The First Store System

Chapter 1410 Spatial Rift Slash!

Chapter 1410 Spatial Rift Slash!

Chapter 1410: Spatial Rift Slash!

Tirly reached the last shelf in the bottom row and pulled out the God level skill in the sequence. The next moment, Tirly's mouth widened into a smile since she found herself a suitable skill with that series.

[Name: Spatial Rift Slash

Type: Attack

Level: God

Cultivation Level: Early to Peak Divine Transformation

Effect: Manipulates the fabric of space to create rifts that disintegrate adversaries

Description: The user taps into the essence of space to manipulate the fabric of reality, creating rifts that lead to the destruction of adversaries. This skill transforms the user into a wielder of spatial chaos, unleashing destructive forces that defy conventional understanding.

The consequences of using this skill without precise control can result in severe energy loss, or there is a chance of slight damage to the user's own vitality.

Price: Seven thousand ordinary Sacred stones.]

Tirly read the details on the card and found nothing wrong with it, so her decision was made. Since the attacking skill was selected, it was time for Tirly to move upward into the defensive-type row.

Tirly would follow the same pattern for all five types of skills, so she reached into the first shelf at the second row from the bottom. When she pulled her hand out, there was a defensive skill related to the space element in her hand.

Time flew by, and several minutes had passed in the blink of an eye.

Tirly's eyes suddenly lit up in excitement as she pulled a card from the last shelf in the second highest row.

[Name: Spatial Mending Web

Type: Supporting

Level: God

Cultivation Level: Early to Peak Divine Transformation

Effect: Harnesses the cosmic essence of space to create a healing web that restores vitality and mends wounds

Description: The user taps into the cosmic essence of space to create a healing web that channels rejuvenating energies. This skill transforms the user into a cosmic healer, using the vast expanse of space to mend wounds and restore vitality.

It demands profound understanding and control over the element of space. The strain on the user's energy and focus can be significant, requiring high endurance and constant vigilance to maintain the skill.

Price: Nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine ordinary Sacred stones.]

The skill was the best she had pulled out until now, and her eyes showed her excitement at that moment.

She had pulled out four of the five types, leaving only one, so Tirly moved upward and reached into the first shelf in the top row.

The next moment, she pulled out a new skill card of the combination type. She then immediately put it back as she didn't like the aspect it focused on and pulled out a new skill card.

Time flew by, and after a few minutes, Tirly excitedly reached into the last shelf in the top row, hoping to feel the same excitement as she had felt up until that moment.

As she pulled out the card and read the details, the excitement in her eyes didn't dim but grew.

[Name: Spatial Convergence

Type: Combination (Attack and Defense)

Level: God

Cultivation Level: Early to Peak Divine Transformation

Effect: Melds offensive and defensive spatial manipulation to create a spatial convergence, simultaneously attacking adversaries and fortifying defenses

Description: The user seamlessly combines the dual aspects of space manipulation for both offense and defense. This skill allows the user to wield the cosmic essence of space to create a dynamic fusion of offensive spatial assaults and impregnable defensive fortifications.

1.) Spatial Surge: The user manipulates the fabric of space to create disruptive dissonance surges. These surges target adversaries, causing spatial distortions that disorient and weaken them, disrupting their defenses and leaving them vulnerable to subsequent attacks.

2.) Spatial Barrier: The user forms a spatial barrier through spatial manipulation, creating a defensive shield. This barrier adapts to incoming attacks, deflecting and absorbing assaults with unparalleled efficiency.

It demands profound understanding and control over the element of space. The strain on the user's energy and focus can be significant, requiring high endurance and constant vigilance to maintain the skill.

Price: Two higher, three thousand ordinary Sacred stones.]

Tirly felt excited for two reasons as she looked at the skill card. The first was that she was getting such amazing skills to learn. The second was that if the skills at the Divine Transformation level had such effects, she couldn't even imagine the effects of the skills at the higher cultivation level.

What Tirly didn't know was that there wasn't much difference between a skill for the Supreme God level and the Divine Transformation level when it came to their effects. It was just that as the cultivation level of the skill grew, the effect it could have on the fabric of reality grew. So, even if Tirly were to get skills for the Supreme God cultivation level, she would still see the same names. The only type with differences in their abilities was the combination type since it was the most complex of all five. Sometimes, a combination skill had better attacking ability than purely offensive skills.

Tirly then put the skill card with the four types she had summoned before. Her next direction was the experience device.

Tirly's mood was better since she got such amazing skills, and the price was lower than she had expected.

There was already a long queue in front of the experience arena, and Tirly also joined it, waiting for her turn.

Since the experience session for one skill only lasted one moment, the crowd was moving quickly, but the sheer number of people in the line made the waiting time exceed several minutes.

When it was finally her turn, Tirly took a deep breath and placed the [Spatial Rift Slash] card in the card compartment, and the next moment, she found herself in a different environment.

At that moment, she was in the middle of a battle, with a group of six people surrounding her. Tirly felt panicked being surrounded by so many people with killing intent aimed at her since she was still someone who had lived in the backwaters.

As they surrounded her, her body moved on its own and activated [Spatial Rift Slash]. The next moment, the space around her began to converge around her, causing several rifts to appear at once all around the area.

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