The Extra's Odyssey

Chapter 94 Baby Golem [1]

'Spatial Manipulation: Space Rupture'


A crack as wide as my arm appeared in the air.

I grabbed the spear floating beside me and placed it inside the crack.

Closing the crack, I backed a little and looked at the empty air.

"Hmm 10 cracks. Not bad."

Although invisible, I could sense the 10 cracks in the air that housed a single weapon each.

The next thing I did was to control the cracks and spread them evenly in the space of 30 feet around me.

"Let's see if this works."

I raised my hand.


Ten cracks appeared all around me.

Spears, daggers, swords, and a hammer. A different weapon appeared from each crack.


I looked at the ten marks on the wall.

And brought my hand down.

Fwosh- Fwosh- Fwosh-

Thud-! Thud-! Thud-!

The ten weapons flew and struck one target each.


Seeing that I didn't miss a single target, I moved on to the next thing.


Unlike the usual, there was no static sound.

Out of 10 cracks, weapons came out from 8 cracks. Looking at this, I nodded, and a smile leaked onto my face.

This was something I recently discovered. I can construct weapons inside the space of the cracks.




I picked up the towel and swiped the sweat from my forehead.

Today marked the fourth day since I started training at the base of the gang.

During this time, I thoroughly assessed my combat capability. And this was the result.

I had 18 constellation and I can construct 8 weapons at once.

While the number of cracks I have is 10.

Each crack can only store only one weapon. This weapon can be changed after the previous weapon is removed from the crack.

I can also construct my weapons inside the crack. This was important.

Now, I can use my art at the championship without worrying about getting discovered.

Also, when the cracks are closed, they can pass through objects. The only thing they can't pass through is the other cracks.

Currently, the surrounding space within 30 feet of the distance of me was filled with 10 cracks.

If I want to increase the number of cracks, I'll have to expand the range of my art.

The range is the distance I can construct weapons or open and close cracks.

It is directly influenced by the number of weapons I can construct at once.

"Haaa..Everything came back to increase the maximum number of weapons I can construct at once."

To store more weapons, I need more cracks. To create more cracks, I need more space.

To have more space, I need to increase the range of reach I can influence with my art.

For that, I need to increase my constructing efficiency.

"Just when the speed of constructing isn't a problem anymore."

I placed the towel back and opened a bottle of water.

"Pwah..and all this isn't even the main problem."

The weakest link about my current mastery wasn't the speed, range, or the number of weapons.

"I thought I will be able to construct higher-grade weapons after reaching Proficient mastery, but it's the still same. I can construct only Common-grade weapons."

I can't even Scan weapons of a higher grade than Common. Let alone constructing them.

"Am I missing something?"

Knock- Knock-

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in"

The doors were opened, and Miller entered.

"Boss, I brought the essence you asked for."

He was carrying a flask with silver liquid in his hands.

After entering the room, he started staring into the air for a few dozen seconds.

"What are you gawking at?"

"Nothing boss."

At my words, he walked up to me and passed me the flask.



Aether core Essence(Condensed) [Rare]

Condensed Essence of 100 Iota rank cores.


"It's a condensed essence?"

Condensed Essence was just what it sounded. Rather than having the essences of many cores, it is condescend into a singular essence.

Condescend essence is more efficient than normal essence by many times while carrying the same properties.

"Yes, boss."

'I guess this is a gift for giving them a piece of pie called Elixir Pool.'


I brought the golem core out of my storage ring and dropped the essence on it.

'I can finally get the Golem.'

As the drop of Essence fell, I dreamt of commanding a golem that was no different from a war-machine.


Immediately, the Golem core let out a bright light.


Miller and I closed our eyes.

While my eyes were closed, I could feel the core in my hands.

[Golem Core is undergoing awakening]


The core started producing noise similar to one hears from machinery because of the turning of gears.


[User's blood is required for the final 0.01% awakening]


I felt something stab into my arm.

[Ether detected in user's blood]

[[Evolver] has been activated]

[Undergoing evolution]

[Awakeninng..99.99% …99.99%...99.99%]

[Evolution complete]

[Awakening..99.99% -> 100%]

[Golem Core has transformed into Baby Golem.

[Please give it a name]

The blinding light died off, allowing us to open our eyes.

"Boss, what is…that?"

Miller had a confused expression as he looked at the golem.

I was the same.

"Baby golem?"

The appearance of the golem was, for lack of a better term, unexpected.


The golem had a body that looked like it was made by sticking chunks of stone together.

It had two arms large arms, two short legs, and purple glowing eyes.

Till here, everything was as one would expect from a golem.

The surprising part was something else.


The golem, still sitting in my palm, bit my index finger.

Yes, the golem was small enough to fit in my palm!

It was barely 10 inches tall!


The Baby golem jumped from my hand and landed on the floor.

It walked a few steps but fell quickly. It seems it was learning to walk.

As it sat on the floor, it looked up at us.

-Grruuuu -Gruuuu

Seeing us, it flinched and started crying.

The baby golem got afraid of giants(Miller and me) and was crying. Or so I understood.

'Aren't golem battle machines that give everyone a run for the money?'

'Is this a golem or a baby?'

Its size could still be ignored.

But it was behaving like a baby too!

"Boss, i-its cute. Can I touch it?"

While I was still trying to connect with reality, Miller asked me if I can let him touch the golem.

I absentmindedly nodded.

Miller crouched to pet the baby golem.


It seems the baby golem didn't like him.

It ran away from Miller and hid behind me while crying even more loudly.

"Come here. Come here."

Miller, speaking like the uncle who likes to kidnap little girls, went closer to the baby golem.

The baby golem cried even harder and pulled on my clothes.

It was asking me to make Miller stop.

Of course, I was still not over what just had happened. I was trying to cope with reality by shutting my brain off for a few seconds.

The awakening process was over the top enough to rise my expectations through the roof.

But rather than a golem that will become a war-machine. I got a golem that is more suited to become a mascot!

"Come here, little one"


The baby golem finally had enough and attacked Miller.

Its tiny fist slowly went towards Miller and…


The next second, Miller was smashed into the wall.

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