The Hitting Zone

Chapter 1083 V3 Ch317 @ Redwood HS (3)

Our offense couldn't do much after that though. Mitchell did advance the runner with a sharp groundout to short. But when Joey hit his own grounder to short, the shortstop threw to the catcher at home before Jesse could reach. Jesse tried to retreat back, soon finding himself in a pickle. He was run down for the second out. Dalton hit into a groundout at first, leaving me stranded on deck. Pretty much can guarantee that I'll see an intentional walk next inning. 

Bottom of the second, Joey looked better on the mound. He jammed the first guy, getting him to pop out to Jason in foul territory. The second guy also pulled the ball towards Jason for a groundout. Next up hit a routine fly out to Korrey in left field. We jogged back to the dugout for the third. 

I slowly got ready for my at bat again near Noah. He noticed my reluctance and laughed. "Why do you look like you're being punished? Don't you love batting the most?"

I made a face. "But they won't let me bat. Last inning they walked me with Dalton on and no outs. This will definitely be the same thing since I'm first up."

Noah winced. "Yea. That's a bit of a downer. Tell you what, tomorrow let's go to the cages and just spend the day there. It's been awhile since we've done that."

I nodded. "That'd be nice." A Sunday in the cages is what I could really use. To do what I want completely. Because it wasn't happening here. Not today. As expected, I was intentionally walked to start the inning off. 

My spirits were immediately lifted during Sean's at bat though. He blasted the ball over the left field fence, driving the score up to 4-1. I tagged home and waited for him, happy to celebrate with him and for him. He's been tacking on a lot of homers this year just like me. 

That homer prompted a pitcher change. New guy was effective. He got Garret to ground out to second. Jason went down swinging. And Korrey hit a fly out to left. 

Bottom of the third. Joey was at the eighth batter in the lineup. He hit a grounder my way and I dealt with it easily. I was 2-2 on my grounders so far. The next guy grounded out to Jason. Back at the top of the order, Joey had his rematch with the leadoff guy. Joey may have been doing a little better, but this guy remained hot; hitting a double in the gap. Things felt worse when the next guy followed up with an RBI single, making it 4-2. 

Mitchell jogged to the mound and said a few words before heading back to home plate. I wasn't sure what he said or if it was effective, but it didn't hurt. The next hit a grounder right to Sean, who simply scooped it up and took two steps to step on first base. End of the third. 

Coach approached Joey who had just walked into the dugout. He also had a short conversation before letting Joey go to his bag and get ready for his plate appearance. He would be third up this inning. 

I sat down next to Noah for a minute. At worst, I would end up in the hole but still had some time before I got ready for my at bat. 

"This is closer than I would have thought." I mumbled. 

"It's just an illusion." Noah chuckled. "Last time, after three innings, we were only up 3-0. This just feels closer because they're scoring."

"And because I can't help do anything." I pointed out. "Last time they weren't afraid to face me. What happened?"

"They got smarter?" Noah joked. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"No. But seriously." Noah stopped laughing. "Last time, you had three RBI's and two runs scored. You had a hand in five of the eight runs we had. So they think that if they take you out, they might have a closer game."

"Garret also had four hits and three RBI's." I pointed out.

Noah lifted his hands. "Okay. You got me. I don't know. Maybe because you're average is so high? Garret's is good but not impossible. You're probably breaking some national record." He snapped his fingers. "I've got it! Maybe they want to be able to claim to end your hit streak."

"By walking me? Lame." I slumped in my seat. 

Jesse struck out swinging to start the fourth. The pitcher then walked Mitchell. I started to get ready and stood in the hole just in time to see Joey hit a bloop single to left. Dalton moved to the batter's box and I went out to the on deck circle.

I held my bat tight, hoping. Hoping for another walk. With bases loaded, they would have to pitch to me. Come on, Dalton. I was now impatient, yet focused on the at bat. Dalton fouled off two pitches quick, getting cornered. The third pitch passed for a ball. 1-2 count and Dalton connected, looping a single to right. Mr. Miller held his hands up to stop Mitchell from trying to go home as the ball was relayed back to the infield. 

My heart rate climbed with anticipation. Bases loaded. One out. I could do something. Anything. I took one step towards the batter's box and the catcher headed for the mound to talk with his pitcher. Gotta be talking strategy. Like they might only pitch me breaking balls. Or maybe try to paint the edges of the strike zone hoping for a generous call from the ump. 

I knocked my bat against my cleats, eager to get started. The catcher came back and glanced at me before looking at the ump. "Intentional walk."

The umpire was a little taken aback while I was just crestfallen. He looked at me and gestured. "Take your base."

I slowly turned to our dugout and gave my bat a little toss. Sean, in the on deck circle, was surprised by my move. I started jogging to first and everyone had realized what had happened. Dalton jogged to second, Joey to third, and Mitchell tagged home plate to make it 5-2. 


"Face him head on!"

"You're scared of an underclassmen!?"

Our bullpen was the loudest to object but there was no going back. The damage was done. My third walk of the day and now Sean gets to come up with bases loaded. 

"If it's any consolation, you get credited with an RBI." Coach Riley said as I got set on first. 

I gave him a tight smile. It was hard to complain to others. They didn't understand me as well as Noah. And the twins. And Zeke. And Mom and Dad. This didn't make the game fun for me. An RBI does announce that I helped the team, but I want to do more. I want to be a part of the action. I want to swing my goddam bat. 

I pursed my lips and kicked at the dirt. Sean came up and was ready in the batter's box. He had previously hit a home run yet he got to swing again? I just don't get it sometimes. 

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