The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 163: Player 1

Chapter 163: Player 1

In such a dangerous situation, Yifan actually chuckled indifferently. He thought to himself, "It's good that we make a move. If we don't make a move, we have to pay attention to sneak attacks at any time. It's not fun anymore."

Now, let me see just how powerful your perfect joint attack formation is.

A cold light reached his throat and two short knives poured into his ears.

It was as if there was no solution, but the moment Yi Fan heard the sound of the wind, his entire body began to be covered with the energy of the sky-blue crystal.

"Bang !" Yifan stomped fiercely, stopping his retreat.

The golem with the spear arrived first and pointed at Yifan's throat. However, just a few inches away from his throat, it was blocked by a layer of azure crystal.

'Ding Kacha !' The sky-blue crystal, of course, was Yifan's rock power. After a ding sound, cracks instantly appeared and then collapsed.

The Heavenly Blue Crystal only blocked for a moment, but when experts fought, it was almost a thousand miles away, and Yifan only needed this moment.

The sound of the wind in his ears was extremely loud. Yi Fan seemed as if he hadn't heard it. With a wave of his left hand, he grabbed the long spear shot by lightning and swung it outwards at the same time.

With a wave of his right hand, blue light flashed and the puppet immediately released its right hand, only its left hand holding the gun.

Meanwhile, Yifan seized the opportunity and lowered his head slightly. Instead of retreating, he charged into the arms of the gun-wielding puppet.

"Chi !" Two silver rays flashed across Yi Fan's head.

However, Yi Fan was already a wild Iron Backing Mountain, and his right shoulder fiercely smashed into the chest of the gun-wielding puppet.

"Pa !" The puppet with two short blades landed on the ground.

"Bang!" Yifan and the gun-wielding puppet collided with each other. This gun-wielding puppet was no less powerful than an expert from before. It actually moved when it came into contact with Yifan's shoulder, removing most of the power on Yifan's shoulder.

"Deng Deng Deng Deng!!" Offensive and defensive shifts. Although the gun-wielding puppet had the ability to shed its strength, it was still knocked back by this collision, causing it to sprint out uncontrollably. One had to know that Yi Fan's strength had reached 1 crystal, and it was not that easy to endure.

How could Yifan let go of this opportunity when he was unforgiving? With a flash of the saber light in his right hand, a blue light as thin as the wings of a cicada shot out.

The big sword puppet, the big saber puppet, and the saber and sword collided, blocking the blue light.

The spear puppet pulled its left hand and stopped its retreat.

Hearing the sound of the wind behind Yifan's head, he lowered his head and a figure shot past his head. The two blades crossed in front of him, obviously wanting to give Yifan a twist of the head.

Both sides stood still. Yifan finally saw clearly that the fourth puppet was also a female puppet with a cold expression.

Both sides were holding a short saber. The saber was about fifty centimeters long, and his legs were slightly bent. One saber was in front, while the other was hidden behind his back. It was both strange and sharp.

Behind him, the other three puppets also assumed battle postures.

The spear puppet held a spear in both hands and bowed forward. It felt like it could pierce through at any moment, and its body seemed to have a sharp cone-like sensation.

The big sword puppet held the sword pillar in both hands and seemed to stand casually. However, from her sturdy body, there seemed to be a mountain-like aura.

The broadsword puppet held the saber in its right hand and resisted on its shoulder. A domineering and fierce aura arose spontaneously.

The four puppets were all extremely skilled, and their defenses were extremely strong. Sabers, spears, swords, double sabers, and four blades worked together perfectly without any flaws.

In terms of physical strength, Yi Fan still had some advantages in terms of strength and speed with Yi Fan's Fourth Order strength and the support of the Stone Crystal Strength, but the advantages weren't obvious.

It could be said that these four puppets were not much different from Yifan, who had been blessed by the power of the rock crystals.

Apart from their speed and their dead bodies, their movements were somewhat stiff, and it was impossible for them to release energy, they had almost no shortcomings.

One had to know that Yi Fan possessed several terrifying abilities. He only possessed the power of a crystal at the early Fourth Order. As of now, he was definitely the strongest person in China.

However, they were not much different from the current Yifan. It was easy to imagine their stance. Fortunately, they were dead creatures and would not advance any further. What kind of strength they had now, what kind of strength they would have in the future.

Now, in Yi Fan's opinion, there were two ways to defeat them.

First, in their offensive, they would use their speed to circulate and use their killing moves in conjunction with rock power to break through their combined attack formation, and then break through one by one.

Second, consumption. That's right, consumption. They are puppets. If they are puppets, they need energy to drive them. To put it bluntly, according to Earth's understanding, robots are out of electricity and oil. You definitely can't move, right? Furthermore, the more intense the battle, the faster the crystal nuclei in the puppet's body would be consumed.

One person and four puppets stood opposite each other. Neither side moved. Yifan was in no hurry, but Zhou Weiguo was indeed in a hurry.

He was extremely clear about the battle time of these four battle puppets. He originally thought that with the appearance of all four puppets, he should be able to capture Zhu Yifan in an instant.

Unexpectedly, the four golems had just drawn with him.

This hand of his played a good card, but the effect was somewhat unsatisfactory.

Zhou Tianyi was a little angry, but now he was a little ferocious. He sat down, as if he was muttering something, losing a lot of money, and so on.

'Ding ' Yi Fan and the others weren't idle. Just as the horse-chopping saber exploded past, a heavy sword whistled towards them.

Yi Fan pierced through his body. Obviously, it was an illusion. Yi Fan had only just appeared from ten meters away when a spear swept over him.

"Chi Dang!!" Jittery rumbles echoed in the air. As Yi Fan's saber shone, it was also a domineering sweep. No one could take advantage of it in terms of strength.

However, the opponent's advantage in numbers was too great. Yifan immediately swept his way. As he ran, a double-blade puppet shot out from his left side. In a flash, the blade in his left hand swiftly swept past Yifan's throat.

Yi Fan's broadsword was already standing there. Kazkaz's spark flashed and his sword brushed past.

The two-saber puppet that flashed past Yifan paused. A right-handed puppet unexpectedly lowered its body and quickly circled around Yifan's right waist like a top. The dagger in its left hand abruptly stabbed at Yifan.

Yifan swiftly turned around and raised the broadsword in his right hand towards the stabbing dagger. This dagger was fast and fierce, perhaps making the dual-blade puppet feel threatened.

She quickly gave up her attack and crossed her sabers to block it. Using this enormous upward force, she actually soared into the air and hung upside down behind Dao Yifan's neck.

The two sabers twisted their heads, and a silver light flashed.

Yifan ignored her. The moment she leapt into the air, she exerted her strength and rushed out.

Just as he was being entangled by this pair of saber puppets, the spear puppets and sword puppets had already rushed over.

Yifan's violent charge sent a cold star flying. However, it pierced through Yifan's body. It was obvious that this was an afterimage.

Yifan's speed soared to the extreme. The broadsword drew out a line of fire on the ground. The azure crystal light covered his entire body like armor, and the veins on his right hand twisted like ancient vines.

His eyes flashed. This was an opportunity, because ten meters away from him, the broadsword puppet rushed forward brazenly.

Yifan wanted to break through them one by one. Right now, the sword, spear, and double-edged saber didn't even have time to catch up to him. He had about three seconds to deal with the slowest saber puppet.

"Buzz buzz!" Yifan held the saber in his right hand and slashed down. The saber aura lingered around the saber as if it was real. The moment the saber slashed down, the saber seemed to expand by another size. It was three meters long and emitted a loud buzzing sound.

'"Dang " The collision of the two blades shook the entire area. The loud sound of metal striking each other caused the Third Grade Evolution Cultivators to be unable to help but cover their ears.

Facing Yifan's broadsword puppet alone would not be so easy.

Yifan's attack speed was too fast. Although the broadsaber puppet instinctively chose to defend the moment Yifan approached.

This saber strike was a saber strike that Yifan used his full strength. This saber strike was no longer an off-body saber attack, but a solid rock collapsing saber strike supported by the power of the rock crystals.

"Puchi... Kacha...!" After that, the sound of bones shattering echoed. The broadsaber puppet's horse knife was forcefully pressed into the flesh and blood of its left shoulder by Yi Fan's crystal-like broadsaber.

One could imagine the power and trembling power of this saber strike.

Yi Fan's large horizontal saber slashed down from his left shoulder, cutting through tough skin and flesh, shattering bones comparable to steel. One of his left arms was directly removed.

The blood was thick and dark red, and the muscles in his body tended to be brown or even black. His bones were like their weapons, carrying a hint of silver-white color.

However, it was clear that they were still unable to reach the hardness of their weapons. Otherwise, Yi Fan's saber strike would probably have been useless, because their weapons had not even had a small gap under such a powerful confrontation until now.

As a combat puppet, the broadsword puppet didn't feel the slightest pain, and Yifan's strike was only a second away. There were still two seconds left before Yifan could count. The broadsword puppet's combat instinct had already caused him to retreat with a single step.

Yifan would allow him to escape so easily and chase after him. However, at this moment, Yifan could keenly sense that there was a slight sound of air flowing behind him.

He quickly made a decision, and his left foot, which had originally stepped out halfway, quickly moved horizontally.

The moment he stepped out, Yifan felt extreme danger in his heart. He even instinctively tilted his head, and the power of the rock crystals quickly enveloped his entire body. His skin also seemed to flicker with fluorescence.

Chi !

Even so, a scratch had appeared on Yifan's left shoulder. The scratch was not deep, it was only a scratch on his skin, but it was already Yifan's strongest defense.

Yi Fan no longer cared about the broadsword puppet. He quickly turned around and retreated a few steps like a bolt of lightning. However, Yi Fan had just retreated.

"Rumble !" The big sword puppet descended from the sky. With a single slash, it had originally slashed straight at Yifan. However, it hadn't expected Yifan to retreat without hesitation.

However, the power of this jump chop also caused Yifan's pupils to shrink. He actually easily smashed a huge hole in the floor.

However, Yifan turned his head and was shocked to discover that the images of the swords, double blades, spears, and puppets had undergone tremendous changes. Obviously, they were much more powerful than before.

Yi Fan was secretly shocked. In his previous life, the strength of the Zhou Clan was not an accidental result. Damn it, it was truly a trump card.

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