The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 33

Ofilis Hall Occupation (3)

“Is the second semester starting tomorrow?”

Ziggs Eiffelstein was training alone in his room when he suddenly realized that a considerable amount of time had passed. It was something new.

As I look out the window at the pouring rain I feel unmotivated. Due to the gloomy weather that lasted for several days I was unable to go for a jog to start my day and there was no opportunity to train my horsepower outdoors.

My plan to train as much as possible during vacation was also hit with a setback. I tried to solidify the basics to keep up with the progress of the class but I still feel like I am lacking a lot.

The Class A curriculum taught by Professor Glast was quite difficult for Ziggs who had no skills. Even if Lucy who could solve anything she was told to do with her overwhelming amount of magical energy was out of the question I thought I should learn from Lortel’s delicate use of magical energy and her agility to solve tasks with skill.

Ziggs may be ahead in terms of actual combat ability but Lortel is inferior in terms of the skills and skills needed in such a civilized life.

“I need to eliminate as much as possible from being swayed by emotions for no reason… ”

Ziggs sighed and sighed.

In a moment of anger he hit Tote and his companion Elka got really angry. It was very rare for Elka to get angry at Ziggs. Ziggs went to Tote and apologized because of the backlash but the emotional tone does not disappear.


Suddenly I see a familiar human figure in a corner of the rainy garden. Dressed in a robe and wading through the rain as he enters Ophelis Hall he is clearly a special species living in a hut in the northern forest.

“Weren’t you in a position where you were kicked out? If you force yourself into Ofilis Hall the maid will kick you out… ”

I was worried that I would be harmed for no reason but I thought there was no need to worry since I was not a person who did not know even such basic facts.

Ziggs turned his body around again and looked away from the window.


The main hall on the first floor of the Ofilis Building is visible when you open the door. Normally the entrance is tightly locked.

Whenever students using the dormitory enter or leave the dormitory the maid in charge of the entrance briefly checks their identity and lets them in.

Unless you are wearing the red brooch given only to Ofilis Hall students your identity cannot be confirmed at all and the maids remember the faces of all 53 dormitory students so they cannot be deceived.

“You are Ed right? “I received the story from the maid.”

Normally I would have had to stand in the rain in front of a tightly closed entrance but today the entrance to the Ofilis Hall was open.

‘Kelly in charge of bedding laundry’

A low-ranking maid with a small body and neatly dressed. Along with her older sister Shenny she was in charge of the mid-boss of the Ofilis Building occupation event.

There is no way the highly loyal maids of Ofilis Hall would participate in an occupation like this. However Shenny and Kelly who were taken in and raised by maid Alice are different. They are persuaded by Ellis and join her plan.

Shenny who wields a rapier and is in charge of the front lines and Kelly who uses fairly skilled basic magic and dominates the entire hallway. She will be met as an enemy on the third floor but to be honest she is not a very difficult opponent. As long as she manages to subdue Kelly who is in charge of firepower she can break through easier than she thought.

Well this is something Tailly can take care of.

“If it had been just a little bit later it would have been a big problem. “I have a shift soon.”

Anyway the current time zone was the time zone where Kelly was managing the entrance. She let me into Ofilis Hall as instructed in advance.

“Soon I will switch with another maid and go check on my work. This girl is called Selah and she’s a new maid so you should be able to subdue her without having to use force. “She doesn’t have any weapons or anything.”

“Is it okay for someone like that to be in charge of the main gate?”

“It’s not that difficult to verify your identity and let you in right? “In case of an emergency I have a magic tool that notifies the maid chief of the situation directly but today the maid chief will not answer the call.”

I nodded.

He hides inside the hall and when the time comes he beats the maid guarding the entrance and opens the door wide. Then lower-class students will rush in and go upstairs.

Around that time Maid Jean Ellis will activate the Ofilis Hall protection magic circle and block the entrances to each room so all I have to do is walk around the first floor and check whether the magic formula has been activated successfully.

Then when you think there is no problem go back to the hall on the first floor and wait for Tailly.

If all goes according to plan the breakout member of this event is Tailly Ayla Elvira Clevious.

Since Clevius meets and joins on the second floor in the scenario you only have to deal with the other three.

“What about the rest of the maids?”

I asked Kelly when I saw the empty hall.

“Except for essential personnel most people are gathered in the conference room. “The maid leader gathered everyone together to discuss an important issue.”

I plan to force them in there and block the entrance. As expected the top management has been bought so the plan goes smoothly.

“And I also prepared the items you mentioned earlier.”

Kelly whined and brought over a basin that had been placed near the entrance. It was filled with thick liquid.

“Oh thank you.”

“Can I just leave it in a corner?”

I nodded and looked up the hall once.

As it is a luxurious building the entrance is dazzling. The main hall which is visible as soon as you open the door has a clean marble floor and a high ceiling making it feel like you are still outdoors.

A magnificent chandelier decorates the ceiling and around it smaller chandeliers are decorated like stars decorating the moon.

When you walk to the center of the hall and look around it feels empty. In addition to the decorative cabinets lined up along the walls the stone door leading to the hallway has an antique look.

“The walls and floor are all marble.”

It’s definitely a luxurious place. It’s a place I’ve already been to while developing the scenario from Taily’s perspective but seeing it in person gives it a different feel.

I opened the door of the cabinet in the corner and put in a few things I had prepared. After figuring out the location and structure of various objects in the hall I nodded and roughly estimated what would happen next.

Even in Jeongsa the boss battle on the first floor was nothing special. It just takes some time.

The key is to smoothly connect Tailly so that he can proceed to the second floor boss battle. After that things will probably go well.

The boss on the second floor is ‘Gloomy Clevius’.

This is an event in which you chase after Clevius who got scared and broke through the wall by himself even though the situation hasn’t really escalated yet. It was a scenario in which he subdued Clevius who was making a fuss saying he was going to run away and then had him join the party and take him up.

So all you have to do is wait until you hear the sound of Clevius breaking the wall. All you have to do is connect the timing smoothly.

I decided to be honest and admit it. There was something I deeply felt during the boss battle in Act 1 because this guy called the Butterfly Effect is truly unpredictable… The truth is that the determination to control all the variables in the world is ultimately nothing more than arrogance.

So once the boss battle on the first floor is completed well I plan to go out to the rose garden and watch the situation until the end with Jenica who may be an emergency force. So that we can respond immediately if any unusual events occur.

“I guess we can take this opportunity to check out Tailley’s specs.”

If you happen to fall short of the clear specifications it will be a big problem. In particular the final boss of Act 2 ‘Seeker Glast’ is an extremely painful opponent. The aspect magic he uses and those stocks make him constantly experience pain that feels like an awl is piercing his entire body completely breaking his heart.

If both your stats and mental strength are not sufficiently trained it will be difficult to deal with.

I made sure to put all the items I had prepared in the cabinet and slammed the door shut.


From then on it was all smooth sailing. Everything flowed naturally like water.

As I was hiding among the cabinets in the main hall a little after 8 o’clock the new maid and Kelly took turns manning the front door. As I waited for a while the sound of students screaming outside came through the wall.

– ‘I can’t stand being treated like this anymore!’

– ‘This is the land of learning! At least guarantee equality in grades!’

– ‘Answer our voices!’

The cries of inferior and general students echo loudly beyond the main gate. They are gathered in front of the locked Ofilis building and shouting slogans. The person at the forefront is Willaine the representative of the inferior students.

His short-cut light yellow hair horn-rimmed glasses and brown-gray robe were already soaked from the rain.

Ofilis Hall is a place that symbolizes the nobility of Sylvania’s privileged students. The students gathered together in front of the symbol and shared their anger.

According to the original plan it should have ended here. It has no choice but to end with the students sitting together and expressing their dissatisfaction and also expressing the injustice to privileged students. That’s because the door to Ofilis Hall is tightly closed.

“Ugh! what’s this! I have to report it to the head maid… !”

The new maid taken aback by the sudden situation trembled and started looking for the magic tools she had been given. Taking advantage of her panic I came out into the hall again swooped down on her from behind and covered her eyes with her scarf.

“Ugh! What is it! Who is it!

I lifted the blindfolded maid up placed her on my shoulder and held her wrists tightly so that she could not undo her scarf. Afterwards he unlocked the front door with one hand and kicked it open.

The fairly large door of Ofilis Hall creaked open.

– ‘… .Oooh?!’

– ‘What the hell!’

A group of students were confused as they could not understand the situation for a moment but – ‘The door to Ophilis Hall was opened! ‘Let’s go in!’

As Representative Willane shouted the crowd suddenly rushed into the hallway of Ofilis Hall.

– ‘The management office is on the 4th floor! Let’s occupy the 4th floor and issue a statement!’

– ‘Let’s make our voices known!’

– ‘Minimum treatment! ‘I don’t ask for much. I only want the minimum treatment!’

– ‘let’s go! ‘Let’s show our power!’

I watched the crowd of students rushing in suppressing the maid.

“You… Ed Rosstaylor?”

Willaine a third grader in the lead saw me and reacted. Do third graders really know my name?

“Was it you who was bought by Lortel? !”

yes. “I am the watchman who checks and protects the first floor.”

“Why are you… ”

I blurted out the lines I had prepared.

“I also deeply agree with the words that senior Willaine has always been shouting. Of course I have lived comfortably and comfortably in the Ofilis building but… “It was only after I was kicked out that I realized how privileged I had been living.”

“Ed… Ross Taylor… .!”

“I understand now! Everything Senior Willane said was right… ! However since I was a member of a privileged class until I was kicked out there is no way it would be appreciated if I said something like this so I proved it through my own actions!”

At those words Willaine shook her hands as if she was moved. Ed Rothtaylor is a man who has lived in all sorts of privileges but has now been thrown out of his cozy cradle. The more a person is the more he realizes how great the rights he enjoyed.

okay! Are you really… You have contributed greatly to our demand for the return of our legitimate rights! I didn’t even know if you were such an upright person so I just heard rumors and made a rash judgment… !”

“No I was a rotten person senior Willaine. I was so moved by Senior Willane’s words that I just did my job! “It’s all thanks to senior Willane!”

After saying that I urged Willaine.

“Hurry up and go upstairs. Senior Willane! “We will take control of the management office on the fourth floor and issue a statement!”

“That’s right! I’m counting on you!

Willaine is in a position to take all responsibility after this incident.

He will be treated as the general manager who instigated students and encouraged them to violate school rules and will receive severe disciplinary action.

If this number of students were all severely punished the school would not run so they were beaten as an example.

People who simply participated in Willaine’s occupation only fell for the instigation and temptation and did not directly engage in destructive actions so they ended up with a somewhat lighter punishment than Willein. It’s not a good thing to be disciplined for no reason but considering the 20 gold coins and the importance of maintaining a stable flow of affairs it’s not a risk you can’t handle.

So I was moved by Willaine’s words and took action! I followed Willaine’s will! The key is to shout out. The goal is to make the responsibility that comes to me as vague as possible.

In fact Willane also has no intention of destroying the Ofilis building.

The intention was to end this situation peacefully by simply occupying the area and issuing an official statement… Not everything in the world goes as planned.

thing… I’m sorry but… Anyway no matter what I do I will be severely punished… I guess it would be okay for me to carry at least one person… ?

“Go ahead senior Willaine!”

“Yes don’t forget! Ed! You are the best junior… !”

I feel sorry!!!

Be strong… ! Willaine… !

The dark hallway is filled with the soft light of a magic circle. The protective shield engraved at the entrance to each room was doing its job perfectly.

– ‘What on earth is going on outside? ‘Is it okay to just stay in the room like this?’

– ‘Is there anyone there? The door won’t open? this… Can I break it? It looks expensive… ‘

– ‘I see students flocking in through the window. What is going on?’

– ‘If I wait it will recover right? ‘It’s not that big of a deal right?’

As I crossed the hallway I could hear the voices of students in confusion inside the rooms.

Most of the first floor students are third year students. I checked each room carefully to see if there were any missing magic circles. If the story had proceeded as planned of course there would not have been any magic circles missing. Still I wanted to see it clearly with my own two eyes.

After finishing the check in about 15 minutes I went back out to the hall on the first floor and found that it was in disarray.

Rain is pouring down outside the wide open front door. The new maid guarding the front door is nowhere to be seen. It is clear that he left to find a superior to report the situation but unfortunately all superiors worth reporting to are locked in the conference room on the 4th floor.

The marble floor which was always kept clean was completely dirty due to people walking by with muddy shoes and several of the cabinets and display shelves were completely collapsed.

“Oh my it started out more spectacularly than I expected.”

And there is a girl coming in through the torrential rain and shaking off her clothes.

“As expected senior Ed. It was a good thing I trusted you and left it to you.”

With a grin he shakes off his wet robe and lowers his hat making his pure white skin stand out even more.

“Ugh even my socks are wet. “This is why I hate rainy days.”

“You were watching the situation from outside Lortel.”

“I can’t figure out whether things are going well until I’m locked in the room. You also need to check from outside to see if the students have gathered well. Still I didn’t expect it to rain this much but ugh. “It’s completely wet inside.”

Lortel smiled like a fox and took off his robe and shook it off. Even the pure white one-piece skirt she was wearing underneath was all wet so her appearance was unbelievable.

He picked up his unusually loose reddish-brown hair with one hand and dried it and with the other hand he rolled up his robe that had shaken off all the moisture.

“If the school staff start to intervene it will be suppressed quickly so we need to get things done quickly until then.”

“Okay have a hard time.”

Lortel smiled gathered his clothes and walked into the hall. I’ll probably go up to the 5th floor like this and discuss future plans with Ellis.

The story will likely flow in the direction of intensifying the situation by causing the Ofilis Hall’s protective magic to go out of control and handing over leadership of the magic circle to Willaine the representative of the inferior students.

In this way Willaine the representative of the inferior students who is protected by all kinds of protective magic applied to the Ofilis Hall becomes the boss of the 4th floor. This is a scenario where you must quickly subdue Willain who is unable to come to his senses amidst the endless magic circle.

“Senior Ed. “Can I ask you something a little unexpected?”

As I was thinking about that Lortel walked toward the hall and spoke to me. The next question was unexpected.

“Have you ever killed someone?”

Lortel’s voice is still cheerful as he turns around but his mood is as gloomy as the current weather.

As I furrowed my brows Lortel smiled ahaha and turned back to me. His drenched auburn hair fell in clumps and flowed down his shoulders.

“I don’t have any.”

“I don’t have one either. Ahaha.”

And Lortel continued as if confessing.

however… “I’ve done a lot of similar things.”

Lortel’s past history cannot be said to be clean even with empty words.

All the secret and fraudulent tricks she committed at Elte Company must have all been actions that led to someone’s destruction.

It may not have been a serious crime equivalent to murder but it can be said to be consistent in that it ends a person’s life.

Lortel himself knows that fact better than anyone else.

“First of all I had to survive.”

As we struggle to survive in this thorny reality it is only natural to stab someone in the back. Any remorse will quickly disappear after the first time or two.

Suddenly after accepting the honorable title of ‘Colossus’ the person I trampled on in the process was a truck.

The world is full of people who will stab a dagger into their own heart if they get the chance. After it got to that point I began to question whether I had lived a wrong life.

In order to survive he trampled on other people’s lives and to avoid being stabbed in the back he stabbed others first.

I lived my life granting myself indulgence that it was inevitable but if I think about it carefully it was nothing more than self-justification.

“Senior Ed. “What do you think of such a person?”

Even if you realize that fact too late the grime already on your body will not go away.

Even if you try to do good deeds now it will only be perceived as hypocrisy and you cannot make a decision so bold as to give up all the wealth you have accumulated over your life.

There is no going back now.

I knew too many dirty secrets of influential people from various merchants and noble families to deviate from the path of commerce. The moment Lortel’s name loses its usefulness the word is decided.

In the end we have no choice but to run towards the final station like a runaway locomotive on the tracks. We have come too far now to be hypocritical.

As a merchant as a wicked person as a dark person. Little by little you are swallowed up by the swamp you first entered and when you come to your senses your entire body is already submerged in darkness.

Who are you going to tell to save you? This is a disaster that you brought upon yourself. You know better than anyone else that you do not deserve sympathy.

That’s why it wanders around looking for its people as if possessed.

“If you were a senior would you sympathize with someone like that?”

This is because they understand very well that they are already stuck in the gutter and cannot receive approval or sympathy.

The feeling of loneliness comes to both good and bad people.

If you want to escape this loneliness you have no choice but to find someone who is rolling in the mud like you. The only way to be saved is to find someone who can sink to the bottom of this swamp with you.


Of course that person is not me.

“You are responsible for your choices Lortel.”

At those words Lortel remained expressionless for a moment and then finally smiled.

“Senior you’re right.”

Lortel Kecheln is a girl who has lived her whole life pursuing only reason and rationality.

I know that fact damn well. Until the day when all scenarios in ‘Sylvania’s Failed Sword Saint’ are over this girl never once loses her temper or shows herself obsessed with something.

“You said something out of place. sorry. Ugh.”

Lortel soon regains his mischievous smile and quickly erases his sentimental appearance.

“I guess I’ll have to go do my job then. “Because I don’t have much time.”

After saying that Lortel climbed the stairs and disappeared.

I nodded pulled up one of the chairs that was lying around and sat down.

From now on all you have to do is sit back and wait for Taily to pounce.

Anyway at the time of Act 2 I know full well what the stats of Taily Ayla Elvira are what skills she can use and what strategy she uses to fight.

You won’t be able to easily get through me based on the absolute difference in numbers and stats alone. It’s not a matter of completely suppressing it; it’s just a matter of taking time. That’s not even a problem.

If I wait a while and give up Tailly will quickly go up to the second floor.

Still in the process of hitting and fighting you may get hit or get hurt.

what… It is a necessary sacrifice…


“What kind of car is this late at night…” ?”

Jenica was sitting in a corner of the pavilion in the rose garden a little away from the Ofilis Pavilion looking out at the main street.

A large majestic carriage passed in front of the rose garden. It was my first time seeing such a luxurious carriage. The golden crown painted on the carriage was impressive. Is there some great person coming along?

– ‘Something suddenly comes up that needs to be done so I might be a little late. I’ll be there as quickly as possible so please wait a moment. Sorry.’

I was neatly folding the note Ed had left and putting it in my arms looking at the rain falling between the beautiful roses.

It worked out better. I had time to compose myself.

“Have I prepared anything else?” ?”

The pavilion in the rose garden was a place I saw every day. This is because when you leave the main gate of Ofilis Hall and walk toward the faculty building it is always in sight.

It’s late at night now so I can’t see the entire view of Ofilis Hall but I can still see it blurry through the rain.

It seems like something strange is happening.

It seemed like a large number of students were heading to Ofilis Hall and just then a huge carriage disappeared in the direction of Ofilis Hall.

Yenika was curious but didn’t make a move. She was afraid that if she moved for no reason she would run into Ed.

For the past three days I had a hard time sleeping and thought deeply about what Ed wanted to talk about.

perhaps? Is that it? Maybe… Is this too much of an overreaction? Or is there any reason to call you here? I ended up worrying my best friends because I was talking to myself like that all day.

Even though she is suffering from a sense of guilt she continues to listen to Ed’s movements heard through Merilda.

In the first place there are more people than you think who know about the camp where Ed lives. Merylda said that she had seen not only Lucy but also Princess Belle Mya Ziggs of Fenia and even Lortel coming out of Ed’s camp.

Just because Merilda is not under close surveillance 24 hours a day there may be additional people coming in and out.

Coincidentally the fact that most of them were female classmates was truly heartbreaking for Yenika… It’s not my position to interfere with that.

So what is the position where it is okay to interfere? After thinking like that blood rushes to my head again.

“Did I come out after doing it for no reason? Oh doesn’t it suit you?”

For the first time in a while I came out wearing the orange persimmon flower hairpin that my hometown had sent me. For no reason I combed my hair once more and left my clothes wrinkle-free.

After coming here and thinking about it I think the cosmos pin I used at the festival was prettier. It doesn’t seem to match the clothes I’m wearing and since it’s dark at night it doesn’t stand out so I think a brighter color would be better.

“Should I replace it right now?” ?”

This is Yenika who sat motionless despite the crowd of students and the large carriage procession for fear of crossing paths with Ed. Now that she has come it’s funny that she goes to her room so quickly because of one of her hairpins.

However Yenika thought seriously while looking in the hand mirror.

“It might be okay if we come quickly.”

Once you’ve decided it’s better to move quickly and not waste time.

Yenika swallowed her saliva and quickly put on her robe and came back out into the rain.

I was worried that my hair which I had worked so hard to keep neatly organized would get caught and ruined by the hem of my robe but even so Yenika ran quickly.

My hair was a bit tangled so I just had to quickly tidy it up in my room.


“Is it really the right decision to enter the Ofilis Hall?”

“Do you know how much all the herbs I have lying around the room cost?! “Taylor!”

“Still it would be better to wait for the academic staff to deal with it directly… ”

It was still raining heavily. Tailly and Ayla Elvira were bickering in front of the main entrance of the Ofilis Building.

“If you don’t collect the herbs in time and apply preservation magic to them their properties will change! The difference in delicacy determines the results of the experiment! “Don’t you know the profoundness of it Taylor?”

Elvira puffed out her cheeks and brushed Tailly.

Elvira was not caught up in the Ofilis incident because she was conducting reagent experiments in a secret laboratory built on a coastal cliff without the bachelor’s knowledge. However she was so worried about the herbs she had left in her room that she ended up dragging everyone she could see and asking them to help her enter Ophilis’s pavilion.

Tailie and Ayla were the victims.

“Even so they are a group of inferior students so the three of us can subdue them all! “All you have to do is beat up Willaine who is the leader in action!”

Saying that Elvira walked toward the main entrance of the Ofilis Building.

“Ayla… Try to stop him… ! “You’re trying to enter Ofilis Hall by yourself!”

“Can’t we just ignore it? “Elvira is the head of the pension department so she will take good care of herself.”

“It’s not Elvira that’s dangerous it’s the underclass kids! “Whenever Elvira looks away she just sprays whatever reagent she wants!”

Ayla swallowed her saliva at those words. If Elvie were to be wrong her personality was completely ruined and she might actually throw all kinds of explosive reagents at her inferior students.

Tailley is right. It’s not Elvira that’s dangerous but the inferior students.

Taily and Ayla hurriedly followed Elvira towards the main entrance of the Ofilis Building.

“Elvira! stop! “I told you to stop!”

“Stop talking nonsense and come in! “We have to break into my room on the 4th floor together!”

then… All I have to do is go to your room right? So you’re not doing anything?”

yes. “I just need the herbs to be fine.”

After hearing that Tailly covered her head and sighed.

okay. “Then let’s just go to Elvira’s room.”

“If there are people blocking your way you will break through them okay? “Taylor.”

“Please don’t hurt people Elvira.”

Tailley said that and gave Ayla a look. Tailly’s companion Ayla sighed heavily and followed along with the two.

Eventually they reached the front of the Ofilis Building and Elvira quickly kicked in the front door. The door opened with a bang and the spacious main hall on the first floor came into view.

There is a man sitting quietly on a wooden chair in the center of the hall. All three of them know very well who he is.

The first floor hall of the Ofilis Building filled with the sound of rain. The man raised his head and looked at his companions.

Act 2 Scene 3 The 1st floor boss different from the Ophilis Building Occupation incident.

Ed a fallen nobleman who was excommunicated.

He was sitting with his arms rolled up and his hands clasped just like he did when he caught Tarkan that day waiting for his companions.

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