The Empress's Transmigration into a Magnate's Wife

Chapter 20: My Wife Is Yung Dai

Chapter 20

Huo Shao Ting returned home from work without paying much attention to Huo Shao Jie's chattering. Instead, he went upstairs to see his grandmother. Coincidentally, he saw this scene.

In the small garden, the last glow of the setting sun shone down, coating everything in a layer of golden gauze. The woman's body was soft as she quietly leaned against grandmother's knees.

Even just seeing her back, she was still quiet and beautiful.

Huo Shao Ting felt a stir in his heart. From when they got married until now, except for her strange changes these past few days, he had never seen this soft side of her before.

For a moment, he regretted ignoring and neglecting her after they hit a wall on their wedding night.

"Granny," he couldn't help calling out in a somewhat hoarse voice.

Although Rong Dai was puzzled why he would come back instead of accompanying Wen Shi Lan, she could discuss this matter with him. After all, it concerned the Huo family's reputation.

"Shao Ting, you're back! Come over quickly!"

Grandmother turned her head to look at him with a loving, gentle smile as she beckoned him over.

Rong Dai also sat up straight, looking at him against the glow of the sunset.

Huo Shao Ting couldn't make out her expression, but her exquisite facial contours were beautifully illuminated by the sunset. His heart jumped wildly for a moment as he inexplicably walked over.

Rong Dai's eyes were very calm. She didn't notice the fleeting ripple in the man's eyes. Seeing him take off his shoes to sit down, she hurriedly shifted over a little.

Huo Shao Ting had originally wanted to sit next to her. Seeing her move, his body couldn't help but freeze up a little as the ripple that had just dissipated rose up again. However, his handsome face was still indifferent.

Rong Dai didn't think there was anything wrong with her actions. After all, she had always believed Huo Shao Ting liked Wen Shi Lan and only married the original owner by force. It was appropriate for them to maintain some distance.

She didn't see it, but grandmother saw it very clearly. She was immediately delighted.

She hurriedly grabbed Huo Shao Ting's hand and Rong Dai's hand, forcibly interlocking them. She looked at the two benevolently.

When he touched her soft, delicate hand, the ripple that had just disappeared poked its head up again. But Huo Shao Ting's handsome face was still apathetic.

Rong Dai didn't need to say anything. Although she wasn't used to this kind of touch, she also understood that in the future, this kind of contact between them wouldn't be uncommon in front of elders. She might as well get used to accepting it early.

"The company doesn't have that much to do now. From now on, get off work and come home on time. Spend more time with Rong Rong. What newlyweds sleep separately? Tonight, move back in. You two get along well, then I can rest assured."

Grandmother earnestly exhorted them. She had to add fuel to the fire for this good opportunity.

"Okay." Before Rong Dai could even respond, Huo Shao Ting already agreed.

She looked at him in surprise, very puzzled why he would agree to this condition.

But since he had agreed, she had just asked grandmother for this favor. She couldn't refute the old lady's "kindness" the next second. She could only slightly bow her head and nod.

Grandmother was very satisfied with their performance. Seeing Huo Shao Ting's expression remain unchanged, she was still worried. She found an excuse to let Rong Dai leave first.

"Shao Ting, tell Granny, do you like Rong Rong? If you don't like her, don't delay such a good girl. Although that Wen girl isn't great, if you really like her, Granny won't stop you."

Huo Shao Ting listened with a dumbfounded expression. Wasn't it you who insisted I marry Rong Dai? Now what do you mean by this? How did he end up delaying that woman?

Granny, what are you trying to do?

Moreover, what does this have to do with Wen Shi Lan? Why does even Granny think there's something between them?

"I can't say I like her, but she's not bad either. As long as she doesn't act like before, I won't force her to do anything."

Huo Shao Ting answered coldly. He was also very confused. Did he like that woman?

"That's good. Feelings can be nurtured slowly. Rong Rong is a good girl, more than qualified to be your wife. You have to believe in Granny's eyesight."

Grandmother nodded satisfied. If she hadn't been so adamant this time, there probably wouldn't have been much hope of this grandson letting her hold her great-grandchild sooner.

"What about that Wen girl? How do you plan to deal with her?"

Huo Shao Ting felt helpless. What exactly did he do wrong to make them so suspicious?

"Uncle Wen hinted to me before. I'm just repaying his kindness by helping to take care of her. I'll have her resign tomorrow. I don't have any improper thoughts about her. In my eyes, she's just an acquaintance's daughter, that's all."

It seemed he really needed to find time to make things clear with his family. Even Granny thought this way, the rest of the family probably had similar ideas.

He disliked dragging things out or explaining one by one.

"That's good. Rare of you to see things so clearly. Granny thought you really liked that girl. Although she's pretty good, she's not suitable for you."

Grandmother immediately relaxed, and the knot in her heart disappeared. She looked at Huo Shao Ting earnestly.

"Granny, my wife is Rong Dai. No one can change that." Huo Shao Ting also answered seriously.

No one could ever force him to do anything. It was only up to him whether he was willing or not. He was willing to marry Rong Dai as his wife, so he was prepared to be a good husband to her. Plus, he wasn't in the habit of having affairs.

"Alright, since you put it that way, this old woman won't interfere in your matters anymore. The world is so big. Take advantage of these old bones of mine that can still move and arrange a world tour for me with several old lady friends."

"I won't meddle in you young couple's affairs anymore. But remember, women need to be coaxed more. She can see how sincere you are. If you're earnest, it won't go too wrong."

Grandmother smiled and went downstairs to prepare dinner after the grandfather and grandson finished their heart-to-heart.

At dinner, Rong Dai only felt an icy cold wall next to her because Huo Shao Ting was sitting beside her. She was a little uneasy even when eating and put down her bowl and chopsticks after just a few bites.

"Granny, I'm done eating. Eat slowly. I'll go upstairs first and keep you company later."

She dabbed her mouth with a napkin and got up with a gentle, proper smile. Grandmother didn't stop her.

Seeing her leave, Huo Shao Ting's eating slowed slightly as his eyes darkened. Does this woman dislike him that much?

Rong Dai let out a long sigh of relief after going upstairs. Although they had reached an agreement and she wasn't afraid of Huo Shao Ting, that man's aura was too powerful and cold. Sitting next to him made her very uncomfortable.

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