The Dragon King’s Harem System

Chapter 177. The Minotaur’s Camp I

Chapter 177. The Minotaur’s Camp I

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 177. The Minotaur's Camp I
On the other hand, the Minotaurs' preparations were also almost done. The soldiers were ready with their weapons and ready to attack. But only some of them lined up in the yard. Their strongest soldiers instead hid in tents or caves. They awaited orders from the general to charge into the tunnels once the horns sounded.
Just like their strongest army, the Minotaur king, Xinrax, was also still in the main tent along with his assistants and General Dravis. Even though he was in his humanoid form, he was about 2.5 meters tall and had a stocky build. His face looked masculine with a strong jawline. A pair of black bull horns on top of his head and his long, neck-length brown hair. A tail behind him.
On his body, an armor that only covered his shoulders, chest, knees, and waist. Even though it was a bit of a minimum, Xinrax preferred the armor that only protected his important parts. That way he could move more freely and show off his muscles clearly.
His figure looked different with predominantly light brown skin and a much larger body than the others. While General Dravis, who had a similar appearance to him, only had a height of around 2 Meters with darker skin than him. His horns were also brown, indicating his status as noble. His assistant also had the same appearance as the General. But their horns were white.
Rather than looking tense since the war was about to start, Xinrax was sitting leisurely in his chair with two maids from the Minotaur tribe fanning him with large feathers. Another maid fed him the best berries that had just arrived yesterday. A large table in front of him with a map and crystal showing the floor plan of the Firestone Fortress. A black huge great war ax was on his side, his beloved weapon that could shake the ground in just one swing. Instead of sitting down, the others stood around the table.
Xinrax's relaxed attitude was very different from the others, the general and his assistant looked tense since one mistake could destroy everything since they concentrated all their attacks on the tunnels and planned to sacrifice the open field soldiers. And to get the dragons' attention, they used huge beasts. In addition, the beasts could also be used to break through and destroy the fortress.
Seeing the king who seemed not to care about what they had to say, General Dravis turned to him.
“Your Majesty, are you listening to me?” he said as politely as possible. A frown on his forehead. Still, his displeasure was still evident in his tone of voice. He and the others were explaining the plan in detail, yet the king didn't seem to care, the king even was busy teasing the maids. Every now and then, their laughter sounded and it disturbed their meeting.
"Yes, yes. I'm all ears. Just keep going," said Xinrax, waving his hand at the general nonchalantly. His attention was on the maid by his side. His hand touched the maid's buttocks again. Another laugh escaped his mouth. So did the maids who accompanied him.
Xinrax's attitude made the general and his assistants even more annoyed. But no one dared to say their complaint since he was the king. Except for General Dravis, of course. Since he was fed up with what the king did.
"Your Majesty, we have sacrificed many of our soldiers' lives for months. Please take it seriously," said the general, raising his voice. His displeasure was getting clearer from the tone of his voice.
The king scoffed and averted his gaze to the general. This time his displeasure was also on his face.
"I am. Don't you see it?" He retorted in the same vein as the general. His hand waved at the maid by his side, gesturing to get him a glass of wine.
The general gritted his teeth to contain his anger.
"My apologies, Your Majesty. But I don't see it," he replied. He had to hold back his emotions when he saw how his soldiers died one by one because of the king's 'brilliant' plan.
Even though they were new recruits, the general still saw them as part of his army. It was a hellish sight for him and he had to see it over and over again. He felt he had betrayed his own army's loyalty for the sake of the king.
An arrogant snort out of the king's mouth.
"I already gave my brilliant idea, right? You just need to execute it properly. With the dragon king's absence, what are we afraid of?" replied the king. His hand took the wine glass from a maid without taking his eyes off the general. His eyes stared at the general with a death glare.
He had been leading this war for months and was bored since none of his wives would accompany him to the battlefield. Even they didn't agree with the idea. Dan said that Xinrax would only bring disaster to the Minotaur tribe. In other words, his wives didn't believe that he was able to take over Draconis, despite the dragon king's absence. Therefore he would show that he could do it.
After he had been patient for months since the king was so sure of his victory that he decided to have a little fun. A pre-celebrating party he could say since he was getting tired of all this. After all, what dragons could do without their king was just to defend their territory. They wouldn't attack other territories since they didn't have the authority to do so.
So Argod's absence was a good opportunity to take over Draconis. Unfortunately, many other tribes didn't want to do that because they respected the dragon king or were simply too afraid of the Draconis' military power. Indeed, he had felt the same way before but after he met the Orc King, he changed his mind and decided to cooperate with him.
He was sure nothing would go wrong as long as he did what they had carefully planned. Plus, he had made sure the Orcs had been walking here since early this morning.
But the king's death glare didn't budget the general. Instead, he also glared at the king.
"Even without their king, dragons are strong creatures, Your Majesty. We should not underestimate them," he warned. While the assistants decided to bow their heads as they realized this meeting was about to heat up.

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