about it later. They seem to be holding out somehow, but if its hard to level up as I suspect, then even if Havoc and the others have leveled up, I doubt theyve even reached level 20. Irene, on the other hand, is over level 50. To put it bluntly, theyre no match for her. The fact that theyre even holding out right now is practically a miracle.

Stop! I shout. But even so, my voice doesnt reach her. The battle doesnt stop. But if I give up now, I dont know why I even came this far.

I have to stop her! I close the distance between myself and Irene. Now is the time to use it.

I take the paid item, Certificate of Skill Restoration, out of my inventory and rip it up.

Skill reset!

All the skills that I built to specialize in attacks become unusable and the skill points are returned. Skill points are points that you allocate to skills. With this, I can rebuild my skills however I want!

My skill composition wont be for injuring my opponents. Itll be for rendering my opponents powerless without injuring them. I avoid selecting skills like Poison from Alexias skill composition that deal DoT damage as much as Im able to, allocating my points to skills like Paralysis that prevent the target from moving and upgrading them to skill level 5. Ill make full use of all the knowledge Ive acquired up to this point to select the optimal skills for specializing in status ailments.

Before Irenes attack reaches Its done!

Chain Bind! I cast as soon as I finish allocating points, binding Irene with magic chains. Theyve stopped Irenes movements completely. If she had taken one more step, Havoc would have been pierced by her rapier.

Chaos! You?!


Havoc and the others look to me in surprise as Irenes eyes bore into me.

Its been a while, Irene.

You What are you doing here?

Itd take too long to explain, so to keep it short, I came to save my acquaintances.

You came to save them? Thats absurd. What are you saying? Why are you assisting Commune?

Irene doesnt even try to hide her hostility. Its sad to see such hostility directed at my acquaintances, but I cant stop her if shes not doing anything to them. I tell myself that its unavoidable.

She doesnt resist. She knows that in a paralysis state which renders the target unable to move for a fixed period of time, its pointless to try to move. This is a spell that Alexia has used many times, so she would naturally know the spells effects.

Irene, please stop this.

Stop this, you say?

Irenes expression grows more severe.

Dont make me laugh! You think you can say something like that? You think you have the right to say something like that?! she shouts. You dont know how I felt or what sort of resolution it took for Lady Alexia to come here!

Lady Alexia is here too? I say, interrupting Irenes criticisms. I look around, but the only ones I find are Havoc and the others, theres no sign of Alexia anywhere. It seems like shes somewhere else. Ill have to go look for her later.

Its your fault.

Her words pierce right through my heart. For an instant, Im reminded of the scene from my dream.

If it werent for you, Lady Alexia wouldnt have changed like this!

How did she change? Does she also blame me like Irene? Im scared just listening to this.

Leave, I will not allow you to stand in my way any further. I cannot allow you to meet Lady Alexia, Irene gives me a clear rejection. It almost makes me shrink back. But if I just leave feeling dejected, then what did I even come here for?

I wont back down.

I will stop Alexia and Irene and save Roseline and the others. No matter how much they dont approve of me, no matter how much they reject me, Ill hold my ground here in order to maintain my ego.

Her eyes downcast, Irene does not reply. I cant understand what shes thinking.

The magic chains disappear. The effect of Paralysis isnt permanent. The effects time ran out while we were talking. At the same time, Irene starts moving. Her face is even more stern and cruel than usual.

She punches me in my right cheek. She put a lot of strength into it. I roll across the floor like a marble, feeling its coldness.

It doesnt hurt, so I dont pass out, but even if I dont feel pain, I might die if my HP runs out. In a panic, I quickly check my HP. Its fine, my HP hasnt decreased as much as Id expect from a huge attack like that.

The reason I didnt take much damage despite the difference in level between me, a Magician with paper-thin defense, and Irene, a Berserker, must be because she wasnt holding a weapon and punched me with her bare hands, so not much damage went through.

Stand up. I know that something on that level wouldnt take you down. Were comrades whove fought together, after all.

Her intimidating aura causes my whole body to freeze up. It was usually directed at monsters, but now shes mercilessly directing it towards me. Faced with this, I think for the first time that I dont want her to become my enemy. Not because we know each other, but out of pure fear.

Is there this much difference between a person who thought they were defeating monsters in a game and a person who has been taking lives all this time?

This is no joke. Since my character was reset for the official release, my level is far lower than Irenes. If she fights me while picturing how I was back then, Ill get killed.

I might die. When the reality of this sets in, I become panicked, and that panic fills my thoughts. To the point that it makes me want to log out and escape as soon as possible.

Hey, wait!

At that moment, were interrupted by a voice. Its Liam. Irene glances over to him.

I didnt butt into your conversation since it seemed like you two knew each other, but Ill back you up! Liam says.

I dont really know whats going on between you two, but I guess were stopping this pretty lady, Havoc says.

Im not confident that I can fight against that monstrous woman without killing her, though! I might wound her a little, but bear with it! Cornelia says.

I can always heal her wounds afterward, Emilia says.

Why? Fallen into a state of terror, thats the only thing I can force out of my mouth.

I dont understand. Theyre as low level as me. Even so, theyre still trying to fight. With their piercing gazes showing no fear, theyre trying to resist against an opponent who possesses overwhelming strength. And theyre even trying not to kill her because they guessed that I wouldnt want them to.

Why? Arent they scared? They could die. I want to know how they could be so calm.

Its to pay you back for saving Havoc. Just wanted to try acting cool like that, Liam, blinking in surprise, jokingly replies. To be honest, I get scared all the time. If its something I can run away from, Ill want to run away from it. I mean, were talking about an opponent strong enough to overpower all four of us combined. But we also have a reason for not backing down. We want to protect our friends hometown. So we wont back down so easily. Lets fight together just like back then, Chaos.

Liam doesnt look scared at all. Even so, it doesnt feel like what hes saying is a lie. Everyone is fighting to defend that line that they cant back down from. In the midst of fear, theyre emboldening themselves to fight.

Its the same for me. The reason I came back to this world is because I also had my own line I couldnt back down from, something I couldnt turn a blind eye to. Can I really just stay on my hands and knees doing nothing in spite of that?

Putting strength into my arms, I stand up. Knowing that Im not the only one emboldened my heart which was seized with fear.

It may be true that Im the only player in the world.

But Im not alone.

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