The Empress's Transmigration into a Magnate's Wife

Chapter 8: In Good Shape

Chapter 8

This banquet went especially smoothly because of Rong Dai's "thoughtfulness", so when Mrs. Huo returned to the old house that night, her face was glowing.

The Old Madam's mood was not as high, but Rong Dai managed to coax her into a better mood.

When she reached the door of her room, she heard the sound of water and her footsteps hesitated for a moment before pushing the door open.


As soon as she opened the door, she saw Huo Shao Ting bare-chested and was so shocked that she immediately covered her eyes and turned around.

How could he be so uninhibited?

Although they were husband and wife, they were both clearly aware... yet he was so unconstrained!

"Are you trying to wake up the whole family?"

Huo Shao Ting's eyes were cold as he glanced at her and his voice was icy as he took a white shirt out of the wardrobe and put it on.

Rong Dai was frozen stiff. Although she had seen naked men before, the only one she had seen in her previous life was the Emperor.

The Emperor was not as uninhibited as him, running around naked as he pleased.

"Quick, put your clothes on." She spoke hurriedly, also a little worried that the Huo family would see her like this and she would have to spend effort explaining later.

Huo Shao Ting was just about to walk past her with a notebook in hand when he saw that she was still blocking the door without moving. He simply turned around and sat down on the sofa: "It's not the first time you've seen me. Is this how a wife should behave? Or are you ready to sign the divorce papers now?"


Hearing the four words "divorce papers", Rong Dai reacted as if physiologically and immediately turned around, quickly shut the door, her tone resolute.

This series of actions was swift and smooth, leaving Huo Shao Ting a little stunned.

What was with this woman?

Rong Dai secretly explained to herself in her heart that this was how things were in this modern era, not like the feudal times of her past life.

It was just a bare torso, what was there to make a big fuss over? There was nothing much remarkable about a man's body after all. She shouldn't overreact.

As she thought this, her gaze swept over Huo Shao Ting's body twice, her eyes approving: "Not bad physique."

No one dislikes hearing praise, right? When it came to vanity regarding physique, men were absolutely no less vain than women.

Having said this, she slipped into the bathroom in a flash.

Huo Shao Ting was puzzled, glancing down at his own abs.

With his eight pack abs, this woman could only describe it as "not bad"?

Rong Dai spent nearly a century in the bathroom, mainly because she was not ready to share a bed with Huo Shao Ting.

Although she knew nothing would happen between them, having this stranger sleeping beside her was a bit much and she needed time to convince herself.

"Are you planning to sleep in the bathtub tonight?"

Huo Shao Ting had already finished working and seeing that she still hadn't emerged after so long, he couldn't help but frown and call out to the bathroom.

This woman had just shown him goodwill this morning. Why the change at night?

Hmm, women.

Huo Shao Ting's expression was a little displeased. Rong Dai reluctantly emerged from the bathroom, quickly glanced at him and saw he was fully dressed.

"Are you going out?"

Huo Shao Ting said impatiently, "Should I be sleeping here?"

Rong Dai realized his displeasure and thought she must have said something wrong. What had she been thinking just now?

Wen Shi Lan was gentle and refined, his heart's beloved.

If not to accompany her, was he really going to stay here?

"I'm sorry, I...took a bit long. Did you have something to say?"

Knowing Huo Shao Ting would not be staying over, she immediately felt relieved and the proper smile returned to her face.

Seeing the smile on her face, Huo Shao Ting thought of how hard she tried to please everyone at the banquet this afternoon, and his impatience eased somewhat.

"There's an event tomorrow that you need to attend with me. We'll leave at 11am."

The man glanced at his watch, his handsome face impassive, his tone completely devoid of warmth.

Rong Dai quickly said, "Okay."

This was her duty. She could not anger Huo Shao Ting now, or she would really end up homeless.

"Oh, can I give you a reminder?" Rong Dai suddenly thought of something and seeing him about to leave, hesitantly asked.

Huo Shao Ting's footsteps paused as he glanced at her: "Speak."

"When you are with Miss Wen, be careful... if she gets pregnant, it may be bad for you..."


Before she could finish speaking, there was an earth-shattering slam of the door that left her ears ringing violently.

Rong Dai looked at the closed door in shock, immediately reflecting that she shouldn't have meddled.

After all, a man his age should want a child soon, right? She remembered when she first became Empress, the Emperor already had seven sons and five daughters.

Huo Shao Ting didn't even have a shadow yet. Alas, she had interfered with someone's good deed and was still running her mouth.

Anyone would be unhappy. She would have to be mindful of her boundaries next time.

After lamenting inwardly, Rong Dai got into bed and fought her drowsiness to look up more things online.

There was so much she had to learn, this one year was very urgent, she couldn't be negligent at all.

After slamming the door, Huo Shao Ting stood outside with a gloomy expression, his fists clenched white. This woman...

What exactly was she thinking?

Huo Shao Ting just felt a little frustrated, dealing with this woman was much more difficult than handling company affairs.

After taking a couple deep breaths, he went to the guest room next door.

Rong Dai didn't expect Huo Shao Ting to sleep in the next room. She had thought he went to accompany Wen Shi Lan. After looking up information until past midnight, she set an alarm and fell fast asleep.

The next morning when she woke up and washed up, she saw Huo Shao Ting already working on his laptop.

"He really works hard."

Rong Dai couldn't help sighing inwardly, thinking he had rushed back after accompanying Wen Shi Lan last night and was now keeping up appearances.

Sensing her gaze, Huo Shao Ting looked up and saw the pity in her eyes.


This woman was pitying him?

Before he could ask, Rong Dai had already sat down at the dining table herself and asked if Old Madam Huo and Mrs. Huo were up yet. Finding out the situation, she ate breakfast alone, completely ignoring Huo Shao Ting.

"Young Master, have breakfast."

Wang Ma came out of the kitchen with freshly cooked porridge, saw Rong Dai eating alone and Huo Shao Ting's somewhat gloomy expression, and hurriedly called out to him.

Rong Dai was startled and looked up at Huo Shao Ting. So he didn't even get to eat at Wen Shi Lan's place? That was more than just a little pitiful.

"Wang Ma, let me."

She quickly got up and served Huo Shao Ting a bowl of porridge. After all, she had ruined his good time, she had to make the right gestures, or her previous efforts would go to waste.

Seeing that she still had some conscience, Huo Shao Ting's gloom lightened a little.

Rong Dai heaved a sigh of relief. This young master of a wealthy family really was as difficult to serve as the Emperor.

After breakfast, Rong Dai went upstairs to get ready, but found that her clothes were pathetically few. Since they were attending an event, she would need either formal attire or something elegant and appropriate.

But aside from the cheongsam she wore yesterday, her wardrobe was full of somber colors.

Although the material of these clothes was decent, someone her age dressing like this would look old-fashioned. Every woman liked to dress themselves young and pretty, she was no different.

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