The Full-level Daughter, She is Back

Chapter 68: to the principal's office

Chapter 68: to the principal's office

Chapter 68 Arrive at the principal's office

"" Hu Ping was so angry that she was almost speechless.

She has never been accused of this before, especially by a broken family like Ye Leng'an. Now Ye Leng'an directly said that she was unfair in front of the whole class, which was simply challenging her authority as the head teacher.

"Teacher, don't be angry." Zhao Yanran on the side quickly stepped forward to be good, "Now that Ye Leng'an has someone behind him, he naturally doesn't take you seriously. If you get angry, it's really not worth it!"

On the surface, she was consoling, but in fact, she was bragging. Originally, today she was just planning to stab Ye Leng'an. But now she has changed her mind. Ye Leng'an is really an eyesore here, taking advantage of such a good opportunity today, she wants to kick Ye Leng'an out, even if there is no way to drive Ye Leng'an out of Sheng'an, she will also kick Ye Leng'an out of the class.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhao Yanran's words, Hu Ping became even more angry, and almost pointed at Ye Leng'an and started scolding, "Ye Leng'an, I'm doing this to save face for you, so I don't want to make things big. I didn't expect you to be so ignorant. Our class temple is too small to tolerate a big Buddha like you. Since you have such a big opinion on me, then you should leave our class."

Hu Ping felt that she had done her utmost to Ye Leng'an. Now almost the entire St. Ann High School is spreading this matter, and it is the best way to calm things down. If he really made this matter a big deal, Ye Leng'an will suffer in the end. Unexpectedly, Ye Leng'an trampled on her kindness like this.

"Teacher, even if I want to leave the class, what happened today must have a result." Ye Leng'an insisted, "If you can't achieve fairness, then don't hinder me from finding fairness."

When Hu Ping looked at Ye Leng'an, her eyes were full of anger and dissatisfaction, "Ye Leng'an, I am your teacher. No matter what happened today, you disrespected me, but everyone saw it. A student who can't even respect his teacher, you are here to talk about justice with me, are you worthy?"

"There are causes and effects." Ye Leng'an's expression didn't change at all, and the whole person seemed very calm, "Is what you have done worthy of my respect?"

"Okay, very good." Hu Ping smiled angrily, "In this case, let's go to the principal's office now. My class can't accommodate people like you, so you leave today."

Soon, Hu Ping brought Ye Leng'an and Zhao Yanran to the principal's office.

Zheng Anyang sat in his seat, looked at the three people in front of him, and rubbed the space between his brows with some headaches.

He has also heard about the rumors on campus recently. However, things didn't go too well. In addition, as the person involved, Ye Leng'an didn't say anything, so he naturally ignored it.

Of course, he didn't believe a single word of those rumors. The last time he was in the office, he saw Ye Leng'an transfer 50 million to Ye Li in an instant. How can someone who can spend 50 million at any time be taken care of! Moreover, who would give 50 million pocket money to the person he took care of.

Hu Ping explained the matter emphatically, and in the end she was a little out of breath, "Principal, Ye Leng'an is too stubborn. I really can't teach such a student. So, I asked her to leave my class."

Beside Zhao Yanran was secretly happy, she never thought that the matter would be brought up in front of the principal. It's better now, Ye Leng'an will definitely be expelled this time.

However, what no one expected was that after hearing Hu Ping's words, Zheng Anyang didn't say how to deal with Ye Leng'an, but asked, "Teacher Hu, do you think this is the way you handle conflicts, right?"

Although Hu Ping was a little embellished when he narrated the matter just now, he still heard the general idea of the matter. He didn't expect that Hu Ping, as a class teacher, would actually handle things like this.

"Principal, I don't think there is a problem with my handling method." Hu Ping obviously didn't hear the dissatisfaction in Zheng Anyang's words, "In the school, peace should be the most important thing. Moreover, this time, both Zhao Yanran and Ye Leng'an were at fault, didn't they? Let them each take a step back, wouldn't the matter be perfectly resolved?"

"Ridiculous." Hearing that Hu Ping hadn't realized her problem until now, Zheng Anyang couldn't hold back his inner anger, "Listen to what you said, is it human? If the courts judge cases according to your logic, then there will be many unjust, false and wrong cases in this world. You have been a class teacher for so many years, and you don't know how many students have been wronged!"

Seeing Zheng Anyang's sudden anger, Hu Ping was a little unexpected, but she didn't think she was at fault, and began to argue, "Principal, Zhao Yanran was at fault, and she shouldn't have said that. But if Ye Leng'an behaved better in normal times, how could such a thing happen!"

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