The Empress's Transmigration into a Magnate's Wife

Chapter 43: Piss him Off

Chapter 43

"Stop the car! Stop now!"

Huo Shao Ting had just put the unconscious Rong Dai in the car to take her to the hospital. At that moment, their car happened to brush past Wen Shi Lan's car as they left the residential area.

Huo Shao Ting's attention was completely on Rong Dai, so he naturally didn't notice Wen Shi Lan. But Wen Shi Lan remembered the license plates of all his personal vehicles, so she immediately had her driver stop the car.

"Shao Ting! Shao Ting!"

Ever since the blow she suffered at the restaurant that day, Wen Shi Lan had become listless at home over the past few days. She still didn't want to believe those words came out of Huo Shao Ting's mouth.

She had an apartment in this residential area. Her first reaction wasn't that Huo Shao Ting had something to do here, but whether he came to find her?

But after chasing him for over 200 meters, Huo Shao Ting's car still didn't stop.

She panted for breath, looking at his disappearing car with a fascinated yet desperate gaze.

"Miss." The driver got out of the car and walked over to her. Seeing her squatting on the ground, he couldn't help calling out to her. His eyes concealed an extremely complex emotion, like heartache yet also infatuation.

Wen Shi Lan squatted on the ground until her legs felt a little numb before standing up.

She had lost all her former vigor, her whole body wrapped in a sinister aura. She slapped away Yang Yue's outstretched hand fiercely.

"You'd better remember your place!" She glared at Yang Yue with disgust.

Yang Yue's heart contracted with pain, a flash of disappointment in his eyes. His attitude became respectful, "Yes, Miss."

Wen Shi Lan's face was unpleasant. She limped back to the car somewhat and commanded him imperiously like an empress dowager, "Go find out exactly why Huo Shao Ting came here today! I must know everything! Otherwise I'll fire you! Don't think I don't know what intentions you had in coming to be my driver!"

Yang Yue steadily drove the car, his face calm as he acquiesced to her. But his heart was in such anguish that he couldn't breathe.

On Huo Shao Ting's side, he left the rest to Lu Hong to handle after leaving.

When Zuo Ran was taken away, she still looked fierce and unwilling. She could hardly even believe Rong Dai actually called the police! She had actually told Huo Shao Ting about their affairs!

Was that cheap woman not afraid that she would publicly reveal her mother's matters? Was she not afraid of being pointed at and gossipped about by others?

It was precisely because she held this over them that she could firmly control mother and daughter in her palm all this time. But now that she sat in the police station, she finally realized what was going on.

Those burly men were no exception either. With so many security guards, Lu Hong's colleagues were all elites. How could they let them slip away right under their noses?

Then when they got to the police station and investigated, good gracious!

They all had prior convictions and offenses. And they had all committed new offenses recently too, so they were detained for education altogether.

"Zuo Ran, I advise you to honestly confess everything! Don't try your slippery tricks here! You're already suspected of committing a crime, don't you know that? If you continue to stubbornly resist, it will do you no good!"

At the police station, several policemen took turns but failed to pry open Zuo Ran's mouth. This woman's mouth was too tight!

"Crime? Do you have evidence? If you have evidence, then bring it out."

Zuo Ran sneered coldly. She knew clearly what she had done, but such matters were consensual. Which law stated that her liking women was a crime?

The policemen were so angry they nearly spit out blood. If they had enough evidence, would they still be here wasting time talking to her?

"Take the suspect out for now. Don't interrogate for the moment. She's crazy. Be careful not to let her self-harm."

Outside the interrogation room, Lu Hong spoke, then left to call Huo Shao Ting and explain the situation here.

At this time, Huo Shao Ting was still at the hospital. In his hands were the diaries Rong Dai had brought back from Zuo Ran's home.

His expression was gloomy and cold. Even his tone of voice was icy, "Detain her for now."

"Big brother, if she has no evidence, it can only be 24 hours of detention at most before she has to be released." Lu Hong felt this was troublesome.

"Release after 24 hours? She's suspected of illegally detaining my wife, with assault, intimidation. And you're telling me to release after 24 hours?"

Huo Shao Ting's voice suddenly became dangerous.

Lu Hong felt a chill go down his spine, "Then is there an injury assessment report from sister-in-law? If there's an assessment report, plus collecting evidence from the scene, I can detain her for seven days. If litigation is initiated, sentencing will depend on the court. However, if sister-in-law's injuries aren't too serious, and didn't cause substantive loss, sentencing may be a bit difficult in this case."

Huo Shao Ting's eyes were sharply cold. His knuckles were white from clutching the diaries. How could he not be angry?

This woman was going to anger him to death!

"Send the injury assessment report to you later. For substantive loss, does fraudulently obtained property count?" He asked coldly.

Lu Hong was startled. There was too much information today. This sister-in-law was full of surprises when she appeared!

"If there's evidence, then of course it counts."

"You just keep an eye on her. I'll think of a way to get evidence." Huo Shao Ting said very coldly, then hung up.

Not long after he hung up, Assistant Zhang came in with Rong Dai's injury assessment report.

"Boss, this is Madam's injury assessment report. Her injuries aren't serious. She can be discharged after waking up."

"Not serious?" Huo Shao Ting's voice rose. His eyebrows were practically knotted. He emanated cold anger, frightening Assistant Zhang into sweating.

He immediately thought of something. Detaining someone here still required evidence. Otherwise after 24 hours without substantial evidence, this person would have to be released.

"Boss, I understand now!" Assistant Zhang said hastily, taking the report and immediately running off.

Huo Shao Ting looked at Rong Dai sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed. His eyes were extremely deep. After Assistant Zhang came back with an assessment report that satisfied him, he said,

"Go investigate a few things. Zuo Ran's accounts, and my wife's accounts. Also compile a list of all the luxury items that flowed out from my wife's hands. I want to get to the bottom of all this."

Assistant Zhang didn't dare hesitate and immediately went to handle it. This matter today was too sudden and shocking!

In the private hospital room, Rong Dai's injuries actually weren't too serious. But in the evening, she developed a high fever and kept muttering deliriously with her brows furrowed.

Sitting on the sofa handling work, Huo Shao Ting heard it and walked over. Seeing her flushed cheeks, he immediately called the doctor over.

The doctor prescribed some medicine to reduce the fever and gave some other instructions before leaving.

The hospital room was very quiet. There wasn't that pungent medicinal smell either. Rong Dai felt like her entire body was drifting among the clouds, without any foothold.

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