The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 215: What I thought

Chapter 215: What I thought

Im shutting down Starks weapons division.


Maria stunned, habitually squeezed Tonys face, almost deformed, and said loudly: You are crazy! Thats your fathers lifetime effort!

Tony bared his teeth in pain and said, Didnt you just say you supported me?

I thought you were going to bring back a bastard child, or that you had contracted some messed up disease

An illegitimate child? A messy disease?

Whats all this talk about?

Is he the kind of person who doesnt pay attention?

Tony looked speechless while Mike couldnt help but laugh out loud.


Tony pressed Maria, who was waving her arms indiscriminately, and said in a gruff tone. Starks weapons, theyre not being used to keep the peace like Dad thinks, or like I think, theyre hurting ordinary people, innocent people who are unarmed.

Maria calmed down, her eyes twinkling.

And when those terrorists attacked me, it was our weapons they were holding.

Tonys eyes lost focus, seemingly returning to the moment of the bombing, a bitter smile emerged on the corner of his mouth.

After several seconds of silence, Maria sighed quietly and said, Do you know what it means for you to make such a decision?

I know, but please believe me, Stark will only get stronger and stronger.

Tony took the miniature reactor in his hand and said with a raised eyebrow, As long as there is this.

Maria looked at Tony, revealing a smile: I believe you, you let go of it.

She believes that does not mean that the shareholders also believe that at the moment Tony announces the closure of the weapons department, those people will stand on the opposite side of Tony.

But, if they want to do something

A cold light flashed under Marias eyes.

Tony was moved to hug Maria.

It gave him great strength to get his own mothers understanding and support.

Lets go!

At this moment, Tony feels his whole body is full of energy.

With Marias support, the last bit of hesitation and worry no longer exist.

Maria nodded and suddenly said, Youre just going to leave like that?


That useless fat bodyguard of yours is still waiting outside. Maria looked disgusted and said, I came to Mikes place, and you came back, which will bring trouble to Mike, right?

Tony said helplessly, Harpy is trustworthy, and hes not useless.

His usefulness is to be at the door to remind people to please do not disturb while youre fucking those women?

Marias dislike is as real.

The corners of Mikes mouth lifted and coldness appeared as he said, If, for example, he says anything that gets me in trouble, Ill heh!

Tony winced, while Maria gave a thumbs up, and then the two old men looked at each other


They burst out laughing happily.

Tony pressed his swollen forehead and looked at the two with a speechless face.


Maria said solemnly, Youd better open a glowing door and send Tony to his broken house, although that useless fatty wont say anything, but many people are watching me, it will still bring you trouble.

Mike helped their family a lot, if they bring trouble to Mike, they will have a bad conscience.

Tony nodded and said, Thats right.

In response, Mike also thought so, so just as Marias words fell, a portal appeared in front of the two.

Tony walked in, nodded to his mother, and said, See you in a minute.

Wait a minute!

Mike suddenly said: The rags you keep in my place take away.

The cave brought back something

Tony: I almost forgot.

Mike stepped over, went with Tony to the laboratory under the villa, and returned home before the portal closed.

A few minutes later, Maria said goodbye to Mike and headed for the door.

When she reached the door, she reached out and patted her face with both hands, adjusting her expression to look sad and angry before saying to Mike, How was it?


Maria nodded in satisfaction, pulled the door open and walked out.

Harpy, who was leaning against the car door, immediately greeted her, and after a careful glance at Maria, opened the car door for Maria, nodded to Mike and drove away.

Follow the public number: book friends base camp, pay attention to send cash and coins!

Mike went home and couldnt help but smile.

Stark was about to experience an earthquake.

However, with Maria in, things should not develop as in the original plot, if that bald head of Obadiah still wants to kick Tony out of the game


Do not underestimate Maria.

Can subdue Howard Stark, she is not a vase.

What happens next will have little to do with him, they can work it out for themselves.

He now

Looked at the time, it was not yet twelve oclock.

Mike wanted to do something, but found himself with nothing to do at all

Slapping his forehead, Mike muttered, Too salty.

He felt he had to find something for himself to do, or else he would get Alzheimers if this went on.

Meanwhile, back home, Tony left from the lab and called out, Jarvis, give my assistant a call.

Is it Miss Pepper?

Who else could it be?

Tony said as he walked to the bathroom, saying, Was there anything the company needed me to take care of while I was gone?

No sir.

Tonys face darkened and said, When you say that, it will look like Im useless.

Because of Mr. Starks disappearance, the companys stock has dropped, a very substantial number, sir want to know?

Raising an eyebrow, Tony said, Doesnt matter.

Anyway, it will fall even more.

Just then, the call came through and an excited female voice rang out.

Tony, no, I mean boss, yes, Stark boss!

Peppers tone was a little excited: Is it really you? Boss?

God, it mustnt be a prank!

Listening to his assistants voice, Tony could not help but reveal a smile.

After being detained in the cave for so long, he found that he had missed his mother the most times.

Its me, Pepper, you sound excited.

Yes, no, I mean, Im excited because I dont have to find a job again.

Pepper was a little incoherent, and then cried, Mr. Stark, you are all right, Im really happy.

Tony could not help but show a smile and said: If you have time, first come to my home.

Are you at home?

Yes. Tony pulled open the bathroom door and said, I have something to talk to you about, buy me two cheeseburgers when you come.

So, boss, do you need to announce your return?

Tony let out a deep breath and said, Theres a conference at 4 p.m. I have something important to announce.

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