The Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 437 - Death Threats

Chapter 437 Death Threats

The Purple Thunder Doom – Punishment from Gods!

He might not have gravely injured Wu Kejin, but he definitely had reduced the leader of this Crusade into an utterly sorry state with his disheveled hair and tattered clothes.

Wu Kejin was furious. He might not have been wounded, but the same could not be said for his pride and dignity.

“You’re going to die a most horrible death, Devil!” he burst out angrily.

A deadpan Chu Xun ignored him and quickly performed more hand seals.

The Purple Thunder Doom – Destruction.


Lightning flared in the black cumulonimbuses gathering ominously overhead. They looked like dragons made up of lightning bolts streaking amidst the dark clutter.


A bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket came hailing down and struck Wu Kejin.


The deadly shaft of light engulfed Wu Kejin whole, causing another eruption that swallowed the whole place in a devastation explosion that rocked all of Nether Mountain.


Cracks broke out on the white shield of light protecting Wu Kejin. His magical shield was almost defeated by Chu Xun’s lightning!

And before he could utter any word of rejoice, another bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket streaked down from the dark plumes like a lunging serpent.


The earth trembled. The bolt hit the ground and another explosion and more cracks elongated everywhere like the coming of the Apocalypse.


Wu Kejin howled with pain. The second blast shattered the white protective shield of light and shredded his shirt, leaving him bare-chested with a charred-black patch on his front.

“Devil— URGGHH!” So angry was Wu Kejin that he spat a mouthful of blood.


But no rest for the weary; more lightning bolts the size of coffee tables rained down incessantly, eager to bombard him into smithereens.

Wu Kejin could only stare helplessly at the destructive power hurtling down at him.


He roared and roared as he desperately cranked up his white light shield again.


A deluge light and death came down on him again, drowning him out from everyone’s sight. The lightning blasts defeated his white shield of light again, but it saved him too, nullifying more than eight to nine tenths of Chu Xun’s full strike.

The remaining of the devastation lashed viciously at Wu Kejin that by the time he emerged still surviving, he was literally smoldering with fumes and even his hair was on fire and his limbs numb from the attack.

“The bastard of Assembly of Immortals.”

Chu Xun muttered coldly. He summoned another barrage of lightning blast, eager to send Wu Kejin to his death.


More shafts of light tore through the dark clouds overhead and came screaming down at him.

Wu Kejin’s pupils dilated with terror. He howled and conjured his white shield of light once more.


More lightning bolts drowned out Wu Kejin and his screams with the force and intensity of a tidal wave, crushing his white shield of light into nothing.

At the same time, a little jade medallion hanging on Wu Kejin’s chest cracked and burst into pieces.

“Hear me, Wu Kejin. The Assembly holds no dominion here. I do,” Chu Xun growled with suppressed fury, “And if the Assembly dares to set its sights on Earth, I’ll slaughter every single one of them, starting from the bastard you.”

“Save your arrogance, Devil! I represent the Assembly and I will not stand disgraced! What makes you think you can kill me!” Wu Kejin retorted belligerently.

“Do you seriously think I can’t?” Chu Xun countered.

“Kill me if you can, Devil. You win the battle, but you will lose the war! Hahahaha!” Wu Kejin burst out laughing like a madman.

“Really?” Chu Xun scoffed and he thrust a finger into the air.


More lightning shafts roared at Wu Kejin.


Specks of white light condensed together as one to fuse into the same white shield of light again as Wu Kejin quickly channeled his Internal Breath, forming layers of protective shields to keep him from the incoming destruction.


The lightning blasts devoured him like a mindless beast, gnawing through every layer of protection he could throw forth. Blood sprayed everywhere and his chest was utterly blasted open into a sickening pulp of blood and flesh that one could make out the macabre outlines of his bones.

Warriors at the scene and those watching the live broadcast from all over the world watched in silence paralyzed with amazement and disbelief.

Such was the might of the Devil in his full wrath. His great strengths and plethora of tricks up his sleeves enabled him to destroy the Edict of the Assembly of Immortals and forcibly turned the tables against Wu Kejin.

The alien races were all bedazzled with horror and shock into speechlessness that some even wet their pants.

“You’ll never kill me, Devil! Even if you can, you’ll never save your loved ones!” Wu Kejin shrieked with maniacal defiance despite the blood and froth pouring from his mouth.

Chu Xun beheld his defeated enemy’s defiance with a cold glare and an arm behind his back.

Meanwhile, everyone was puzzled as to what Wu Kejin was trying to say.

“Aren’t you curious, Devil that I am the only one here fighting you?” Wu Kejin screamed.

“Oh?” Chu Xun reacted rather calmly, “Why so?”

Chu Xun’s composure irritated Wu Kejin to the point of extreme rage, especially when it also made him feel defeated and frustrated.

“Don’t you want to know where the champions of the Lost Races are, Devil?” Wu Kejin roared with triumphant glee, “I’ve sent them to assassinate your parents and loved ones! HAHAHAHA!”

Wu Kejin guffawed wildly, watching Chu Xun and hoping to find a distraught look on his face.

That seemed to shock everyone, leaving them horrified. No wonder none of these champions were anywhere in sight. They had gone off to do Wu Kejin’s wicked bidding!

Unfortunately for him, Chu Xun appeared to be relatively calm and serene.

“Don’t you care about the wellbeing of your parents and loved ones, Devil?!” Wu Kejin barked.

“Of course, I do,” Chu Xun uttered.

“How you love to pretend to look suave, Devil. Deep inside, you must be shaking with grief,” Wu Kejin bellowed.

“Why should I?” Chu Xun scoffed with disgust.

“These champions I’d sent to slaughter your parents... They’re all Ninth-grade Beast Lords. Are you not afraid?” Wu Kejin hissed, teetering on losing control, “Do you honestly believe that the enchantment you left at Qianlong Mountain will hold and keep your family there safe?”

Chu Xun stared at him blankly.

Wu Kejin was running mad. How could Chu Xun appear so calm and placid?! “I know all about you, Devil! These champions might not defeat your enchantment, but they can easily take the Rock Sect! They can use their members as hostages and force your parents to undo the magic of the enchantment! Once the enchantment is gone, everyone atop Qianlong Mountain will only be lambs ready for slaughter!”

“You’ve gone through a lot of work on my behalf,” Chu Xun remarked sarcastically with a dangerous look in his eyes.

Chu Xun betraying a hint of emotion satiated Wu Kejin enough. Deep inside, he was rejoicing with glee. “Go crazy, Devil! Panic and despair!”

“I told you, Devil! To defy the Assembly is to defy Nature itself! Your parents and loved ones will die because of you and it’s all your fault! Hahahaha!” Wu Kejin howled madly.

“Kneel and prostrate yourself, Devil! Make your plea and take your own life. Perhaps I might spare your parents! HAHAHAHAHA! BEG ME, DEVIL! ON YOUR KNEES AND BEG ME!” Wu Kejin yelled.

Chu Xun hardly budged, save to raise a finger into the air.


More lightning bolts carrying forces enough to annihilate all things pierced down from the dark clouds like lances, overwhelming him in another explosion.

“ARRGGHH!” Wu Kejin screamed in agony. The blasts carved strips of flesh off his back and there he was, utterly bloodied and maimed as smoke popped from every part of him.

“You’re going to die, Devil! You, your parents, your women and everyone in league with you— they’re all dead meat!” snarled Wu Kejin with spite.

“Are you referring to this trash?” Chu Xun muttered placidly, tossing to the ground the heads of several Beast Lords.

The whole world reeled with terror. Everyone present trembled so much that their blood quite literally ran cold.

Wu Kejin’s maniacal banshee-like howl died an abrupt end as he saw blankly one of the heads rolling on the ground. it was the head of his best champion he dispatched to Gujiang.

“You...” Wu Kejin’s whole body began to spasm violently either because of shock or because of the jolts from the lightning blasts earlier.

“That’s right. These are the so-called champions you dispatched to murder my parents. They are all dead. What else do you have? Let’s see it. Or else, you can just go to hell for all I care,” Chu Xun said coldly.

“How is this possible?” Wu Kejin gasped, perplexed with incredulity. He could not believe it. His plan was supposed to be flawless. How did Devil Chu know about it?

“Nothing is impossible. In fact, the slaughter of the Peacock Race patrol squad and the death of the Lycan champion – that’s all me. Ah, yes, I nearly forgot – Huang Sheng’s dead too,” added Chu Xun placidly.

Wu Kejin’s eyes shot wide with disbelief, his expression filled with shock and horror, “How did you do it?!”

“Easy. Kill the Tenth Presbyter of the Mustelids, disguise as him, stir up a squabble between you lot, then kill the Lycan champion when the chance presented itself, then I wheeled Huang Sheng for details to your plan. That’s it,” Chu Xun uttered nonchalantly.

Wu Kejin’s eyes grew as wide as eggs, his face contorting with panic and his eyes fraught with disbelieving shock.

“So it was you! So you were the one who had easily defused traps that I had set using these stupid goons!” Wu Kejin was so livid that he could not accept his defeat.

“You think too highly of yourself, bastard of the Assembly of Immortals,” Chu Xun sneered.

The whole world burst into a riotous uproar when they finally comprehended what was going on.

Wu Kejin’s meticulous planning was shredded by Chu Xun in its larval stage by infiltrating into their midst before killing the Lycan champion and Huang Sheng right under his nose and used the chance to cause unrest within the coalition!

A handful of people couldn’t help but sympathize with Wu Kejin. That he had to face the undefeatable and invincible Devil really was the worst of lucks. Even before his plan could progress beyond formative stages, Chu Xun had discovered about it and dismantled it.

The champions of the Lost Races were slain even before they could do anything. Such frustration they must have felt that their eyes were still wide open even in their deaths. Most miserable were the Lycan champion and Huang Sheng; they were killed solely because of Chu Xun’s devious scheme.

That would explain how livid and mad Wu Kejin was now. No one could have endured such mockery and ridicule. Chu Xun had been twirling the forces of the Lost Races on top of Nether Mountain for the past few days in his palm like toys. As if to make things worse, all of them were still dreaming of their triumphant ambition without realizing what actually happened. It really was a heavy blow both painful and humiliating.

“You’re dead, Devil!” Wu Kejin hissed, struggling on the brink of total madness.

“Kill me? What makes you think you can?” Chu Xun uttered mildly, “Earth has no place for you, bastard of the Assembly of Immortals. Go to Hell.”

“You can die one hundred times and it still won’t be enough to compensate for your sin of defying the Assembly of Immortals! You’d never kill me! I’m a son of the Immortals! No one can!” Wu Kejin roared like a rabid beast.

A strange foreboding dread crawled all over Chu Xun and he frantically performed hand seals to reactivate his Purple Thunder Doom to kill Wu Kejin.

Meanwhile, Wu Kejin mumbled something quietly in his mouth as he produced a piece of talismanic strip.


The talismanic strip erupted into a huge glimmering burst of light like a supernova, blinding and intense.

“Great Immortals of the Assembly, thy subject Wu Kejin implores thy aid. I’m in grave peril, beleaguered by treacherous foes. I beseech thee for thy aid! Please descend amongst our unworthy selves, slay these vile foes and restore glory and fear to the name of the Assembly. May I be granted admission to rejoin the Assembly!”

Wu Kejin called loudly.


The talismanic strip only shone brighter and the white illumination began to spread rapidly.

The white light slammed into the barriers of the enchantment, scattering cracks all over barriers before they gave in and shattered.

The growing dome of white light reached even up to the dark cumulonimbuses up in the sky and effortlessly dispelled them all.

That destroyed the enchantment and canceled the magic of Chu Xun’s Purple Thunder Doom.

Chu Xun immediately felt an inexplicable chilly premonition.

“RUN! GET OUT OF HERE!” Chu Xun bellowed at once.

The warriors still bewildered and blank despite the growing sense of something dangerous coming hurriedly broke out of their panicking stupor and heeding Chu Xun’s warning, they turned around and darted down the slopes of Nether Mountain as quickly as they could.

Chu Xun wheeled around himself. He ignored Wu Kejin and fled too, for he felt the threat of death hanging over his head.

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