The First Store System

Chapter 1334 Second Store Upgrade Quest(2)

Chapter 1334: Second Store Upgrade Quest(2)

Since there was a long line of customers waiting to enter Panagea behind Laney, Aakesh didn't make her stand there for a long time. She left after paying for her 3x stay in Panagea.

The system wanted Aakesh to create a ruler using the products in the store. Since Panagea was also a store product, Aakesh shared the names of some valuable items that could help her grow strong.

At the same time, Aakesh was mindful of the fact that he couldn't let Laney become a mindless ruler who would do nothing without his help. He was cautious in his advice and never tried to cross that line.

It was completely up to Laney how to get the items told to her by Aakesh. He also told her some dangerous ways to make money since it wasn't free advice, and she would have to work for it.

The money from Panagea had helped Laney stop asking her father for money. She was able to pay for Panagea every day using her own money.

After leaving the line, she walked toward the portal room.

Her eyes immediately fell on the leaderboard. Her eyes showed a hint of disappointment since her name wasn't there. But in the next moment, a determined expression appeared in them.

Laney was a decade shorter than those on the list, but with the slight help from Aakesh, she was catching up to them.

Laney then moved her eyes away from the leaderboard and went to the nearest available portal.

There were lines after lines of virtual portals in the room, placed in a fixed pattern. After finding the one, she touched the shining dots.

The next moment, she was devoured inside while the numerous shining dots on the device turned gray.


When Laney appeared in Panagea, she found herself in a room.

Since a decade had passed in the Sacred Dimension since she came to the store, three decades had passed in Panagea.

Laney had started at Level 100 like other store customers of the Sacred Dimension, and in three decades, she had crossed the 160th level.

Around 60 levels in three decades didn't seem to be much, as it only averages slightly more than two levels every year, but the leveling system of Panagea was so difficult that it was quick progress considering other customers.


After coming down the stairs, Laney saw several figures waiting for her in the hallway. She asked the receptionist, "How long have they been waiting for me?"

  She was living in a motel since she was out of the city she teleported to after entering Panagea.

Aakesh had given her some names for products that were extremely useful for her growth and also weren't very rare. Finding information about them was difficult, but not impossible.

Laney was currently in search of one such product, Ceru. It was an herb known for its energy purification ability.

The store already had energy purification pills, but at the end of the day, they were pills made from a mixture of herbs and contained toxins. They couldn't compare to the natural effect of a rare herb like Ceru.

Natives were able to identify adventurers with ease, and Laney experienced the same.

She had only entered the town for one day, and there were already quests for her. The guy sitting in the hall was one of those who wanted to team up with her to complete the quest.

Since completing the quest was a way to increase her level, Laney didn't outright refuse but listened to the details of the mission.

At first, Laney was about to refuse the quest due to its rewards not matching up to the difficulty of the mission. But when she heard the location of the quest, she had a change of heart.

The same location was her destination since the last sighting of Ceru in the area happened there. The team of natives wanted to use her infinite death ability to complete their mission, and she would use their numbers to defeat the challenge to reach the herb.

"What do you think?" The man nervously asked after sharing the details. He wasn't the only one, but there were already a couple of hunters behind him who also wanted Laney's help.

Laney didn't immediately answer but began to negotiate her rewards for the quest. The hunter breathed a sigh of relief after not hearing an outright refusal.

When Laney said she was ready to negotiate, the man was also ready and prepared himself to lose. Before coming here, his boss had already told him the limit of the reward, and what he offered was only one-third of that.

The strategy seemed idiotic since the team urgently needed the help of someone like Laney, but the man was greedy. Even if Laney refused, he wouldn't be the first one. The boss wouldn't take it on him. If Laney accepted, he would become rich.

A few minutes later, he left the motel with an excited smile. He was prepared to give up four-fifths of what the boss's limit was, but he never expected Laney to be a weak negotiator. Laney agreed to the mission, and the team would only have to pay thirty-five percent of the total reward—far less than the fifty-five percent the man's boss had stated.

Laney sneered after the man left. She purposefully decided to take the loss. She needed to use the team for her benefit. Even the 35 percent reward was a bonus. Her purpose for coming here was only to find the herb.


Tap! Tap! Tap!

While Laney was inside Panagea, a figure approached the store.

Since Aakesh was busy in conversation with another customer, he didn't glance at the person approaching the store.

The man stopped right at the stairs connecting the store to the road. He then took a large breath, and the next moment, a wide smile was plastered on his face.

He looked at the store as if he had returned home.


A/N: The mass release has been shifted to 26 from 23 since there will be a festival on the 23rd and I won't be able to give much time to the book.

Current Tally: 7 chapters,

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