The Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 346 - Enchanted Engravings

Chapter 346 Enchanted Engravings

Once again, Chu Xun shocked the world with his prowess. Within the engravings he left on the rock face of the cliff, he had enchanted it with a magic that was deadly and dangerous.

Unfamiliar to the Eastern concept of enchantments, the West wondered if this was some devilry Chu Xun had concocted and left there as a trap.

On the other hand, the last surviving godchild of the Pope fell from grace into an object of ridicule.

“What happened to ‘invading Huaxia and destroying everything and everyone related to Chu Xun’? What an utter joke.”

“Damn, you do really run like a beaten dog.”

“Look at the Devil! So easily he slipped into the stronghold of the Sacred Diocese to vandalize the Pope’s papal robes, while you can’t even step foot within the borders of Huaxia! And to think you even dream of being just as powerful as he is!”

In their glee, Huaxia warriors mocked and ridiculed him.

“All of you, the Broken Souls Cult, the Sifang Sword Sect, and the Tianlong Fort! Were you not clamoring your support for this so-called crusade? Come on then, perhaps you lackeys might be just in time to help collect the corpses of those masters of yours!”

Not willing to forget local factions who had pledged their support to the invaders, some began directing their criticisms and jeers at them.

And this time, everyone – the Broken Souls Cult and all other factions who were enemies of Chu Xun – withdrew into obscurity, evidently appalled by the extent of Chu Xun’s methods and his prowess.

With no response coming from that end, the furore of taunting and mocking them began to simmer down and no one spoke of them anymore.

In the meantime, Yan Wushuang and his comrades who came thinking of defending the border only knew what happened afterwards.

“Dammit, Chu Xun. I guess that’s expected of him who is called the Deceiver. But to think that he left an enchantment in these writings without even telling anyone.” But instead of a scowl, Yan Wushuang’s face was awash with admiration. Smiling, he said, “But honestly, it felt good seeing those scoundrels being taught a lesson.”

Back in the West, the orders, factions, and a myriad of organizations including the Holy Temple of the Sun and the Dark Guild combed everywhere for Chu Xun.

Who would have thought that dastard of a crook would dare wreak havoc in Country V of all places and had even vandalized the Pope’s papal robes by drawing scribbles of tortoises on it!?

But then came the only question that mattered: Is he still alive now?

Numerous numbers of chiefs from all organizations all over the West, including the Prelate of the Holy Temple and the Chief of the Dark Guild, had tried gaining an audience with His Holiness to speak about Chu Xun and what happened that fateful day. But their requests were met with a cold shoulder; the Holy See did not wish to speak on this matter.

“I’m wondering if the Devil has been nabbed by the Pope himself. They are trying to wring what they can from him.”

“Long has this Pope reigned supreme. His powers are unfathomable. What you say could really be true.”

“Bullshit. Do you think the Devil would risk such a reckless trip into Country V if he is not confident of making away safely?”

Discussions bubbled and boiled on the message boards and forums online with innumerable guesses and speculations as to what happened that day.

Still, there were also people who were not yet willing to let the incident of the godchildren of the Pope go.

“What do you think happened to that last remaining godson of the Pope? Do you think he’ll ever recover from this?”

“Well, he was there watching his own godsibling dying right in front of him and all he could do was run. I’d say he should count himself lucky that Chu Xun had helped him eliminate one competing contestant to the chair of St. Peter.”

“What a stupid fool. He was as ferocious as a tiger, but only to become as pathetic as a dog in the end.”


Gaye, the other godchild of the Pope who had survived the ordeal at the borders of Huaxia after watching his fellow godsibling died, was in hiding at one of the estates that the government of Country Y had prepared for him. Reading the comments filled him with so much rage that he destroyed what seemed to be the tenth tablet into bits.

Filled with shame and regret, he knew he should have said something or done something then instead of running. “Say something proud perhaps,” he mused, and he would not have to be so shameful and embarrassed like he was now.

But everything was just too late. He had been so stricken with panic that running was the only thing in his mind then.

After calming down, he tried to make contact with the Sacred Diocese. But the news that he received from Country V only filled him with greater astonishment: the Devil had indeed fought against His Holiness the Pope, and had managed to escape.

But that was impossible! In a maniacal rage, he destroyed everything in his room in a fit of rampaging madness. The Pope and ruler of the Sacred Diocese! His teacher who had taught him everything! The one person whose very existence was like God to him! Yet how could the Devil have escaped?! As he once again renewed his comprehension of Chu Xun’s might and abilities, his hands trembled inadvertently.

“Curse you, curse you, curse you! Curse you, Chu Xun! I will remember the shame you have given me today, and I’ll be sure to return the favor one day!” screamed Gaye with unruly rage that poured like a breaking dam from deep inside him.

“Why ‘one day’ when you can easily say ‘this day’ instead?” said a placid voice suddenly from behind.

Immediately a cold, tingling sensation rose up his spine and Gaye spun on his heels. There was a stranger in the room. Someone had come in without him noticing and his mere presence was enough to tell Gaye who it was. Struggling to keep his panic in check, he whimpered the infamous moniker of his guest, “The Devil...”

It was a face that he would never forget. The face that his foot had relentlessly stomped on with utmost hatred and scorn in the past few days alone. In fact, even now, right under his feet, there were shreds and scraps of the photos of Chu Xun that he had torn to pieces.

“Is this the best what Country Y can offer to a godson of the Pope? Damn, looks mightily shabby though. There’s not even a chair to sit on,” Chu Xun stood idly, looking around like an interested visitor.

“I only receive friends, and you are not one of them,” hissed Gaye. It was all he could do to prevent himself from going mad with fear.

“Why? Aren’t we friends?” chuckled Chu Xun, “After all, I was only recently a guest of the Sacred Diocese, although you Country V lot seem to have a lot to learn about hospitality.”

“Guest?!” Gaye nearly blurted aloud, “What kind of guest would vandalize and ruin his host’s clothing?!”

“What do you want, Devil?” Gaye managed. He was already shaking inside out. He might not know Chu Xun, but recent events had given him enough impression of what Chu Xun would do to people he deemed as enemies.

Chu Xun chuckled again, saying, “Nothing. I’m only here because of some troubling rumors, saying that you declared to invade Huaxia and kill everyone and everything related to me?”

Gaye fell silent for moments before he finally answered, “That was only a joke. I love places with rich histories such as Huaxia. In fact, I have long hoped to be able to visit there someday myself.”

Gaye had lost the will to fight. His position as godson to the Pope of Country V forbade him to kneel and beg forgiveness, but not to offer kind and genial words to convey his defeat. Nothing was more valuable than one’s own life, especially when no one else was here to listen.

“You’re afraid, aren’t you?” teased Chu Xun derisively, “You look nothing like the Pope.”

Chu Xun’s thoughts harked back to his encounter against the seemingly-wizened old man at the Vatican. The Pope might be an ancient old man with hair and beard as white as snow, but he wielded such immeasurable powers that one single punch was enough to cause Chu Xun such damage that he had to escape immediately with internal injuries.

Things were so dangerous for him then and fortunately, he had a few tricks up his sleeve or he might not have been able to flee unscathed before the wrath of the Pope who, for all intents and purposes, might have long transcended the rank of Human King.

Gaye was so furious he was teetering on the verge of going mad. As godchild of the Pope, majesty, fame, and dignity were all that he expected on his path to becoming the Pope’s next successor. But instead, because of Chu Xun, he had become the laughing-stock of the world.

Nothing more than Chu Xun’s life would give satisfaction enough for all the indignity he had suffered. But seeing how his godsibling had died right before his eyes robbed him of every iota of courage. He felt powerless before the very person could easily kill just by using enchantments cast on simple engravings.

“Please,” Gaye croaked ignominiously, swallowing his pride, “Have mercy...” He knew he needed time. Time for him to assume the Throne of St. Peter. Time for him to become Pope, so that he could gain access to the Sacred Diocese’s secret codices and glean their knowledge, and ultimately time so that he could be powerful enough to slay Chu Xun.

For the price of shame and patience, he would have everlasting glory and vengeance in the future. Such were the words he used, with faith and hope that they could give him what consolation and comfort to endure what he was too weak to change now.

“If you know me any better, you should know that I have never, and will never allow any foe to walk free.”

As soon as he finished, Chu Xun lunged.


The entire estate shook in its foundations.

All it took was a mere split-second.

The next day, the housekeeper of the estate Country Y’s government had assigned him came to maintain the household and what she saw nearly scared her to death.

News traveled fast, and the photograph of the scene even faster.

In the photograph circulating online was a bloodied and lifeless Gaye kneeling on the floor facing East.

Was he confessing his sins during his final moments?

The Internet erupted with commotion and discussions talking heatedly about this.

“Look and believe! Huaxia is a sacred existence that suffers no offense. Let this man be the enduring reminder and proof to what will become to anyone who dares wish ill upon Huaxia! Look how he kills himself as a sign of repentance!”

That comment left warriors of the West fuming. “What repentance?! Are you taking us as fools that we can’t see that Gaye’s clearly been murdered?!”

“But who? Who had murdered him?”

There could only be one person. The same name that haunted everyone’s mind — the Devil, Chu Xun.

But no one had seen him for some time. In fact, many believed that he was held under lock and key by the Sacred Diocese.

Just when everyone was still oblivious as to who could the murderer be, another news came out of nowhere, striking fear into all who heard it.

The five Knights of the Circular Table who arrived at Country Y were all found slaughtered, each of them dead by only one stroke.

Fear began hanging over everyone’s head like a pall of gloom.

Speculations began brewing on the Internet, indicating that Chu Xun had returned.

Could it really be him?

With warriors of the West falling like tumbling blocks one by one, morale was at its lowest.

“Hey, the Holy Temple and the Dark Guild! Watch out, for the Devil is out for blood and he will come for your heads!” said a message left on the Internet by a Huaxia warrior.

This forced the Holy Temple of the Sun, the Dark Guild, and several other armed factions of the West to come forward with dismissals.

“Let anyone who wishes to incur the wrath of warriors of the West come. We shall show him how it is to offend us. As for warriors of Huaxia, rest assured that the Devil is now a captive of the Sacred Diocese.”

Only, that did little to quell the spat between both sides of the verbal warfare waging online.

It was in the darkest hours of the night when a wraith-like figure shimmered into appearance outside an estate mansion.

It was the lodging Country Y had arranged for the two presbyters of the Dark Guild.

It had been far from satisfying from Country Y up until this day. Thinking that the peacekeepers from other Western nations would arrive to restore peace and perhaps, even its dignity, the government of Country Y had gone through great lengths to see them well taken care of, only for them to die one after another like flies. First there was Gaye and his godsibling, and now even the five Knights of the Circular Table were dead.

For all their trouble of coming all the way here, these warriors never expected that they would only be dying on foreign soil instead.

Inside the brightly-lighted house were Eighth and Ninth Presbyters Atkins and Absolon of the Dark Guild, and they were deep in discussion about recent events.

“Who do you think killed Gaye and the Knights of the Circular Table?” questioned a frowning Absolon, “Could it really be the Devil?”

“The Chief had spoken to the Pope, but that old geezer just bluntly refused to say anything,” said Atkins.

“What else could he say? He’s embarrassed enough. His papal robes, of all things, were vandalized,” smirked Absolon.

“Can’t disagree with that. The Sacred Diocese has disgraced itself enough this time. They’ve lost even three of the Pope’s godchildren.”

“Well, we’re not in a position to gloat; we’ve suffered enough losses ourselves. Look at our very own Tenth, Seventh, and Sixth Presbyters.”

“Come on, who do you think you’re kidding? If anyone’s gleeful of what happened, it could only be you. Charlie’s so quick with his progress that it won’t take long before he catches after you. No one else could have been any more delighted than you are,” said Atkins.

Absolon stared at him, surprised for a split-second before he broke into a wicked grin. “Say,” he suggested, “Do you think Country Y will have to compensate us for all the losses we’ve incurred?”

“Of course.”

“What would they feel after this? Regretful for laying up trouble for themselves?” added a third voice. The icy voice came so suddenly that both men jumped with fright.


Atkins and Absolon shrieked in unison.

The housekeepers of the estate came the next day and found the dead bodies of the two presbyters of the Dark Guild.

News of their deaths swept across the Internet like a raging storm and their photos quickly spread everywhere.

What made the news all the more intriguing was the manner of their deaths.

Eighth Presbyter Atkins’s special ability was pyrokinesis.

Ninth Presbyter Absolon’s special ability was electrokinesis.

Yet Absolon was burned into a blackened, charred husk of himself, while Atkins was killed by electric shock.

They looked as if they were killed by each other’s elemental abilities.

News of this traveled quickly, taking the world by storm.

Far away at the Dark Guild’s headquarters, the Chief suffered an internal damage from the blowback of his internal energies due to his emotional state after hearing the news and he vomited blood.

Warriors of the West began clamoring furiously, demanding that Country Y provide an explanation for the deaths. Both presbyters were killed there and they should take responsibility for their guests’ safety.

Almost everyone in the top echelon of Country Y’s administration were so flabbergasted that they nearly lost their minds at the demands of their allies. How brazen could they even be?! The warriors of the West came here as peacekeepers, not as tourists on a summer vacation! They were supposed to be the ones helping to maintain order and peace here!

But it was the Dark Guild now pressing for explanation and the leaders of Country Y knew that it was only a matter of time before the Guild would send someone here, either to demand for compensation or force compliance upon the top echelon of Country Y’s administration.

The Head of State of Country Y immediately suffered a heart attack and he was quickly hospitalized.

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