The Last Commander of the Red Alert

Chapter 461: The Hidden Leader of the Ghost Clan!

Chapter 461: The Hidden Leader of the Ghost Clan!

Unfortunately, Ghost King didn't make it to the operating table. Just as Yun Ru was preparing to dissect him, he died.

"Never mind, he's dead. Rabbit, this is your dinner," Yun Ru casually tossed Ghost King's body to Rabbit, who became very excited, meowing incessantly.

At the moment of Ghost King's death, deep within the tribe's territory, inside a cave, a pair of eyes suddenly opened wide, causing the entire cave to tremble as if struck by thunder.

In the next instant, this figure disappeared from the spot, as if it had never been there.

Su Chen watched the scene with boredom. The screen displayed that the Restoration Army was on the verge of completely eliminating the Ghost Clan in this tribe. With that taken care of, he could continue searching for Libra.

Just as he was thinking this, the System's voice rang out: "Triggering a side quest chain, 'The Origin of Ghost Patterns.' The first stage quest is to defeat the imminent Ghost Clan strongman and obtain the secret of the origin of Ghost Patterns from his mouth. This will trigger the second stage quest. The quest rewards include 10 million Energy Points and a tenfold increase in Ghost Patterns research speed, with no penalties for failure."

Su Chen was puzzled. Wasn't the Ghost Clan occupied with preparing for the upcoming trap against the Human experts in two days? Why would they be invading his Red Alert Base at this moment?

Just as he was pondering this, the base's alarm sounded: "Alert, alert, there's an invader."

Su Chen decisively opened the map, where he saw a large red dot moving rapidly toward the Red Alert Base. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a Human?

This was puzzling. Why would a Human harbor such intense hatred for his own base? The person's expression clearly indicated a strong desire to dismantle the base.

"Master, he is not a Human; he's a member of the Ghost Clan," the System reminded him.

"Does the Ghost Clan look like this? I may not be well-read, but don't try to deceive me," Su Chen pointed to the screen, which clearly showed a middle-aged man who appeared to be very powerful.

After a moment of silence, the System said, "Perhaps it's better to wait until the master captures the individual before passing judgment. The master isn't suited for intellectual activities."

Su Chen was taken aback by this comment. It sounded like an indirect way of calling him dumb.

He raised a middle finger in response and sent Ju Ling out, confident that she could take down the intruder with a single shot.

Ju Ling ventured out, and not long after, her voice came through, "Commander, this opponent is very strong, at Ninth-level Peak. They are constantly evading, making it difficult for me to target them."

Su Chen's expression hardened. If even Ju Ling couldn't get a clear shot, this person was indeed formidable.

"Let's talk to him first, see what he wants coming here," Su Chen decided to take a different approach. He felt too passive not knowing the intruder's intentions.

The middle-aged man completely ignored the base's external wall defenses and approached the base's exterior wall directly, coming to a halt. He had no choice but to stop, as Ju Ling stood not far from him, blocking his way.

"It's quite unexpected to find such a powerful base in obscurity. I'm Wang Chun, the former chief bodyguard of the king," the middle-aged man spoke with a calm demeanor.

"Invader, state your intentions!" Ju Ling kept her sniper rifle aimed at him.

As Ju Ling had said, the intruder appeared to be motionless, but in reality, his body made minuscule movements to avoid Ju Ling's aim, a situation Ju Ling had never encountered before.

"Don't be so tense. I'm not an invader. Let's introduce ourselves first. I'm Wang Chun, the former chief bodyguard of the king."

Su Chen raised an eyebrow. The former chief bodyguard of the king was no minor character.

However, Su Chen didn't trust the words of a stranger and had his own way to verify this person's identity.

"Bring Hewlett here to confirm if this chief bodyguard is real."

Hewlett arrived quickly and, upon seeing the image of the middle-aged man, immediately paled. "Chief bodyguard? That's impossible. The chief bodyguard died a long time ago, didn't he?"

"Oh, what's going on here?" Su Chen asked.

Hewlett thought for a moment before explaining, "When the king was besieged at the Royal Palace, it was the chief bodyguard's heroic sacrifice that allowed the king to escape the encirclement. Though I wasn't present at the time, all the soldiers who escaped said the chief bodyguard intercepted many Ghost Clan experts single-handedly. Bloody Skies, there's no way he survived. But even with the chief bodyguard's sacrifice, the king still didn't make it out."

Su Chen didn't pay much attention to Hewlett's remarks. He had a thought. If this intruder knew that Hewlett was here, he wouldn't fabricate the identity of a deceased person. That would be exposing himself unnecessarily. If the intruder didn't know Hewlett was here, then everything was in order.

Su Chen recalled the System's words: the intruder was a member of the Ghost Clan, not Human.

"Is it fun for a member of the Ghost Clan to impersonate a Human?"

Hearing this, Wang Chun's expression slightly changed. He feigned ignorance, saying, "You must be mistaken. I am a Human, not a member of the Ghost Clan."

"Is that so?" Su Chen replied.

Just as he spoke, Wang Chun suddenly felt a sense of confusion, as if he had forgotten something. Why was he standing here? Why hadn't he gone inside?

Ju Ling concealed her presence and, taking advantage of the intruder's momentary confusion, decisively fired her weapon.


The bullet flashed, and even though the intruder sensed the bullet's presence and tried to evade with all his might, he was still a step too slow.

The bullet pierced his arm, and a dark gray liquid sprayed out. This kind of blood wasn't something Humans had; it was unique to the Ghost Clan!

This confirmed that Wang Chun was indeed a member of the Ghost Clan!

Wang Chun's face darkened. He didn't care about the injury to his arm; instead, he remembered. He had been talking to this person just now, but in an instant, he had forgotten this person's existence. What kind of ability was this?

"Why did you have to expose me? It would have been better for me to die in confusion," Wang Chun said helplessly. His body began to change on the surface, the most noticeable transformation being the growth of horns on his forehead.

Soon, he transformed from a Human appearance into a Ghost Clan member, a Ninth-level Peak Ghost Clan member!

With this level of strength, even among the entire Ghost Clan race, such individuals were rare and could be considered major boss-level entities. And now, one of them had appeared before the Red Alert Base.

(To be continued...)

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