The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 375 - The People on the Spot Were Baffled

Chapter 375 The People on the Spot Were Baffled

The land from the woods to the warehouse was flat and empty.

The morning in Huating had only breezes and sunshine.

As the sunshine shed on this empty flat ground, light and shadows coexisted, and it was weirdly quiet.

Li Tianlan stood on the edge of the woods, staring calmly at every corner nearby.

It was a simple and boring maneuver that was bound to be bloody. With only friends and foes, the maneuver couldn’t last too long unless Li Tianlan wanted to hide in the dark and beat the enemies one by one.

Li Tianlan didn’t bother to do that, for he didn’t want to waste time.

Wang Shengxiao, who had absolute advantages in strength and numbers, obviously did not intend to waste time.

This was the best battleground for the maneuver.

Li Tianlan silently adjusted his aura.

The soft branch was held in his hand.

The branch was so long that its front end touched the ground.

He took a step forward.

The front end of the branch rubbed against the ground.

In an instant, there seemed to be the sounds of thousands of long swords unsheathing echoing the sky.

The branch rubbing against the ground made the sound of metal crashing. For a time, it seemed that different people were drawing swords in different corners of the warehouse, the teaching building, the flat ground, and the woods.

They drew their swords, but no Sword Energy could be sensed.

Only the invisible and intangible sword intent swept across the entire space.

In the teaching building, Wang Shengxiao, holding a telescope, stiffened where he was.

The sword intent swept past him. In the blink of an eye, Wang Shengxiao’s aura began to fall quickly from the peak to the bottom, and then it completely disappeared. His breathing slowed down, and even his heartbeats became faintly discernible.

Jiang Shangyu stood near Wang Shengxiao, and he, too, suppressed all his aura.

The branch was still rubbing against the ground.

The sword intent that filled every corner of the heavens and the earth gathered and then spread.

The sword intent, which was utterly uncatchable, was continually changing between illusion and reality.

Li Tianlan was moving faster and faster.


In front of Wang Shengxiao, the famous sword of the Wang family of Beihai—Firmament, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, shook.

Wang Shengxiao kept his eyes focused, holding the sword hilt tightly.

The heavy sword suddenly became stable in the invisible sword intent all over the sky.

The vague yet real sword intent spread across every floor of the teaching building. It seemed to get nothing and finally moved slowly away from the teaching building.

The aura of Wang Shengxiao began to rise again.

He held the hilt of the sword in his hand and exchanged glances with Jiang Shangyu. Both of them looked solemn.

Invincible Realm experts were never afraid of ambushes.

Within the expanding scope of their domain, everything had nowhere to hide.

The same was true of Invincible Realm experts who did not practice domain but took another path.

They could see through all the disguises wherever their sword intent passed.

Li Tianlan had the battle strength of the Invincible Realm.

In terms of the quality of his sword intent alone, he was already in the Invincible Realm, and naturally, he had some means belonging only to Invincible Realm experts.

However, his realm was a little lower, so his sword intent couldn’t find Wang Shengxiao and Jiang Shangyu, who had hidden their auras.

But how did the others hide themselves?

Li Tianlan was still moving forward.

He had reached the flat ground in the middle of the woods and the warehouse.

The soft branch rubbed against the ground, and the sound grew louder.

Wang Shengxiao looked gloomy and hesitated. He picked up the walkie-talkie and just wanted to say something.

The branch rubbing against the ground in Li Tianlan’s hand was suddenly lifted.

In a flash, the illusory sounds of countless swords unsheathing disappeared abruptly.

But the real sounds of long swords unsheathing rang out in every corner around the warehouse.

In each of the dark corners around, long swords flew out uncontrollably, and behind each sword, there was an elite member ambushing in the corner.


Li Tianlan tossed the leaf that he had torn off the branch in his hand to the sky.

The leaf swayed in the air upward.

At this moment, Wang Shengxiao instinctively noticed that something was wrong. He subconsciously raised the telescope and looked at the leaf tossed by Li Tianlan.

The small, green, and tender leaf whirled in the air, without killing intent or sword intent on it.

Wang Shengxiao suddenly realized that he seemed to be foolish for a moment. He lowered the telescope abruptly, trying to lock Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan had long since disappeared.

He had been moving at a slow pace, but the moment when countless long swords flew into the sky, his body tightened directly.

He was galloping!

The unimaginable force infiltrated into the ground from both his feet. The entire warehouse and the teaching building seemed to be roaring and trembling. Li Tianlan’s figure, as quick as a flash of lightning, rushed directly toward the corner closest to him.

It all happened in a flash.

A hand stretched out in the corner.

He seemed to realize that his sword had flown to the sky and wanted to reach out and grab it.

But he grabbed the hand of another person.

Their hands clasped together as if they were shaking hands, but the tremendous force broke his arm without hesitation, pulling out him, the elite hiding in the dark and belonging to the Blizzard.

Li Tianlan’s expression was calm and indifferent.

He didn’t show aggressiveness, madness, ferocity, or killing intent.

He was just calm, cold, and superior.

He closed his hand and waved his fist.

In severe pain, all the fierceness of the elite in the Blizzard burst forth wholly.

His long sword, which had been sent to the sky by Li Tianlan’s sword intent, had fallen. He growled suddenly, his whole body tense, and the scorching heat was all over him.

The moment he fell into Li Tianlan’s hands, he didn’t have the slightest cowardliness. Instead, he seemed to want to fully burst forth his strength in the Fire-flaming Realm and fight desperately.

The temperature was rising.

His whole body lit up.

But it was not flame.

Instead, it was dark red and frightening blood.

Li Tianlan hit his heart directly with a punch.

In the dull sound, every muscle of his huge body seemed to burst forth a cloud of blood.

The cloud of blood rose. Li Tianlan let go of his hand and kicked him out at random.

This kick appeared very light, but because it was done casually, the elite from the Blizzard who was kicked out seemed to have a bomb hidden in his body, and all the power burst forth within him. His body rose in the air, and before he could hit the ground, he was shattered into pieces of flesh.

Everyone saw it through the big screen.

The crowd on the stand was in a tumult.

Those who could come and watch the maneuver were not ordinary people. At least the death of an individual would not make them fuss.

But the elite student in the maneuver of the two academies was crushed into a pile of flesh and blood by a kick, and this cruel method still shocked everyone.

Everyone seemed to feel Li Tianlan’s repressed anger and resentment.

But on the screen, his eyes remained calm.

Blood rain fell behind him.

Li Tianlan changed a direction by taking one step. He was like a phantom under the sun, covering a distance of tens of meters silently and appearing in another corner.

In another corner, an elite member of the Phantom Palace had stood up, ready to move, but there was a sudden shadow over his head.

He looked up in shock.

From the beginning to the end, he didn’t see Li Tianlan’s calm and indifferent face.

All he could see was a growing foot.

The patterns of the soles of leather shoes were continually enlarged in his eyes.


Li Tianlan stamped his head into his chest, and blood splattered on him like a fountain, flying across the sky, and leaving sprays of spurting blood glinting dreamily under the sun.

The long sword that was guided to the sky by his sword intent finally began to fall.

Li Tianlan moved.

The atmosphere of the open space in front of the warehouse suddenly changed.

The scorching sun didn’t seem to rise, but the surrounding environment directly became extremely hot.

A deep, steady voice suddenly reverberated through every corner nearby.

“Phantom Palace, Blizzard.”

“Set up the formation!”

Li Tianlan paused and raised his head slowly.

The still bright but dazzling light shone from above the sky.

The invisible heat waves continued to rise, and the horizon became blurred. The heat distorted the air, and everything in sight became dim.

On the flat ground, countless fallen leaves caught fire in the blazing sword intent, rushing into the sky.

Firelight began to occupy all consciousness.

Amidst countless flames that were moving upward, a green leaf was moving down leisurely.

It fell in the twisted air.

And then, it fell in the burning leaves.

It was still falling.

It kept falling.

In the maneuver area where the heat waves were rising, the air was slightly twisted, and a burly and handsome figure appeared above the warehouse.

He stood in the air, holding the wide-bladed long sword in his hands tightly, his aura wild.

The moment his figure appeared, the whole sky seemed to be burning. The dazzling blue lightning lit above his sword blade, wandering freely.

Firelight and lightning intertwined inextricably, constantly rising in all corners, and occupying all spaces.

It was all fire.

It was all lightning.

Sword intent whizzed across the sky. Above the light, only a cold, haughty voice sounded on the flat ground in front of the warehouse, and it also resounded through the third stand through the big screen.

“Chen Moxue, Head of Blizzard, send Your Highness to hell!”


The firelight and lightning intertwined and occupied the vision of everyone, and it fell wildly in midair.

Li Tianlan couldn’t see Chen Moxue, who was going to send him to hell.

Chen Moxue could not see Li Tianlan, either.

The sword intent mixed with firelight and lightning had already covered everything.

He couldn’t see Li Tianlan. So what?

He held his long sword high, and his voice shook the sky.



Wang Tianzong sat expressionlessly in his seat. His eyes were still calm, but his palms were putting forth his force without anyone noticing, unconsciously crushing the armrests of his seat.

“Heaven Punishment Sword Formation! It’s Heaven Punishment Sword Formation!”

On the stand, beside Zhuang Huayang, Principal of the Sky Academy, a very senior veteran general cried out.

Heaven Punishment Sword Formation, destroying heaven with a single sword stroke!

No one found this statement exaggerated.

The Heaven Punishment Troop was arguably the most elite conventional forces of the Wang family of Beihai. When all the troops were assembled, its deterrence was far beyond that of an average Invincible Realm expert.

The number of troops in the Heaven Punishment Troop was always controlled at 300.

If one person died, another one would be enrolled. There were always 300 people, no more and no less.

But they were 300 people with the lowest strength close to the peak of the Fire-flaming Realm!

In the Heaven Punishment Troop, five people formed a squad, 15 people a detachment, and 150 people a brigade. There were twenty detachments in total.

The Heaven Punishment Sword Formation was a sword formation with the detachment as the scale.

Each detachment could form an independent Heaven Punishment Sword Formation, but independent sword formations could be connected through special sword intent.

When the entire Heaven Punishment Troop gathered together, fifteen men set up a formation, and twenty sword formations were connected. The outburst of the sword intent of 300 experts with the lowest strength at the peak of the Fire-flaming Realm was condensed into one sword stroke.

Why couldn’t that sword stroke destroy the sky?!!

“It’s indeed the starting position of the Heaven Punishment Sword Formation.”

The old general stared at the screen on which firelight and lightning were intertwined and wore a self-deprecating smile. “The Wang family of Beihai is really generous. Although few people set up this formation, their average strength is very good. The formation they set up almost has equal power as that of the one set up by the real Heaven Punishment Troop. ”

“Is that useful?”

Zhuang Huayang sat quietly with a calm expression. “The people on the spot are baffled. What a pity!”

The old general froze and took a subconscious glance at Wang Tianzong and Gu Xingyun not far away.

Expressionless, the two strongest men in Zhongzhou State pulled long faces.

On a small screen temporarily separated below the big screen, Gu Hanshan was rushing to the warehouse with dozens of elite members at full speed.


The old general nodded. “It’s a pity.”

Firelight and lightning were intertwined, like a waterfall.

The messy sword intent was converging in the waterfall-like light curtain, getting stronger and stronger.

Light filled all corners.

In the shade.

In the corners.

One by one, the elite members who ambushed around the warehouse in advance slowly appeared.

Headed by Chen Moxue, the fifteen elite members with the lowest strength in the Fire-flaming Realm surrounded Li Tianlan in silence.

“Send Your Highness to hell!”

In the waterfall-like light curtain, Chen Moxue’s voice shook the lightning and raging fire. An immense amount of sword intent was condensed into a sword stroke. The sword light and the light curtain converged. With his voice, the violent light curtain tore the sky instantly, whizzing down like a furious dragon.

Sending Your Highness to hell...

Sending Your Highness to hell?

A ripple of emotion gradually appeared in Li Tianlan’s eyes.

The ripple gradually expanded and eventually turned into a touch of arrogance.

Arrogance turned into a wild laugh.

The wild laugh penetrated the light curtain and sword intent, with an indescribable frivolity and violence.

“Send me to hell? Who is qualified to do that?!”

Li Tianlan laughed wildly and stretched out his hand.

His fingers were put together, like a sword!

Under the mighty light curtain, an extremely dazzling beam suddenly appeared.

“Who is qualified to do that?!”


The lightning was tremendous and violent. The almost faded blue lightning, which had almost turned into pure white, continued to burst out in Li Tianlan’s hands.

24 Moves of Sword.

The First Blade · Infiniteness.

The moment Infinite Sword Intent appeared, the sword intent changed instantly.

The First Blade turned into the Fifth Blade.

The Fifth Blade · Flying Snow.

Huating never snowed in July.

But the chilling killing intent and violence suddenly spread out with Li Tianlan as the center.

The Fifth Blade changed again.

The Sixteenth Blade · Furious Thunder!

In the piercing coldness, the sound of thunder reverberated from the earth to the sky.

Li Tianlan closed his palm suddenly and clenched his fist.

He threw a punch at the sky!


The First Blade, the Fifth Blade, and the Sixteenth Blade.

The sword intent of the three sword strokes connected in series.

The completely white lightning was released like crazy in an instant with Li Tianlan as the center.

The dazzling white lightning tore the light curtain with the sharp sword intent.

A wave of air that swept everything suddenly rose on the flat ground in front of the warehouse.

The wave of air swept across the edge of the forest with vast lightning, and in a loud noise, countless trees instantly turned into dust.

The chaotic light was dissipating.

When the light curtain of the Heaven Punishment Sword Formation shattered, Chen Moxue’s voice was still steady and calm, with a touch of determination and miserableness.

“Heaven Punishment!!”

After the light curtain shattered, swords came!

More than a dozen kinds of sword intent converged into a shadow of a huge sword that was hundreds of meters long.

Chen Moxue from the Blizzard, with a sword in hand, merged with the giant sword shadow instantly.

Man and sword combined perfectly.

Between heaven and earth, there seemed to be an extremely gorgeous flowing light in the bright sunlight.

The flowing light was silent, but it rushed directly to Li Tianlan with overwhelming killing intent.

The flowing light was tall and vast.

Its tail was still on the horizon, but its front end had reached Li Tianlan.

Chen Moxue’s figure blended into the flowing light, and his sword intent skyrocketed.

Li Tianlan, whose eyes were completely furious, still held out his hand.

He spread his five fingers.

The sword intent flowed between his five fingers, subtle but extremely fierce and violent.

The Twenty-first Blade · the Shattering of Land!

The subtle sword intent instantly soared into the sky.

Li Tianlan suddenly raised his hand.

In an instant, the flowing light and the sword intent rushing upward shattered and exploded. The endless rays of light swept across the sky and the earth. In the chaotic light and shadows, Li Tianlan’s palm continued to move upward. The flowing light composed of sword intent pierced his arm, and his hand was covered with blood.

Blood gushed from the corner of his mouth, dripping on his white shirt, like a blossoming plum blossom.

The Shattering of Land vs Heaven Punishment Sword Formation.

Holding a sword, the figure of Chen Moxue stabbed straight down in the air.

Li Tianlan’s palm rose, and when his sword intent broke out, he gripped Chen Moxue’s neck fiercely.

Li Tianlan pinched Chen Moxue’s neck and asked coldly, “Are you qualified to do that?”

Chen Moxue looked at Li Tianlan, whose blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth, in disbelief.

At this moment, he did not think why he failed.

He suddenly thought of a ridiculous question.

Li Tianlan broke the Heaven Punishment Sword Formation with his bare hand at the risk of getting himself injured.

But before that, he clearly saw the branch in Li Tianlan’s hand.

If that was his weapon...

Where did that branch go?

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