The Good Teacher

Chapter 214 Interlude - Conversation Between Multidimensional Beings (Part One)

I will be resuming the regular upload schedule.


The place between realms, in a state of existence and non-existence, where time is immaterial - both flowing and stagnant - two otherworldly beings congregated for reasons beyond mortal comprehension. The beings did not have a visible form, not for the average mortal eyes at least. Amidst the void-black backdrop, their presence was momentary and infinite, all-encompassing and minuscule. They were juxtaposition manifest.

[I didn't think you would come here, Mast,] the first being commended with an intonation implying cheer. [Did you finally grow tired of your human?]

(On the contrary,) the other being responded with a recreation of mirth in their voice. (Everything is moving according to my plan, barring a few... unpredicted deviances. However, I expect the end result to match my initial estimates. It seems that you have taken a truly hands-off approach with yours?)

[Oy...] the first being emulated a sigh. [I think I made a mistake. I should have vetted my human prior to bringing him here.]

(That's exactly what I told you to do. Look at me, I ran simulations over simulations with my human before migrating him to this world.)

[I thought it didn't matter. Tron groaned that his world wasn't moving forward as quickly as he'd hoped. I figured if I brought a mortal from my world, which has advanced to a significantly higher degree, it would help move his world's progression as well,] the being whined in response.

To that, Mast released a tutting noise, which was miraculous given how the beings lacked the muscle and bone for it. (That's where you are wrong my little sister Moni. You evaluate these mortals from a lens of non-conforming entities such as ourselves. Mortals are notorious for their selfish desire for self-fulfilment above others. They do not follow common logic unless they are given proper motivation to do so.)

[That's exactly what I did!] Moni retorted dramatically. [To provide my human with the proper drive, I even formulated certain achievements as 'Missions' according to those digital entertainment platforms they call games. I took your advice and implemented positive and negative reinforcement, yet the man consistently misconstrued my instructions and took them to destructive extremes.]

(Give me an example,) Mast declared.

[Well, there was an instance where I probed my human to motivate an audience to research new avenues for alchemical products. However, instead of taking the constructive route to recruit the group and ushering them forward together, the man took the least optimum approach of antagonising the leader of the audience and thoroughly humiliating him. How does that help in boosting the advancement of civilisation?] Moni berated exasperatedly. [Why is it that your human is generating greater advancements while mine is stagnating?]

(The issue is in the selection of the mortal, Moni,) Mast narrated. (The human you picked perceived himself to be living an unfulfilled life. He probably had hopes and expectations that he failed to accomplish in his previous life which he is now projecting into this new life, and is overcompensating in the process. Furthermore, the human you picked probably thinks that he is the one that is the centre of focus in this world - in other words, he must feel entitled?)

[Right you are!]

(My human is the exact opposite. He had very few hopes and dreams but had access to anything he could want. Through my observations, I have found that it is often easier to turn a passive mortal to be more active in their life than to achieve the opposite. You must be tired of trying to leash your mortal, correct?)


(Apart from that, I have other factors in play that are tilting things in my favour. The pawn I selected was vetted through innumerable levels and is the only one from my world that matched all my required criteria. He has a reason to stay in this world, vis-a-vis a mortal who is a facsimile of another mortal from his past life who he failed to consummate his emotional longing with. He has a reason to help improve this world, with all the younglings depending on him and egging his natural instinct to nurture.)

[I mean... I didn't consider all those details. But the human I chose worked in a massive repository that stored a vast collection of knowledge from my world. Yet the man isn't even using it! That was his entire purpose of existence here!]

(It is one thing to know, and another to teach. One without knowledge of a subject can still teach it if they have the capacity for it. Your human cannot teach, he is far too self-absorbed and impatient. My human is trained and has ample experience in teaching. You forget that to implement lasting advancement in this world, a single entity is insufficient. Only by gradual propagation of knowledge can there be a lasting impact.)

[You really did think this through, didn't you?]

(Of course I did, it's the safety of my world that's at stake. Why would I not? The question is why aren't you taking this more seriously?)

There was silence.

(I see... You intend to use my world as a buffer if this world falls,) Mast commented icily.

[I-It's not like that.]

(If this world falls, I will surrender my world,) Mast interjected.

[What? Why?]

(My allegiance is with Tron, not you. Your negligence will cost you dearly, Moni.)

[You can't do that-]

Once again, her hysterical response was interjected by a sudden warp in space. Visible only to higher-order perception, a third entity came into existence in the area.

[This is where the two of you have been hiding?] A stern voice demanded. [What were you two thinking? Are you trying to further destabilise my already precarious world?]

(On the contrary, we were trying to help you.)

[How would that be? By bringing in two anomalies? If I didn't know that it was you two, I would have mistaken it for an invader! I hope you realise just how much your interference has cost me. My world was in the process of splitting into a multiverse because of what you two did. Do you know how difficult it is to maintain a multiversal world? Ask Oaa and their ilk - although it yields a large bounty it is equally difficult to tend to. Beings crossing between multiverses, redundancies and rampant quantum annihilation events, and worst of all time-travel!]


[For the first time, you aren't the one at fault,] Tron said with a human-like sigh. [Your interference has been assimilated into my world's sequence without much hassle. It is Mast's that is still threatening my world's stability. Moni, leave while I converse with this one.]

Without a moment lost, one of the beings escaped from the space. After their departure, silence took hold.

[There is an issue with the being you brought in. No matter how much I try to integrate it into my world's sequence, it starts to deviate. I have to actively exert my influence to stop that from happening. What are you trying to do?] There was a threatening force in Tron's voice which caused the only other entity in the room to flinch.

(I'm only trying to help,) Mast said with difficulty.

[That is not how it looks from where I am standing.]

(I apologise for shifting the blame, but this is partly your fault.)

[WHAT?!] Tron evoked, causing the space to quake menacingly.

(I did not expect the laws of this world to be so fragile. To borrow a mortal phrase, it is balancing at the tip of a needle. Much to my annoyance, it was sheer coincidence that resulted in this issue. Your laws governing the nature of souls in this world are flimsy. All I did was provide a power derived from extraworldly energy, but it ended up interfering with a law that you set on how mortals can cultivate spirituality to augment their souls.)

[So that's what it was...]

(You're being uncharacteristically lax with your management of this world, Brother.)

[It's not like I have a choice,] Tron answered bitterly. [My other world is at the brink of assimilation with the invading world builder, and I don't even know how they did it. They are intimated with my signature, they will know the location of this world soon. In fact, they already do! There was a preliminary probe attacking this world a while back. I had to crack down on the laws governing spatial anomalies at great personal costs. I need the mortals of my world to become stronger to stand a chance against the invader since their attack patterns are highly unconventional.]

(Which is why I brought in this mortal. Is he not showing results?)

[He is,] Tron admitted. [If not for the frequent destabilising events, I would personally commend your decision.]

(It only happens when the mortal tries to manifest the power drawn from extraworldly energy, right?)

[That is correct.]

(Stop trying to actively integrate my mortal into your world's sequence.)

[But that will cause my world to split!]

(Only do so in the short term. Treat the mortal as a singularity, whose state is only verifiable within the immediate vicinity of their existence,) Mast suggested.

[That will introduce innumerable uncertainties in the determination of a stable timeline. What you're asking me to do is to treat this mortal as the focal point of my world?] Tron responded in disbelief. [You ask for me to put all of my faith in this mortal?]

(We are multidimensional entities, faith is a mortal emotion,) Mast answered with an emulated chuckle.

[Our kind persists that we are different from the mortals that roam our worlds, yet we all succumb to the same fear of demise. Ironic, isn't it?] Tron commented. [I hastily created this world to escape demise, something any other mortal would do - clinging onto a faint thread of hope that can offer some solace of survival or retribution. Once this world falls, which is my conclusion based on current trends, what will you do?]

(If this world is assimilated, I will surrender,) Mast confessed.

[Just like that?]

(I exist because you took me under your protection. You helped me stabilise my world, and taught me everything. If I cannot repay that favour by saving you from the danger that threatens you, then what is my reason for existence? To approach this from a rational point of view: If your world falls, there is little I can do to stop mine from following down the same path anyways.)

[Does Moni share the same opinion?]

(Moni's opinion and decision are irrelevant. You should be able to gauge her perspective after observing the impact of her interference in your world. Moni's mortal has accomplished nothing and has done little to progress your world.)

Another bout of silence reigned in the void-black space.

[Share your plan with me. I do not like being kept in the dark on matters concerning my own world. Tell me everything there is to know about this mortal named Guy.]

(I shall do so,) Mast responded with a monotonous drone that betrayed a sense of excitement.

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