The First Store System

Chapter 1427 Annett and Her Beasts(2)

Chapter 1427 Annett and Her Beasts(2)

Chapter 1427: Annett and Her Beasts(2)

Annett had come to the store for the beasts. Her sister had grown immensely in strength over the past several years. Annett belonged to a family that followed the beast-taming system, and no one of her generations was able to match the quality of the two beasts her sister owned.

Since Annett was close to her sister, she immediately asked for the location of the beasts once her sister returned from her training with her father. The sister immediately told Annett about the store, but when she came here, she found out that the store had been closed for days.

Annett trusted her sister that it was not a prank, and the inhabitants of the city also confirmed the existence of the store, so she would come once a week to see if the store was open.

That day was another of her weekly travels, and unlike the past several disappointments, she found the store's doors were open. To see if another building hadn't taken its place, Annett looked at the building's front sign before entering the store.


Annett liked what she read on the Phantom Moth's beast card, so she decided to choose it as her beast from the first pillar. Her cultivation was at the late Higher God level, so she was eligible to buy one beast from each device.

After choosing the Phantom Moth, Annett left the queue and walked toward the second device. A queue was there, but it was smaller, and she had to wait only a few minutes.

Once she reached the device, she took a deep breath and pressed the button. Annett had high hopes for the second device since she would be able to summon a beast of her level, which would provide immediate help to her.

Five seconds passed in no time, and a beast familiar to her appeared on the screen. Annett belonged to a powerful family filled with beast tamers, so her knowledge of beasts was richer than many higher-level cultivators.

Her specialty was elements related to the spiritual field, so she only wanted beasts from that field. Unfortunately, the beast on the screen wasn't related to the spiritual field in any way; she didn't even read the details on the card and immediately placed it in the return compartment.

She then returned to the device and initiated another round of summoning.

Time flew by, and three rounds of summonings happened in a flash.

Annett didn't lack wealth due to her great background, so she didn't sweat over the increasing summoning cost at that moment and pressed the button. Her only requirement was a great beast in the spiritual field, and she was willing to splurge for it.

The next moment, '4' appeared on the screen, and the square section began to rotate. Five seconds later, a beast familiar to Annett appeared on the screen.

Her eyes lit up, looking at the beast since she recognized it. It was Spectral Worm, a creature in the spiritual field. Not long after, a card formed out of thin air and flew into her hands. She excitedly tightened her hands and focused on the details.

[Name: Spectral Worm

Type: Beast

Race: Worm

Quality: Divine

Element: Spirit, Shadow

Cultivation: Early Higher God

Characteristics: Ethereal Transcendence

Detail: The Spectral Worm temporarily transcends the boundaries between realms, becoming an unstoppable force of pure ethereal energy. In this form, it gains enhanced speed, damage resistance, and the ability to pass through any obstacle effortlessly. In this state, its presence instills dread in its foes, lowering their defenses and disrupting their abilities. The worm's attacks during this state have a chance to inflict a lingering spectral curse, gradually siphoning the life force of affected targets.

Active Duration: 120 Seconds,


1.) Soul-draining Bite: The Spectral Worm's bite is infused with the essence of the spirit realm, draining its prey's life force and weakening them over time.

2.) Ethereal Constriction: The Spectral Worm constricts foes with spectral coils, applying a debuff that weakens their defenses and increases susceptibility to subsequent attacks.

3.) Haunting Presence: The Spectral Worm exudes an eerie aura that instills fear in its foes, lowering their morale and causing hesitation in their actions.


8.) Shadow Coil: The Spectral Worm can manipulate shadows to create an ethereal coil that ensnares and immobilizes enemies, leaving them vulnerable to subsequent attacks.

9.) Ghostly Evasion: The Spectral Worm effortlessly slips through attacks, gaining a heightened level of evasion and making it difficult to get targeted.


15.) Soul Shatter: The Spectral Worm releases a burst of spectral energy that damages enemies and fragments their spiritual essence.

16.) Phantom Regeneration: The Spectral Worm possesses the ability to regenerate wounds by drawing from the ethereal plane, allowing it to recover from injuries rapidly.

Card Description: The Spectral Worm is a formidable creature. Its attributes of spirit and shadow make it a terrifying opponent in battle. This card can be used to summon a powerful monster onto the battlefield, capable of dealing massive damage to its opponent. Use it wisely, and watch your opponents fall before the might of the Spectral Worm.

Price: Four hundred fifty ultimate Sacred stones.]

The upper half of the card contained an illustration of the beast. It had a snake-like body with a translucent form that flickered between shadows and ghostly light. Its elongated body seemed like fluid. There were ghostly patterns engraved across its body. They shimmered with the creature. The beast's black eyes glowed with an eerie shine, emitting an unsettling radiance that pierced through the darkness.

Annett smiled when she saw the quality section. Her sister had also summoned a divine quality beast, so considering that her luck wasn't that bad.

The beast had all the skills she hoped for in her beast, and the smile on her face kept getting wider with every skill she read. Once she reached the price section, she only took a casual glance and didn't worry about it.

The decision to buy the beast was immediate, so she didn't waste any time and left the queue, her destination being the square device at the center-end of the room. She joined the long queue and began waiting for her turn.

(Chapter End.)

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