The First Great Game (A Litrpg/Harem Series)

Chapter 32: Daughters of Gaia (NSFW)

Chapter 32: Daughters of Gaia (NSFW)

Mason nearly stumbled to his knees, disoriented as the world went black, then filled with dull green and blue light.

[Title earned: Masochist. First player in the world to enter two dungeons alone. +2 to Vitality.]

He grunted at the floating text, then stepped forward with his sword and dagger firmly grasped. All he could hear was the sound of running water, and the chirping of birds and insects.

“You will not need those in this place,” said the now familiar feminine voice from somewhere ahead. “You are welcome here.”

Mason blinked and blinked as he stepped forward, trying to adjust to the dim light and dislocation. The air here was warm and humid, but not stifling. Slowly his eyes adjusted and he saw a dark, watery cavern, not so very different than the gnoll lair he’d seen before. This one, too, had a huge pond or lake, but didn’t smell of rot. In fact it smelled of fresh water and thick, healthy trees, fresh life like the middle of spring. Huge fronds floated on top of the pond, and as Mason stared at the beauty of it all, he realized there was a woman lying atop one of them, smiling at him.

Her long, brown hair dangled in the water. She wore a scant dress that looked like leaves, which had almost camouflaged her, and snaked around her body, covering only bits and pieces. One large, impossibly round and pert breast was exposed, though slightly covered by her hair. Mason felt strange as he gazed upon her. His gut fluttered, his face and neck flushed with heat.

“Oh sister!” The olive-skinned, almost Greek-looking goddess rose up from her lounging position to reveal a body made of curves. “He’s so young, and handsome.” She leapt into the water, then rose up and held back her wet hair, smile wide as she came forward. Her nearly glowing green eyes locked directly onto Mason’s.

He couldn’t help but stare. It occurred to him she might be insane with all her sister talk, but then he saw another woman nearly hidden in the darkest corner. She was far more lithe and pale than her sister, with short raven hair and wearing what looked like skin-tight armor made from bark. She carried a javelin as casually as an Olympic athlete, and inspected Mason without a hint of a smile in her equally green eyes.

“What are you?” Mason said, his tongue feeling thick and slow.

“I told you,” the curvy sister came forward with dramatically swaying hips. “We are daughters of Gaia.”

“Yes,” Mason swallowed and tried to force the mists from his brain. “But did the system make you? Are you…alive? Some kind of complex artificial intelligence?”

The girl squinted in confusion, and Mason sighed.

“Do you find us beautiful?” she said, coming ever closer. Her scent hit Mason’s enhanced senses like a slap. It was somehow familiar. No, it was exact—chocolate cookies, made by his stepmother, with a hint of cinnamon. She’d made them for the first time when they formally adopted him and showed him the papers. He was officially a Nimitz, officially home, officially Blake’s real brother. He’d eaten the cookies with milk, and for a moment everything in the world had been perfect. He breathed and felt himself sway, like he was half through a night of drinking, his inhibitions and concerns fading like old memories.

“Yes I find you beautiful,” he said, because of course he did. Though he had a lot of questions before they carried on with that line of thought. Or really any line of thought. Except he couldn’t seem to move. Or think.

“Oh, sister,” the first nymph turned to the other and put her hands to her face. “Do you see how we affect him? Please. We must take his seed before he adapts to the magic. Please? Such youth and vigor and power. It will last us weeks.”

The raven haired sister sighed, then came forward and dropped her spear. She still had no trace of a smile, but Mason could see a hunger in her eyes.

“Very well,” she said. “In this you are correct.”

Mason felt a kind of concern, but it seemed very far away and unimportant—like the consequences of your favorite meal, or cleaning up after a party. Just one of those small, unimportant details of life you accepted to enjoy the pleasures.

The first nymph hopped slightly and clapped like a giddy girl, jiggling in all the right ways. She came forward, until less than an arm’s length separated her from Mason. She reached for him, touching his face with soft hands, unbuttoning his shirt without a moment of hesitation. He could see no reason in the world to stop her.

“Oh my,” the nymph’s hands trembled as they disrobed him, caressing his skin as her eyes found his many new scars. Water touched her eyes as she traced her hands along them, and she stepped forward and put her lips to Mason’s exposed chest, kissing the scars one by one. “Our brave ranger. Such hurts you have endured. But not in this place. Here we will soothe you, ease your pain, and renew you.” She smiled, the same hungry look as her sister as she slipped an arm from her dress of leaves and let it fall to the floor with a single movement. “In return, you will give us life.”

* * *

Mason fought the loss of control. Well, he tried. The nymphs led him to a bed of thick, soft leaves and lay him down.

“I am Thea,” said the smiling brunette before removing the rest of his clothes.

“Mason,” was all he managed, though it was supposed to be such questions as ‘what exactly are you doing?’ and ‘are you about to suck my soul out through my dick, or something?’

“Mason,” said the nymph, as if the sound of the name on her lips brought her pleasure, then she leaned over to give Mason a full, glorious view of her drooping breasts and erect, pale nipples. She kissed and licked him from neck to navel.

“I’m Calypsa,” said the dark haired sister, stripping her armor off in pieces as she watched. “And I will have your seed first.”

“I was the one who welcomed him in!” Thea complained, wrapping a soft hand around Mason’s cock as she looked at her sister.

“You will exhaust him,” Calypsa said matter of factly. “I only want some before you take the rest.”

Thea looked back at Mason with half-lidded, lust filled eyes, a renewed grin as she slid her hand up and down. “True. But fear not, Ranger, you will leave here renewed. This I promise as a daughter of Gaia.”

Mason still couldn’t form much in the way of thoughts. He’d often heard the expression ‘thinking with your dick’, but he was pretty sure that was now his reality. He was also fairly certain if he opened his mouth the only thing he could say was ‘good’, or maybe his own name again like that Matt Damon doll from Team America. Instead he focused on regaining some use of his limbs.

Then Calypsa’s armor was down to her waist. Her body was thinner, athletic, with small, firm breasts and legs that didn’t want to end. She dropped to her hands and knees and came forward like a hungry cat, her hips and ass swaying with every movement.

“Stop with your toying, he looks more than ready, sister,” she said as she flicked off Calypsa’s hand. Mason could feel her breath on his cock, and she grinned as she scooped his twitching length with her tongue, and buried the shaft in her mouth.

Mason groaned as Thea hissed air in mild outrage. “You’re so greedy, sister!” she crossed her arms and frowned as Calypsa bobbed and sunk Mason’s cock deeper and deeper into her mouth and throat before easing off and holding it with her hands as she licked.

“We must be quick,” she moaned, rubbing Mason’s cock over her lips and face. “He is strong. The magic will not last.”

Thea seemed quickly over her complaints and shimmied forward, lowering back down and pouting as she looked at her sister.

“Mmm, yes, he should be tasted quickly.”

Yes, Mason thought, very quickly. Except no, wait. Was this like fucking some kind of black widow spider? Were they going to devour him when it was over?

Calypsa held Mason’s cock steady as Thea took him into her mouth. Then Calypsa lowered back down and teased his balls and lower shaft with her tongue while her sister sucked and worked on the head. He groaned and lay back, and both sisters moaned at his noises and increased their speed and enthusiasm.

“Oh we’ve never had one so young and strong, sister,” Calypsa slurped against his balls. “My waters are already flowing.”

Mason’s hand twitched, and there was a moment, he decided, where he could have done something useful with his limbs. A tiny moment of mental and physical clarity that could have had him throw the creatures back and find a weapon. Instead, his hands moved to Thea’s hair. He pushed her head down and thrust, and she gasped slightly in surprise before doing as he wished. When she finally pulled up the nymphs exchanged a look.

“He can move already,” said Thea, with something like alarm.

“Hurry. Drain him, sister.” Calypsa renewed her efforts to fit his balls in her mouth as Thea licked and sucked.

Mason lay back and groaned as he stared at the dull blue light of the cavern, one hand on each nymph's hair. Whatever chance he’d had to stop them was gone. He blinked with mindless pleasure at the feel of the two warm, wet mouths on his manhood. Thea was looking up at him as she took him in deep, long strokes, not a hint of a gag reflex as she pumped him two thirds of the way in.

Finally he growled, grabbing Thea’s long hair in two tight fists, sinking into her mouth all the way to his root, jamming his cock entirely into her mouth and throat. She flinched in surprise, but made no effort to move. He came with complete abandon, releasing spray after spray of cum into the nymph, not letting her up for a moment. He watched her throat work as she swallowed, not a hint of an attempt to pull away.

“Now who’s being greedy,” Calypsa complained, until Thea finally sat up and embraced her sister as they kissed, swapping some of Mason’s cum between their lips. Then they both froze, their eyes widening as they licked and tasted him.

“He’s a druid!” Thea’s whole face curled with something like joy. “Oh sister!” she squeezed the other girl, who held her and even smiled a little.

“A weak druid, but yes, you’re right. This is…most fortunate.”

Mason had fallen back to his elbows, cock already slumped, head practically swaying in satisfied exhaustion. He felt like he’d been drained of half his moisture, and when the girls looked at him they both kind of leapt in alarm, and maybe embarrassment.

“Oh, druid, we’re so sorry! You poor thing.”

Thea ran naked to her pool, returning with a jug of water. She put it to his lips, and it tasted like honeyed heaven.

“Drink, druid. And eat.” Calypsa fed him something like dates, which he closed his eyes and chewed greedily before he remembered he’d been seduced with magic.

Feeling almost instantly better, he sat up and seized Thea by the hair hard enough she cried out. “Why are you doing this?” Mason sat up, hopefully reminding them how big he was compared to them. “Are you trying to hurt me?”

Thea’s eyes went wide. Calypsa rolled away and lunged for her spear, then stopped and stood still, hands held in front as she looked at the floor.

“Oh no, druid. It shouldn’t…you’re very young and virile, and…”

“Then why the trickery?” Mason felt a little anger rising, and it helped considerably. “Why not simply ask me for what you want? Why the magic and seduction?”

Thea looked at the floor just like Calypsa, like two bad little girls.

“Because…that’s what we are, druid. That is our nature. And because,” she blushed slightly. “Most of those who can find us and be lured are old, and weak. They are sometimes past the pleasures of flesh. They must be tempted, assisted...”

“Encouraged,” finished Calypsa.

Mason watched them both carefully.

“You’re telling me…all you want, is for me to…fill you up with my ‘seed’? There’s no cost? No price?”

“Oh yes please!” Thea finally perked up, still struggling in his grip. “It nourishes us. As it nourishes the great tree.”

Calypsa licked her lips. “It will cost you some energy, of course, druid. But as you can see, we have food and water, and you can rest here in safety. Nothing that is permanent.”

“We promise to release your seed quickly!” Thea added. “Always quickly. And with the minimum of effort. But…” again she seemed dismayed. “We’re sorry. We did not know you were a druid. We should not have presumed…we didn’t mean to…” she just trailed off.

They looked at him with almost shockingly earnest, eager eyes, and Mason nearly laughed out loud. No doubt he should remain more skeptical. He knew there were female spiders that ate their mates after copulation, that the ‘energy’ he lost might be somehow more than just the physical effort they implied. The thought occurred that maybe they took some of his experience, or something, though he had no way to check. But as he stared at the two mostly naked nymphs, the magic still lingering in his senses, his drained cock already twitching at the sight of the eager creatures, he just didn’t care.

“OK then.” He let go of Thea’s hair and sat, eating another honeyed date.

Oh hi there.

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