The Last Commander of the Red Alert

Chapter 517: The Forgotten Ones

Chapter 517: The Forgotten Ones

There are humans on the satellite?

Su Chen pondered carefully. Since Yan Yun Star could even produce Warships and develop mining operations on its satellites, it was not surprising that there were people on those satellites.

Speaking of Warship production, Su Chen remembered something. Until now, he seemed not to have discovered the existence of a Warship factory on this planet.

Without a Warship factory, how were they producing Warships?

Alice finally cleared up his confusion. "Uncle, all the Warships on Yan Yun Star, for the most part, are the legacy of their ancestors. Only a very few of them were built later. However, for some unknown reason, Warship production ceased, and Yan Yun Star has been using the Warships left behind ever since."

Su Chen suddenly understood. So, the Warship factory had shut down, which explained why he had never heard of it.

In the Base, you could build a Warship with just Energy Points, but in reality, it wasn't that simple. It required various technical aspects, making it very complex.

Consider, on Earth, the cost of building an aircraft carrier was already staggering. Now, they were constructing colossal entities dozens of times larger than aircraft carriers. It involved a vast amount of manpower, resources, and other factors, making it an astronomical number.

Su Chen strongly suspected that the main reason the Warship factory had been shut down in the first place was due to the exorbitant cost.

Yan Yun Star's overall level appeared to be only a few decades ahead of Earth's. The planet relied solely on its vast surface area, which provided a large population and abundant resources. Constantly building Warships, even the kings of that time might have found it economically painful.

Moreover, Yan Yun Star had been far too complacent all this time. They had never considered the possibility of an enemy's emergence, especially one from the Underworld. So, it was only natural for the Warship factory to be discontinued.

During peacetime, all war Weapons were just decorations.

Su Chen refocused his thoughts. Now was not the time to dwell on the matter of the Warship factory but rather on how to handle the people on the satellite.

"Lily, make contact with them first. They probably don't know about the changes on the surface, but remember, everyone must be controlled, and under no circumstances should they be allowed to damage the mining site."

"Yes, Commander."

Following the orders, Lily had the Warship land directly on the satellite's surface. This environment was a vacuum, and humans couldn't stay here directly, not even Lily, unless she became a Small Galaxy-level powerhouse.

Wearing a space suit, Lily stood firmly on the satellite's surface. It was desolate here, with no atmosphere overhead. She could see Yan Yun Star looming as if it were just a stone's throw away.

"Proceed as planned," Lily said, waving her hand, and the Red Alert troops behind her rushed out.

Thanks to the Anti-Gravity Device, they felt no weightlessness, but in this environment, both flying Weapons and troops were restricted.

After a technical scan, Lily learned that there were a total of fifty to sixty thousand humans on this satellite. Most of them were miners, with only a few in management positions.

However, in just over a year, their lives had become very difficult. Their food and water were sent from Yan Yun Star at regular intervals, but a year ago, the Warship that was supposed to deliver their supplies did not arrive. When they tried to contact Yan Yun Star, there was no response whatsoever.

Suddenly, panic spread among the people here. Fueled by some individuals, a conflict erupted, and the final outcome was that nearly half of the originally ten thousand miners were killed, leaving only five to six thousand survivors. They had lived frugally and survived until now.

Every day, they tried to contact Yan Yun Star, but there was no response. They all knew that once their food and water ran out, no one could survive.

But today, someone shouted wildly, "It's a Warship! A Warship is coming!"

Hearing the word "Warship," excitement erupted among the people in the mining camp. The arrival of the Warship brought them hope, and they believed they could return home soon. However, when a group of fully armed individuals rushed in and gathered them in an open area, they sensed that something was amiss.

"Could these people be... rebels? I heard about rebels in some places before I came here," someone whispered.

"The kingdom will never abandon us; we've been working for the kingdom!" someone tried to reassure themselves.

"The rebels have come here, and you still think the kingdom can protect us? I don't believe they will kill us. After all, even rebels need manpower to control this mining site," another person spoke confidently.

At this moment, a cold and stern voice rang out: "Silence!"

Instantly, everyone closed their mouths and looked at the sky with fearful and uneasy eyes, where a woman was suspended in mid-air.

Being able to fly in the air, they immediately thought of a presence—a City Lord-level Expert!

Among the rebels, there was actually a City Lord-level Expert!

This was something they couldn't fathom. After all, why would a City Lord-level Expert join the rebels? They couldn't understand.

"When was the last time you contacted Yan Yun Star?" Lily asked.

"Over a year ago," a man who appeared to be their leader stepped forward and replied.

"So, you probably don't know about the changes on Yan Yun Star," Lily said with a slightly strange smile on her face.

Her words made the people below feel uneasy. Could it be that the rebels had succeeded, and the kingdom was no more?

As the leader of these people, the man seemed to have some courage. He said directly, "Madam, we don't know anything. Has Yan Yun Star changed its ruling power?"

However, the answer he received was something he had never imagined. "There has been no change in the ruling power, but now two-thirds of Yan Yun Star is no longer in human hands."

The man's face changed color. He discerned the implication of her words: Two-thirds of Yan Yun Star was no longer under human control. Could it be that the enemy was non-human?

However, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out what could have led to such a situation.

Lily waved her hand, and numerous screens appeared in the sky above them. They displayed various videos of the Ghost Clan, especially scenes of the Ghost Clan slaughtering villages and cities. These images filled them with horror and hatred toward the Ghost Clan.

Because they didn't know whether their loved ones were among those killed!

When they had seen enough, the leader, a man with a face full of grief and indignation, looked at Lily with resolute eyes. "Madam, we are just a group of miners with no significant skills, but we understand one thing: without Yan Yun Star, we won't survive for long. If Madam can find a use for us, please feel free to use us!"

The man was clever. He knew that he and his companions had little value. So, he used a tactic of retreat to advance, hoping that Lily would see even a hint of utility in them. (To be continued...)

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