The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 106: Master K (2)

Chapter 106: Master K (2)

In the car on the way to Ground Zero.

As we moved away from Seoul, the surrounding scenery changed rapidly.

Unlike the organized, clean, and safe feeling of Seoul’s bright and lively landscape,

Streets with broken streetlights, heavily cracked asphalt, and abandoned cars looked desolate.

Of course, people live in such places too. The murderous cost of living in Seoul is hard for even the middle class to bear.

It’s too greedy to wish for every space in the world to be filled with light and happiness.

Originally, the source material, “The Villain’s Guide to Saving the World,” depicted a world close to dystopia.

Kang-hoo, who knows this better than anyone, didn’t harbor any vain hopes.


Jung Yuri, who had been waiting to see if Kang-hoo would speak first, pouted her lips.

Conversations with Kang-hoo always required her to initiate the topic.

He would only speak first if there was a matter at hand; otherwise, he was as still as a statue.

With his expressionless face, sometimes she wondered if he was a mannequin or a wax figure.

Observing Kang-hoo, she felt like she was looking at a man with many thoughts and a sad story.

A sense of solitude seemed to emanate from his tightly closed lips, as if he was carrying a heavy burden alone.

Hidden behind the silence, she instinctively felt his complex emotional layers. There was something about him.

That’s why, despite Kang-hoo’s lack of conversational skills, she found herself wanting to talk to him more.

“Jung Sun-kyu?”


“You’ve been looking out the window for a while now, is there something bothering you?”

“No, not really.”

“Brother. You said you applied for the Hell’s Judgment mercenary recruitment, right?”

“Yes, I submitted my application.”

“I’m going to apply too! It’s a unique opportunity for growth, and I thought I’d broaden my network this time.”

Kang-hoo tilted his head.

Since it’s an operation organized by the Jeonghwa Guild, there’s a chance she might encounter Chae Gwanhyeong.

Would it be okay for her, considering he’s a major source of trauma in her life, almost like an enemy?

Sensing Kang-hoo’s concerns, Jung Yuri continued.

“It’s okay! Even if I see Chae Gwanhyeong in person, I think I’ll be fine. I’ve practiced a lot of mind control and learned how to conceal my feelings.”

“Are you really okay?”

“Yes. My desire to move towards a bright future is stronger than my painful past memories! It’s all thanks to you.”

“The conclusion seems a bit.”

“Really. I’m not one to make empty promises, you know?”

“I don’t plan to move in a team. That’s how I applied.”

“Yes, that’s your choice. I’m not saying we should go together! I was just expressing my interest in participating.”

“Prepare well.”

“I will! Of course… I haven’t forgotten about that. I’ll definitely seek revenge. Until then, all I can do is patiently wait and endure.”

Her last words unveiled the pain she had buried deep in her memories, enduring it with all her might.

Anyway, with Jung Yuri’s determined response, the limousine returned to a silence as deep as a swamp.

The atmosphere inside the car perfectly matched the damp-looking sky outside.

Jung Yuri took out wireless earphones, inserted them into her ears, and started listening to music.

It was the classical music that had comforted her when she was alone in Ground Zero, preventing her from feeling lonely.

Kang-hoo turned his gaze back to the window.

The thought of meeting Master K in person made even the usually unflappable Kang-hoo tense.

There were many indirect mentions of K in the original work.

However, he never appeared directly at the heart of the story because he had never met the protagonist, “Jang Si-hwan.”

“I don’t desire the answers. I just think it would be great if you could illuminate the path.”

Hoping to alleviate even the vagueness surrounding his congenital mana hypersensitivity.

Even now, the fundamental problem remains unsolved, though he has become somewhat capable of enduring the side effects and pain.

“Brother, don’t be too nervous. Grandfather has a good impression of you. I’ve spoken highly of you.”


Jung Yuri’s words sounded strange, as if he was meeting his in-laws. It wasn’t the case, but he seemed visibly nervous.

Kang-hoo took a deep breath to calm his excited emotions, reminding himself that this meeting was not something to feel intimidated by.

Even after arriving at Ground Zero, it was only after delving much deeper that we reached K’s territory.

Its official name is “Yuri Land.”

The name carries a story; it was established by K in honor of adopting Jung Yuri.

At first glance, the name might seem childish, but understanding the story behind it warms the heart.

The extent of K’s territory was so vast that determining its boundaries was impossible.

K supplies a significant amount of stimulants and medicinal drugs to the Hunter Public Safety Bureau and the Jeonghwa Guild.

Given the near-monopoly and large-scale supply, it was understandable why the cultivation area was so extensive.

Even a brief look around revealed that there were more than 100 workers inside, busy with their tasks.

Additionally, there were guards hired specifically for their safety, in equal numbers.

As we disembarked at the entrance of the main gate,

A man with an expression as impassive as Kang-hoo’s approached and greeted us.

He first bowed politely to Jung Yuri, who greeted him warmly.

“Moon Hyung-seo! Long time no see?”

“Welcome, Miss.”

“We’re the same age; just call me Yuri!”

“It would be inappropriate for me to address such a valued person of our master informally. I cannot comply with that request.”

“Anyway, we’re here! This is Sun-kyu brother! He’s a guest who will meet Grandfather today!”

“I see. Nice to meet you. My name is Moon Hyung-seo.”

Kang-hoo acknowledged Moon Hyung-seo’s bow with a nod, without offering a handshake.

Moon Hyung-seo.

A new name for Kang-hoo.

He appeared to be a close confidant who served K with unconditional loyalty. There must be a story there too.

“Moon Hyung-seo is a friend whom Grandfather and I trust more than ourselves. Brother, you don’t need to be too cautious around him.”

Thanks to Jung Yuri’s explanation, Moon Hyung-seo’s character was quickly understood.

Except for K, his wife, and Jung Yuri, probably no one else would view him kindly.

Such devoted confidants usually suspect all others, considering them potential enemies.

It was no surprise that Kang-hoo, a guest, would not be an exception.

Sure enough, Moon Hyung-seo immediately pointed a detector at Kang-hoo.

“There’s a security procedure. We’ll take one photo of you, and all weapons must be surrendered.”

“By all means.”

Kang-hoo nodded his approval.

He almost wanted to applaud K for being so thorough with external checks.

Lax security creates loopholes, which can turn into variables.

What if K were kidnapped abroad or fell into the hands of a criminal organization?

Then the supply of medicinal herbs in the country would be upheaved. Ground Zero would become no man’s land.

The process was swift.

The photo was taken instantly by a camera at the entrance, and Kang-hoo temporarily handed over his weapons.

The search was silent, suggesting things might proceed quietly, but…

Midway, Moon Hyung-seo glanced at Kang-hoo and added something he hadn’t said earlier.

“Just to be clear, don’t commit even the smallest rudeness towards Master K. You understand, right?”

“Whether something is rude or not seems like it’s for Master K to decide. Truly ‘just to be clear.’”

Kang-hoo responded with a smile to what seemed like a slightly overstepping warning.

Typically, a confidant with such a singular focus has a narrow field of vision, often unknowingly committing rudeness themselves.

Of course, they are unaware of it, which sometimes leads to problems, even escalating to fights.

“It’s a word of caution.”

“I’ll return that phrase as it is.”

He retorted, not backing down.

Sensing the atmosphere souring suddenly, Jung Yuri quickly intervened.


She swiftly smacked Moon Hyung-seo on the back, trying to defuse the situation in her own witty way.

“Moon Hyung-seo, stop repeating the greeting spiel like a robot and move on. Brother and I will manage on our own!”

“Understood, Miss.”

Kang-hoo observed Moon Hyung-seo’s back as he walked away, checking his constellation information.

There are five contracted constellations.

Even at a low estimate, that puts him at level 400.

Moreover, the fact that he has contracted with the “Lancer of the Holy Spear” constellation suggests he specializes in spear techniques.

Likely, he has a talent, which is why he’s bonded with a constellation specialized in a specific profession.

However, since he didn’t bring a weapon to today’s meeting, it was hard to gauge accurately.

“I’m sorry, brother. Moon Hyung-seo tends to be overly cautious and meticulous.”

“No need to apologize. Everyone is just playing their role. I just spoke my mind.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

“As long as the line isn’t crossed, it’s something I can hear and let go. Don’t worry about it.”

He was sincere.

Although Moon Hyung-seo’s words were slightly irritating, Kang-hoo didn’t hold onto the feeling.

However, he couldn’t help but think the sharp reaction Moon Hyung-seo showed towards him was out of ‘jealousy’.

It’s possible, isn’t it?

If Moon Hyung-seo had feelings for Jung Yuri, it would make sense for him to be concerned about a man she brought along for the first time.

“Quite the character, indeed.”

Kang-hoo smirked, reflecting on Moon Hyung-seo. He seemed like a character who would be memorable for being quite stubborn.

The meeting with K happened immediately.

We were able to meet in a reception room specially prepared on the first floor of what appeared to be his research building.


“My granddaughter! How hard must it have been to come all the way here?”

“It wasn’t hard at all! Grandma arranged a limousine for us, so my brother and I came here very comfortably.”

“I wondered why suddenly money was withdrawn from my account this morning…”

“Eh? Didn’t Grandma pay with her own money?”

“My money? Where is my money? It’s your grandmother’s money.”

“Pfft! Grandfather got tricked, so tricked!”

“Is that so. This young man is Jang Sun-kyu, right?”

“Yes! This is Sun-kyu, my brother! Brother, this is Grandfather! People often call him Master K!”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Jang Sun-kyu.”

Kang-hoo greeted K politely.

His personal information was shrouded in secrecy, making it impossible to estimate his level.

There was no mention of his level anywhere. Even scouring the news only resulted in speculative articles.

Looking at his constellation information, there were more than ten.

At the very least, that would put him above level 500, conservatively speaking, and likely much higher.



A moment of silence passed between them.

Without speaking, Kang-hoo felt a pressure rolling in like high waves from K’s gaze.

Was it the feeling one gets when facing someone specialized in intuition, insight, and even a bit of mysticism?

Yes, it was like meeting someone with a strong spiritual presence, a feeling that’s indescribable, hence all the more mysterious.

And such thoughts were mirrored.

“An interesting fellow.”

K, locking eyes with Kang-hoo, was thinking the same.

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