The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 50: how?

Chapter 50: how?

Several men in black couldn't help but get angry, this dude was too arrogant, and he didn't even look at who they were.

"Although you are the young prince of Prince Ning's mansion, but our Dark Night Gate and Prince Ning's mansion do not violate the well water. Is the young prince really going to confront our Dark Night Gate for an irrelevant person?" The leading man said a bit. threaten.

The Dark Night Gate was not built by Yin Kingdom's forces, so it didn't buy into Ning Xi.

Ning Xi played with the fan in his hand, and sneered: "You use the Dark Night Gate to crush this king? It's a pity that this king is eating soft and not hard."

"Then little prince, don't blame us for being rude." The man in black looked at Ning Xi with anger and a bit of fear.

He heard that this dude can't do anything else, but his cultivation base has a very high force value.

Ning Xi cast a look at Ning Wu, "Quick fight!"

These second-rank Huang rank killers are not worthy of her to do it.

Ning Wu nodded: "Yes!"

Immediately, the figure turned into an afterimage, and it was just one move that several men in black all fell to the ground and vomited blood.

Ning Xi walked over, stepped on the black-clothed man at the head, and said condescendingly and domineeringly: "From now on, the beauty will be covered by the king, if you Dark Night Sect dare to touch him again, or Disrespectful to this king, that king immediately led someone to tear down the dark night gate."

"Don't try to challenge this king's patience, this king has never had such a thing."

During this time, Ning Xi had learned about the distribution of forces in the Yin Kingdom. In addition to the local forces, there were two very strong foreign forces.

The most powerful is Longyin Pavilion. It is said that Longyin Pavilion is a force under the hegemonic country. Every inferior country, middle country and superior country has its branches. This is a force that even the emperors of various countries dare not offend.

The second is the Dark Night Gate, which is a killer organization established by the power of the middle country.

However, Ning Xi had already developed an arrogant and domineering temperament in the future world, and she really wasn't afraid of that dark night gate.

If a country allows these foreign forces to stand on its head and urinate, then the country will not be a great power. Ning Xi doesn't want to be a knife, I am a fish, so the status quo can only be changed.

These men in black were only the lowest-level killers of the Dark Night Sect, and Ning Xi's deterrence was quite useful.

"I'll tell the sect master what the little prince said." The man in black who was stepped on by Ning Xi muttered.

"Then get out!" Ning Xi retracted his feet and said in disgust.

Several men in black also knew that they were not the opponents of this scoundrel's subordinates at all, and immediately carried the poisoned and unconscious two people out of the alley.

Ning Xi squatted down, stretched out his hand to lift Zhang Che's chin, and said with a smirk full of interest, "Beauty, how does death feel like?"

Zhang Che chuckled lightly, "Not much."

He has also heard a lot of things about this little prince recently. Seeing her frivolous movements but her eyes are very clear, he did not resist.

And he can't resist, it's better to fall into the hands of Ning Xiaowang than to die, right?

"Do you know who is going to buy a killer to kill you?" Ning Xi let go of Zhang Che's chin and pulled with his hand, and the rope tied to the other party became several paragraphs on the ground.

Zhang Che moved his numb hands, "I know, apart from my good mother-in-law, no one would be willing to spend money to buy my life."

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