The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine

Chapter 217 - 217 Uncle (Third Update)

Chapter 217 Uncle (Third Update)

Translator: 549690339

“Brother Gongsun… I… I’m truly sorry…” Old Master Gao shook his head in pain, “My son, my daughter-in-law, even my grandson, they’re… all… all lost at his hands…”

“Enough! I don’t want to hear this nonsense! Sincerity! I want to see sincerity from you!” The cloaked stranger erupted in a bitter shout, as if he were an enraged beast.

Standing behind the cloaked stranger were two older men with graying temples. Their temples were bulging and their eyes were scorching like the sun.

Unmistakably, the two elders stepped towards Old Master Gao, their eyes showing murderous intent.

However, Old Master Gao’s expression remained unchanged, as he sighed and looked at the couple Gao Zhongkang.

“Gentlemen, please step back.” A voice with a terrible Chinese accent rang out.

At the entrance of the conference room, stood a high-nosed and deep-eyed foreigner with blond hair.

This man looked ordinary in appearance and height, but his deep brown eyes were bright like stars.

His hands were tucked into his trouser pockets, extremely relaxed, even whistling. “Please don’t move. Whoever moves, dies.”

The conference room suddenly became silent, a calm before the storm, oppressively quiet.

“Hmph!” The two elders’ eyes twitched, casting a cold glare at the foreigner standing at the hall’s entrance.

“Alright, don’t make any rash moves.” The cloaked stranger waved a hand dismissively.

“Brother Gongsun, please don’t doubt my sincerity… here it is, my sincerity.” Old Master Gao looked at the foreign man at the entrance with a satisfied gaze. “This is Bruno… an internationally wanted criminal, ranked 23rd on the world’s list of notorious criminals. He and his wife, Ms. Betty, together have formed a mercenary group, ranked 39th globally… Brother Gongsun, did you know? In the underworld of Europe and America, Bruno and his wife, Ms. Betty, are known as the ‘Green Firs’… ‘Green Firs’ symbolize death, despair, mourning… Of course, they usually bring death, despair, and mourning to others…”

“Brother Gongsun, Bruno and his wife, Ms. Betty, are both sharpshooters. With their homemade guns and bullets, they can smash a beer bottle from 200 meters away… of course, they can also smash a human skull, and pierce a human heart. They never miss… they shoot very quickly… At least, I’ve never seen anyone faster than them.” Old Master Gao smiled with satisfaction. “Brother Gongsun, this time I have spent hundreds of millions of Euros to hire Bruno, his wife, and all members of the ‘Sharpshooter Mercenary Group’… I swear, this power is enough to confront regular army forces. In fact, just last year, the ‘Sharpshooter Mercenary Group’ was involved in a coup in an African country… What do you think of this sincerity?”

“Hmph! I don’t care about any of that! When do we start? I want to catch that damn beast! I want to crush every bone in his body with my own hands!” The cloaked stranger’s voice was chillingly cold, radiating a certain evil Qi.

“Brother Gongsun, let’s plan this thing out for the long term.” Old Master Gao sighed. “That little beast now has intricate connections with the Lin family and the Sun family in Binhai. It’s inconvenient for us, the Gao family, to get involved directly… What I mean is, we need to find someone to do it.”

After saying that, Old Master Gao clapped his hands.

Two grim-faced bodyguards immediately led a middle-aged man into the conference room.

This middle-aged man was also crazed with rage. But, upon entering the conference room, he gathered himself and respectfully addressed Old Master Gao. “Master Gao… Rest assured, this time, I’m going to skin that little bastard, pull off his tendons, and crush him into pieces!”

This middle-aged man was none other than Cao Dekui, the founder of the largest dog farm in Binhai City!

“Cao, I already know about your son’s situation… sigh, we are all parents, I can understand your feelings.” Old Master Gao spoke with regret. “Cao, your family line is cut off now…”

“Master Gao! I! I will kill him! I want his life!” Cao Dekui roared through his tears, his eyes completely bloodshot, and his rage made him look utterly crazy.

“Alright, Cao, you take care of this matter. I’ll provide you with enough support.” Old Master Gao chuckled, then looked at the security guard standing at the entrance of the conference room. “Bring him in.”

Soon, another middle-aged man was brought in.

The man was simply dressed, with an honest face. At first glance, he looked like a laborer who’d come to work in the city.

He was tied up at the moment, his eyes showing a mixture of confusion, fear, and anger. “Who are… who are you people? Why did you… why did you bring me back from… from Beijing… what do you… what do you want to do? Is there… is there no rule of law anymore!”

“Shut him up.” Old Master Gao ordered indifferently.

Next second!


A bodyguard quickly came around from behind, his hands pressing on the man’s shoulders, followed by a knee jab into the man’s belly!

“Ah  !!”

The middle-aged man screamed like a pig being slaughtered, bending over like a shrimp, falling to the ground, rolling around, cold sweat pouring from his forehead, streaming down his face.

A few minutes later…

The middle-aged man’s pain slightly subsided, his body twitching, he raised his eyes in anger, glaring at Old Master Gao.

“Now, I ask, and you answer.” Old Master Gao smirked cruelly at the corners of his mouth. “Your nephew, his name is Huang Xiaolong, right?”

“Damn it! So what if it is? Little Long… What have you done to Little Long!” The middle-aged man looked worried.


A bodyguard kicked the middle-aged man’s left kidney, making him gasp for breath.

“Listen, you’re Huang Xiaolong’s uncle, I assume you know where he comes from… Tell us. If you tell us, everyone will be better off.” Old Master Gao picked up a cigar, and someone immediately lit it for him. He took a deep drag on the cigar. “Your nephew, he’s done some things he shouldn’t have… so… he’ll have to face the consequences. Tell us.”

“Oh…” The middle-aged man grimaced in pain, but a stubborn look flickered in his eyes. “I don’t know anything! Don’t ask me! And also, Little Long is quite formidable… you guys better not think about taking revenge on him! You’d best not provoke him!”

This middle-aged man was, in fact, Huang Xiaolong’s uncle!

His real uncle!

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