The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 2298: Returning to Normal and Dutiful

Chapter 2298: Returning to Normal and Dutiful

On the Immortal Slaying Platform in the Samsara Small Universe, Xu Tui, who had just returned to the small universe of the Heavenly Court and had rushed over to the Immortal Slaying Platform, suddenly felt three gazes that shocked him.

These three gazes landed on Xu Tui's body. They wanted to take away all of his flesh and blood, making Xu Tui feel as if he was being invaded.

Xu Tui naturally saw these three gazes even without deliberately searching.

The gazes of Yuan, Hei Yang, and Chuling were like wolf-like gazes. The gazes of these three people reminded Xu Tui of the gazes of many Muya Human Beasts and ferocious beasts he had encountered. Their gazes were filled with desire.

The desire in the eyes of the Muya Human Beasts and ferocious beasts was to treat Xu Tui as food and eat him up. Then what were the greedy gazes of Yuan, Chuling, and Hei Yang? What were they coveting from Xu Tui?

Xu Tui easily found the answer. It was actually obvious. For example, the two emperor's seals on him. There was also Houtu's Will that he kept in the seal of the Taishan Prefecture, which was as high as 50% of the total number of Houtu's Will in the Samsara Small Universe.

There was also the key to the Fire Spirit Book that he had completely refined. There was also the Heavenly River Chessboard that could carry an army with it. This was once the treasure of the Heavenly Court's War God, Heavenly Emperor Gou Chen.

Each of these was enough for Yuan, Chuling, and Hei Yang to fight for with all their might. Now that all four of them were in Xu Tui's hands, one could imagine how tempting they were to Yuan, Chuling, and Hei Yang.

If Xu Tui had not been on the Immortal Slaying Platform, which had special rules, and could retreat into the small universe of the Heavenly Court at any time, and if these three people were not extremely weak, they would have charged up the Immortal Slaying Platform without regard for anything else.

As long as anyone obtained one of the four treasures that he had now, the three of them would be able to obtain a qualitative change. They might even have the possibility of dominating. If anyone obtained two of them, they would definitely be able to dominate the entire universe and suppress the other two.

If any of them could obtain three or all of them, they would definitely become a universe master. They would solve their greatest hidden danger in the past thousands of years.

Xu Tui suddenly had some thoughts when he sensed the greedy gazes of these three people. In the distance, the battle between the Muyas, the Spiritual Race, and the Great Xi Clan had basically ended. The expeditionary forces of the three races had consumed a lot of energy.

They did not continue fighting. They seized the time to recover and expend their energy. As the commander of the Muya expeditionary army, Pope Qiao An was in a better state. She carefully observed the distance.

She saw this scene as she observed. She saw that Chuling, Yuan, and Hei Yang, the three supreme giants, were looking at Xu Tui, who was on the Immortal Slaying Platform in the distance, like wolves.

This scene shocked Qiao An. When she saw the Lord in the past, he was a supreme Lord without any desires. She had never seen a Lord like today. If Qiao An had to give a description, then Lord Hei Yang at this moment was like a dog drooling. Xu Tui was the dog bone that this dog drooled over.

It was the same for Chuling and Yuan.

Qiao An was shocked. Was Xu Tui that tempting to these three Supremes?

Of course, Qiao An could understand. With the treasures that Xu Tui had displayed during the battle today, especially the two emperor's seals, it was normal for the three of them to have such a performance.


A bold and ridiculous thought suddenly occurred to Qiao An, but she forced it down not long after. The possibility of success was very, very low. Xu Tui would not play with her like this. At the same time, Xu Tui forcefully suppressed the extremely bold thought in his mind. In Xu Tui's opinion, there was still a possibility of success. However, Qiao An might not cooperate with him fully. Moreover, insufficient strength was a huge problem.

Even if the three giants, Chuling, Yuan, and Hei Yang, were in a very weak state, the possibility of killing them was still very, very small, including some of their trump cards.

This was a direction that Xu Tui had a headache in.


Although the current strength of the Blue Star Expeditionary Force had increased hundreds of times compared to two to three years ago, it was still not enough when facing enemies like Hei Yang, Chuling, and Yuan. It was far from enough.

Chuling, Yuan, and Hei Yang naturally understood what the others were thinking. They want to monopolize it. If possible, it would be best if they monopolized the four treasures on Xu Tui's body. That way, they would really be able to achieve their wish.

The problem was that they all wanted to monopolize it. That was a little difficult. They needed an opportunity to monopolize the four treasures on Xu Tui. Unfortunately, Xu Tui was on the Immortal Slaying Platform now. Otherwise, they could have attacked again and killed Xu Tui to test their luck.

In theory, it was possible for everyone to share one of the four treasures. However, whether the one who obtained the two items could leave alive was another matter. With such thoughts in mind, Yuan, Chuling, and Hei Yang each gave follow-up orders to their expeditionary


They had to continue to eliminate the ghost army of the Netherworld in the Samsara Small Universe, especially the Ghost King, Ghost Commander, and Ghost General. They had to kill them.

The three of them stayed in the Reincarnation Division. As long as a Ghost King, Ghost Commander, or Ghost General was killed, the true spirits of these people would be guided back to the Reincarnation Division by Houtu's Will.

Even the Ghost King and the Ghost Commander Seal that they had refined would return.

These three people guarded the Reincarnation Division and easily collected the seals of these Ghost Kings, Ghost Commanders, and Ghost Generals. Then, they absorbed the very little wisp of willpower in the seal into the seals of the Five Ghost Emperors that they controlled.

Although the Will of Houtu collected in a seal was very little, as the numbers accumulated, the amount of will collected was also very considerable.

The three of them also made a brief calculation, or rather, a battle, about the order of collection. In the end, they decided that they would accept one if one came. After each person received a seal, regardless of their level, the next person would receive it.

However, this was not their ultimate goal.

The Samsara Small Universe was breached, but the incomplete body of the Earthly Venerable escaped. Their deeper intention of ordering the expeditionary army to search and kill the Ghost Army of the Netherworld was to search for the escaping Earthly Venerable. Although the possibility of finding it was not high, what if? It would be great if a group of people accidentally found the hiding place of the Earthly Venerable. As long as they discovered the Earthly Venerable again, they would definitely be able to take him down in the shortest time possible. They would have a huge harvest.

Xu Tui, who was a little bored, also left the Samsara Small Universe after observing for half an hour. He left because he had confirmed one thing. The order of the Samsara Small Universe was basically normal. This order not only included the order of reincarnation, but also other orders given by Houtu's Will, such as accepting the true spirits of the living beings in the


The Netherworld had temporarily lost its function, though. The mechanism of judging good and punishing evil could not be used for the time being.

However, it was enough for him, or rather, the Blue Star humans. As long as there was an order for reincarnation, the true spirits of the Netherworld would rush to the various reincarnation passageways to reincarnate as needed.

The details were presided over by Houtu's Will, just like the guide rules of the small universe.

In other words, the problem of the Spiritless Illness that would directly exterminate the Blue

Star humans had basically been resolved.

It would take some time to completely solve the problem.

"Lieutenant Wei, you can inform the Blue Star that the problem of the Spiritless Illness has basically been resolved. A day later, the newborn would be born normally. A normal newborn might be born thirty minutes later. You can stop those special medical measures now." Xu Tui sent an urgent message to Wei Bin in the small universe of the Heavenly Court. "Really?" Wei Bin's voice was filled with surprise. He knew how depressed and tragic the Blue Star had been during this period of time. Only Wei Bin knew how much pressure he was under. A newborn was the hope of the Blue Star humans. It was the hope of a race.

"Yes!" Xu Tui gave an affirmative answer.

"Alright, I'll announce it immediately!"

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Tui said, "Lieutenant Wei, let's hold off on making it

public. Let's inform the higher-ups of the Blue Star and the various medical institutions first. We'll announce it a day later when it's completely normal."

Wei Bin immediately became nervous when Xu Tui said that. "Commander, will there be


"It's unlikely to repeat it completely. However, there's no guarantee that it won't happen


"Alright, I understand."

Most of the Will of Houtu that had been refined by the Earthly Venerable returned to the Samsara Small Universe and returned to freedom. The rules of reincarnation would definitely

return to normal.

However, Chuling, Yuan, and Hei Yang were still in the Samsara Small Universe. There might

be some changes. What was worse was that Xu Tui understood that he would not be able to

appear in the Samsara Small Universe for the time being. Even if he went, he could only stay on the Immortal Slaying Platform. That was why he reminded him. "Commander, on behalf of the billions of Blue Star humans, I thank you. You've worked


Xu Tui did not expect Wei Bin to say that. Suddenly, he felt a little touched. Was it hard? It was not hard. "It's my duty!" Xu Tui ended the call after replying. Then, most of the Blue Star Expeditionary Force stayed in the small universe of the Heavenly Court to recuperate and


On the other hand, Xu Tui brought Erera, Qu Qingshan, Wen Shao, Mei Sen, Yan Xuejin, and Dai Lijun, the fire-type supernatural beings, and headed straight for the Fire Origin Universe. Even though he was already the master of the Fire Origin Universe, he could not protect so many people from cultivating and fighting in the Fire Spirit Hall of the Fire Origin Small Universe at the same time.

However, Xu Tui had two Emperor's Seals. An Emperor's Seal could protect a person from fighting in the Fire Origin Universe. It could protect two people from cultivating in the Fire

Origin Universe. It could barely allow a few of them to cultivate. However, Xu Tui's goal was to let them fight in the Fire Origin Small Universe.

At this moment, Xu Tui wanted to make another attempt.

It was a very important experiment!

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