The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 76: Shock

Chapter 76: Shock

Kang-Ho was planning to move to Seoul with his family after he visited the mass dungeon anyway, but he still needed this city to be peaceful. So, he decided to make Chu Kong guy the leader. After saving Chu Kong from the arrow, Kang-Ho went straight to Kim Min-Soo.

"Who sent you? Why did you save Chu Kong? Do you know him? Come on man you don't have to kill me, we can make de.." Kim Min-Soo started to beg for his life but before he could Kang-Ho slit his throat with his dagger.

After killing Kim Min-Soo Kang-Ho didn't wait around there, he had more things to do. he started to move towards Chu Kong next.

"Hey, thanks for saving my life. I am Chu Kong by the way. How can I ever thank you for saving my life?" Chu Kong said as he extended his hand for a handshake.

"Just don't let anyone from Choi guild get away, that's all." Said Kang-Ho as he shook his hand.

"That's for sure, but." Chu Kong was trying to say something but before he could say something Kang-Ho started to walk away.

'Well I guess I won't know who you are after all huh? I hoped we could have drink sometime.' Thought Chu Kong.

A lot of things happened on the same night, Kang-Ho was worried about his parents and his little sister the most, he couldn't wait to meet them. He hoped they were all fine. At least his sister didn't see the man who was attacking, that was a relief. But he wanted to be with his family as soon as possible, he didn't want them to worry.

Kang-Ho used his skill Void walk to disappear in the shadow and then started to run towards his house, he changed his clothes on the way and put the threw away the dirty ones. Then he went to a store and bought some instant ramen and soju.

Kang-Ho knew that his parents wouldn't be in their house but, there would at least be someone to pick him up. That's why he bought some stuff so that he wouldn't look too suspicious. After sometime Kang-Ho finally arrived in front of his house, and just as he expected there were some men and woman in black suit and their cars were parked right outside of the house.

"Who are you? Why are you in front of my house?" Kang-Ho asked politely after approaching them. It seemed the guy named Ku Chin-Mae was present there too. The guy was taking on phone with someone.

Kang-Ho used his skill and found out that the man was level 200, he was somewhat shocked. He was wondering why is a guy like Ku Chin-Mae working as a bodyguard for his friend. Kang-Ho turned his head around and found out that most of the people present here were about level 150. It seems that Moon Jung was some kind of important person. He decided to ask him later.

"Please sir, your friend will explain everything." Said Ku Chin-Mae as he gave his phone to Kang-Ho. Kang-Ho took the phone and answered.

"Hello!" said Moon jung.

"Moon Jung what's going on here? Why are your bodyguards here in front of my house?" asked Kang-ho with a worried tone.

"I visited your house this evening to give the gift I forgot to bring the last time, when I reached your home two guys tried to kill me. We managed to scare them away, but I thought your parents won't be safe there so I brought them with me to my house. I am sorry for putting your parents at risk. Please follow my bodyguards they will bring you here." Said Moon Jung with an apologetic tone.

"What why would anyone want to harm you? Are you and my parents okay?" asked Kang-Ho with a worried tone, but inside Kang-Ho as relieved that Moon Jung thought the attack was on him and not his parents.

"Come here I will explain everything to you, that place is not safe." Said Moon Jung.

"Alright." Said Kang-Ho and handed the phone to Ku Chin-Mae, after that he was escorted to a car and was taken to the location where Moon Jung and his family were. It seemed Moon Jung brought them to his own old house where they used to live even, they lived in Busan. even after they left it seems they kept the house well checked the house looked as good as new.

Right when the car Kang-Ho was in entered through the gate of the mansion, Kang-Ho felt as he just penetrated a forcefield created through mana. Kang-Ho didn't know if others could also feel the same but he was pretty sure that they couldn't. One needs to have deep understanding of mana like Kang-Ho to feel these kinds of forcefield.

If Kang-Ho wasn't wrong the forcefield was set up to find any intruder that entered the vicinity of the mansion. It seemed that the security was air tight in this place. After entering the gate Kang-Ho could see many people hiding in the shadows most of them high level. It seemed not even a fly could enter the mansion without their permission.

After some time, the car stopped outside of the mansion and there they were standing his parents, little sister and Moon Jung. Right after he got off the car his sister came running and hugged him with teary eyes.

"Oppa, you are okay, we were worried about you." Said Hwa-Young while erasing her tears.

"Don't cry oppa is here" said Kang-Ho as he patted her head.

'I will never let anything happen to you no matter what.' Seeing his sister cry pained Kang-Ho's heart as he made resolve.

"Where did you run off to?" asked his mother with a worried tone.

"I just went out to get some fresh air." Said Kang-Ho as he lifted the bag in which he carried the stuff he brought from the store.

"Don't go out at night it's not safe." Said his mother with a worried tone.

"Alright let's go in and have a talk there, let's not stand outside." said Man-Young as he turned to leave, he didn't show it through words but his eyes couldn't lie he too was worried.

Everyone entered the house and had dinner together they laughed and talked. After the dinner Kang-Ho's parents went to their room with his sister and Moon Jung and Kang-Ho went to the mini bar in the house.

"I have to tell you something, I am sorry I hid this until now but my father is the Hunter association president. I know I should have said it sooner. Now I have even put your family at risk. I didn't think anyone would know me here as the president's son but I guess I was wrong. Please forgive me." Said Moon Jung with a very apologetic tone.

"What Hunter association president?" Kang-Ho acted as if he was shocked, but in reality, he wasn't in that much of shock as he knew that this was the only explanation for so many high-level bodyguards. But he still was quite amazed.

After saying that Moon Jung started to explain how his father became the president.

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