The Last Commander of the Red Alert

Chapter 444: The First Clash

Chapter 444: The First Clash

Fire Phoenix Base, Command Room.

As the Commander of Fire Phoenix Base, Yin Shenhai always felt that the strength of his base was not inferior to the top ten bases on the Base Top 100 list. However, his base was ranked 49th, which he couldn't help but feel disgruntled about.

"I really don't understand what they're thinking. They actually gave up such a good opportunity? It would have been so great to turn some ordinary people into Weapons obedient to us. Those idiots even dared to warn me! I don't believe they don't have this idea!" Yin Shenhai cursed angrily.

Recently, a breakthrough had been achieved in Fire Phoenix Base's research: the fusion of the power of the Ghost Clan with that of humans, creating Puppets that would obey their commands.

After several experiments were organized and they were able to fully control these Puppets, they reported the results to Yin Shenhai.

Upon receiving the news, he immediately sought out the Commanders of several other bases and shared his idea.

That idea was to turn some ordinary people into powerful combat-ready Puppets, so that even when facing the Ghost Clan, they would have the power to fight back.

However, despite being part of the same alliance, the others vetoed his idea and warned him not to harm ordinary people.

Yin Shenhai could not give up on this!

This experiment had the potential to change the current situation on Yan Yun Star!

"A bunch of fools! Can't you see that our biggest limitation as humans is our physical constitution? Even the physique of a City Lord-level Expert is only comparable to a Seventh Order Ghost Clan. If ordinary people could have the physique of the Ghost Clan, we Humans would be completely fearless in direct combat!"

With this thought in mind, Yin Shenhai called his trusted subordinate and gave the order: "Spread the word, I need ten thousand volunteers to undergo a new experiment, and each person will be rewarded with a bag of rice!"

In the current Yan Yun Star, rice was an absolute luxury, not something everyone could afford.

Ordinary people's food consisted of synthetically produced, tasteless nutrition, and if they could have rice, even just a bag of it, many people would likely be willing to volunteer.

The subordinate nodded and then added, "Commander, I've just received news that the reconnaissance team sent to Waistbone Mountain has lost contact. I suspect there might be hidden Ghost Clan activity there."

Waistbone Mountain was a rather peculiar mountain. The waist of the mountain was concave, resembling a person's waist with all flesh stripped away, hence the name.


Yin Shenhai slapped the table. "Originally, it was just a precaution, but I didn't expect there to really be Ghost Clan there. Pass down my orders, deploy a force of ten thousand to sweep in."

Waistbone Mountain wasn't a large mountain, and it couldn't possibly conceal tens of thousands of Ghost Clan members. The most likely number inside should be a few hundred, making ten thousand troops more than sufficient.

However, the subordinate hadn't been gone for long when he returned, practically crawling back.

"Com... Commander, it's not... not good!"

Seeing his trusted subordinate in such a distressed state, Yin Shenhai roared, "What's not good? I'm perfectly fine! Stand straight and speak!"

Only then did the subordinate realize his own disheveled appearance. He hurriedly straightened up, but fear was still evident on his face.

"Speak up, what's the news? Don't tell me a large Ghost Clan force is coming?" Yin Shenhai scoffed.

His base wasn't even located near the border with the Ghost Clan, so even if there were Ghost Clan, it wouldn't be a large force.

"It's... it's enemies, a lot of enemies!"


Yin Shenhai waved his hand, and the surveillance footage from around the area instantly projected before his eyes. He saw a massive army of at least a hundred thousand people advancing toward them!

"This can't be. The nearest base is at least a thousand kilometers away from us. How could they have approached us so silently?" Yin Shenhai couldn't believe it.

"Which faction do they belong to?"

"It's unclear for now. They haven't revealed their identity," the subordinate said, equally bewildered.

A base would have comprehensive knowledge of the area within a couple of hundred kilometers, and yet these troops had managed to infiltrate within a hundred kilometers. It was simply inconceivable.

What puzzled Yin Shenhai the most was that he had never seen some of the Weapons the enemy was using. Could it be a very discreet base?

Regardless of the enemy's identity, daring to invade them was tantamount to seeking death!

"Don't panic. Send out troops to deal with them. I want them to know the might of Fire Phoenix Base!"

Meanwhile, at a location eighty kilometers away from Fire Phoenix Base, the Red Alert forces were advancing rapidly.

Leading the charge this time was Ju Ling!

This battle was also being live-streamed, as Su Chen wanted those watching to understand that Red Alert Base was invincible!

Ju Ling stood atop a Kirov Airship, gazing down below.

"So, this is Fire Phoenix Base? The place is quite spacious, but I wonder how long it can hold out." Ju Ling's expression remained neutral.

"Vanguard units, initiate the first wave of attacks."

What Weapons were the fastest?

Of course, it was the Air Force units.

The first wave of attack involved Fighter Jets and Helicopters rapidly launching bombing raids. This was where the strength of Fire Phoenix Base's anti-air systems would be tested.

Upon receiving the command, Invader aircraft and Black Hawk fighter jets, along with a new type of fighter jet called Wind-Son Fighter, surged forward.

Wind-Son Fighter's technology came from Tanya's faction, but it was a civilian version. Tanya was initially unaware of it.

However, after Su Chen gained control of all of Red Alert's technology, Tanya's mind somehow gained access to some of these technologies. Wind-Son Fighter was one of them.

When Su Chen inquired the AI, it explained that since Tanya was also a Super Soldier in that civilian version, she naturally possessed certain technological knowledge. Su Chen's increased permissions allowed him to access those memories.

For Su Chen, this was a boon.

Not just Wind-Son, many other technologies were gradually being implemented as well.

The three types of Fighter Jets took the lead, followed by armed Helicopters, Night Hawks, Cold Snap Helicopters, heavy Weapons like the Kirov Airship, and aerial infantry units.

"Aim at the base and open fire!"

The three types of Fighter Jets unleashed a full-scale barrage. Simultaneously, Fire Phoenix Base's anti-air Cannons sprang into action. The clash between the two sides had begun!

After Su Chen's upgrades, these Fighter Jets saw tremendous improvements in all aspects. They were not only fast but also wielded fearsome firepower.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The first wave of attack directly destroyed a large number of Fire Phoenix Base's anti-air Weapons. Several Fighter Jets were also shot down. It had to be admitted that Fire Phoenix Base possessed some degree of strength. (To be continued)

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