The Evil Empress Adores Me

Chapter 124

Well, I cant just stay lying down like this anyway. Lets go.

Wait, where do you think youre going?

Dont we have a city to clean up? Oh, by the way, what happened to the sick patients?


For a moment, Damians face contorted greatly.



Its only been a while since you came to your senses and youre already talking about work!


No buts! Lie down and stay still, if you take so much as one step, Ill get angry!

no, youre already angry, even now youre throwing a tantrum.

Damian, having raised his voice, stood up from his seat.

Then, he strode toward the door.

Youre leaving?

Well, you are awake and-

Damian glanced at me.

I need to feed you.

At the same time, the door closed with a thud.

I stared at the closed room door with a puzzled feeling.

Is he worried about me or mad at me?

Or maybe both?


After that.

I was forced to rest under Damians vigilant watch.

Damian treated the situation as if I would die the second I set foot on the floor.

Who told you to get out of bed?!

Hey, I wont die just from walking a few steps.

But I couldnt say that now, could I?

Damian was not having it.

Why arent you lying down right now?!


And just like that, a few days went by as my body grew comfortable but my mind was uncomfortable


I think you put your mind at ease now.

With Mrs. Maynas affirmation, I was finally freed from Damians intense gaze.

Are you sure shes okay? Damian questioned.

Why would I lie to His Highness, the Crown Prince?

No matter what or who it was, Mrs. Mayna answered the Crown Prince without blinking an eye.

Oh, that strong personality deserves to be emulated.

It wasnt until Mrs. Mayna gave a second more definitive answer, did Damian breathe a sigh of relief.

Then Ill be off.

Where are you going?

I need to oversee the reconstruction of the collapsed buildings. There are also a few other things I need to look into.

Ah, he couldnt do his job properly because I was sick.

That made me a little somber.

Have a safe trip, I said to Damian.

Dont even think about wandering around the room needlessly. Not until youre fully recovered. Okay?


Damian made his request, trusting me right before he left the room.

I pouted my lips.

No, I wanted to take a walk outside! This is so frustrating!

Sadly, Mrs. Mayna was on Damians side on this.

His Highness is right. Rather than overdo it, its best to take a break for a while.

Ugh, its times like these I remember the saying, Your sister-in-law is more annoying than your mother-in-law who scolds you!

They might mean well but theyre not helping me by keeping me stuck here!

Besides, its not like me to give up.

I put on the most pitiful expression I could and said to Mrs. Mayna.

But Im here to help Lebane, its a little embarrassing to be lying down all the time.

The person who stopped the dam from overflowing doesnt have to.

my god, hers was an iron wall stronger than Damians.

What can I say thatll be enough for her to let me go?

I cant back down.

I took a deep breath and looked at Mrs. Mayna with the most puppy-dog eyes look possible.

Mrs. Mayna, will sitting in my room really help me recover?

what kind of sophistry are you talking about?

Isnt the pain of the heart just as important as the pain of the body?

I spoke in a mournful voice.

If I stay stuck in your room like this, itll get stuffy and my health might get worse!

Proper sunlight and exercise greatly help recovery, right?!

You wont let me go even after I said that?!

I strained my eyes as I looked at Mrs. Mayna.

After a while.

Mrs. Mayna relented, letting out a long sigh and nodding.

A short walk should be harmless.

Wow, really?

However, I must accompany you.

Of course thats fine! Thank you!

Whats the problem with just going outside?

I got out of bed with joy.


The whole city was bustling with activity.

Workers were busy moving and restoring the collapsed buildings.

Women were cooking and serving hot stew in large pots.

The children were also helping the adults with their errands.

Im really glad it ended well.

At this rate, it seems that Lebanes recovery will be completed without a hitch.

I was happily taking in the scenery of the city when I heard someone call my name.

The childs eyes widened upon finding her.

Its Lady Charlize!


Why call me?

As soon as that call rang out, people began turning to me with surprised expressions!

Whats with everyone?

Im nervous now!

I hesitantly took a few steps back.

Loud cheering erupted.

Charlize! Charlize!

The saintess who performed a miracle and saved Lebane!

The saintess, shes here!

a saint?

My jaw dropped.

Whats the meaning of this?!

I quickly turned to Mrs. Mayna.

Mrs. Mayna looked at me with a very calm demeanor.

Hey, those people, what they called me just now

Yes, the people in the city have been calling Lady Charlize a saint lately.

No, this has to be a joke, right?!

Me, a saint!

How did that title even come about?!

Just when I couldnt hide how awkward I felt, Mrs. Mayna calmly added another comment.

Come to think of it, everyone who had the contagious disease also happened to be cured as well.

Wow, all of them?

For a moment, I forgot the awkwardness and looked at Mrs. Mayna with an amazed expression.

Is it really like infectious diseases to be remedied so quickly?

In any case, Im ecstatic!

But then.


The corners of Mrs. Maynas lips slanted upward.

Yes. This is probably

I stared at Mrs. Mayna with a subtle gaze.

Was it just me or was her tone rather mischievous?

Its thanks to Lady Charlize, a saint taking care of the people. Yes?

You too, Mrs. Mayna!

I was going to freak out.

Really, even youre calling me that?!

Im afraid Im going to die of embarrassment!

Alas, I cant live!


After walking around, I went to finally see Damian.

He said was going to oversee the reconstruction of the collapsed buildings earlier

Whats this?

I was moving briskly, but I came to a halt.

I chanced upon Damian.


Not that way!

No, if you hold onto the foundation like that, youll fall over!

Damian wasnt just supervising the workers, he was in the thick of it, moving building materials himself while listening to the orders of other managers.

Usually, I would simply observe Damian with a proud feeling in my chest while exclaiming, My boys grown up well! Only this time though

Oh, my god.

I couldnt afford such admiration now.

Damian, why are you taking your top off?!

I covered my mouth with both hands and involuntarily fixed my eyes on Damian.

He piled a mountain of building materials onto his shoulders and moved with great stride.

Those large well-toned muscles flexed alluringly.

It truly was a sight for sore eyes, a statue created by masterful craftsmen come to life.

I gulped.

No, obviously, I knew from the start that Damian had a great body.

I could still remember how firm his chest was through his clothes when he picked me up during the ball.

Wow, just wow. Its such a gorgeous view.

Ah, am I being too blatant in my appreciation of his body?

No, that cant be.

I wasnt the only one, all the women around me couldnt take their eyes off Damian.

Even the composed Mrs. Mayna had her eyes fixed on Damian!

But then.


As soon as those scarlet eyes landed on me, they embraced a new terrifying light.

You! I told you to rest quietly back in the room!


I was so enamored with Damians figure, I missed the opportunity to make an excuse first!

But it was so frustrating!

I exclaimed hastily.

Of course, theres no way that Damians ferocious momentum will subside with such words.

So, I cunningly added Mrs. Mayna into the mix as well.

Besides, Mrs. Mayna said that a short walk would be fine!

That should stop him, right?

Isnt that what she said?

It seemed that Mrs. Mayna conveyed something with her eyes but he paid no attention to Mrs. Mayna.

Despite my desperate efforts, Damians menacing aura did not disappear at all.

A short walk, huh!

Damian, who approached me, raised his hand and placed it on my forehead.

Look at this, youre burning up again!

Um? A fever?

I blankly blinked my eyes.

It may have seemed like Damian was dealing with a troublemaker but there was an unconcealable worried look in his eyes.

Your face is so red!

No, thats not it

I couldnt overcome my embarrassment and closed my eyes tightly.

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