The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 211

Restrain yourself, Ms. Yenika (2)

?The next morning the hut where Yenika lived was noisy with the sounds of a fight with spirits.

When you wake up you have to go to the royal residence where Princess Fenia is staying so make sure you get dressed properly before coming out.

It was definitely me who said that but I never thought I would spend this much time grooming myself.

As for me I’m just wearing my usual shirt and a maroon robe. However since it was a fairly high-end product it was definitely not at the level where I could hear people complaining that it didn’t fit their seat.

For Jenica a commoner the idea of ​​wearing clothes suitable for a meeting with the royal family seems too burdensome and she appears to be arguing with the mirror all morning.

Even if I told you in detail that there was no need to think too hard it didn’t seem to have much meaning.

As I sat near the campfire and absent-mindedly refined my bow I could hear the sounds of an in-depth discussion with the spirits from inside the hut about what color skirt would be better and which hairpin would be better.

It would have been a burden for me to criticize him so I waited as long as I could.

After about 15 minutes Jenica came out wearing a different bluish skirt and amber blouse than usual. She had a shawl with her trademark cosmos pattern wrapped around her slender shoulders.

The beautifully braided hair along with the persimmon flower hairpin are impressive. Even without her maid’s help Yenica knew how to tidy up the back of her hair into a half ponytail so that the left and right sides were perfectly symmetrical and neatly braided the hair on the sides as well.

In fact Jaejoo is not a girl who can be easily overlooked. The same goes for decoration.

“How are you Ed?! “Check it!”

“… test?

“If you’re dressed like this you won’t be turned away even if you go to the royal family’s quarters right?! What’s the dress code like there?! Do you think this is too hard? W: Should I take off the headgear or something?!”

I guess it’s okay. Let’s just dress casually and go.

I know very well that this is the wrong answer.

“It’s a bit strange to say I’m a prosecutor but… Well it suits me well anyway. “You look like a noble lady Jenica.”


Yenica suddenly whimpered as if she had attached so much meaning to those three-letter words then cautiously folded her arms in front of her and quickly lowered her tone of voice.

“That’s right. that’s right. If you’re going to a place like the royal family’s lodgings you shouldn’t sound like you’re jumping around in such a frivolous manner… ”

“Yenika… “The biggest problem is that you act so unnaturally… There’s no need to worry about your voice.”

no. “What should I say? I will speak calmly and in a lower tone of voice.”

It felt like something was sinking in and it was very different from the usual Yenika.

“Is it right to leave the wand behind?!”

It was a futile task seeing as the tone quickly rose in just two words…

*The royal family’s accommodation is quite far away from the living or teaching buildings which have a large floating population. It is a place surrounded by doubts as it is a space decorated to look like another world on the cliffs of the west coast of Aken Island and is a place where almost no one is usually allowed to enter.

If you look west from the end of the magic goods trading district in the Living Building the end of the royal residence building can be glimpsed in the distance but that is all that ordinary students can see of this building.

Occasionally students running or walking around the island to exercise take a wrong turn and approach the royal residence and they are blocked from going forward. Thanks to this only rumors abound about this royal residence.

Of course I have visited this royal residence quite a few times. This is because there are several records of Princess Fenia calling him out privately.

However from Yenika’s perspective visiting the rumored royal residence seems to be something she is very nervous about and she makes a fuss while walking down the path leading to the residence.

“I’m trying to go to a place I normally can’t go to so what can I say…” “It seems very deviant.”

The nervous look is evident as he hesitates and walks down the ramp.

Actually it might be fun to just leave it alone but I don’t have the bad taste of flirting with people while watching them get in trouble.

However I can’t think of a way to relieve the tension… I decided to take advantage of this time and bring up the stories I decided to talk about yesterday.

“Yenika. “If you think about it there was something I really needed to tell you.”

huh? me?

huh. “That’s why I go to this school.”

As I trudged along the road I talked as if it was no big deal.

Actually it’s a very very important story. However if you speak with such a clear attitude it is noticeable that Yenika will listen and act reverently.

I didn’t want to give too much meaning and discuss it too heavily so I decided to talk about it subtly on the way to the royal family’s quarters.

In a tone that seemed to throw it away as if it wasn’t that big of a deal… .

“If we stay like this we’ll all die.”

“… ”

“… ”

… In fact it is a futile effort.

No matter how hard you try to avoid being a burden it is not a story you can listen to without any pressure.

And it’s not a situation where you can be considerate of the other person by talking about things like emotional burden.

Every day passes by as naturally as water but even so I know that only disaster awaits at the end.

When you sit by the fire in a secluded camp and get absorbed in the scent of the peaceful northern forest there are times when you almost forget it.

But it must not be forgotten. We must be aware that the future in which we will all die if we stay still is fast approaching.

I remember the shape of a dragon roaring across the sky.

In particular Yenika is the girl who helped transport Belbroke’s molar off Aken Island. Together she fought and fought with the Apostle of Telos and as a result was forced to lie ill for several days losing her sight for several days.

so that… It wasn’t difficult to convince Yenika by discussing the reason for the fight that day.

A quiet road leading to the royal family’s residence.

The conversation between me and Jenica was quite violent unlike the seemingly peaceful path.

Discussing death and the future… Even if you try to make it brighter it doesn’t work.

It was something that could not be helped.


“I was waiting. But maybe… “Where are you feeling uncomfortable?”

Guard captain Claire was waiting at the entrance to the royal residence.

The imperial residence where members of the imperial family stay is not as large as the Ofilis Hall. However the Ofilis Hall is a communal lodging shared by dozens of VIPs and the royal family’s lodgings are a building built for just one person.

No matter how noble the guest the only space allowed to him or her is a private room in the Ofilis Hall.

Even Saint Clarice was allowed only one room as a residence although it was the best room.

This clearly shows how special treatment Princess Fenia is receiving as she is living in a newly built luxurious building.

“Oh no… ”

Claire looked at Yenika and tilted her head.

Claire also had a look of embarrassment on her face which seemed to have a feeling of tears still in her eyes.

“I just came and said some depressing things. it’s okay.

I dissuaded Claire and asked her to lead the way. Claire nodded and led us to the princess’s room.

Basically the royal family’s accommodation consists of two buildings with a garden in the middle with the building on the left used by the employees and the building on the right used by Princess Fenia.

A marble building that stands neatly attached to the side of a cliff. I thought we were going to go through the first floor lobby and head toward the reception room we came from last time but Claire took us past that door up the stairs and up to the large wooden door.

This is the private room used by Princess Fenia. The entrance is splendid and strong.

In it is a place where you can visit several times to fulfill Princess Fenia’s favor as an individual event.

Because it was a designated secret area in the corner of Aken Island the entry conditions were very complicated.

however… Even if you think Ed has a lot to do with it… “Why did you call me?”

Jenica asked Claire that before meeting Princess Fenia.

that… “You can go in and check it yourself.”

After saying that Claire opened the door and Princess Fenia’s room came into view. And I saw the owner of this room on the terrace.

It is completely different from when I took classes in the teaching building.

Inside the teaching building she lives without receiving special treatment as much as possible in accordance with the will of Sylvania the land of learning… When she comes out of the teaching building she is treated like a noble princess.

Princess Fenia was sitting quietly in the middle of a dazzling room… She came out and when she saw Yenica’s face she sent a hint of greeting.

“Welcome Ed. And Yenika.”

Princess Fenia was sitting at a wide wooden table on the terrace basking in the sun and reading a book.

And as soon as our eyes met he gently closed and opened his eyes and spoke.

Sit. I have a story I want to share. “Maybe you two would be interested too.”

“… ”

“The time has come to seriously discuss the competition for imperial power.”


“If Sister Selaha comes to power the Rosstaylor family will not be safe. If you are lucky you may resign to a border nobility and slowly decline. If you are unlucky you may be labeled a criminal and be exterminated.”

With her old-fashioned platinum hair flowing down and wearing a comfortable lace dress Princess Fenia spoke vaguely.

“I’m done talking with student council president Tanya. “I decided to defend the Ross Taylor family.”

Is that so?

yes. I have known Chairman Tanya for quite some time. “Even before she became the student council president she stayed at the royal residence and I knew from the beginning that she was a completely different person from Crapin Ross Taylor.”

When the employees brought out the tea Yenika quickly got up from her seat and hesitantly tried to take it so I stopped her.

In times like this it is more convenient for the other person to just stay still.

Yenika who had rarely received treats before turned around as if she was uncomfortable but I calmed her down by pressing her shoulder.

“And you Ed Rosstaylor.”

“… ”

“I won’t say there is no political intention. In any case the Rosstaylor family has formed a large power within the imperial family for a long time so its remaining power cannot be ignored… Also the image of being an established force still remains.”

Princess Fenia is not that innocent.

We are not so soft-hearted as to make national judgments just because we cannot tolerate injustice.

“As long as Ross Taylor’s name still remains if we absorb the remaining forces we can also absorb the officials who still have knowledge of internal affairs. So I… “I am defending the Ross-Taylor family for these political reasons.”

Princess Fenia spoke clearly.

Rather it was characteristic of her to speak clearly and without any hesitation.

but… Aside from that I believe that you Ross Taylor siblings… I know I’m not a crazy person like Crepin. It’s one of the biggest gains I’ve made since coming to Sylvania. “When you take the helm of the family it will at least be very different from when Crepin led it.”

However Princess Fenia’s greatest characteristic was that she did not act solely for such calculated reasons.

There was a reason why she was given the nickname Princess of Charity.

“Political gains can be made by sitting at a desk and thinking deeply about documents but it is difficult to judge people unless you meet them with your own eyes. So if you want to take on a ‘person’ you have no choice but to run with your feet.”

This was what created a decisive difference between Princess Selaha and Princess Persica.

Princess Selaha looks at status and authority.

The Princess of Persica sees ability and utility.

And Princess Fenia… see a person

What Princess Fenia wanted to say after summoning us has finally come out.

“Please defeat Dyke Elphelan at the Krestol Grand Festival duel.”

Princess Fenia put down her teacup and spoke calmly.

The name of the person that popped out there was unexpected.

“You mean Senior Dyke? There has already been news that the two will face off. “I’ve met him a few times.”

“The Elphelan family that produced Dyke is the one that believes and follows Sister Selaha the most. In fact even if Selaha had not tried to appease her she would have stuck to Selaha’s side.”

Dyke himself does not seem to have much affection for the Elphelan family.

Still at least it is a place that fed and raised him so he is just doing the bare minimum.

In any case King Dyke Elphelan cannot be completely free from his family’s will. This is due to his personality of not forgetting what he received.

“I guess they plan to solidify that relationship by winning the grand festival duel and giving that honor to Selaha. When it’s time for the festival Abamama will also come to Aken Island. I’m not sure about Persica but… “Selaha never misses a place like this.”

“I never thought it would be such an important event.”

“To begin with it is a national celebration that only takes place once every four years. “I’ll be visiting many territories but I can’t help but stop by Sylvania where the future talents of the empire are gathered.”

Princess Fenia gently brushed down her platinum-blond hair. The knuckles of her fingers that slipped through her gently falling hair were so white that they were almost pale.

“I’m not going to ask you to elevate me by winning the duel. Please at least stop Selaha and the Elphelan family from becoming stronger.”

“Is that a variable that has such a big impact on the competition for imperial power?”

“I have a plan in place. The Elphelan family… “It will be the cornerstone of destroying Sister Selaha.”

Princess Fenia had a somewhat unconfident look on her face.

All kinds of trickery and secret fights that have tormented him since childhood.

Because now I knew that I had to jump into it too.

“We have to tear the relationship between the Elphelan family and Sister Selaha apart. “It starts with… this duel.”

However it is not forcibly justified. If you can’t avoid it accept the fact that you have no choice but to get your feet wet.

Apart from Tanya preparing to slit Princess Selaha’s head Princess Fenia is also preparing to capture Princess Selaha.

“You know something.”

“Please help me. “Selaha’s rise to power is not good at all for the Rosstaylor family.”

that… If it’s senior Dyke… “You’re the head of the 4th year combat club right?”

Yenika spoke as if she was worried.

Perhaps because she felt burdened the girl didn’t even take a bite of the refreshments provided by the employees… She raised her voice as if she was anxious.

“I heard a rumor. “It means that all fourth-year seniors recognize and respect senior Dyke.”

“That’s right Yenica Palover. Even when you were the valedictorian you were respected by all third-year students but Dyke Elphelan has a completely different vibe. Not at all… “It feels like a spiritual support.”

Rumors were already rampant.

Dyke Elphelan is a genius who stands alone among geniuses.

Among the students in the combat club he entered school in last place and rose to the top through grit and hard work without any talent.

The reason why those who have not seen the light and do not have natural talent have respect for Dyke is simple.

He is the savior of all who have experienced falling behind after hitting a wall. His presence is a consolation that supports the spirit from despair.

Some say that reaching the top position is itself a symbol of natural talent.

However those who can say such things are those who have never seen Dyke Elphelan practice.

“One thing I can assure you of is… ”

Nevertheless I told the story.

“… “I win.”

It is a matter of course that goes beyond certainty.

Fenia’s eyes widened for a moment at my words as if she were asserting them but then calmed down.

“If you want you can win by an overwhelming margin.”

No matter what he was the top student in his grade. It is also the highest grade.

Is it really that easy to say?

I hinted as I looked at Princess Fenia who was looking at me intently with those thoughts in mind.

“Please tell me what you are planning.”

*There are too many geniuses on this tiny Aken Island.

Sitting quietly in the sparring room of the Obelkan Dyke Elphelan smiled and gave such a monologue.

I also attended this academy for almost 4 years.

Even though I’m fast approaching graduation age I don’t feel like I’ve reached the right level.

If you walk the path of a warrior like a turtle you will see many geniuses who beat you on your back and overtake you.

Even though I am barely walking along the straight path sweating profusely I feel the irrationality of their natural ability to stretch forward without breaking a single drop of sweat.

Everyone sends it first. There are many times when I feel defeated by the speed of those going ahead… Nevertheless Dyke Elphelan just looks at them and walks away.

If you keep moving forward like a turtle you will see geniuses lying on the side of the road from exhaustion.

There are many people who meet a wall crash into it fall down lament that this is the end of their abilities and then find another way to escape.

Dyke Elphelan climbed up to the position of chief by following the footsteps of such geniuses.

Even though he was later than others he broke through all the blocking walls and sat on the throne.

The basic ability to perceive magical power is also poor. I wasn’t born with strong muscles or bones. Although he came from a famous family due to his incompetence he did not receive proper support until he reached the top position.

Since I received very little education I learned letters when I was over ten years old. He learned the characters on his own all night long by reading the books of his retainers one by one.

When I came to Sylvania I stayed up all night training my magic sensitivity which was almost non-existent. Although she endured many hardships and trained her magical powers until she entered her fourth year she has not even achieved a tenth of the sensitivity of a typical Ministry of Magic student.

At least I was able to handle the magic power that could be used in physical combat so that was enough.

However this does not mean that he was born with physical abilities.

He has a massive body with a lot of sturdy muscles but all of this is the result of training his body by overworking it to the limit.

The knuckles he used were abused until they were soaked in blood every time.

Over the past four years the number of knuckles and gauntlets that have broken and had to be replaced exceeds 200. Except for sleeping and eating it would have been a life of continuous effort and discipline.

In the end this body is not something given innately but an acquired body. Although he had strong strength and a huge body he was unable to acquire his natural fighting sense through effort.

Ziggs Eiffelstein who systematically learned combat for just one year has a much sharper sense of practical combat than Dyck who trained for several years.

Slow dull and heavy.

That was the growth story of a man named Dyke Elphelan.

“I will learn something. Senior Dyke.”

The hard work was recognized by the bachelor’s degree.

And it was also recognized by students.

Even Wade Calamore the arrogant head of the first-year combat club bowed his head once.

An exchange meeting for students belonging to the Sylvanian Combat Department.

It was a small event where the top combatants from each grade gathered together and had a light sparring session in front of the students.

Dyke stood up and looked at the senior students in the sparring hall.

Wade Calamore a first-year senior in the Combat Department.

He received extensive support and training from the Calamore family a renowned swordsman and his skills were already far beyond the level of a first-year student.

Think about what it was like when you were a freshman. She hadn’t even learned how to throw her fist properly let alone raise her head.

Sophomore senior Clevious Nortondale.

The boy is already much stronger than Dyke at this point.

It can be said that natural talent is already a blessing from God. Clevious himself thinks it is a curse though.

Senior Drake Ragers.

He is also a genius born with amazing talent. The bow he wields never misses. The level of sophistication in handling the longsword was so amazing that one could not even imagine that he was an archer.

Although he freely uses various weapons his skill in ensuring accurate hits more than anyone else when it comes to throwing and firing weapons… It’s not surprising that he is nicknamed the Hunter of the Ragus family.

every… By the time they reached 4th grade Dykes and others had a talent for witty jokes.

I found it funny that I was being treated as a senior by them just because I was in a higher grade.

“Is there something I can learn? “I’m sparring to learn too.”

Dyke raised his massive body and let out a low majestic voice.

“… “It’s time for me to warm up too.”

“… Come to think of it you were caught sparring with Ed Rosstaylor.”

“Yes 3rd year the high-ranking noble of the Ministry of Magic.”

Dyke Elphelan closed his eyes and remembered the old-fashioned blonde nobleman he had seen at the practice range. A grumpy expression. He had a face that seemed to see through everything in the world.

Dressed neatly in school uniform and wearing a wizard robe… He had seen the man stand tall in battle many times.

It wasn’t difficult to find out.

“I’ll probably lose.”

He is a genius who stands out more among geniuses.

You may think of yourself as a hard worker but those who have lived their lives as true hard workers can tell.

Clevious lowered his eyes and spoke hesitantly.

“Senior Dyke… You’re dying… ?”

okay. “He has already reached a point where you cannot see him.”

Dyke closed his eyes and smiled.

It seemed as if he could hear the laughter of his vassals who had poured out all kinds of support saying that he was a proud member of the Elphelan family only after he took up the position of head of Sylvania.

Nevertheless he was loyal to his family which provided a place for him to eat and sleep when he was young.

However the reason why I could not laugh at the letter from the family telling me to win this sparring tournament and honor Princess Selaha’s name was not because I was displeased with that family.

Dike also understands well that vassals who have a lot to worry about politically have no choice but to make calculated moves.

I just wasn’t sure I could beat Ed Rothtaylor.

“If you lose… In the family… ”

“Why do you care about that Clevious Nortondale?”

Since Clevius was well aware of the circumstances of the prestigious samurai family he expressed his concern to Dyke. However Dyke responded with a grin.

“Did you attack Lucy Mayril because you thought you would win?”

When Dyke said that Clevius was speechless.

“You would understand.”

Wade and Drake did not understand their conversation.

However Clevius seemed to know to some extent what Dyke was talking about.

Rainy Day. Entrance to Ofilis Hall.

It reminds me of the time I ran at Lucy Mayril covered in blood holding a sword.

Dyke Elphelan is someone who understands that speculation.

“If you are born a man there are times when you have to rush forward even if you know you will lose. Of course you have to do everything in your power.”

Dyke grinned and stood upright in the sparring room. There is no sign of running away or fear.

He was clenching his knuckles and straightening his body as if he was going to deal with three students at once.

It was a novelty to now have his name known to the students of the combat club.

The king of dunjaes as they say in the academy.

This is King Dyke Elphelan.


“But… Princess Fenia… It’s a presumptuous thing to say but… ”

As we were in the middle of a conversation about the competition for imperial power and Princess Selaha Yenika who was sitting next to us joined in.

She was not used to this kind of atmosphere so she sat quietly for a while.

I… In the end I… Why did you call me… ?”

It is difficult to just sit still and listen. In the end Yenica couldn’t hold back and asked first.

Yes. This duel event has nothing to do with Yenika.

Nevertheless Princess Fenia personally invited Jenica to the royal residence.

This is to tell a different story from this case.

No it may not be possible to say that there is no connection at all.

“… Selaha is a person who values ​​status dignity authority and elegance the most. With me… “There are many different opinions.”

“Is that so… ”

“Of course there are many people who can be appointed as representatives of their power as they are connected to a lot of people from noble families. Just saying her name will make people of such great status that their mouths will drop and they will come out in support of Sister Selaha.”

In that direction Princess Selaha works diligently.

but… “I need someone who can be the face of my power even as I stand at the opposite end of the spectrum.”

“Ed… I mean… ?”

“Ed Rothtaylor is a great person but as I said it is clear that he is from an established power and a high-ranking noble family. I can’t help it. Because that’s where he’s from.”

Princess Fenia looked down at her teacup and said.

“We need someone who came from a commoner background came from the bottom and has reached the top based solely on his skills. The ‘capable person’ I want and employ is… “Those are the people.”

Yenica just nodded looking blankly at Princess Fenia’s face.

… Have you not yet realized that this is your story?

“Yenica Failover.”

Princess Fenia must have thought that too as she spoke clearly and directly this time.

“… “You need to get ahead more.”

“… ”

It was a while later that Yenika’s answer came back.

“… yes?

In fact it was difficult to even call it an answer.

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