The First Store System

Chapter 1475 Huo Jinglin(18)

Chapter 1475 Huo Jinglin(18)

?Chapter 1475: Huo Jinglin(18)

Huo Jinglin pulled out the card from the last shelf in the top row and immediately looked at it. After reading for a while, he returned the card and pulled out another one.

[Name: Pyrokinetic Harmony

Type: Combination (Defense, Movement, and Support)

Level: God

Cultivation Level: Early to peak Supreme God

Effect: Harmonizes defensive fortifications, swift movement, and healing flames, creating an all-encompassing fusion that provides unparalleled resilience, mobility, and regenerative capabilities

Description: The skill represents the pinnacle of fire-based combination abilities, seamlessly integrating defensive fortifications, swift movement, and healing flames.

Defense Aspect: Flame Embrace Shield

The user envelops themselves in a shimmering shield of flames. The shield adapts to incoming threats, deflecting and dispersing attacks with unparalleled efficiency. It also absorbs energy from incoming attacks to fuel the subsequent aspects of the fusion.

Movement Aspect: Infernal Dash

The user harnesses the energy of controlled flames to propel themselves with extraordinary speed and agility. It allows for rapid and evasive instant movements, enabling the user to traverse the battlefield swiftly.

Healing Aspect: Ember Restoration

The user channels healing flames that radiate from their body, creating a restoration aura. Allies within this aura experience accelerated healing, rejuvenation, and vitality regeneration. The healing flames mend wounds and dispel negative curses, ensuring that allies remain resilient during battle.

The skill demands profound understanding and control over the element of fire. The strain on the user's energy and focus is massive to transition between defensive, movement, and healing aspects seamlessly.

Price: Three ultimate Sacred stones.]

Huo Jinglin couldn't help but raise his lips in surprise when he read the details on the skill card. As it was a combination type skill, it held more than one type of effect. In that case, three, to be more precise.

Huo Jinglin immediately decided to pick the skill since he desired the ability. If he had the skill during the taming battle, he wouldn't have reached the situation he was in that fight.

With that, he had picked skills for all five types for the Supreme God level, so there was no need for him to stay there anymore. He then turned around and walked toward the semi-pillar, wanting to experience the skill firsthand and find the required training time for him to master.

Huo Jinglin was on the verge of the peak of Supreme God and could step into the Sacred King level anytime in the future. The battle with the Bestial Cormorant showed him that he wasn't as strong as he had believed himself to be. Being the immediate descendant of a Sacred Creator, he should become stronger not only for himself but also for his father's face in front of other Sacred Creators with families.

With the complete mastery of the five skills, his strength could grow immensely, so Huo Jinglin decided to hold his breakthrough to the next level until that time, if it were possible.

He joined the queue and waited for his turn. Since it took one or two moments on average for a customer to step ahead, Huo Jinglin stood in front of the pillar after waiting for several minutes.

Without wasting time, he placed the [Inferno Apocalypse] skill card in the card compartment. The next moment, he found himself in a different location.

He stood on a desolate battlefield with an army of creatures surrounding him. The cultivation level of the creatures varied from True God to Supreme God, with the strongest of them being a peak Supreme God, the same level as him. There were seven of them, and each was commanding an army surrounding him from different sides.

The killing intent they released was so dense and intense that even the space fluctuated with each step they took forward. It was as if Huo Jinglin was someone they would kill at any cost, even if it meant their complete destruction.

Huo Jinglin's consciousness couldn't help but tremble upon seeing that scene. Even when he found himself trapped in that illusion, he hadn't felt such, but looking at the scene ahead, he saw himself dying repeatedly.

While consciousness was feeling such, the body that was out of consciousness's control calmly glanced at all the seven commanders surrounding him with their army.

His consciousness also began to slowly calm down after remembering that it was only an experience area. He wasn't being surrounded by these enemies in reality. He then became excited, anticipating the effect of the skill.

Huo Jinglin's body calmly waited for the army to come inside the range of his skill. Since [Inferno Apocalypse] was an ability that required large reserves of energy and focus, he knew that he could only use it once at full strength.

The army mindlessly charged in the range set by Huo Jinglin since they simply wanted to overwhelm Huo Jinglin and then destroy him.

The moment Huo Jinglin had been waiting for had arrived, and without wasting even a moment, he activated the skill.

The next moment, the abundant fire element in the environment began to surge around him. In just a moment, Huo Jinglin became the conduit of fire.


With a snap of his finger, the flame energy surged toward the enemy, and in no time, it had enveloped the full range of the skill.

Cry! Hiss!

The burning sound and painful screams repeatedly rang in the area as the fire devoured one enemy after another. Those below the Supreme God cultivation level failed to survive even a moment and were turned to ashes, followed by complete disintegration.

Those below the peak of Supreme God succeeded in surviving for a few moments, but even they faced complete disintegration. Only those with peak Supreme God cultivation levels were able to survive for more than ten seconds.

Ten seconds would have been more than enough for the seven peak Supreme Gods to attack Huo Jinglin, but if not for giving their all to defend, they would have faced the same result.

Seeing the seven enemies surviving, Huo Jinglin snapped once again. The next moment, the flames all around the area converged around seven of them and, in no time, enveloped them.

They could no longer defend against the flame despite giving their all, so the next moment, they also turned into ashes, followed by complete disintegration.

(Chapter End)

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