The Last Commander of the Red Alert

Chapter 471: Reverse again

Chapter 471: Reverse again

Seeing so many human powers appear, this time it is the turn of the ghost tribe to surge their acting skills.

I saw that the expressions of the eighth-order ghost races changed drastically, as if their parents were dead, distraught and tragic.

The three Tier 9 ghost races as the leader looked very calm, but panic appeared in their eyes, which were all seen by the marshal.

I have to say that as long as it is an intelligent life, it is a natural actor.

The human acting skills deceived the ghosts, and the ghosts’ acting skills also deceived the humans. It’s a big show.

As a bystander, Su Chen made his own comment, "Well, what the ghost tribe has done is still not enough. If they can show off their acting skills more deeply, the picture effect should be better. Look at the expression of the eighth-order ghost tribe. Shocked, he pinched himself in pain, right."

Following Su Chen's point, the three women looked over, and as expected, this Tier 8 ghost race put one hand on her **** and pinched it hard, her expression became very hideous, and she looked a little shocked.

"Puff, this can be regarded as the acting ghost clan is going to laugh at me, so as to inherit my research data" Yun Ru laughed, it is really the ghost clan's expression is too funny.

There was also a hint of smile on the faces of Ju Ling and Tan Ya. It was really funny that this ghost clan looked very funny. After being enlarged by the spy satellite and given a close-up, the level of amusement rose sharply.

Had it not been for the eyes of the human powerhouses to focus on the three 9th-order ghost tribes, it is estimated that the behavior of this ghost tribe would have been exposed.

After the Master Marshal shouted, there was a brief silence on the scene. As the powerhouse of the ninth-order peak, his power suddenly suppressed all the ghost races.

The three 9th-order ghost races were shocked. This was the first time that they faced humans in front of the 9th-order pinnacle powerhouse. They didn't expect to be so powerful. Just a roar made them lose at least 10% of their combat effectiveness.

It doesn't seem to be much, but this is based on the combat effectiveness of Tier 9 as the standard, and 10% of the combat effectiveness is estimated to be able to deal with the powerful in the early stage of Tier 8.

"Which one of you is the leader" said the Marshal, his voice with a trace of magnetism.

A ninth-order ghost race came out, his gaze with a hint of anger and incomprehension, it seems that he didn't expect that humans would actually surround them in turn. I have to say that the performance of this ninth-order ghost race is very good. The little golden man is not far away.

"I am the first-class ghost king McCaw. I brought them all."

"That said, the trap this time is why you mentioned why there are no ghost masters." The Marshal couldn't believe it. It was just that a ghost clan that looked like a big five and three rough could come up with such a strategy. Without the participation of a ghost master, he absolutely didn't believe it.

Having fought with ghosts for so long, humans also have a lot of understanding of ghosts.

They all know that the ghost king is not necessarily the best in mind, but it is definitely the strongest in combat, and the ghost master is different. Every ghost master’s brain is very good, and it is a proper military division among humans. .

Such a strategy, if there is no ghost teacher involved, how could this be possible.

"This plan was jointly researched by me and the ghost masters in my tribe. Originally, I just wanted to kill some of your strong men. I didn't expect you to have an insight into our plan. This time I McCaw planted." Full of unwillingness.

Under this kind of scene, he seemed to think that there was no hope of victory, and the Marshal estimated that he would choose to break through the encirclement next and use the unique explosion of the ghost race.

When the Marshal waved his hand, a semi-transparent film appeared in the air, covering the area.

Seeing this scene of the human powerhouse's heart moved, Master Marshal actually took out his domain, this is rare.

Yan Yunxing's fighting method is different from that of the earth. They don't seem to be accustomed to releasing the domain for use. Instead, they directly use the power of the domain to attach to themselves and rely on other methods to fight.

Once the domain is released, it means that this is a battle of life and death

This Su Chen also learned from other sources. The domain looks very solid, but once it is broken, it will cause a lot of damage to the people in the release domain. Under normal circumstances, no one will release the domain at the beginning of the battle.

The emperor on the earth simply doesn't understand what's the use, but this also allows the emperor of the earth to use the domain to a very high degree, and the degree of integration is also higher than that of Yan Yunxing's eighth-order strong. It can be said that there are advantages and disadvantages.

Seeing that the marshal released the domain, one of the three 9th-order ghost races felt a little awkward, and the other party wanted to kill them so much, hoping that Master Guishi could catch up.

In order to prevent the human experts from discovering, the ghost master brought more ghost experts, and the distance is a little farther. It takes another minute to get here.

It seems that one minute is very short, but in this case, it is very difficult to hold on for one second. After all, they have a powerful enemy in front of them, a top powerhouse of the ninth peak.

The strengths of the three 9th-order ghost races are two mid-stage and one late-stage respectively. It seems that the difference is not big, but in fact it is very big.

After the eighth level, each level division represents a horizontal ditch, and this is even more true for the ninth level, and the ninth level peaks them.

They don't have the confidence, and can hold on for too long under the opponent's offensive. Their only hope is that the ghost master can hurry up.

"Master Marshal, this is the star core."

This is Zheng Ye standing up and handing over the star core he got to the marshal. The marshal took a deep breath and took the star core. For the first time, a smile appeared on his poker face that had not changed for thousands of years. "This is Really star core, very good. You can follow me from now on."

Zheng Ye is overjoyed, he knows the meaning of this sentence is that the marshal will cover him in the future

What kind of feeling is it for a ninth-tier top boss covering himself

Zheng Ye felt that his whole person was floating, and he made a profit.

Although it’s a pity that I can’t get a star core, there is a big guy who can pretend to be forced to fly by himself. This is a situation that many people dream of

Others were envious, but they didn't get the star core, and the boss had no reason to cover himself.

"Kill them."

Accompanied by the Marshal's order, everyone made an all-out effort. None of them kept their hands. As long as these ghost clan powerhouses were killed, then the comprehensive strength of the ghost clan would drop by at least 30%. This is not a joke.

With 30% less strength, humans have more ways to cope with the attacks of the ghost race. When the Marshal Master breaks through to the small galaxy-level powerhouse, what the ghost race is

Just when the strong human was pressing the strong ghost, the sound of broken glass suddenly sounded. Accompanied by the vomiting of blood from the Marshal Lord, a shrill voice reached the ears of all the strong humans "Want Kill me Guizu Erlang, have you ever asked me",

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