The Girl Who Struggled Through Palace Intrigues to Become the Empress

Chapter 83: Mind of the Queen

Chapter 83

Feng Luan Palace.

Since Xiao Jingheng left last night, the Empress had barely slept a wink.

She watched the falling snow growing denser and denser outside her window, slowly piling up on the eaves.

It was as if it was also piling up in her heart, chilling her to the bone.

The next morning when Frost Ru entered to attend to the Empress's morning ablutions, she saw the Empress already fully dressed and standing at her desk, copying out Buddhist sutras by hand.

Not daring to bring up last night's events for fear of upsetting the Empress, she simply said:

“Your Majesty, the snow has stopped outside. You need not grant morning audiences to the Six Palaces today.”

The Empress was silent for a moment, waiting until she had finished the line she was writing. Then she replied:

“It's bitter cold and snowy outside, I don't want them making trips back and forth. Have someone notify the Six Palaces that they need not come pay their respects to Us from today up until New Year's Eve.”

Frost Ru obeyed and quickly instructed others to carry out the order. By the time she came back, she had brought someone with her.

“Your Majesty, Superintendent Jiang is here.”

The Empress raised her eyebrows at Jiang Deshun. With a more or less serene expression she asked:

“Superintendent Jiang, what brings you here at this hour?”

Jiang Deshun bowed with hands clasped and said:

“In reply to Your Majesty, His Majesty said that with the bitter cold this winter, he wishes to spend the season at the Hot Spring Mountain Villa. He has specially sent me here to inform Your Majesty. His Majesty said that you may decide who else shall go along to the Hot Spring Mountain Villa.”

He paused, sounding slightly embarrassed as he added:

“There is just one thing. His Majesty wants Concubine Song to accompany him on this trip.”

The Empress's writing brush faltered. The page full of her graceful calligraphy was quite abruptly stained with a splash of jarring ink.

Yet her face betrayed no change in expression. She nodded imperceptibly to Jiang Deshun and gently replied:

“We are aware. With the chill these days, when attending to His Majesty make sure to add a cup of medicinal tea to nourish his qi and blood, and help stave off the cold.”

Jiang Deshun smiled and said: “Your Majesty's kindness and benevolence towards His Majesty is boundless. This servant shall certainly heed your instructions and attend to His Majesty diligently.”

Having conveyed his message, he also did not tarry longer. Claiming duties to attend to, he bowed and took his leave.

After Jiang Deshun left, Frost Ru put aside the Buddhist sutra the Empress had marked up. As she slowly rolled it up, she couldn't help commenting:

“I wouldn't have thought His Majesty values Concubine Song so highly. The honor of accompanying him to the Hot Spring Mountain Villa is usually only granted to consorts of rank. As a lowly concubine, it goes against propriety for Concubine Song to come along.”

Lowering her voice, she reminded the Empress:

“The Dowager Empress will certainly be accompanying His Majesty on this trip. Her Ladyship places utmost importance on propriety. There will surely be words said about this. Shouldn't Your Majesty remind His Majesty?”

The Empress spread open a fresh sheet of paper. As she swiftly copied out the Buddhist sutra, she casually replied:

“Didn't you hear Jiang Deshun say that His Majesty tasked Us to decide who shall go? If the matter of Concubine Song angers the Dowager Empress and she questions Us, can We tell her that His Majesty insisted on bringing Concubine Song?”

She shook her head with a laugh. “His Majesty is the Son of Heaven, how could the Son of Heaven be at fault? If the Dowager Empress asks, We can only say We made the arrangements. That way, in her eyes the one flouting propriety would only be Ourself.”

Hearing this, a shade seemed to pass through Frost Ru's eyes. Helplessly she said, “Which means Your Majesty will be wrongfully implicated again.”

“What does it implicate upon Us?” The Empress picked up the newly copied sutra. Looking it over with satisfaction, she handed it to Frost Ru and said, “As head of the inner palace, of course We must serve His Majesty well.”

After Frost Ru put away the Buddhist sutra, she swiftly brought over the layout of the Hot Spring Mountain Villa.

The Empress glanced over it briefly, then pointed to two structures inside and asked:

“If I remember correctly, I heard that repair work had begun on the Yingchun Pavilion and Ting Yu Pavilion in the villa after His Majesty's birthday last month. It probably hasn't been completed yet, right?”

Frost Ru nodded in confirmation. The Empress frowned at the blueprint.

Winters were usually warm in the capital, bitter cold ones like this year were rare once in decades.

Therefore, opportunities to use the Hot Spring Mountain Villa paled considerably compared to the Summer Mountain Villa.

For instance, this was Emperor Xiao's first time going since his enthronement.

As visits were infrequent, simplistic construction was advocated when building the villa.

There were only eight living quarters able to house masters.

With the Yingchun Pavilion and Ting Yu Pavilion still under renovation, that left only six structures.

Moreover, these living quarters had no annexes. It was improper for multiple masters to reside together.

Frost Ru counted on her fingers. “His Majesty and Your Majesty will certainly be going. The Dowager Empress will accompany him. His Majesty specifically named Concubine Song to come along as well. Then doesn't that leave only two quarters for the remaining consorts?”

The Empress shook her head. “Not two, only one. Since Noble Consort Xiao has a child on the way, how can We leave her behind in the palace?”

Frost Ru pondered briefly before suggesting:

“In any case, His Majesty said you may decide who goes. Just choose one from among Consorts Yin, Yun and Shu. Yesterday was the 15th, His Majesty should have spent the night in your palace. Yet Consort Chen had no regard for propriety and used tricks to lure His Majesty away! She craves his favor; you should leave her behind in the palace and let her crave her fill! See who still entertains her then!”

There was urgency in Frost Ru's tone. The Empress couldn't help chiding her, “Consort Chen still holds the rank of consort. Is it proper for you to disparage your mistress behind her back like so?”

Frost Ru quickly apologized. “Your Majesty's reproach is apt. This slave spoke out of turn...”

The Empress did not dwell on it further. She went on:

“You said not to allow Consort Chen to come, but We insist on letting her accompany Us, lest His Majesty thinks We harbor the same petty mindset as Consort Chen.”

“But if you let her come along, with how often she oversteps her bounds and His Majesty turns a blind eye, won't Your Majesty have to swallow offense from her every day?”

“What offense can she give Us?” The Empress gave a derisive laugh. “We never planned on going in the first place. Consort Shu has been depressed since losing her child. We wish to give up Our spot for her to go with Consort Chen, to cheer her up.”

Hearing the Empress say this, Frost Ru felt even more awful:

Emperor Xiao was going to the Hot Spring Mountain Villa to spend the winter.

It was only the end of the tenth month now; this trip would last at least until New Year's Eve.

If the Empress did not accompany him, it would mean nearly a month and a half without seeing Emperor Xiao.

Yet as a mere servant, there were many words of dissuasion she could not voice, so she could only ache for her mistress and say:

“Your Majesty is truly too kindhearted, always thinking of the big picture. Compared to you, Consort Chen should be ashamed.”

The Empress dismissed this with a smile. “We are the Empress, His Majesty's primary wife. What is there to compete with a concubine over?”

She handed the blueprint of the Hot Spring Mountain Villa back to Frost Ru. “Go inform the Six Palaces of this news.”

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