The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 16: Would it be too embarrassing

Chapter 16: Would it be too embarrassing

Since the old poisonous woman sent her to slap her in the face, how could Ning Xi not be as good as the other party's wishes? She wasn't going to continue to deal with these ghostly worms in the palace, and it would be best to just tear her face off.

"Little lord slave servant is wrong, slave servant..." Lvyi couldn't help trembling when she saw Ning Xi's awe-inspiring coldness, she almost forgot that this was the real master of Ning Wang's mansion, she put away her previous arrogance and pride. He knelt down and continued to beg for mercy, but before he could finish speaking, he was taken away by Ning Yi with his mouth covered.

The yard became quiet in an instant, and Xia Xia couldn't help but sigh again that her little prince was becoming more and more decisive and ruthless.

However, Lu Yi used to rely on the maid next to the old lady and never respected the master very much, and the behavior of trying to seduce the master and contradict it just now is really damn.

"Master, are you going to turn against the old lady and the others directly?" Xia Xia asked softly.

Ning Xi nodded and smiled: "Well, as the king, why do you have to lie to them, and they don't want to occupy the king's territory and want to be the master."

The previous assassination of the Eighteen Guards of Ning Qi had already been found out to have been secretly arranged by the Third Master and others, and Ning Xi would naturally settle these accounts one by one.

"Master is wise!" Xia Tian smiled knowingly.

As expected by Ning Xi and Xia Xia, in just half a day, everyone in the imperial capital knew that Ning Xiaowang was going to the slave market to buy people to play with torture.

The night is dark, and the imperial capital has a luxurious courtyard with an ordinary appearance.

A five- or six-year-old boy with a delicate appearance and noble temperament was sitting at the top of the main hall reading the news that just arrived today.

When he saw one of the news, he was slightly stunned, and said lightly: "Ningxi is going to the slave market tomorrow to buy people?"

"Master, this is the news from Prince Ning's mansion. It should be correct." A young man standing next to him respectfully replied.

If Ning Xi saw the appearance of the young man, he would definitely recognize it. This man was one of the waiters who accompanied her to snatched the beauty of Yupei.

The little boy was silent for a moment and said, "As arranged, this Emperor hopes to be bought by Ning Xi tomorrow."

"If the master wants to get back the jade pendant and his subordinates and the others go directly to grab it back, how can the master go to the slave market and be bought back by that dude."

The little boy chuckled softly, but with a kind of power that did not match his age, "This emperor is not as simple as taking back the jade pendant. Have you forgotten the purpose of this emperor's coming to Yin Kingdom?"

Only then did the young man remember the purpose of his master coming to the Yin Kingdom in person, and his mind changed. It might be a way to pretend to be a slave and be bought back to the Ning Palace by that dandy.

"Would it be too wrong for the master?" The young man thought it was unbelievable for such a noble master of his family to do such a thing. "How about the subordinates pretend to be slaves?"

The little boy glanced at the young man, "Are you foolish to think of Ning Xi? She has seen you before, and now this Emperor is the most suitable as a child."

"Yes, this subordinate will arrange it now!" Seeing the master's unquestionable tone, the young man did not dare to say more.

The master will return to the child every time he wants to advance to the next level because of his cultivation, and he will return to his adult appearance when he is promoted to the next level of cultivation. It is easier for people to dispel their guards when they enter Prince Ning's mansion as a child's slave. .

The master has always been very assertive in doing things, they have no way to stop it, they can only arrange it properly.

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