The Full-level Daughter, She is Back

Chapter 87: meet by chance

Chapter 87: meet by chance

Chapter 87 Encounter

However, now that she has personally experienced the magic of the pill, she has no choice but to overturn her previous views on Ye Leng'an. If this pill was really made by Ye Leng'an himself, then Ye Leng'an's medical skills are probably superior to many national experts.

Thinking of the skeptical words she and Ye Leng'an said before, Chen Hailan couldn't help but blush. However, if she were asked to apologize to Ye Leng'an now, she would definitely not be able to say it.

Facing Chen Hailan's eyes, Ye Leng'an's expression didn't change at all, but he just said lightly, "You should be able to stand up now! Then go down!"

After speaking, Ye Leng'an turned around and walked out first.

Chen Hailan also got up quickly, and walked out of the room with Chen Kang's support. Although she has regained her strength now, after all, her vitality was damaged a bit before, so her body is still very weak.

Downstairs was still silent.

Zhang Hongguang fell into his own thoughts, and sat there blankly, looking shocked, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Chen Haichao sat on the sofa, staring at Zhang Hongguang closely, and had no intention of moving.

As for the brothers and sisters Zhang Hui and Zhang Yiyi sitting down together, they still stood where they were just now. Both were devastated and couldn't accept that their father was such a person. At this moment, their thoughts are in a mess, and they don't know what to do next.

At this moment, footsteps came from the stairs.

Except for Zhang Hongguang, everyone else involuntarily looked in the direction of the stairs. When they saw Ye Leng'an going downstairs, everyone didn't react too much.

But when they saw Chen Kang and Chen Hailan following her, everyone couldn't help being shocked, followed by surprise. Because the Chen Hailan they saw was not as crazy as before, but looked normal.

Has this been restored?

Zhang Hui and Zhang Yiyi immediately went forward, and then took Chen Kang's place, supporting Chen Hailan from left to right.

"Mom, are you alright?" Zhang Yiyi's tone was somewhat excited, "Do you recognize me now?"

Although the mother looks calm, she seems to have regained her senses. But there is still a trace of worry in her heart, worrying that her mother just looks normal, but she has not recovered yet.

Although Zhang Hui didn't say anything, he was in the same mood as Zhang Yiyi at the moment, happy but worried.

Looking at the sensible children, Chen Hailan was still in a good mood, "I'm fine now, Doctor Ye Xiao's medical skills are indeed superb."

At this time, her attitude and views towards Ye Leng'an have undergone an unprecedented change.

Zhang Hongguang, who hadn't recovered yet, immediately looked in the direction of the stairs after hearing the familiar voice. When he saw Chen Hailan who was weak but clear-eyed, his pupils shrank slightly, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Now he doesn't know how much Chen Hailan knows, but he still walked over with a concerned face, looked at Chen Hailan with surprise on his face, "Hailan, you really recovered! That's really great."

Zhang Hui and Zhang Yiyi raised their heads and looked at Zhang Hongguang with complicated eyes. They didn't expect that at this time, Dad was still acting here.

If it weren't for the things that just happened, they would have thought Dad was caring about Mom. But now that they knew everything, they couldn't help but feel sick when they saw their father still acting. Although the person opposite is their father, they really have no way to accept his father's approach.

Seeing Zhang Hongguang struggling to death, Chen Hailan sneered, "Zhang Hongguang, do you think I'm a fool? At this moment, you still want to lie to me."

She didn't even know if she was blind at the beginning, how could she fall in love with such a scumbag who didn't look the same, and almost killed her father and herself.

"Hailan, what are you talking about?" Zhang Hongguang looked innocent, and when he looked at Chen Hailan, his eyes were full of affection, "How have I treated you? After all these years, can't you feel it?"

"Zhang Hongguang, you are really shameless." Chen Hailan said with a sneer, "For so many years, you have obeyed my advice, and it was only because of the help of the Chen family. You can get your current status because of the help of the Chen family. But what about you? You relied on the prosperity of the Chen family, and finally poisoned my father. Moreover, after I filed for divorce, you actually poisoned me again. Now you still have the face to act here."

Hearing Chen Hailan's words, Zhang Hongguang froze for a moment, and then his heart trembled. However, he immediately returned to normal, his face was still gentle, "Hailan, I know you have misunderstood me, but you can't just rely on other people's words to erase all the good things I have done to you over the years!"

Things have come to this point, Chen Hailan may be his only life-saving straw. At this time, the only thing he can do is to firmly grasp this life-saving straw.

"Zhang Hongguang, why didn't I realize in the past that you have such a thick skin?" Chen Hailan almost laughed angrily, "How shameless are you to say such things!"

When she thought that she had been married to such a man for so many years, she felt disgusted.

Zhang Hongguang still wanted to continue acting, but was interrupted by Ye Leng'an at the side.

"If you continue to act, you won't be embarrassed, and the people next to you will be embarrassed." Ye Leng'an's lazy voice sounded, "Also, why do you think that the current Chen Hailan can save you?"

As for Zhang Hongguang's thoughts, as a bystander, she can see clearly. Of course, she was not the only one. The people present, even his sons and daughters, could see what he was thinking.

Hearing Ye Leng'an's words, Zhang Hongguang felt that his pain, which had already been relieved, seemed to be in pain again at this time. When he turned his head and looked at Ye Leng'an, his eyes were full of vigilance. At this moment, he felt a little regretful. He should have left just now.

Ye Leng'an gave him a very dangerous feeling, especially the things that Ye Leng'an had done just now, which made him feel fear involuntarily.

What Ye Lengan said before, that the mercenary group has been solved, although it has not been confirmed, but he already believes that it is true in his heart. Moreover, Ye Leng'an didn't know what method he used to make him tell everything.

Now, he is really afraid of what Ye Leng'an will do to him next.

"It seems that I know to be afraid." Ye Leng'an approached Zhang Hongguang step by step, with a dangerous smile on his face, "Don't worry, although I have already wiped out that mercenary group, I don't intend to kill you."

Although Ye Leng'an is young, his stunning face is already evident. However, when he saw the smile on Ye Leng'an's beautiful face, Zhang Hongguang only felt endless coldness.

Looking at Ye Leng'an approaching, he just wanted to retreat. However, his body didn't listen to his commands, and he couldn't take a step back.

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill you. Because that would be too cheap for you. I want you to live, to live in pain."

After speaking, the smile on Ye Leng'an's face became even brighter. Then, without anyone noticing, she directly stuffed a pill into Zhang Hongguang's mouth.

Zhang Hongguang's eyes widened suddenly, full of fear. He didn't know what kind of medicine Ye Leng'an was feeding him. But from Ye Leng'an's words just now, he knew that this was definitely not a good thing, maybe it was the medicine that would kill him!

It was only a moment, Zhang Hongguang immediately realized, and then wanted to spit out the pill. However, what he didn't expect was that after the pill entered his mouth, it immediately turned into a stream of water, and then went down his throat, and he didn't even need to swallow it.

Not daring to have any delay, Zhang Hongguang immediately wanted to scratch his throat and spit out the medicine he had swallowed.

"Don't waste your efforts in vain." Ye Leng'an looked at Zhang Hongguang, with a malicious smile on his face that was extraordinarily bright, "Your throat is so bad now that you can't spit out the medicine. If the medicine I developed was really so easy for you to spit it out, wouldn't it be too wasteful."

As long as the medicine is swallowed, it will be absorbed by the body soon. Unless there is an antidote, it is impossible to get better for a lifetime.

"What did you feed me?" Zhang Hongguang's eyes were red, and when he looked at Ye Leng'an, his eyes were fierce, "Is that poison?"

In the face of life and death, his fear has already overshadowed his reason. Even if he knew that Ye Leng'an in front of him was not someone he could offend, he couldn't care less. Now he just wants to know what he ate and what the consequences will be.

"So you're afraid too!" It was Chen Hailan who spoke, her face was full of sarcasm, "Aren't you the one who loves poisoning others the most? Now you can taste the taste of being poisoned yourself, isn't it great?"

Seeing Zhang Hongguang's appearance, she just felt relieved. After the effect of the medicine takes effect, she should be in more pain!

"So it's really poison."

Zhang Hongguang lost his mind, he stepped forward and wanted to pounce on Ye Leng'an. Now he has completely forgotten about Ye Leng'an kicking him away just now. He just wants to find the antidote, he's still young, he doesn't want to die. Since the poison was from Ye Leng'an, she must have an antidote.

Looking at Zhang Hongguang who rushed forward, Ye Leng'an couldn't help but sigh. Some people really forget the pain before the scars heal!

When Zhang Hongguang was about to pounce, she directly raised her foot and kicked Zhang Hongguang's abdomen again. However, this time she withdrew some strength. Because she was also afraid that if Zhang Hongguang died directly if she shot too hard, it wouldn't be fun.

Zhang Hongguang was kicked to the ground again, he struggled to get up. At this moment, he felt that his legs seemed to lose consciousness, making him stand up no matter how hard he tried. And, scariest of all, it all seems to be just the beginning. Originally, he just lost feeling in his legs, but gradually, he felt that his waist also started to stiffen, and then slowly spread upwards.

Within a short while, Zhang Hongguang had already calmed down, lying quietly on the ground. His eyes were still open, but there was no extra expression on his face, and the eyeballs were moving, which showed that his consciousness was awake at the moment.

Both Chen Kang and Chen Hailan knew what was going on, and were not surprised. But the others, especially Zhang Hui and Zhang Yiyi were petrified by this scene. For a moment, they didn't know whether they should go forward or not.

Although I now know the true face of my father, and they are not as kind and kind as they appear on the surface, but the love and care that my father has shown them for many years cannot disappear overnight. It is impossible for them to remain indifferent now that their father has become like this.

"You" Zhang Hui looked at Ye Leng'an, and after thinking about it, he said, "What did you feed my dad?"

He is not a fool, so he naturally knows that the reason why Dad became like this must be because of the pill that Ye Lengan just fed.

In the past, he may have doubts about the medical skills of this girl who is younger than him. However, when I saw my mother returned to normal, all doubts disappeared. Since Ye Leng'an's medical skills are so superb, the pill she just took is definitely not that simple.

"Are you questioning me?" Ye Leng'an raised his head and looked at Zhang Hui, "Do you think you have the right to question me?"

The indifferent eyes, as if there is no one in the eyes. Even though the tone was very plain, it made people feel a chill rushing up from the soles of their feet.

"Miraculous Doctor Ye, Ah Hui didn't mean anything like that." Chen Hailan said hastily, "He's just curious."

After finishing speaking, she looked at her son beside her and urged, "Ah Hui, who made you talk nonsense. Hurry up and apologize to Doctor Ye."

If it was in the past, she would definitely not have taken Ye Leng'an seriously. However, after what happened today, her attitude towards Ye Leng'an has completely changed. Especially after seeing Ye Leng'an's revenge on Zhang Hongguang, although she also felt happy in her heart. However, at the same time, she also felt a little bit more taboo towards Ye Leng'an.

From Ye Leng'an's unabashed attack just now, it can be seen that the other party is really not worried about the consequences at all. Now thinking of the time when she went to Yelen'an School to make trouble, she couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, at that time, Ye Leng'an didn't care about her, otherwise she felt that her fate would not be much better.

"Mom!" Zhang Hui exclaimed, he had no idea that his mother would stand by Ye Leng'an.

"Ah Hui, your mother is right." Chen Kang also said, "It's really rude of you to do this."

Zhang Hui was very dissatisfied, but finally bowed his head towards Ye Leng'an, but he was interrupted before he could apologize.

"You don't need to apologize, and I don't accept your apology." Ye Leng'an smiled wantonly, "However, if you want to know, then I can tell you that Zhang Hongguang became what he is now, and I did it. Compared with him buying murder, I at least spared his life, didn't I?"

"However, from now on, he can only spend the rest of his life lying in bed. This can be regarded as his punishment."

Zhang Hongguang, who had been lying on the ground, couldn't move at all now, and couldn't even speak. Now the only moving parts in his body are his eyeballs.

However, despite this, his consciousness is indeed fully awake. So, after hearing Ye Leng'an's words, a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

He has fully understood the meaning of Ye Leng'an's words. He will only be like this in the future. Although he is alive and has his own thoughts, he can only lie on the bed like a dead person. For him like this, even wanting to die is an extravagant wish.

Thinking of the long days ahead, Zhang Hongguang regretted that he could only be like a living dead. However, he didn't regret poisoning Chen Kang and Chen Hailan, he regretted that he killed Ye Leng'an. If he knew that Ye Leng'an was such a demon, even if he had ten more guts, he wouldn't dare to attack her.

"But, just now, didn't you already beat him?" Zhang Yiyi couldn't bear it and said, "And, do you really have to do it so terribly?"

"I don't think I'm doing a perfect job at all." When Ye Leng'an looked at Zhang Yiyi, he still had a smile on his face, but the words he said were extremely cold, "Compared to him, I think I'm already very kind. And, don't forget what Zhang Hongguang said just now, he even poisoned your grandfather and your mother. Do you think such a person deserves your sympathy?"

Ye Leng'an's words left Zhang Hui and Zhang Yiyi speechless. No matter how many wrong things Zhang Hongguang has done, he is still their father, and they can choose to forgive. But grandpa and mother are victims, and they cannot be forced to forgive.

"Okay, my revenge has been avenged." Ye Leng'an clapped his hands and said, "Zhang Hongguang has been like this for the rest of his life. Of course, if you want to take him to the hospital for examination, then you can do whatever you want. Even if you finally cured Zhang Hongguang, it's up to you."

If someone can cure her poison, then she will be willing to bow down. However, even if such a person is real, it is not within the reach of the Zhang family and the Chen family. Besides, it is impossible for Mr. Chen and Chen Hailan to go to such lengths for Zhang Hongguang. They should want Zhang Hongguang to die!

After saying these words, Ye Leng'an waved his hand and planned to leave.

Of course, before leaving, she did not forget to tell her, "Mr. Chen, don't forget my consultation fee! 50 million, just put it into my card. You should remember my card number!"

"Don't worry, Doctor Ye, I'll send someone to transfer the money when I get back." Chen Kang quickly agreed.

For the 50 million consultation fee, he didn't think it was expensive at all. Moreover, there is no one who does not get sick when they eat whole grains. Being able to make friends with a genius doctor is of great benefit to the Chen family. Therefore, he will never be stingy with the fifty million. Moreover, even if it is 100 million, he doesn't think it is expensive, let alone only 50 million now.

On the other hand, Zhang Hui and Zhang Yiyi, after hearing the consultation fee proposed by Ye Leng'an, their eyes widened in fright. They never expected that Ye Leng'an would charge 50 million yuan.

You know, Ye Leng'an has only come here twice, and he will charge 50 million in consultation fees. Isn't that a bit too dark!

They wanted to say something, but after seeing grandpa's attitude, they also shut up.

Ye Leng'an has no interest in how the Chen family plans to deal with the aftermath.

After leaving Zhang's villa, she felt much better. When she first came here, she was still full of anger, but now that she has expressed this anger on Zhang Hongguang, her mood has naturally opened up.

Feeling better, coupled with another big income, Ye Leng'an was in a good mood, so he decided to go shopping and reward himself.

Soon, she took a taxi and came to a luxuriously decorated shopping mall. This is the famous Shengshi shopping mall in the imperial capital, and it is also the top shopping mall.

Enter the shopping mall, and the products inside are all international famous brands. It can be said that people who do not have a certain foundation would not dare to enter this shopping mall.

Stepping into a familiar shopping mall, Ye Leng'an couldn't help but smile slightly.

It has been a long time since she went shopping last time. Perhaps it has been about two lifetimes since this time! In the first life, when the matter between her and Ye Xiyuan was not exposed, she often came here. It's just that after leaving the Ye family, she didn't have that kind of capital to appear in this shopping mall.

Now that she came here again, she suddenly felt like a world away. In fact, it was indeed two lifetimes apart.

Thinking of this, Ye Leng'an couldn't help but pursed his lips into a smile.

People around were involuntarily attracted by Ye Leng'an's smile. The original beautiful face, coupled with a bright smile, made people think of a poppy flower in full bloom. Although it looks beautiful, it is full of danger. Even so, it still makes people immersed in it, unable to extricate themselves.

There are even some young men and women who have already taken out their mobile phones and started secretly taking photos of Ye Leng'an.

"I'm so happy, I ran into a beautiful young lady while shopping today. Picture"

"Who is this young lady! She is really beautiful! Is it a star who is about to debut! [Picture] [Picture]"

However, although these people were excited, they would not step forward to disturb Ye Leng'an. After all, the people who can enter this shopping mall are either rich or expensive, so most of them are well-educated.

Ye Leng'an's spiritual consciousness is strong, so he naturally knows that someone secretly took pictures of her. But, she didn't stop it. As long as those people don't bother her, she doesn't really care.

Although she has been in the realm of comprehension for so many years, after all, the characteristics of a girl in her bones are not so easy to disappear. Ye Leng'an went into a shopping spree.

After she entered a high-end clothing brand store, she didn't even try it on, she just took her fancy and asked the shopping guide to come up with the right size, and wrapped it up.

Following Ye Leng'an's shopping guide, after a while, she already had twenty or thirty pieces of clothes in her hands, and it was a little difficult to even hold them. However, she had a huge smile on her face. Because to her, it was all money!

When this guest came in just now, she was still hesitating whether to go forward. After all, what the other party wears doesn't look like someone who can afford their brand clothes. However, as a professional shopping guide, she also has her own qualities, so she stood up when other colleagues were unwilling to greet her.

It's just that, I didn't expect that this is actually a hidden big family!

Ye Leng'an didn't know what the shopping guide was thinking, but even if he knew, he didn't care. When she went shopping, she just wanted to be happy, and what other people thought had nothing to do with her.

After choosing the clothes, Ye Leng'an checked out the bill quickly.

For a big customer like her, the service in the store is also very good, saying that it can deliver the goods to the door. So, after Ye Leng'an left the address of the villa, he left and headed for the next store.

After Ye Leng'an left, the shopping guide who was in charge of receiving her just now, while arranging the clothes that Ye Leng'an bought just now, so that they can be delivered later, he couldn't help humming.

At this moment, her mood can only be described as ecstasy. The customer just now bought millions of clothes at once, and her commission is almost hundreds of thousands. This is equivalent to her performance for several months, how could she be unhappy!

The other shopping guides beat their chests with hatred after seeing her. At this moment, they are all regretting, why didn't they go up to greet the customer when he entered the door just now! If he went up to say hello, then he would be the one who got the high commission at this moment.

Ye Leng'an didn't know anything about what happened in that store. At this moment, she is still shopping. Clothes, shoes, bags, as long as she likes them, she will buy them without even checking the price.

However, Ye Leng'an's happy mood was soon shattered.

Inside the Cartier store

Ye Leng'an looked at a diamond-encrusted bracelet on the counter, and felt quite fond of it. The bracelet was about a finger wide, and it was inlaid with tiny diamonds, which looked like stars in the sky, shining charmingly. However, the most beautiful thing is the pigeon egg powder diamond inlaid in the middle, which makes people like it.

Without any hesitation, Ye Leng'an pointed to the bracelet and said, "Wrap this bracelet up for me."

The shopping guide who was a bit indifferent to Ye Leng'an at first, his eyes lit up after hearing Ye Leng'an's words, and when he looked at Ye Leng'an, his eyes were full of heat, "Miss, are you sure you want this bracelet?"

You know, this bracelet is not cheap, it costs five million. She wasn't sure if the girl in front of her had misjudged the price, so she felt she had to confirm it. Otherwise, if the other party said no when it was time to pay the bill, then she would really be doing nothing.

Ye Leng'an was not angry about what the shopping guide said, she said directly, "Check out."

"Okay." The shopping guide smiled.

Ye Leng'an just put on the bracelet after swiping the card.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind her.

"Hello, where's the bracelet I asked you to keep?" A gentle female voice sounded, but a hint of displeasure could be vaguely heard from it.

Afterwards, the shopping guide said with an apologetic voice, "Miss, I'm really sorry, that bracelet has just been sold. Moreover, we can only reserve it for you for one day at most, and it's been three days now."

The meaning is very clear, it's not that I don't want to stay, it's that you have timed out.

Hearing that familiar voice, Ye Leng'an couldn't help but twitched into a wicked smile.

Unexpectedly, its really a narrow road to Yuanjia! Today, when I came to the street on a whim, I met Ye Xiyuan every time. I have to sigh, they were really destined before!

It's a pity, it's a bad fate.

Ye Xiyuan is not in a very good mood, she can even be said to be a little depressed.

She really likes that bracelet, but the price is so expensive that she can't afford it at all. Moreover, in order to maintain her image as a considerate and good daughter, she has no way to speak to her parents.

Last night, I managed to get the money from my parents in the name of Young Master Nangong. I just came here today, so I cant see the bracelet anymore. After asking, I found out that the bracelet had already been bought.

"Xiyuan, since it has already been bought, forget it! This means that you have no chance with that bracelet. You should stop looking at the other ones and see if you like it."

Hearing the familiar voice again, the smile on Ye Leng'an's face disappeared without a trace, and his expression became a little cold.

"Who bought that bracelet?" Ye Xiyuan still asked persistently, "Did the customer who bought it leave?"

She liked the bracelet the first time she saw it, so she still wanted to see if she could get it.

"This" There was a hint of embarrassment on the shopping guide's face, but his eyes couldn't help but look at Ye Leng'an.

Ye Xiyuan naturally saw it too. She immediately stepped forward and saw the bracelet on the opponent's hand, so she said, "Miss, I like this bracelet very much. Would you like to give it to me?"

Because her back was turned, she didn't see the other person's appearance clearly. However, looking at the back, she had a familiar feeling.

"Are you talking to me?" Ye Leng'an turned around slowly, and when she looked at Ye Xiyuan, there was a malicious smile on her face again, "Do you want the bracelet on my hand?"

While speaking, she raised her hand and shook it. The bright bracelet, against the backdrop of the slender and white wrist, looks even more charming.

Seeing Ye Leng'an, both of them were very surprised. Especially Yuan Silei who was following Ye Xiyuan.

Yuan Silei never thought that she would see Ye Leng'an here. For a while, her eyes dodged a little, but she didn't dare to look at Ye Leng'an, feeling very guilty.

She felt that what she did was like betraying the friendship with Ye Leng'an. Although she felt that her friendship with Ye Xiyuan did not conflict with her friendship with Ye Leng'an. However, now that they have bumped into each other, she still can't help but feel guilty.

"Sister, it's you!" Ye Xiyuan was also surprised to see Ye Leng'an here.

"Yes! I just went shopping and bought the bracelet I like." Ye Leng'an smiled and said, "I just didn't expect that you also like this bracelet!"

Looking at the bracelet that Ye Leng'an wore on her wrist, Ye Xiyuan's eyes flashed a gloomy look, but a bright smile appeared on her face, "Yes! I like this bracelet very much, but I didn't expect my sister to like it too. It seems that our eyes are quite similar! I wonder if my sister is willing to give up love?"

If someone else bought the bracelet today, maybe she just forget it. But now that the bracelet is in Ye Leng'an's hand, she wants to take it away even more. As long as Ye Leng'an owns something, she will take it all away. What's more, she was the one who fell in love with this bracelet first, and she would never give it up to Ye Leng'an.

"No." Ye Leng'an refused without hesitation, "I also bought it because I like it, so I won't give up."

Hearing Ye Leng'an's answer, Ye Xiyuan's face froze for a moment, "Really? That's really a pity. By the way, sister, I didn't even know that you were out shopping today. If I knew, I would have made an appointment with you. Anyway, you and Leilei are very familiar, we are all good friends!"

While speaking, Ye Xiyuan's face was full of sincerity, without any ostentatious tone, it looked as if she really wanted to ask Shangye Leng'an together.

Looking at Ye Xiyuan's hypocritical appearance, Ye Leng'an's face remained unchanged, "It's absolutely unnecessary, after all, we don't know each other very well."

She knows what Ye Xiyuan wants to show off, and she said so much, isn't it just to tell her that now Yuan Silei has become her good friend of Ye Xiyuan?

Ye Xiyuan probably thought that she would feel sad because of Yuan Silei's betrayal! She used to be very sad, because Yuan Silei was her best friend, even her only good friend. However, now she has already seen it. Since some people are destined to be unable to keep them, why should they care too much!

No matter what is the reason why Yuan Silei and Ye Xiyuan got so close, it has long been impossible for her and Yuan Silei to go back to the past.

"Leng'an, I" Yuan Silei looked at Ye Leng'an, hesitant to speak.

Actually, she didn't think she did anything wrong. In the beginning, she and Ye Xiyuan had a relationship because of Ye Leng'an. She also felt that Ye Leng'an's return to the Ye family was the best choice, so she agreed to Ye Xiyuan to help persuade Ye Leng'an.

However, as time went by, after she got to know Ye Xiyuan better, she felt even more that Ye Leng'an had misunderstood Ye Xiyuan. Ye Xiyuan is a very kind girl, and she later discovered that the two of them have many common hobbies. It is also for this reason that they became friends.

Moreover, she also felt that Ye Leng'an misunderstood Ye Xiyuan too deeply.

In the final analysis, Ye Xiyuan is also very innocent. She is obviously a daughter of a thousand pieces of gold, but because of the negligence of the hospital, she was wrongly hugged and grew up in a poor family.

However, what is rare is that even though she grew up in such an environment, Ye Xiyuan is still very kind and optimistic. Moreover, she didn't hold grudges against Ye Leng'an, instead she always wanted Ye Leng'an to go back to Ye's house.

If it were her, she would definitely not be able to be so magnanimous.

"What's the matter?" Ye Leng'an looked at Yuan Silei, just like before, with a smile on his face, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, "Si Lei, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

Yuan Silei shook her head and smiled, "It's all right."

She originally thought that Ye Leng'an would be angry, but she had already figured out how to explain it. However, looking at Ye Leng'an's appearance now, it seems that there is no such thing, so she is a little relieved.

"By the way, sister, can you really not let me have this bracelet?" Ye Xiyuan looked at Ye Leng'an with a frustrated expression on her face, "But I really like it! Besides, my parents gave me money today to buy this bracelet, and I planned to wear it back to show them."

Ye Lengan shook his head, his attitude was still firm, "No."

Is Ye Xiyuan using Ye's parents to pressure her? Hehe, don't you think that she would wrong herself because of the Ye family's parents?

Ye Xiyuan bit her lip and said with some embarrassment, "Sister, I know, you used to be a young lady of the Ye family, so you were a bit extravagant in spending money. But now that you have left the Ye family, you should learn to save a little. This bracelet costs five million! Do you really want to buy it?"

Hearing the sarcasm in Ye Xiyuan's words, Ye Leng'an tilted his head, smiled and said, "Thank you for caring about me! However, I'm not thinking about it now, I've already bought it. I'm different from you, and the things I like must be in my pocket right away. As for whether I spend money or not, it should have nothing to do with you! After all, I have left the Ye family now, and I spent my own money, which has nothing to do with your Ye family."

For a while, Ye Xiyuan didn't know what to say. However, when she saw Ye Leng'an's face of being a villain, she gritted her teeth with hatred in her heart.

"Xiyuan, let's forget it!" Yuan Silei persuaded, "Since Leng An is unwilling to give up, there is no need to continue talking."

She knows Ye Leng'an very well. Now Ye Leng'an has clearly seen that it is absolutely impossible to give up the bracelet, so it is useless to say more.

"Leilei, I'm doing this for the sake of my sister." Ye Xiyuan turned her head and explained, "I'm afraid that my sister will spend all my savings after buying this expensive bracelet on impulse. What should I do after that! My parents are still angry now, and it is definitely impossible to support my sister."

"This" Yuan Silei's heart was slightly shaken.

"Sponsorship?" Ye Leng'an seemed to have heard some joke, "Ye Xiyuan, since I left the Ye family, I haven't taken a penny from the Ye family. Even the money and things I bought at the Ye family before, I didn't take anything with me except for a few pieces of clothes."

"Also, don't forget, your parents also took away 50 million yuan in childcare expenses from me! So, don't say these high-sounding words here anymore, making people laugh out loud."

"Sister, you really misunderstood us." Ye Xiyuan's face was full of grievances, and she looked like she was about to cry. "My parents have always been looking forward to your return home. They did this to force you to return home. Can't you understand their painstaking efforts? Anyway, they have raised you for so many years and have deep feelings for you."

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