The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 3: Escape (3)

Chapter 3: Escape (3)

Descending the steep, dark path with only the moonlight for guidance,

Kang-hoo recalled the myriad of situations that had unfolded simultaneously just moments before.

During the escape, he had killed three guards, a deviation from the original story.

Considering my insignificant role in this world, such a change in the future is unlikely.

He hoped the future wouldnt twist until he had grown strong enough.

For then, he could leverage his knowledge.

Regardless, the days events signified a contract with a constellation three years ahead of schedule.

He steeled himself to grow stronger.

He had to fiercely and continuously exploit this trait and ability.

Otherwise, his escape would lose its purpose.

Rustle. Rustle.

Footsteps gradually grew closer along the slope.

Though dawn was breaking, he couldnt make out who was approaching, but one thing was clear:

Its a hunter who has made a contract with a constellation.

The red dot visible above the head of the pursuing hunter gave it away.

This clue was thanks to the activation of his Constellation Plunder ability, acquired after his pact with the Dimension Plunderer.

A constellation detection ability that automatically marks a red dot above the heads of those with a constellation.

[Skilled Empathizer]

[A neutral constellation with the ability to track mana.]

Ah, so thats how theyre tracking me. They can sense the flow of mana.

This realization explained how someone could locate him in the dark without any visible light source.

Unless it was an exceptional case, the hunters level would be no lower than 100.

Typically, one made a pact with a constellation upon reaching level 100

A process known as Selection.

Of course, pacts could be forged at much lower levels too.

Lower-ranked constellations sometimes deliberately chose early bonds with unsuspecting contractors.

In the end, everything hinged on individual prowess.

However, with a level 100 hunter on his trail, he knew luck alone wouldnt save him.

He needed to avoid a direct confrontation.


Draw them in and strike.

Kang-hoo had this thought as he came to a stop behind a thick tree that loomed before him.

It was a perfect hiding spot, where one could guess but not see their opponents position.


Kang-hoo cut his palm with the long sword he wielded.

Then, with his hand dripping fresh blood, he gripped a stone tightly.

The stone quickly became heavily stained with blood.

After a brief moment.


He thrust the bloodied stone into the tree at eye level with force.

The tree trunk, deeply indented, easily accommodated the flat stone.

He pulled all his remaining mana and infused it into the stone once more.

Holding his breath, he suppressed his hyper-sensitive mana state.

If he left it as it was, it would explosively draw in surrounding mana.

That would completely undermine his camouflage.


Engaging in an activity he should avoid, he was immediately struck by nausea and a metallic taste in his mouth.

It was a sign he was about to faint from hypersensitivity.

His body couldnt cope with the excessive mana use and recovery in such a short span.

Kang-hoo bit down hard on his teeth.

As he evaded an attack targeting the tree behind him, his body grew transparent.

Whish! Whish! Bang!

The hunter, who had rapidly closed in, launched himself forward with immense force, using his movement skill.

He felt the mana precisely behind the tree and unleashed his firepower there without a second thought.

You rat-like bastard!

He wielded an axe.


The heavy blade struck the tree with such force that it shook violently, the impacted area splitting diagonally.



The most vital presence was absent.

Kang-hoo was nowhere to be seen.

The hunter, realizing his effort was in vain, suddenly faced a sharp longsword thrust from an unexpected direction.



The longsword that had penetrated below the jaw went straight through the middle of the face and came out above the forehead.

Kang-hoos aim was true.

Even a high-level hunter didnt have a steel jaw.

The hunter made the mistake of letting his guard down, trusting his abilities and being certain of Kang-hoos location.

[You have killed the target and plundered the contract with 'Skilled Empathizer.']

['Skilled Empathizer' is now subjugated to 'Dimension Plunderer,' and cannot escape except through annihilation or contract termination.]

[All abilities of 'Skilled Empathizer' are now inherited by you.]

The message meant the hunter was dead, or there was no chance of survival.

Gu, Gurk, Gurk

With a look of disbelief, the hunter fell, clutching at Kang-hoo as he could.

No known hunter could plunder a constellations contract and claim it as their own.

If one existed, he would have remembered.

Because it was an almost fraudulent ability.

Yet, the escapee who had just thrust a longsword into his face possessed such an absurd power.


The hunter collapsed.

The heart that had stopped could not beat again.

[View Additional Abilities]

[Mana Tracking Ability]

[Night Vision]


He had acquired a useful skill.

As soon as he obtained the night vision ability, his dark surroundings changed as if he had donned infrared night vision goggles.

The mana tracking ability would assist in finding hidden enemies, just as this hunter had tracked him.



Perhaps from overusing mana again with that recent strike, this time he couldnt suppress the unbearable urge to vomit.

It was so severe that red blood mixed into the vomit.

Just a little more strain and Ill die right here.

Kang-hoo surveyed his surroundings.

Just then, a new road caught his eye, a bit further down the slope.

Nearby, a dump truck loaded with sand was approaching.

First, I need to take care of this

Kang-hoo, head spinning, clenched his hands around an axe, a necklace, and a bracelet he had taken from the dead hunter.

He didnt have time to examine their composition; he sprinted at full speed and hurled himself onto the sand in the truck.


His body merged with the sand.


Kang-hoo exhaled a heated sigh, gazing up at the dawn sky.

So damn clear.

He was lost in thought for a long while, captivated by the twinkling stars, pondering where to begin.

First, he needed to find a safe place.

Thirty minutes later.

A man who had just received news from Cheongmyeong Detention Center was reviewing the contents.

Kang Dong-hyun.

He was the third in command within Eclipse, a crime organization, ranked only below the enigmatic first and second.

Eclipse, notorious in the Chungcheong region for labor exploitation, employed many workers in the magic stone mines, as magic stones had recently surged in value.

With the advent of the hunters era, some minerals had transformed into magic stones, and Cheongmyeong Mountain contained one such mine.

Thinking of walking out the main gate, are we? Such confidence is unbecoming of a detaineemust have been his weapon.

Kang Dong-hyun gave a nod.

He admired Kang-hoos ability to find the most certain answer, though he was clueless about how he came up with it.

[Shin Kang-hoo]

[Level 10. Assassin class.]

[All items were confiscated upon admission, and no further development information is available. No known residence information either.]

He scrutinized the report that detailed Kang-hoos information.

Like most detainees, Kang-hoo had beginner-level specs, barely capable of fighting guards effectively.

Regardless of skill, one guard could easily subdue such an individual.

Even the lowest-ranking third-class guards possessed basic skills at level 35 or above.


A level 10 hunter took down two guards, levels 45 and 55, and even one with a constellation at level 100? Crazy bastard.

Kang Dong-hyun lit a cigarette, the flame illuminating his face.

Taking the report at face value made him feel like a fool.

It just didnt make sense logically.

A level 10 hunter would have limited dungeon combat experience.

Especially after living in the detention center for over two years, his combat instincts should have almost vanished.

Whatever the strategy, a powerful strike was necessary to take down hunters of that caliber without a fight.

One was stabbed in the neck from behind with a chopstick. Two had their heads split open in the backseat. And this last one, even with mana tracking ability, got stabbed below the jaw?

It was a staggering outcome.

It was almost as if they were asking to be killed.

Kang Dong-hyun wasnt angry about Kang-hoos escape.

Detainee escapes were common.

Its not like things would come to a halt without Kang-hoo.

If workers were needed, they could just kidnap more.

But a level 10 hunter overpowering such skilled hunters instantly was intriguing.

Interest aroused in a strange place.

Just like the smoke he deeply inhaled, Kang Dong-hyuns gaze deepened.

To think hed be interested in an escapee he deemed a loser in life.

But Kang-hoos actions were special enough to warrant attention.

Near Daejeon Station.

Kang-hoo, after some difficulty, found a rare public phone and dialed a number that naturally surfaced in his mind, deeply ingrained in his subconscious from the original Shin Kang-hoo.


A womans voice answered.

It was a familiar sound.

Relieved that he had reached her, he responded.

Its me, Kang-hoo.

Ka, Kang-hoo oppa?


Oppa! What happened that you havent contacted me for over two years? Even if we broke up

Her voice, though chiding, was filled with sorrow and longing.

Her name was Han Seo-yeon.

She was Kang-hoos ex-girlfriend.

They had split due to personality differences.

Although they had broken up, they often stayed in touch like typical friends.

But for the past two years, they had lost contact.

She couldnt have known what had happened to Kang-hoo.

There was a reason.

He lacked the energy to explain everything, so he kept it brief.

Despite the time that had passed and the fact that they knew each other better than anyone else, she shifted the direction of the conversation.

Oppa, what do you need?

Just for a day. Let me rest at your place.

Alright. Ill come to pick you up right away. Where are you?

Near the public phone by Daejeon Station, exit 5. Sorry.

Sorry for what? Considering what you did for me in the past, this is only natural. Wait for me! Ill be there soon!

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