The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 104: Adventure

Chapter 104: Adventure

Clark was already in high school, and the two boys were about to graduate from elementary school.

What? A spring trip?

Mike looked at the happy face of Charles and Eric, raised his eyebrow, put down the glass of water in his hand, and said: Where to go?

New York.

The two boys were a little lost.

They thought they could go farther, after all, this was a commemorative trip to elementary school before they graduated.

Mike nodded and said: Yes, but dont make trouble!

Two boys cheered and high-fived, then held out their hands to Mike and said: Money!

Mike smiled and nodded at the two, took out his wallet, pulled out some money and handed it over and said: How many days to go?

The two took it happily and said, Three days.

So long?

Mike was a little surprised, then revealed a smile and deliberately said: Great, I can finally have a few days of quiet.

Charles: Ill miss you, Dad!

Mike reached out and flicked Charles in the head, saying, Just dont give me any trouble.

Eric said solemnly, Ill keep an eye on Charles.

Mike stroked Erics head and said, When will we leave? Tomorrow?

Yes, we will leave early tomorrow morning.

Have you packed your bags?

Well get right on it!

The two boys cheered and ran upstairs.

Looking at the backs of the two, Mike smiled and shook his head.

Early the next morning

Charles and Eric rushed off to school.

Today, they would be leaving for New York.

Although they have been there many times, the places to play all over, but they are still happy because of this spring trip.

After all, dont have to go to class.

On the bus hired by the school.

Charles and Eric sat together, whispering something, waiting for the car to start.

Hey, Eric, can you switch seats with me?

Just then, a blonde girl walked up to Eric, who was located next to the aisle, and asked in a polite whisper, while her eyes looked at Charles.

Eric looked at it and said without hesitation, No!

The girl puffed her lips and said, Come on! I want to sit with Charles.

Upon hearing this, Charles chuckled and said happily: Of course, Mi Ruian!

With that, he nudged Eric and said in his ear: Hurry up!

Eric looked at Charles angrily, got up indignantly and walked towards the girl Mi Ruians seat.

Charles smiled smugly, got up and gave way to the window seat and said: Sit inside, you can see the view.

The girl looked at Charles with delight and said, Youre a real gentleman.

Charles raised his head and chest: I always do this.

Looking at the laughing two, Eric rolled his eyes and said, Shame on you.

That, Eric, would you like a snack?

Just then, a girl with curly hair, sitting next to Eric has been secretly watching Eric and she carefully pulled open her backpack.

Eric looked at it and said coldly, Thanks!

The girl carefully looked at the side of Erics face and became slightly red.

Still so cool

A few moments later, the bus was filled with people, the car started and headed for New York.

Arriving in New York, the group first came to the hotel where they stayed, put their luggage down and immediately rushed off to the sights.

There were only three days, so the itinerary was arranged very tightly.

After visiting a few attractions, the day passed quickly, but for Charles and Eric, today was a bit boring.

Because the places to go they have been, there is really nothing to make them feel surprised.

However, as night fell, after the children had eaten dinner and gone to their rooms, Charles and Eric, who were staying in the same room, crawled up with a grunt.

What do you want?

Eric looked at Charles.

Charles rolled his eyes and said, What do you want to do again?

I talked to Dad and will watch you.

There was a silence and Charles said, Then together?

Eric gave a sneer and said: Not together, I am looking at you!

Charles with a speechless face said: Then you follow.

As he said, he quickly put on his clothes, pressed his eyebrows, and quickly checked the surrounding area with his ability, and found that all the people who should be sleeping were asleep, and the few who did not sleep, he also used his ability to make them fall asleep, opened the door and walked out.

Eric hurriedly chased out.

It was midnight, even in such a bustling city, at this point in time, there was a little more loneliness.

Stepping on the dim light, Charles looked at the street without many people, hailed a cab in front of the hotel, Eric hurried to follow Charles who did not say a word, after Charles said a location, the cab rushed towards the destination.

What are you going to do here?

Seeing that Charles did not look like he was on a whim, but had a purpose, Eric could not help but ask.

Charles stretched out a finger a little forehead corner, using the ability to connect himself with Erics mind.

Im going to save someone.

Save someone?

The two exchanged words in their minds.

Do you remember those kids we saw selling flowers at the Empire State Building during the day?


Eric was impressed with those kids.

Those kids were younger than his and Charles age, wearing shabby clothes and thin.

They were carrying flowers and stopping couples coming to the Empire State Building, hugging the mens legs and begging them to buy bouquets of flowers for their female partners.

The flowers were beautiful, but expensive, costing more than ten times the normal price of a bouquet.

Therefore, there are quite a few people who will not be the ingrate, and even occasionally encounter grumpy, inevitably pushing and beating when those children go up and pester each other.

Those children are not to sell flowers because their families are poor, nor are they any vagrant children, they are forced to come out to sell flowers.

Charles saw the children, because curious then used the ability to check, and then let him see some very bad picture.

Erics mouth grew in surprise.

Then, he heard Charles say, And, the person who forced them, if Im not wrong, is a mutant.


Eric exclaimed.

Charles pressed his forehead, recalling the images in those childrens minds and said: After they were taken away by that person, they were pressed by that persons hand on their head, and then a rose pattern would appear on their body, and after that, that child would obey that persons orders.

Mind control?

Eric said in confusion.

It should be a similar ability. Charles nodded.

So are we going to those kids now and use your powers to help them?

No! Charles shook his head, his voice glowing cold: Im going to find that bastard and finish him off.

As long as the source is solved, only then can those children be truly saved.

You know where that person is?


Charles responded and said, Every day, he wastes all the money those children earn, eating the best and living in the best.

And those children were left to starve and freeze.

He added silently in his mind.

This information was all in his mind from a child who happened to be the one responsible for collecting the other childrens earned money and for delivering it to that person every day.

Eat the best, live the best?

Eric wondered, How many children are there?


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