The Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 254 - Difference of Might

Chapter 254 Difference of Might

The night’s breeze blew gently in the somber mood of the night.

Under the gossamer illumination of the moon, the heavily forested Wujin Mountain, surrounded by a ring of its accompanying peaks, looked as if it was being surrounded by a horde of skulking monsters waiting to pounce.

Sparse walkers were walking up the road leading uphill, their silhouettes wavering in the distance like the shapes of wraiths.

“Seal all exits. Let no one pass,” a voice ordered, its tone portended the gloomy message it conveyed.

Up on the crest of the mountain, was a large spread of ancient buildings all clustered together, and on the battlements of this citadel stood many sentinels whose eyes kept a watchful eye over the quiet city.

Unfortunately, they failed to notice more than a dozen figures approaching unnoticed under the cover of the night.

“Allow me to first deal with some trash,” a shrill voice so high that goose bumps could ooze out rang in the silence.

That was Zhu Yeqing, a Presbyter of the Broken Souls Cult who shared his name with that of a venomous snake. Tall and lanky, his face was powdered so thick that one might mistake him for a woman, despite his Adam’s apple, and his strange and peculiar looks made it hard to differ him from man or woman.

Beside him stood a giant of a man. A tall, dark and well-built brute reaching almost two meters in height; he carried a huge sword and his name, was Jin’gang.

Jin’gang took a couple of steps, as if hoping to put as much distance as possible between him and Zhu Yeqing, and cast a dirty look at him. There was only so much he could do to stop himself from driving his sword through the half-man, half-woman, if not for the reason that they belonged to the same order.

Behind them, was a contingent of a dozen or so Human Kings.

“The Rock Sect,” scoffed one of them disdainfully, “As if a little order as weak as they are could ever hope to defy our Broken Souls Cult. It is only right that they pay for their hindrance in our resurrection of the Elder Ancestor.”

“What makes you think the likes of theirs were able to be of any hindrance? It’s all Chu the Devil’s fault,” pointed out another Human King.

“Whatever. So long as they are involved with Chu the Devil, we’d just have to exterminate them,” smirked Zhu Yeqing, producing more than ten golden needles more than three inches long.

He threw an insidious glance at the Rock Sect sentinels watching the gates, and hissed with a cruel voice, “Consider this a blessing to be able to die under my needles, you wretches.”

He threw his needles. Without warning, more than a dozen Rock Sect sentinels fell one by one, all of them dead instantly with only a little scarlet dot between their eyebrows.

“Done,” grinned Zhu Yeqing devilishly. “Let us go now. Let’s see how courageous this Yan Yi figure is.”

The contingent of Human Kings charged and unhindered, they stormed through the gates of the stronghold of the Rock Sect.

“SHOW YOURSELF, YAN YI!” Jin’gang boomed loudly, swinging his sword and sending a fierce Sword Qi that destroyed a building, killing all the acolytes of the Rock Sect inside.


The entire stronghold came ablaze with lights and high-powered search lights swiveled around to illuminate the entire compound like daylight.

Yan Yi and his men showed up together, so with every disciple and acolyte of the Rock Sect with their weapons all drawn, pointed at the intruders.

“Scums from the Broken Souls Cult?!” Yan Yi breathed coldly.

“Since you know who we are, just roll over and die yourselves and save us the trouble,” growled one of the Human Kings.

“You dare help Chu the Devil in thwarting the resurrection of our Elder Ancestor. For that, you must pay.”

A dark pall of gloom hung over Yan Yi’s head. Tales of what happened at Longcheng City must have really reached everywhere quickly.

“When will Immortal Chu be arriving, Yan?” asked the Master of the Tianwu Sect in a low voice; the defenders were just too weak against the cadre of intruders which could easily boast more than a dozen Human Kings amongst them.

Yan Yi shook his head, indicating that he didn’t know the answer to that grave question himself.

“Why? Afraid?” muttered Jiu You in her girlish voice, eyeing him through narrowed eyes.

“I, I, I...” Wu Busi grinned bleakly. “The difference is just too great... You can’t blame me for being daunted...”

“Well, you’re a weakling, no doubt about that,” remarked Jiu You dryly, “But an honest one at that.”

Wu Busi could find nothing to argue with that. He had found Jiu You adorable the first day they met, mistaking her as Yan Yi’s granddaughter. He erred further by teasing her playfully, only to be put down by her with only a single finger.

“Don’t worry. Chu Xun will come. Definitely,” said Jiu You confidently. Her eyes sparkled at the sight of the dozen-or-so Human Kings of the Cult, saying, “Although, we need to survive until then.”

“Let’s fight then. As if we’re afraid of them,” growled Lei Bao gruffly.

“Oh? You there... The bearded one... You’re Lei Bao, aren’t you? Come. Come spar with me.”

Zhu Yeqing heard Lei Bao’s words and taunted him, hardly neglecting to throw him a wink too.

That was enough to make Lei Bao puke. He felt his stomach churning with discomfort and he spat, “Gods in Heaven?! How on earth could there be anyone as disgusting as this one?! Do the scums of the Broken Soul Cult enjoy things like this?!”

That angered Zhu Yeqing and he looked livid. A murderous look swirled about him, “Are you seeking death?!”

“And you think a half-man, half-woman queer like you can kill me?” sneered Lei Bao in response.

Lei Bao’s insult filled Zhu Yeqing with so much rage that he wanted to kill him with his own hands. Grinning evilly, he hissed, “I shall take delight in sewing that filthy mouth of yours shut.”

“Filthy? So says the one who looks like feces himself,” mocked Wu Busi.

Zhu Yeqing’s face contorted with fury and the powder on his face began to peel.

“That’s well said, Brother,” giggled Lei Bao.

“Laugh. Have a good laugh; for that’s the last you’ll ever be having,” Zhu Yeqing hissed venomously.

Without any warning, he waved a hand and shot a golden bolt of energy at Wu Busi’s throat.

Wu Busi’s eyes went wide with shock. But the bolt came so quickly and suddenly, catching him off-guard that there was no way he could avoid it.


Jiu You reached out a fair little hand and slapped on the golden ray with as much ease as swatting a fly. It clattered harmlessly on the ground and everyone saw what it actually was: a golden needle about three inches long.

Every member of the intruders stared at Jiu You with disbelief.

“I see. You must be that Jiu You I’ve heard so much about. Aren’t you just the adorable one?” Zhu Yeqing breathed insidiously, his eyes glinting with malice and poison.

Jiu You did nothing to mask the disgust on her little face. Frostily, she challenged, “Do you not want your eyes anymore?”

“My, oh my! Even when you’re talking, you’re just so cute!” mewed Zhu Yeqing, clutching his face like a swooning girl.


Jiu You’s eyes burned with cold fury and she vanished, appearing before Zhu Yeqing. With her creamy-white fists clenched tight, she immediately attacked.

Seeing this, Jin’gang rushed forth, raising his huge sword to meet her.

“No, don’t move,” smiled Zhu Yeqing, “She’s mine.” With that, she leaped forward.

Jiu You’s fist came as ferocious as the winds that the air howled with her.

Unfazed, Zhu Yeqing shrieked a burst of shrill laughter and met her, raising one hand.


Zhu Yeqing’s face fell right after a dismal boom. Jiu You’s fist hammered into him with an unstoppable force, sending tremors that buckled his knees and sent him flying, with a long pair of gullies on the ground for as far as he fell.

“Trash,” scowled Jiu You with contempt. But that was not all; she sped up to him, her fist raised and eager to strike.

A disgusting smile hung still on Zhu Yeqing’s face, although a dark look descended over him. Springing up, he summoned his Internal Breath and his palms burned with white, fuming smolders, and he lunged at Jiu You.

Boom! Boom!

A terrible heat wave rolled everywhere, whisking up sand and dust, and Zhu Yeqing careened away several hundreds of meters, all thanks to a pair of Jiu You’s punches.

Sprawled in a miserable heap on the ground, Zhu Yeqing reeled with disbelief. How could a little girl like Jiu You could possibly possess such might?! Even until now, his arm still throbbed and trembled with pain!

“How could you! You’re a beautiful little girl! Why not come back with me? I’ll buy you toys and dolls.”

The lithe small frame that was Jiu You’s radiated so strong a killing intent and it was all Zhu Yeqing’s fault for taunting her.

Jiu You hardly breathed a word. Instead, she pounced. Her fists blazed with a burning glow and they rumbled like thunders whenever she swung them.

Zhu Yeqing’s eyes glinted. He raised a hand again, grinning vilely, and a golden ray of light shot out of his fingers: another one of his golden needles!

“Simple tricks,” said Jiu You. She snorted and withdrew her fist. Instead, a silvery glint shone and her silver spear materialized proudly in her grasp.


A glittery trail of white light swished after the spear’s tip like a tail.

A shrill scream came from Zhu Yeqing.


The head of the spear pierced into his shoulder, and a mist of blood burst into the air with half of his shoulder gone.

Crying painfully, Zhu Yeqing crashed several hundreds of meters away.

Jiu You’s spear emitted a low, dangerous hum, and she charged straight at Zhu Yeqing again.


Desperately, Zhu Yeqing flung his hand and released tens of golden bolts of light at Jiu You.

She brought her spear around in an arc, and its glittering trail rippled behind, striking down all of the golden needles.


Jiu You released her hold of her weapon and it shot like a silvery dash of lightning streaking towards Zhu Yeqing.


Zhu Yeqing struggled to get up or duck, but the most he was able to do was prevent the spear from hitting his vitals. The tip of the long, deadly weapon barreled through his shoulder blades, pinning him to the ground.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! SAVE ME!” Zhu Yeqing panicked and screamed.

Jiu You was about to lunge and deal the finishing blow when she felt a prickly chill coming from behind. She twisted herself quickly and leaped away. A Sword Qi bolt hit right where she had been standing just a split-second ago, leaving a huge, scary crack on the ground after a great boom.

Two Human Kings threw themselves forward to engage Jiu You.

She reached out and her trusty silver spear shot right back into her grasp and she swung it backwards at her attackers, its tip leaving a sparkling trail behind.

Clang! Clang!

Sparks rose everywhere, and the two long, ebony sabers were parried away.

“You wish to die too?” Jiu You growled, casting a cold glare at the Human Kings who tried to ambush her with her spear raised up, its tip facing them.

But without waiting for an answer, she thrust its shaft forward with the speed of lightning.


A glint sparkled off the tip of the spear, striking cold into the enemies before it. It grazed the edge of one of the black sabers, and released a burst of energy that shattered the black blade. It charged straight on, heading straight for the throat of that Human King.

The Human King’s eyes went wide with horror as he frantically tried to back away. But the spear came too quickly; there was no way he could evade.


More sparks flew. The other Human King parried Jiu You’s spear just in time to deflect it away several inches, saving his comrade’s life.

Jiu You responded with another cold snort. She tipped her spear up, flicking away the black blade of the saber.

The Human King swung his saber relentlessly to block the spear, only for Jiu You to raise aloft her shining spear suddenly, bringing it down with a vicious slam that broke the saber into half.

That shocked the Human King who yelped a cry of surprise, and the force of her blow sent him crashing away.


Blood splashed around. The silver spear smashed the long saber into halves, and bore down on his chest like a ravenous serpent, gnawing a long gash that stretched from his chest down to his stomach.

He was only saved due to his quickness; the stroke could have very well sliced his abdomen opened.

Silence pervaded the compound; a silence so still that one could have heard a pin drop.

There was hardly anyone present who was not daunted by Jiu You’s prowess and valor.

That included Lei Bao as well. For Jiu You had undoubtedly improved since her last battle at Longcheng City.

Jiu You stood proudly, her stern and derisive glare exuding a cold but indomitable presence that dwarfed the pair of Human Kings. It was all thanks to the magical fruit she consumed after the battle of Longcheng City that had helped her power increased so greatly, making her almost on par with any Second-grade Human King.

“A bunch of worthless scoundrels,” her soft, girlish voice belied the murderous and malicious message, “Come at me if Death is what you seek.” She swung her two-meter long spear in a flourish, and her foes did not dare to move.

Many often mistook her as a harmless little girl when she was in fact the very personification of invincibility. With her strength alone, she easily bested three Human Kings and wounded two of them in mere moments. An impressive triumph for her indeed.

“Curious. A little girl with such powers and strength. A rare phenomenon, if I might say. I should take you back and study you,” said an old man suddenly. Standing amongst the intruders, he showed himself—a gnarly, white-bearded old man fully clothed in black, with eyes glinting with piqued interest.

“We should applaud the Master’s wisdom. If we had not come, I daresay the outcome of this mission could very well be different,” added another old man.

Jiu You might have taken out two of the intruders, but the Broken Souls Cult had mobilized more than fifteen Human Kings—a might so impressive that they could have easily flattened this stronghold—for this mission and Jiu You’s heroics had barely weakened them.

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