The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 2259: An Unwasted Feast

Chapter 2259: An Unwasted Feast

The moment the holy light clone of Hei Yang was completely destroyed, the morale of the remaining Muya elites instantly collapsed. They were all very familiar with the Lord's glorious and surging aura.

No one in the entire Muya Holy Temple had that glorious and vast aura. Even the Pope did not have it. Only their supreme lord has it. In their understanding, the supreme Lord was invincible and supreme. But now, the main holy light clone has been killed.

This was a huge blow to their morale. It was indescribable. Many of the experts of the Muyas had been fighting back and forth with the Planetary realm experts of the Blue Star. At this moment, their morale suddenly collapsed. In an instant, they were severely injured.

This made many Blue Star elites happy, but also a little disappointed. Originally, they had treated the elites of the Muyas as their whetstones. They had taken the opportunity to sharpen their rapidly increasing strength and increase their combat strength. But now, the whetstone was useless.

In an instant, the Blue Star Expeditionary Force locked onto the end of this battle. Including the two fanatic elders, the 47 Nine Satellites and more than 500 elite Planetary realm experts of the Muya army were completely defeated by less than 300 elites from the Blue Star.

Xu Tui did not even have the chance to use the second and third contingencies he had prepared. After searching and sensing for a while, he did not find the remnant aura of Hei Yang. The Holy Light clone had really been killed.

Just because he had killed Hei Yang's holy light clone did not mean that he could rest easy in this battle. On the contrary, true danger was about to arrive. For example, if the power clones of Hei Yang, the Spiritual Race's Holy Ancestor and the others were killed, their true bodies would descend next.

Compared to the power clones, it was more difficult and consuming for existences like them to descend on a planet from billions of miles away. However, this was relative to power at their level.

According to Qiao An, if their Lord Hei Yang's true body woke up from the Holy Land and attacked Planet Luoji at full speed, it would not take more than 30 minutes. This referred to passing through a cosmic tunnel. It might be faster if he used some special methods to descend.

However, special methods often represented greater consumption. In theory, Hei Yang's true body could also directly descend on Planet Luoji through activating the holy power tunnel. However, that was only in theory.

This was because if he wanted to activate a holy power channel that could allow Hei Yang's true body to pass through, the amount of holy power required would be an astronomical figure. Not to mention the holy power accumulated by the statues in a Holy Temple on Planet Luoji, even the holy power accumulated in all the statues on Planet Luoji was not enough.

If he wanted to activate it, he would probably need the holy power accumulated by the statue of the Holy Temple on about ten planets.

Xu Tui agreed with this. Even the remnant soul of Heavenly Emperor Gou Chen had said that the conservation of energy discovered on the Blue Star was the simplest law in the universe.

No one, including the saints in the past, could escape this law.

From this point of view, the Blue Star Expeditionary Force should have a safe time of about 30 minutes. At the very least, he had 20 minutes of safety. However, Xu Tui still gave the order firmly. "Everyone, attack with all your might. End the battle in five minutes. Then gather and retreat from the ground. We have to complete the retreat within eight minutes."

Xu Tui was extremely cautious. Although there were still many enemies left, it was enough for the combat strength of the Blue Star Expeditionary Force.

In the distance, Pope Qiao An's joy was indescribable. The moment Hei Yang's holy light clone was completely destroyed, Qiao An sensed a breakthrough.

Yes, a breakthrough! She had already comprehended several holy power rules to the extreme, but she could not break through even if she wanted to.

It was a little like climbing a pole. She had already climbed to a certain height and still had the strength to continue climbing. However, she could not climb up no matter what. The reason was very simple-there was someone above her head.

Someone was occupying the climbing position above her head. She could not climb higher even if she had the strength.

However, the moment Hei Yang's holy light clone was destroyed, Qiao An suddenly felt it was empty above her head. The upper area of the climbing area was empty. There was no one else. She could continue to climb.

The opportunity to break through had arrived. Her plan had succeeded! She could break through to the Small Universe Realm. Even though she would be weaker when she broke through to the Small Universe Realm, it would be more difficult for their master, Hei Yang, to devour her again. She also had a foundation to resist.

Despite her joy, Qiao An was also very calm. She knew very well that she was facing another huge danger-the threat of the Blue Star Expeditionary Force.

Commander Xu Tui was not someone who could be easily fooled. How could he let go of her, the Pope, so easily after destroying Hei Yang's Holy Light clone? Furthermore, she was the severely injured Pope.

Qiao An suddenly transformed into another clone with an extremely weak aura. Then, this clone brought along her previous clothes and even a portion of her blood. It turned into a beam of holy light and quickly fled.

On the other hand, Qiao An's true body quickly contracted and turned into a ball of holy light, hiding in the statue worshiped by a Muya family. The statue emitted a faint holy light and fused with the holy power aura of her true body, completely covering her aura. There were too many such small statues on the planet ruled by the Muyas.

Xu Tui also received the extremely obscure mental magnetic pillar mark that he had left behind when he fought Qiao An. It was very weak. However, he found it with his full senses.

"Principal Wen, follow me."

Xu Tui left with Wen Xinglun. The two of them turned into rolling lightning and quickly left. Twenty seconds later, they found Qiao An, who had just hidden in a remote temple. Under the lightning, 'Qiao An' turned into ashes.

However, the mental fluctuations it emitted stunned Xu Tui. It was another clone. He had been tricked. This was the clone that Qiao An had used to distract him. Her true body had probably escaped or been completely hidden. There were less than six minutes before the entire army retreated. It would probably be very difficult to find Qiao An again. It had to be said that Qiao An was too cunning.

Xu Tui had wanted to kill her too. He did not expect her to be prepared.

Qiao An, who was hiding in the miniature statue in the house of the Muya residents, heaved a sigh of relief when she sensed that her clone had been destroyed. The fact that her clone had been destroyed meant that Xu Tui had been attracted away and had not caught up to her true body. Then she would be safe.

Then, Qiao An's holy power began to completely lie dormant, not daring to move at all. Even if Xu Tui personally came in front of the miniature statue, he would not be able to discover the hidden Qiao An with his mental perception unless he completely explored it with his mind


Xu Tui was a little disappointed that he could not kill Qiao An together. However, successfully separating the top forces of the Muyas was a good thing. Just as Xu Tui and Wen Xinglun were turning into lightning and returning to the main group, he suddenly received an urgent report

from Ah Huang.

"Xu Tui, we have detected an extremely strong fluctuation of holy power in the Holy Temple of Planet Luoji. It is suspected that a holy power channel has formed."

Ah Huang sent the image to Xu Tui.

Currently, because many of the quantum dimensional chains of the Blue Star Expeditionary Force had been strengthened, the military supplies they carried had greatly increased. Therefore, they would quickly build a temporary quantum communication tower that could form a temporary communication network on a planet.

Ah Huang was reporting through this network.

Xu Tui instantly saw this scene. On the screen, the statue of the largest temple on Planet Luoji that was being monitored had already bloomed with a dazzling milky white light. Originally, this was the main battlefield against Hei Yang's Holy Light clone.

According to the previous plan, Hei Yang's Holy Light clone would eventually descend from here. Correspondingly, the main arrangements of the Blue Star Expeditionary Force were also here.

No one expected Hei Yang's Holy Light clone to descend through the fanatic elder as a medium. Then what was this holy power tunnel now? Did his true body come over?

Xu Tui rejected this possibility in an instant. The possibility of Hei Yang's true body coming over was too low. This was because the amount of holy power accumulated in the statue in the Holy Temple was definitely not enough. Moreover, the movements were different. Looking at the images of the holy light fluctuations transmitted in real time, including the strength of the various data, it was similar to when he had descended through the body of the


In other words, it was another holy light clone. This was because Hei Yang had become angry from embarrassment because a holy light clone had been destroyed. He also sensed the holy power in the statue of Planet Luoji and activated the holy power tunnel to forcefully descend.

In theory, as long as Hei Yang's Holy Light clone successfully descended, he could sweep through everything.

Xu Tui's heart skipped a beat when he thought of this. This was a trap that Hei Yang did not realize at all. Hei Yang probably still thought that the destruction of his holy light clone was

just an accident.

"Ah Huang, follow the plan. When the holy power fluctuations reach their limits, the

countdown will be detonated in a second!"

"Roger that."

In the Holy Temple statue on Planet Luoji, a holy power tunnel was quickly blooming. When

the holy power tunnel was blooming to the extreme, a boundless mind power fluctuation suddenly crossed the tunnel.

The moment this boundless mind power fluctuated over, the entire holy power tunnel


Just before the holy power tunnel fluctuated, Ah Huang had already followed the procedure and detonated the 20 three-phase thermal bombs placed around the statue.

The moment the 20 three-phase thermal bombs exploded at the same time, the entire Holy

Temple was razed to the ground. A mushroom cloud with a radius of dozens of kilometers

rose from the ground.

Without a doubt, the statue and the holy power passageway were all obliterated at this moment, leaving nothing behind.

Three seconds later, while the mushroom cloud was still rising and the horizontal Illuminate

dissipated, a group of drones quickly flew out of the underground bunker and blasted out ten balls of lightning from afar.

To be precise, it threw out eight balls of lightning.

These eight balls of lightning were a large amount of lightning supernatural power that Xu

Tui, Ullr, Wen Xinglun, and Liu Kai had accumulated over the past few days. They used the

drone to detonate it.

The explosion of the lightning instantly annihilated all mental fluctuations.

This included the extremely powerful mental body that was left behind after the 20 three-

phase thermal bombs were detonated. However, it was also annihilated on the spot by the lightning purification.

This was the feast that Xu Tui had prepared for Hei Yang's Holy Light clone from the


The purpose of the combination of technology and supernatural power was to minimize the

loss of personnel.

Xu Tui had thought that it was useless. However, he did not expect it to be used again after

two minutes.

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