The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 306 - The Ties of Camaraderie Are so Heavy

Chapter 306 The Ties of Camaraderie Are so Heavy

In the beginning of July—

The rain was pouring hard in Huating.

The messy rain lasted from early morning to dusk without stopping, and it was getting heavier and heavier.

But the banquet that was called the peak summit of the young generation on Huangpu River didn’t get canceled. Jiang Shangyu, who had arrived in Huating, repeated the time for the banquet to start.

Li Tianlan and Dongcheng Yueshen set out an hour in advance and had already gotten close to the destination right when the banquet was about to start.

The gloomy sky slowly became dark in the pouring rain.

As the raindrops hit the car windows, the wipers were waving effortlessly on the windshield, causing layers of watery light.

Dongcheng Yueshen was driving with no expression on her face while looking straight ahead.

When the two personalities were alternating inside her, there would be two completely different dispositions if she didn’t try to pretend.

Dongcheng Rushi was pure and innocent, well-behaved and elegant, and simple and a bit dumb, like a spring without any impurity, crystal-clear.

Meanwhile, Dongcheng Yueshen never hid her indifference, it was a kind of coldness against the whole world, with so much complicated depression and quietness.

Inside the same body.

But the two personalities represented two completely different kinds of willpower.


Li Tianlan suddenly said while sitting in the passenger seat, “I remember you told me in Heaven Capital that even when Rushi appears, you can feel everything happening outside.”

After Dongcheng Yueshen appeared and took Dongcheng Rushi’s place, the two of them didn’t have a fight in the Council House. On the contrary, Dongcheng Yueshen seemed to swallow everything quietly. Dongcheng Qiuchi didn’t go back last night. When they were left alone, they didn’t even share the same room, let along have any intimate contact.

Li Tianlan could feel that Dongcheng Yueshen seemed to be repressing her emotions very hard, but she still somehow showed her dislike for him.

But she still hadn’t done anything to him.

Li Tianlan knew that this was not a good sign.

When Dongcheng Yueshen clearly showed her attitude, her not doing anything at the moment only meant that she was still waiting for a chance.

It was just like that Lovesickness Sword under the thunderbolt in Heaven Capital.

“I’m meditating, or how can our strength improve so fast? If that isn’t the case, how can you, asshole, violate my body? You actually got it on my face, you...”

Dongcheng Yueshen’s face turned red. She stared at Li Tianlan with clear eyes.


“You hate me,” Li Tianlan said quietly.

The anger on Dongcheng Yueshen’s gorgeous face froze, then she turned her head firmly and said while gritting her teeth, “I don’t hate you, but I don’t like you, either.”

“I can understand that.”

Li Tianlan nodded. He could understand that a person who followed every word he said would have a sub-personality that hated him. “But Rushi is my fiancée, I think that kind of intimacy is perfectly normal.”

“She’s your fiancée, so am I.”

Dongcheng Yueshen said with a cold laugh, “But are you going to agree with the engagement? If you’re willing to marry me, I can let you do whatever you want to me. I can deal with a worse situation, but are you going to?”

Li Tianlan suddenly fell silent.

“We’ll see.”

Dongcheng Yueshen said with a cold smile, as her crisp voice became a bit harsh but it still sounded very pleasant, “You just want to play with us. After you got sick of Dongcheng Rushi’s personality, you came to me. After you get tired of us both, aren’t you going to leave us? Why should I accept you?

“Rushi doesn’t care if you have other women, but I do. “You wanted to f*ck me? Fine, as long as you stay away from that woman from Samsara. You can have me any time you want. Otherwise, you can’t lay a finger on me!”

Li Tianlan couldn’t give her an answer.

For Dongcheng Yueshen, no answer was an answer.

She let out a cold laugh and fell silent.

Li Tianlan took out a cigarette. While he was searching for the lighter, Dongcheng Yueshen had tossed over a silver metal lighter.

Li Tianlan froze, then said thank you.


“Rushi bought it a few days ago, no need to thank me,” Dongcheng Yueshen said coldly.

Li Tianlan kept smoking quietly, without saying anything.

The atmosphere inside the car was getting more and more oppressive.

After a while, Dongcheng Yueshen finally let out a sigh and said, “Li Tianlan, what makes you despise us so much? Do you want all of us from the Dongcheng Clan to kneel down in front of you, then you will marry us?”


Li Tianlan’s heart twitched hard.

He took a deep drag of the cigarette and said softly, “The Dongcheng Clan is very nice, I mean it. If the Li family was still at its peak, it would be normal for you to treat me like this. But right now, the Li family is in such a bad place, and you still treat me so good. I believe that the Dongcheng Clan is the only group of people that can do this, for which I’m grateful and touched.

“Then you...”

Dongcheng Yueshen, who had calmed down a bit, seemed confused.

“You should have a happy ending.”

Li Tianlan said slowly, “Instead of walking toward the unknown with me.”

“If I marry you, that means that the Dongcheng Clan will be tied with me. You know the enemies I’m gonna face. If I win, the Dongcheng Clan won’t gain anything, at least not much. But if I lose, the whole Dongcheng Clan will be dragged into the depths of hell with me. Marriage may not have such a heavy constraint, but once I accept the marriage, by then I’ll have the full support of the Dongcheng Clan.”

Li Tianlan put on a bitter smile.

At this moment, everyone from the Dongcheng Clan surfaced in his head.

Dongcheng Hanguang, who was kind and bright.

Dongcheng Wudi, who was silent but powerful.

Bai Qingqian, who was emotional and soft.

Dongcheng Qiuchi, who was gentle and friendly.

Dongcheng Rushi, who was well-behaved and pretty.

They all deserved a happy ending.

“To be honest, I’m afraid. I can’t handle such support. These ties of camaraderie are so heavy that it makes me feel like a sinner.”

Li Tianlan took a deep drag of the cigarette, then mumbled to himself again. “You deserve a happy ending.”

Dongchen Yueshen’s fingers shivered quietly then held the steering wheel firmly.

Her face seemed a bit pale, and her stare at Li Tianlan was full of complications.


“That is why you don’t want to marry us?” Dongcheng Yueshen asked softly.

“There’s another reason.”

Li Tianlan threw away the cigarette butt and looked at Dongcheng Yueshen.

His stare was deep and distant.

“In Heaven Capital, it was you most of the time, right?”

He looked at Dongcheng Yueshen dodging his stare and said blandly, “That night, why did you try to kill me?

“I can’t handle the camaraderie of the Dongcheng Clan, I can’t marry you. I can’t marry a woman who is always trying to kill me, I don’t have the guts to marry you.”

Li Tianlan looked at Dongcheng Yueshen with a sincere expression. “I’m curious, is it our engagement that made you want to kill me?”

“I wasn’t trying to kill you, are you still mad at me?”

Dongcheng Yueshen bit her lips and looked at Li Tianlan carefully.

Her eyes were clear like water.

Li Tianlan’s heart suddenly sank.


“Give me a kiss,” Li Tianlan said suddenly.


Her face looked red and her eyes were shining, she seemed happy.

She slowed the car down and hesitated, then leaned over and kissed Li Tianlan gently on the face.


“Happy?” she looked at Li Tianlan and asked.


Li Tianlan took a deep look at her with a slightly bitter smile.

He could be sure that it was Dongcheng Rushi sitting next to him at this moment.

Dongcheng Yueshen’s personality chose to run away in the end.


It was raining heavily.

Jiang Shangyu quietly showed how privileged he was.

The number one dock on Bingshan Road was completely locked, leaving only one special passageway for entry.

A white luxury yacht with five stories was parking quietly aside, and the ship was brightly lit. When Li Tianlan and Dongcheng Rushi arrived at the dock, there were still 10 minutes before the banquet officially started.

There were quite a few people walking around on the top deck, and the lights were shining on the crowd, which became extremely clear in Li Tianlan’s eyes.

The heavy rain fell from high in the sky.

There wasn’t any shelter in the five-storeyed space, but right now, the place was all dry and clean, without a drop of water in it.

This was the peak summit of the young generation.

The people who entered the banquet tonight were all young superiors who were at least in the Fire-flaming Realm.

Before the rain could fall down, it got evaporated, let alone hit the decks of the five stories. In the heavy rain, dozens of superiors of the Fire-flaming Realm were standing there. The space of a hundred square meters around the cruise was all dry, not a single drop of rain could get in.

Li Tianlan didn’t see Jiang Shangyu.

He didn’t see Gu Hanshan, either.

But he saw Wang Shengxiao.

Right now, Wang Shengxiao was standing by the handrail with Song Ci and talking to some young superiors by his side.

Song Ci, who dressed gorgeously and almost extravagantly, still looked pale in her face, but her spirit was exceptionally sufficient.

Li Tianlan’s eyes instantly froze.

In that moment, Wang Shengxiao looked over.

Li Tianlan, Wang Shengxiao.

Song Ci, Dongcheng Rushi.

Four pairs of eyes gathered together in the air.

A kind of strange and smothering atmosphere was spreading over the whole yacht.

Li Tianlan stared at Wang Shengxiao calmly.

The sharp killing intent slowly disappeared in Wang Shengxiao’s eyes, then he put on a bright smile and waved at Li Tianlan.

“Let’s go.”

Li Tianlan boarded the ship.

Dongcheng Rushi was holding Li Tianlan’s arm obediently. Tonight, she wore a long white dress, looking elegant and quiet, pretty like a fairy.

The two of them walked on the yacht side by side, straight to the top floor.

More and more people were aware that Li Tianlan had boarded the ship.

Under the stares from the crowd with different meanings, Li Tianlan and Dongcheng Rushi walked straight to the fifth floor.

The two of them appeared at the staircase.

Everyone gave them different stares.

On the other side, Jiang Shangyu and Gu Hanshan had walked over.

Wang Shengxiao and Song Ci directly approached Li Tianlan.

Most of the young superiors with lower realms of Martial Arts were looking at Dongcheng Rushi’s hand, which was holding Li Tianlan’s arm.

That was because that hand represented the Dongcheng Clan’s attitude.

Meanwhile, the real top powerhouse was looking at Li Tianlan.

Wang Shengxiao’s eyebrows jumped for a few seconds.

Gu Hanshan walked over and slightly raised his eyebrows.

Jiang Shangyu’s eyes were getting deeper and deeper.

Li Tianlan had severely injured Gu Yunxia with a single sword move.

The battle between him and Song Ci had been recorded and spread throughout all of Zhongzhou State.

Even some top young experts felt that there was something wrong with Li Tianlan in the battle state.

But the Li Tianlan in front of them right now was perfectly normal.

No one knew what was going on, but at least no one would question the video tape.

Li Tianlan was looking at Song Ci, looking at her pale face.


“You are healing fast,” Li Tianlan laughed and said blandly.

He could roughly figure out Song Ci’s injury. In a normal situation, Song Ci wouldn’t be able to get out of bed, let along be here. Based on her injury, it was highly possible that she couldn’t regain her combat capability in a month.

But right now, she was still injured, but her wounds were almost well-healed.

This kind of healing speed didn’t make sense.

“I have always been very healthy.”

Song Ci took a deep look at Li Tianlan and said blandly, “I keep that sword strike in mind. Next time, it won’t be so easy for you.”

“Is that so?”

Li Tianlan said blandly, “Do you think you still have a chance?”


Song Ci said in a cold tone, “Like I said, I have always been very healthy. I’ll see you at the maneuver in a month.”

Li Tianlan laughed, then nodded and said, “You’re indeed very healthy, you have a strong vitality.”

Song Ci slightly changed her face and said with a cold snort, “If we’re talking about body strength, at least I’m stronger than you.”

Li Tianlan’s smile froze, then he narrowed his eyes and didn’t say anything more.

Looking at his expression, both Song Ci’s and Wang Shengxiao’s eyes lit up for a moment at the same time.

“I haven’t seen Your Highness in three years, Your Highness still looks as good as ever. Welcome to the Qingshan cruise.”

Bright laughter rang out behind Li Tianlan.

Jiang Shangyu walked over with big steps.

Li Tianlan turned around and looked at Jiang Shangyu.

They indeed hadn’t met each other for three years.

The last time they saw each other, it was Li Tianlan who sent Jiang Shangyu out of Heaven Capital. He almost died in that thick forest in Heaven Capital.

This could be considered the enmity of life and death.

But Jiang Shangyu seemed to have forgotten about it. His eyes looked calm and his smile was sincere.

And he still called him Your Highness.

Li Tianlan reached in and shook his hand, then said with a soft laugh, “You seem to have lived a nice life in the past three years.”


Jiang Shangyu said while laughing, “It’s been all right, I’ve lived quite a comfortable life. I have gotten so far behind you that I don’t even think about fighting you anymore.”

As Li Tianlan took a serious look at him, he felt a bit surprised and cautious.

Three years ago, Jiang Shangyu was already at the peak of the Fire-flaming Realm, and was even in the Half-step Thunder-shocking Realm.

But three years later, Jiang Shangyu was still in the Half-step Thunder-shocking Realm!

It seemed that his Martial Arts realm had stayed the same.

But somehow, Li Tianlan could feel that Jiang Shangyu was definitely more powerful than Song Ci, who was at the peak of the Thunder-shocking Realm.


“You’re being modest,” Li Tianlan said quietly.

Gu Hanshan had walked over.

Li Tianlan turned around quietly.

At the same time—

The last guest at the party got on the stairs of the fifth floor alone.

Li Tianlan froze all of a sudden.

The last guest who got on the cruise and seemed to be looking for something also froze there.

The long red corset dress made her skin look extra white and tender.

She was wearing a pair of strappy heels, which showed off her originally tall and slim body.

The neat and clean short haircut.

The gorgeous face with a bit of determination and stubbornness...

Li Tianlan’s stare was drifting.

Wang Yuetong.

He didn’t expect to see Wang Yuetong tonight.

And Wang Yuetong was completely different from three years ago.

Wang Yuetong looked at Li Tianlan in a daze.

The top floor seemed to quiet down.

Jiang Shangyu’s expression stayed the same, but a subtle light flashed in his eyes.

Under everyone’s stares, Wang Yuetong took a few steps forward.

She walked over to Li Tianlan and took a glance with her watery eyes at Dongcheng Rushi, who was linking arms with Li Tianlan, then she asked softly, “Senior Brother Tianlan, how are you doing?”

Li Tianlan opened his mouth.

His voice was dry but extremely calm. “I’m fine. How about you?”


“I’m not fine,” Wang Yuetong lowered her head and said bitterly.

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