The First Store System

Chapter 1438  Above Average(13)

Chapter 1438  Above Average(13)

Chapter 1438: Above Average(13)


A loud sound rang as Alon's punch hit the opponent. The next moment, a blood cloud erupted in the area.

The opponent's upper body disappeared, turning the arena into a gory field. Alon's hand was no better. His veins had ruptured, and his bones had turned into powder, starting from his right shoulder.

The prolonged usage of the skill hit Alon since he pushed more than his enhanced body could handle. Alon's consciousness looked at the scene with satisfaction.

The next moment, his consciousness returned to the store. Following that, he immediately looked at the square device, which lit up after his return.

[Skill: Goliath's Harmony

Level: Emperor

Cultivator: Early to Peak Divine Transformation

Compatibility: 74%

Training Time: One year, eight months, fourteen days.]

The content was immediately engraved in his mind. Alon didn't feel any disappointment with the result, so he focused on the next skill.

Since he loved [Goliath's Harmony], he had broken the sequence, and now that he had experienced it, he decided to experience the remaining skills in the sequence he had pulled out the skill cards.

Alon then pulled out the [Golaith's Harmony] skill card and placed [Flame Pyre] in place of it.

Time flew by, and three seconds passed, leaving Alon with only one more skill to experience.

Alon pulled out the [Surge Catalyst] skill card and placed [Ember Infusion] in the card compartment.

The next moment, Alon found himself in a different environment. He stood on a battlefield with a couple of allies and a large group of enemies. The enemies weren't leaving creatures, but creatures made of resentment and malevolence

He wasn't the strongest in the ally group, but only a supporter. The leader calmly turned toward him and ordered him to heal, extending his injured hand.

Alon's consciousness had only heard the order while his body had already acted and activated [Ember Infusion].

The next moment, ember particles began to appear in the sky and soon engulfed the leader's wrist.

The injury wasn't very grave, so it didn't take long for it to recover. Even though the skill was one of the best, at the end of the day, it was still a Divine Transformation level skill. Despite its strong healing effect, it couldn't regenerate broken limbs.

Time flew by, and Alon showed the different facets of the skill to his consciousness. Alon would follow the order, and sometimes, he would act on his own.

In the end, his group survived the assault of the enemies, and Alon played a significant part in it. He was the sole healer of the group, so many enemies targeted him spiritually. The strong fortitude effect of the skill helped Alon persevere through those attacks, and he kept doing his work.

The leader thanked Aakesh, and following that, his consciousness returned to the store.

Not long after, the screen on the semi-pillar lit up, and content began to appear.

[Skill: Ember Infusion

Level: Emperor

Cultivator: Early to Peak Higher God

Compatibility: 71%

Training Time: Seven months and twenty-two days.]

With a glance, the content on the screen was engraved in his mind. Similar to the previous four situations, Alon didn't find anything disappointing in the training time.

He then turned around and left the queue, with another customer taking his place.

Once he exited the room, he looked toward the store owner and saw a small line of four customers in front of him. While Alon was walking toward the store owner, one customer had his work done, so he left, leaving only three customers ahead of him when he joined the line.


"You need to pay six higher,…, ordinary Sacred stones," Aakesh informed Alon, returning the fur skill cards to him.

Alon nodded, and soon the required amount was deducted from his store card. He then thanked Aakesh. Since he was a customer from the lower dimension, he already knew things, and Aakesh didn't have to explain them to him.

Alon then asked about the weapons and training area. Questions like these helped him learn about the scaling of the Sacred Dimension.

"Thank you, store owner!" Alon thanked Aakesh once all his questions were answered. He then left the line and proceeded toward the weapons room.

Aakesh didn't focus on him since another customer took his place immediately. Once Alon entered the room, he was greeted by the familiar sight of murals and pillars.

Unlike the store in the Primal Dimension, the store didn't sell all types of weapons in the Sacred Dimension. Fortunately for him, he was a Mace user, and the store had that weapon.

Alon immediately searched for murals related to Mace since he knew about the extraordinariness of the paintings. Soon after, Alon was met with disappointment since he couldn't feel much from the murals and failed to understand anything.

Alon immediately returned to calm since he had already faced the same scenario in the store before. Despite that, he worked hard in the training area, and his talent in Mace wasn't above average if not genius level.

Alon had purchased a growth-type mace in the Primal Dimension when he was a Void Forging level cultivator, which had been his partner since then. Since growth-type weapons also ascended with their masters, Alon already had a weapon, and it wasn't low-grade at all.

Facing the Primal tribulation had further pushed the weapon's quality, and it was better than ever. Alon then found the pillar related to Mace and repeated the process he had done numerous times.

The next moment, a prickling pain appeared, forcing him to grit his teeth. No matter how many times he had his fingers pricked by the tiny needle, the pain he felt was always of similar intensity.

Following the pain's disappearance, his eyes turned blank, and a golden, transparent barrier engulfed his body.

The next moment, Alon found himself in the familiar blue space. He started by checking whether there was Farigatra in the list of races in the Sacred Dimension since he was the first ascender in the race's history. Alon had chosen the weakest level of difficulty since he wanted to get accustomed to his power first.

A beaming smile spread across his face when he found out there was Farigatra in the Sacred Dimension list. Alon then tapped on it and chose a random environment for the battle.

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