The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 689: Joined As One

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 689: Joined As One

"The bastard took master's body and escaped. He scurried away like a rat and hid amongst the rocks." Adam raised a fist, veins popping between the knuckles. Oscar winced, facing the wide, bloodshot eyes and contorted expression carved by deep anger. Sweat beaded along his neck, and he bit his lips, unable to bear the guilt, and tore his gaze away from his older brother's wrath. A deadly Ein rose, erupting from Adam in a volcanic rage, teeth gritting as tears leaked from his cold gleam. The ground quaked, and a few stones broke from the surrounding ruins. "I'll kill the bastard myself. He should be here."

A thousand words and emotions flickered across Oscar's mind, but they all settled on one. He bowed his head deeply, digging his forehead into the grass. His voice shuddered in sorrow and guilt, regret laden in every word, "I'm sorry. It's my fault. It's all my fault."

"Oscar…." Avril reached out, but Oscar didn't leave the ground, burying deeper. Rather than leave him, she hugged him from behind, nestling beside him. He could tell her thoughts, knowing she wouldn't let him be punished alone. A part of him wished to pull her away, but ultimately, he wished for her to stay with him. On the ground, their hands met and interlocked their fingers, refusing to part.

"Your fault? Tell me. Why do you consider it to be your responsibility?" Adam asked.

"They learned about you and your identities from me. I trusted someone who should have been my friend, elder, and a loved one. But he was not the man I thought I knew." Oscar tightened his grip on Avril's hand. Thinking of Sevon's fate and the desecration of his corpse, he clenched his free hand into a fist, cursing and outing himself for leading others to a tragic fate. Again, because of him, others died, and he bore the responsibility, a most repulsive feeling grating on his heart. One path remained for repentance. Solemnly, he waited for Adam's retaliation, not lifting his head like a prisoner awaiting the drop of the guillotine.

"Lift your head…." Adam said with forceful intent. When Oscar didn't comply, he said again, "I said, lift your head."

Oscar drew in a deep breath, the stench of grass and dirt filling his nostrils. After a few more rounds of breathing, he gathered the will and looked up, eyes closing as a clenched fist neared, blinding his vision from all else. He deserved it, believing it so. Lowering his defenses and relaxing his muscles, Oscar waited and waited, but as seconds passed, no impact landed on him nor the sting of pain. Suddenly, a rough hand gripped his head and rustled his hair, clearly an act of comfort. Opening his eyes, he saw Adam smile faintly.

"I don't blame you. It would have happened with or without your information. In the end, master and I weren't strong enough to stop them." Adam laughed and knocked on Oscar's forehead with a fist. "Is that what's been eating you up since we met? Idiot! The hell are you thinking? Master wouldn't blame you. He's probably cursing himself in the next life for losing."

"That is not right!" Oscar shouted.

"It is!" Adam took out a pipe. Oscar knew from a glance that it was Sevon's pipe, which the old Volten smoked daily. Adam lit the end and exhaled a mist of smoke. "Why are you blaming yourself for what was out of your control? So what if you told a traitor? We lost. It's a simple concept. Instead of moping around, think of how you'll win next time." His grin widened into the familiar freakish smile. "When you do, join me, and we'll kill those bastards together, all three of us like the old days. How about it, little sister?"

Avril pursed her lips, "I can't let master's killer roam free." Her golden eyes flashed a deadly chill, a look he hadn't seen on her in many years. However, she glanced at him and softened her gaze. "But I don't know. She sighs and shakes her head. The three of them reuniting is wonderful, but she's very tired. When will it end…."

"Ah, that's how it is. I won't pry nor force you to help. As the older brother, I should fight in your places." Adam crossed his arms. "Leave it to me. You two rest easy and live out your lives. Right. I'll protect your peace."

"Adam….I'm sorry." Oscar said, receiving another light tap from Adam's knuckles. Enliven by Adam's declaration, he regained some of his spirit and promised to fight if the battle ever came to him, but he wouldn't seek it out. Oscar sought to fight when the necessity arose, not to go looking for one. However, with his rotten luck, he could predict all the fights coming to him, a part of his life that never stopped or veered off course. He wished to escape it, but the world seemed intent on dragging him deeper into its affairs. Was this the effect of the Threads connecting him with so many others? Oscar felt uncomfortable pondering the intricacies of Threads and focused on the other point of interest from Adam's tale.

"You said…the son of Kais claimed to be Kais himself," Oscar said.

"Right. That was the strangest thing I'd ever heard." Adam furrowed his brow, clearly frustrated.

"It may be partly true," Oscar experienced the same oddity in the self-proclaimed new Saul and relayed the information to Adam. Avril paled, hearing it for the first time, and clutched his arm, a wordless worry spilling out of her gaze. Putting on a faint smile, he caressed her hair and reassured her, hugging her close.

"Implanting memories and the ego of one into another, following the principles of Chronems. That's one hell of a bother. If I kill this Kais, will hundreds more be waiting to kill me?" Adam smiled. "A lifetime of killing that bastard doesn't seem bad."

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"No, from what 'Saul' told me, it took thousands of tries to get one to work. The process seems to have a very low chance of success." It made sense. A Chronem like Gol-4 worked by detailing every part of the core and molding it into a perfect fit for the memories and ego of the one it had to replicate. Using that process on a person with a functional brain and core already dyed in the host's colors would induce a severe backlash as the memories and ego fared little chance of fitting in. Gol-4 had spoken at length about the exorbitant costs and effort to create so many Chronems of himself, only for one to survive with barely a head left.

"Bah. I would have liked to torture all versions of Kais for eternity." Adam smoked more from his pipe. It was odd that Fallen Heaven brought that along, or did it determine Adam required it? Adam smirked and stood up, patting the dirt from his black pants. "I'll be enjoying the view outside. Let me know when we're ready to start the fight." He turned and nodded, "Again, congrats on your marriage."

A runner rushed past Adam's retreating figure and hurried past the broken archway, reaching Oscar and Avril before they could relax. The man bowed and said, "Captain Serit requests you join him in headquarters. He fears night is nigh."

Oscar glanced at the ten orbs and scoffed at himself, remembering they never dimmed to show the encroachment of night. Picking up Avril, he struggled as she shook off his carry, blushing fiercely in embarrassment. A pity. He wanted to tease her for a while longer, his face darkening as he gripped his shaky knee. There was no telling when his legs might fail him again; perhaps they may stop forever, and he wished to value every walk for her. Avril hugged his neck and leaped into his arms, allowing him to carry her. Clearly, she knew his worries well and pecked his cheek.

Oscar carried Avril the entire way, following the runner and garnering strange gazes, including a particularly stern one from Avila. He didn't care for the attention, but Avril buried her face deeper into his chest, ears reddening to the tip. Around the blazing brazier, Serit and the rest of the Defiants had already gathered, the others from Oscar's side not showing. He rested Avril on a boulder and sat on the largest stone, an indent now carved out of the rock to resemble a chair.

"Well. Well. Well. Look at you, lad! You're up and walking again. I told you, Helen. The boy won't be put down so easily." Hector entered, rubbing his scruffy beard, accompanied by Helen. Their hair had gone grayer in the years apart, deep chasms lining their faces as wrinkles of passing time. The rest of the Haven Academy followed behind them, bowing before Oscar. Avril rushed out and welcomed Helen in a hug, the two alchemists enjoying their reunion.

"The snails are amazing! I bring you fifteen bright warriors, alchemists, and fabricators. Haven Academy is here, so make some room, you dolts!" Hector waved away the huddling Defiants and occupied a great deal of space, darting his beady eyes around. He grumbled, "What a horrid place."

"Stop complaining, Hector. Shut up for a moment." Helen rubbed her temples and elegantly sat down like a madam of a noble house.

"Young lord!" Fenu and the rest of the Azure Sea Company joined the gathering and bowed. The once-old Exalt gave a cheerful smile. "I am honored to sit at the war council by your side once again. My young bones are quivering for a fight." Fenu strode forward and stood by Oscar like a minister attending to a king. "I, the advisor, stand by the young lord, as do us all!" The Azure Sea Company cheered in a triumphant shout.

"So noisy. Our Lord prefers peace and quiet in these sort of meetings." A clear voice cut through the clamor, bringing silence. Marcus popped out of nowhere, tying his blond hair back. The First brought the others, and they all showed their respect by kneeling, except for Astrid, who nodded slightly. Many stared warily at them, and for good reason. Marcus and the other freed experiments of New Dawn carried an unsettling air as if they weren't human yet wore the faces of one. Unbothered by the stares, Marcus stepped ahead and reached Oscar's side, glancing at Fenu. "The seat of advisor is already filled."

"I don't know who you are, but I'm certain I served our young lord first. Get off, son." Fenu didn't back away. "I'm the chief advisor."

"Enough. Both of you are out of hand. Shut up." Oscar stated. The two bickering advisors shut their mouths and retreated to stand idly by him.

"Bastards. I wondered where you all were." Freed from the cold tundra, Phoebes wore a tank top exposing her abdominal muscles and muscular arms, a tiger's pelt around her waist from where black pants stretched down, and a pair of claw weapons. She and the rest of the Togros stomped toward Kragg and the others. One cracked his knuckles, beckoning Kragg to step forward. Another brandished a weapon at Astrid, who sneered back. Luckily, Restel clutched Kragg and squeamishly tugged, quelling the lion's fury as he scoffed and sat down. Eve and Auren pulled on Astrid's arms before she could move a foot forward.

"Togros!" Oscar shouted. Their attention turned to him. "There is no conflict here. We're in it together."

"Very well. Stand down, tigers. We have bigger prey to devour." Phoebes led her small group to occupy their own section.

"Seems my men are outmatched. Truly, you are the only possible man to lead us. Sorry, brother, but it's unanimous." Serit raised a thumb.

"Serit, stop pissing others off." Avila stared him down, and Serit chuckled nervously, apologizing to his wife. She turned to Oscar and said, "I still think you're too dangerous for my sister to follow, but there's none better to lead us. Just don't die and leave my dear sister a widow."

"Avila!" Avril seemed displeased. "Don't doubt Oscar."

"Indeed, don't doubt my partner." A booming voice quaked through the air, carrying a low, beastly growl near the end of its words. A man stomped into the building, white, curly hair brushing to the side from the breeze as his teal eyes gleamed with tremendous power. Garbed in an eye-catching teal vest, Erden attracted everyone's attention and waltzed over to Oscar's side, his sheer height forcing Marcus and Fenu to look up. "I'm here. Sorry, Ruvin had to join the other beasts."

"No, you're here on time, Erden. Good to have you back." Oscar stood up and shook the surprisingly human hand of his dear friend. Bringing his friend in for a brotherly embrace, Oscar thanked him again. Erden pounded his chest and winked before going to greet Avril. The others still stared at Erden in clear bewilderment, unblinking gazes following the beast's movements. He clapped his hands together, a sudden sound that intruded on everyone's ears, forcing their attention toward him. Oscar sighed, "That is everyone. Let us begin, Serit."

"It pleases me to see so many powerful Exalts gathered here today. The eleventh land will soon enter the first night." Serit paused and regarded each person with a nod. "We know what is coming. The accursed will rise and kill all of the living."

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