The Hitting Zone

Chapter 1093 V3 Ch327 VS Quincy HS (2)

Garret took the mound as the position players were announced, ending with his own. He did his practice pitches with Mitchell before the first batter of Quincy's stepped up. He got jammed on the cutter, send a slow roller to the mound. Garret was there in a millisecond, picking the ball up and spinning around to throw to Sean at first for the first out. Something similar happened with the next batter for the second out. The third batter went down swinging and we headed for our dugout along the third base side. 

"You're such a ball hog." Noah complained to Garret. "I said grounders to me. To me." He emphasized. "You did two to yourself? C'mon man."

Garret laughed. "Hey, if I could pick where it would go, I would make sure it's just to you. But I'll take what I can get."

"Liar." Noah shot back. "If you could, you would pick strikeouts. I know what you pitchers are thinking about all the time."

"I'm not a pitcher like the twins though." Garret smirked, stopping at his bag. "I'm a hitter." He pulled out his bat and showed it off like a trophy. "And maybe one day, at the end of this season, I'll pass this on to you. Because after the draft, it's just wood bats for me." 

Noah rolled his eyes and got his batting gear on. "Might as well get Jake to hand over one of his bats so you can feel special too."

"Wouldn't his minor league team provide him a bat?" Sean asked, holding his bat and ready to leave the dugout too. 

"It would just be a team provided item, meaning the basics. They ain't gonna cater to you. Maybe in the majors." Noah said. 

Coach clapped his hands to interrupt. "Get a move on or I'll start benching you guys. I don't care if I have to make Kyle the goddam shortstop."

Noah zipped out of here first. Sean wasn't that far behind, needing to go to the on deck circle. I finished pulling my batting gloves on and picked up my bat.

Noah started our offense off with a well-hit stand up double. He looked at Mr. Miller intently, clearly wanting a sign to steal third but it was a no-go. At least, I didn't see a sign for him to steal, but as soon as that pitcher was committed to his motion, Noah was taking off. Sean started his swing and connected, poking a grounder through the gap. With Noah's early head start, he was already coming home when the outfield threw the ball to the catcher. Noah slid over home before a tag could be place. 

"Safe!" 1-0. 

I slapped hands as he headed back in the dugout. 

"That wasn't the sign, Noah." Coach said stiffly. 

I cringed and hurried to the batter's box, not wanting to hear Noah get in trouble. I could understand his need to show off after sitting the bench for a few games. Hopefully Coach isn't upset enough to bench him. 

Mr. Miller gave out the signs, this time really asking for a hit and run because he knew we would succeed. I could hit whatever came my way, and Sean was fast. So fast, that he was able to score off my double from first. 

With three consecutive hits and already down 2-0, the Quincy catcher got up and had a small talk with his pitcher at the mound. I stood alone on second base waiting for the game to resume. It did, with Garret up next. Garret pulled a long fly ball to the left corner. 

"Tag up!" I heard Mr. Miller yell out. 

I tightened my fists, foot on second base until the left fielder made that catch. Then I sprinted to third. Mr. Miller pointed down for a slide. When I was within reach, I dove for the bag. The third baseman must have missed the ball because it ended up hitting me on the leg. 


I sighed with relief before smiling. 

Mr. Miller slapped me on the top of the helmet when I got to my feet. "Good run!"

I nodded. Mostly because I agreed. I didn't think I could tag up on a fly out that went to the same side. 

Jason hit a single to right to drive me home, making it 3-0. I slapped hands with Bryce who headed for the plate. Then Korrey at the on deck circle. Then the rest of the guys in the dugout. 

Our scoring ended with me that inning. Bryce got walked. But then both Korrey and Jesse hit into pop ups to the infield. 

Garret took care of the guys in order during the second inning. The cleanup hitter popped up a ball in foul territory that Sean tracked down. The fifth batter struck out. And the sixth batter in the lineup hit a grounder to me. Which led to a bunch of complaints from Noah. 

"Really, Garret??" Noah chased him back to the dugout. "Even Jake gets a grounder?"

"The guy was a lefty." Garret shrugged. "He's more likely to hit a grounder towards second. Not much I can do about that."

"When Dave's on the mound, I get to see a lot of grounders." Noah grumbled. "I'll vote for him to be the ace of the team."

"I lead in all pitching categories." Garret didn't care about him. 

"Not hitting." Noah stuck his tongue out. "Even I have a double so far. It's like you can't hit when you're on the mound. Pick one or the other."

Garret reached out to slap the back of his head with his gloved hand. "Shut up. I have time."

His time would come soon in the bottom of the second. Mitchell, at the bottom of the lineup, hit a fly out to left. Noah singled. Sean popped out to short, not giving Noah a chance to advance. He was, however, able to get to third off of my single. Bringing Garret up with two outs and runners at the corners. 

Garret came up big, blasting the pitch over my head. I took off running. With two outs, you have to go no matter what. Even if it's caught, just means I'll reach out dugout faster. I rounded second and saw Mr. Miller waving me on. He was doing a big windmill motion as I got closer, telling me to go home. Guess Garret's hit landed fair. I stepped on the corner of third and home was within sight. The catcher was looking to his right, hands up, trying to call for the ball. Just beyond him was Noah, getting the bat out of the way and pointing for me to go down. Again. I saw the catcher crouch and I knew it was time. The ball was being relayed back in. I dove for it, sliding over home plate. The tag came after. 

"Safe!" The umpire extended his arms. 5-0. 

Noah practically lifted me to my feet, slapping me on the back until I was coughing. "Look at you! Just running all over the place today!" He pulled me along back to the dugout and we celebrated with the rest of the guys. We were more on pace to mercy rule these guys with five runs in just two innings. 

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