The First Store System

Chapter 1452  Reward!

Chapter 1452  Reward!

Chapter 1452: Reward!

Aakesh walked to the door and closed it once there was no customer left inside the store. He had an anticipating expression since he had completed the fourth collective quest in the morning.


[Host, an update list has been provided. Please see the screen for more details.]

As Aakesh turned around, the system's mechanical alerts rang in his head.

Not long after, a blue screen popped out in front of him. Golden fonts began to beautifully flow, and soon gave him six options, referring to each of the six products.

On the screen, there were six sections. They were:

(1.) Upgrade in Panagea*

(2.) Upgrade in the pills**

(3.) Upgrade in training area***

(4.) Upgrade in cultivation arts****

(5.) Upgrade in Beast Summoning Device****

(6.) Upgrade in skill experience******

{* Panagea currently has a time flow rate three times that of what flows in the Sacred dimension. After the upgrade, the customers will be able to enjoy a higher experience after paying the respective costs.

** Currently, the store has only twenty types of pills available in lesser and higher grades. After this upgrade, the store would start selling every type of pill available in the Sacred dimension.

*** After the training area upgrade, there would be time flow types in the Gods & Demons and Immortal training areas, and hence the changes in charges, depending on the benefit it would provide to the customers.

**** Currently, the store only offers a preview option that allows customers to read the art before buying, giving them further confidence in the product. After the upgrade, the store will activate the function of the cultivation simulator, allowing the customers to see how to cultivate for better results.

***** After the beast summoning device's update, the card will have an additional function of training, allowing the beast to fight and train by itself with a virtually created opponent system.

****** After the update, customers will be able to simulate the training required to master the skill in the shortest time, in addition to increased effect in the experience area.}

Aakesh read the details on the screen. It was similar to the last time, with the only difference being the addition of a sixth product.

Unlike the last time, Aakesh had the choice of choosing which product to update, and it wasn't based on luck.

"Hey, system, show me the update details of the products," Aakesh requested the system, and not long after, screen after screen appeared in front of him, following the sequence in the list.

[Panagea Update: The time flow rate in Panagea is 3x what it is in the Sacred Dimension, so customers pay different sums depending on their stay hours. The product is only available to customers who are inside the store, leaving many unable to enter due to limited spots and long waiting hours.

After the update, customers will be able to purchase a card that will allow them to enter Panagea even if the store is closed.

Card cost: 1,000 higher Sacred stones

1-25 hours cost: 100 lesser Sacred stones per hour,

26-75 hours cost: 150 lesser Sacred stones per hour,

76-250 hours cost: 250 lesser Sacred stones per hour,

251-1000 hours cost: 400 lesser Sacred stones per hour,

1001-3000 hours cost: 600 lesser Sacred stones per hour,

The maximum number of hours that can be recharged is 1000 Sacred hours, and it can be used from anywhere in the Sacred Dimension. The card can be recharged only once in 120 days and only the store owner can recharge it.

{* The hour cost would depend on the hours in Panagea, not the Sacred dimension.}]

Aakesh looked at the screen with astonishment since he had expected the system to increase the time flow of Panagea, making more customers able to enter Panagea for longer durations.

The system surprised him by allowing customers to enter from anywhere they wanted, as long as they owned the required card. Since it was a significant function, so was its cost.

The system didn't set a uniform price for the extra hours since someone who could enter 3000 Panagea hours could clearly gain more in comparison to one who could only recharge for 25 hours, which was seven hours more than what a customer could enter at maximum in a day earlier.

The system also addressed the issue of disruption caused by those who had the wealth and could stay in Panagea for as long as they wanted without worrying about the money. It could have a severe impact on reality, as Panagea had a different concept of scaling in every field.

To combat that, the store set a limit on recharge only once per 120 days, meaning a customer could recharge three times at most in one year.

There was also the issue of the number of portals. If these cards were to be active, there was no point in the quests related to Panagea, so to combat that, the store restricted the sale of cards to 100,000. With every increase in the number of virtual portals, the limit on sale would grow by ten times.

If Aakesh only had one chance to update, he wouldn't have needed to read other update details. Panagea was the most valuable product in the store so it was always his first priority. But since he had two update chances, Aakesh focused on the next screen, detailing the training area.

[Training area Update: The Immortal level training area has a time flow rate of two times that of the Sacred dimension.

After the update,

Time flow rate two times the Sacred dimension: …, Higher-grade weapon: one hundred ordinary Sacred stones,

Time flow rate twenty times the Sacred dimension: …, Higher-grade weapon: fifty higher Sacred stones.

The Gods & Demons level training area has a time flow rate of ten times that of the Sacred dimension.

After the update,

Time flow rate ten times the Sacred dimension: …, Higher-grade weapon: one higher Sacred stone,

Time flow rate fifty times the Sacred dimension: …, Higher-grade weapon: five thousand higher Sacred stones.

The Primordial level training area has a time flow rate of twenty times that of the Sacred dimension.

After the update,

Time flow rate twenty times the Sacred dimension: Master-grade King weapon: One supreme Sacred stone,

Time flow rate thirty times the Sacred dimension: Master-grade King weapon: Ten supreme Sacred stones,

Time flow rate fifty times the Sacred dimension: Master-grade King weapon: One hundred supreme Sacred stones,

Time flow rate seventy-five times the Sacred dimension: Master-grade King weapon: Five hundred supreme Sacred stones.

Time flow rate a hundred times the Sacred dimension: Master-grade King weapon: One thousand higher Sacred stones.]

The update list was the same as the last time, with the addition of the Primordial level difficulty. It was also a good choice since many Supreme God and above customers complained about the restriction of only one entry per year while the training time was only twenty hours.

Since there were still products left, he didn't make his decision yet and focused on the next screen.

[Cultivation arts Update:

The customer can use the cultivation simulator to observe the energy flow from a distance or have a first-person experience of it.


[Beast Update:

The beast owners could update their cards after paying a fixed sum. The update would allow the beasts to train with an opponent of their choice at their desired cultivation.


Divine Transformation Beast card: 1000 higher Sacred stones*

Divine Being Beast card: 10,000 higher Sacred stones,

Divine Lord Beast card: One supreme Sacred stone.

True God Beast card: Ten supreme Sacred stones,

Lesser God Beast card: Hundred supreme Sacred stones,

Higher God Beast card: One thousand supreme Sacred stones,

Supreme God Beast card: Ten thousand supreme Sacred stones,

Beast race pack: Three-race pack: 1000 higher Sacred stones**,

Ten race pack: Ten thousand higher Sacred stones,

Hundred race pack: Ten supreme Sacred stones,

One thousand race pack: 1000 supreme Sacred stones.

* The beast in the card will be able to train with their virtual copy of all qualities and cultivation up to peak Divine Lord.

** The race pack allows the beast owners to choose the opponent of their desired race, limited to a pool of ten thousand races.

Note: The race pack is permanent, but Beast card update will be charged at every level and not a one-time purchase.]

Aakesh focused on the last screen, and read the details of the skill.

[Skill Update:

The customer can use the training simulator to learn how to train effectively and master the skill in the shortest amount of time.

Third-party cost: One percent of the skill's price,

First-person view cost: Five percent of the skill's price.

Note: The cost will be added to the cost of skill.]

After reading the updated details of the five products, it was time for Aakesh to make the decision.

He didn't immediately decide since he was confused between two products for the second choice.

"What two products do you think I should update?" Aakesh asked Lily and Khaval, who were seriously pondering over the choice.

Even though Aakesh was the decision maker, the two knew that Aakesh would always ask them, and sometimes he even accepted their answers.

"Panagea and Training area," Khaval became the first to break the silence and answered.

Aakesh didn't speak but waited for Lily to give her opinion. She didn't keep him waiting for long and replied, "Panagea is a must due to its value, but for the second choice, I think the Beast summoning device will be the most appropriate."

Lily took the avatar of a scholar and solemnly answered as if her life depended on the answer.

Khaval scoffed when he saw Lily's answering expression. She would always mock him for taking everything seriously, and when he took things casually, she was the first to become solemn.


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