The First Store System

Chapter 1430 Ghostly Blessings(5)

Chapter 1430 Ghostly Blessings(5)

Chapter 1430: Ghostly Blessings(5)

When Annett walked inside the room, numerous murals detailing different types of skills greeted her. She nodded and tried to search for one related to her field.

She had learned from her sister that the store sold skills that could enhance the strength of the beast tamer and the beast. There were numerous skills painted on the wall, so it wasn't easy for her to find the required mural.

But her efforts bore fruit after a long search, and she finally caught a skill detailing the effect between the beast tamer and the beast.

In the mural, the beast tamer was surrounded by three beasts. Their hands were glowing as they touched the head of the beast in front.

Following that, the beast seemed to evolve and grow stronger. Looking at the mural, Annett also wanted the said skill.

Since her cultivation was at the Higher God level, she looked for the respective counter and walked in that direction. There were three customers near the counter, looking for their skills.

When Annett walked to the counter, they seemed immersed in their world and ignored Annett. Annett also had no intention to communicate with them, so she didn't mind and focused on the counter.

There were five types of skills available inside the store for sale. The attacking types of skills in her field didn't mean she could use the skill to attack, but the beast had it, and she was the channeler.

Since she was aware of the details, she didn't waste any time and reached the last shelf in the bottom row. Money was the last of her worries, so she directly went for God level skills.

The next moment, she pulled her hand out and found a skill card in it. She immediately focused on the content published on it.

Annett shook her head with a smile since she already had the skill. The one on the card was clearly better than the one she and her family controlled, but since a customer could only buy one skill per level for one type in a cultivation level, she didn't want to waste that chance on enhancing a skill she already owned.

She then returned the card and pulled out a new skill card.

[Name: Illusionary Mirage

Type: Attacking

Level: God

Cultivation Level: Early to peak Higher God

Effect: Turning the beast into a living illusion

Description: The beast tamer channels their mastery over illusions to create a breathtaking spectacle. As the tamer focuses, the beast becomes a living illusion, mirroring itself into multiple ethereal duplicates. Each illusion is indistinguishable from the real beast, and together they charge at the target in a synchronized assault.

The skill requires complete concentration. While the skill is active, the beast tamer can't use another skill. It demands profound knowledge of illusions and high spiritual capability.

Price: Four thousand supreme Sacred stones.]

Annett's eyes shone in surprise as she read the details. The ability to turn the beast into an illusion didn't seem that powerful, but Annett didn't think that way.

Even the beast's duplicate could unleash the attack, so even if the opponent were to find the actual body, it wouldn't matter as long as the beast succeeded in reaching its enemies.

The skill had a restriction that the tamer couldn't use any other skill during the time [Illusionary Mirage] was active, and Annett was able to bear that risk since she was a beast tamer and always had someone to protect her in cases like that.

Annett liked the ability, so she immediately made her decision without letting confusion grow in her heart. She then reached the last shelf in the second bottom row, going for the God level defensive type skill.

The next moment, she pulled out a skill related to the spirit element.

[Name: Guardian Shield

Type: Defensive

Level: God

Cultivation Level: Early to peak Higher God

Effect: Conjures an ethereal guardian that shields the beast's spirit from harm

Description: The beast tamer in harmony with the spirit element, calls forth an ethereal guardian to create a protective shield. The guardian materializes as a majestic and luminous entity, enveloping the beast within its ethereal embrace and protecting its sea of consciousness from all types of attack.

It demands a profound understanding of spiritual energies and exceptional spiritual capability.

Price: Seven thousand five hundred supreme Sacred stones.]

The skill's details weren't that extraordinary until she read the last line in the first paragraph of the description section. Only spiritual energy couldn't harm the sea of consciousness of a being. Even a being with exceptional physical prowess could damage the sea of consciousness.

Annett's family had a skill required for protecting the sea of consciousness of the beast since that was the core of a beast related to the spirit element, and that was also the place that held the contract signed between a beast and a beast tamer.

Annett had bought beasts from the store and didn't need to fear the breakage of contract and betrayal from her beasts; it didn't mean that she was going to give up on her earlier beasts. There was nothing more taboo for a beast tamer than to throw away their beasts.

The skill held by her family had an extreme disadvantage compared to the one she was currently holding. The family skill could only protect the sea of consciousness from spiritual attacks, not other types of attacks.

There were rare cases for beings to have enough physical or energetic prowess to harm the sea of consciousness without an iota of spiritual energy in the attack, but it wasn't impossible. Even that rare case was enough for Annett to like the skill, and she came to her decision.

It was only her first attempt, so she could try her luck for another even better skill. But Annett had always been decisive, so before the worm of confusion took root in her heart, she decided [Guardian Shield] would be her defensive skill.

She had picked attacking and defensive types of skills, so it was time for her to move further and search for a desirable movement type skill.

The next moment, she reached for the last shelf and pulled out a God level movement type skill.

Time flew by, and she succeeded in finding a satisfying skill on her seventh try, unlike the previous two cases.

After finding the skills related to four types, starting from the bottom, it was time for her to find a combination type skill. Similar to the previous four times, she reached for the last shelf in the top row and pulled out a skill card.

[Name: Ghostly Blessings

Type: Combination (Attacking, Defensive, Supporting, and Movement)

Level: God

Cultivation Level: Early to peak Higher God

Effect: Envelops the beast and its surroundings in a ghostly aura, enhancing its defensive capabilities and granting unique abilities

Description: The beast tamer taps into the ethereal nature of the ghostly essence, creating an ethereal aura and giving blessings to the beast. The aura serves as a protective shield, allowing the beast to be immune to limited physical and magical attacks.

unique abilities:

1.) Wraithbound Swipe: The beast's attacks become infused with ghostly energy, allowing it to swipe through adversaries with spectral claws. This spectral essence enhances the damage dealt and has a chance to weaken the adversary's physical and spiritual defenses.

2.) Phantom Howl: The beast emits a haunting howl that disorients and intimidates adversaries. Phantom Howl has a dual effect of momentarily reducing the accuracy and courage of enemies within its spectral range.

3.) Ephemeral Vanish: In times of imminent danger, the beast can temporarily vanish into the ghostly realm, becoming intangible and immune to attacks for a brief period. This evasive maneuver allows it to escape tight situations or reposition strategically.

The skill requires complete concentration, restricting the tamer from using any other skill. It demands a profound understanding of ghostly energies and exceptional spiritual capability.

Price: Ninety-five thousand nine hundred ninety-nine supreme Sacred stones.]

Annett looked at the skill card in her hand with her eyes and mouth wide open. It was a combination type, so it was understandable for the beast to have different types of skills, but the one in her hand had all four distinct types of ability available in the card.

The abilities in the skill weren't weaker than any skill that stood alone, so it was even more shocking. Annett didn't even have to think about whether to choose the skill. She was also confident that she couldn't find any better skill than the one she had summoned on her first try.

Ghostly energy was one of the many energies that formed the higher energy called spiritual energy, so not every beast belonging to the spirit field could have ghostly abilities. The skill wasn't exclusive to ghost-related beasts, so the tamer could channel [Ghostly Blessings] for any beast as long as it was related to the spirit field.

Annett didn't waste any more time and left the counter. Her destination was the semi-pillar.

(Chapter End.)


A/N: Sorry, only one chapter. I was out.

The mass release will be on 16, and the least number of published chapters will be 10. If you want more, please throw your Golden Tickets at the book.

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