The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Shang Luo hated Shang Yu extremely, because his face was swollen and his tongue was also injured. His voice was unclear: "Wan Wan, you are my only sister!"

Shang Wan was surprised and covered her mouth: "This was done by sister Shang Yu..."

"Do we need to go to the hospital?" Shang Quan asked Shang Luo.

"No need." Shang Luo touched his slightly swollen face. He would not let Shang Yu off!

He would not hit her now, but he would make her regret doing this!

Shang Quan had some thoughts in mind. He looked at Shang Yu, who was looking at her phone, and then at Shang Luo: "Let's go to LILU first to see if there is a way to cover it up. Don't talk nonsense in the future. Shang Yu is also your sister."

Shang Luo scoffed. Covering his face, he was still very angry. Shang Yu was too fast just now. She almost instantly appeared beside him.

By the time he reacted, his head was already pressed on the table.

The bitten tongue had stopped bleeding, but it still hurt badly. Eating would probably be difficult.

The five got on the RV. Shang Yu sat directly in the most comfortable position, completely ignoring the eyes of others.

She was playing on her phone, looking at the chat contents in WeChat.

There were only two people in her WeChat, her adoptive parents.

She was not held by mistake as a child, but was stolen away and then abandoned in the toilet.

The cleaning lady who cleaned the toilet took her home because they had no children, so they raised her all along.

The person who stole her did not seem to have any intention. They did not take away the jade on her, but just threw her far away from City S.

When they found Shang Wan, they thought Shang Wan was her. They did a DNA test a few years later.

They couldn't throw her away either, so they kept raising her until she was brought back.

The adoptive parents were very old, already in their sixties.

The Shang family gave them a sum of money to thank them for raising her. That was all.

She had taught them to use WeChat. They could only speak to the chat box, not type.

She put their new voice messages to her ear.

"Xiao Yu! How was the exam this time? How many points did you get in the college entrance exam?"

"Xiao Yu, don't be so temperamental when you go home!"


Her name with them was Su Xiaoyu, just a very ordinary name.

Because the adoptive mother found her on a rainy day.

"Sister Shang Yu, what's going on with your hair?" Shang Wan couldn't help but ask when she saw Shang Yu's uneven hair.

Shang Yu continued to listen to the voice messages without even glancing at her.

Shang Wan's voice sounded very strange, because her throat was choked and breathless last night, now like a duck.

Seeing that Shang Yu ignored her, her face was a little ugly.

Shang Quan was hiring detectives to investigate why Shang Yu had suddenly become so vicious. She was still a docile person when she came yesterday.

Shang Luo had already treated his wounds. Looking at his handsome swollen face like a bun, he was extremely angry.

Shang Hui kept frowning as he applied medicine for him.

They soon arrived at LILU, an image design studio. Since they had an appointment, they went straight in.

"Young Master Shang is here. This way please. We have arranged the person you wanted."


Shang Quan walked in front, with Shang Yu beside him, looking lazy.

She really needed someone to wash her hair and cut it.

"Wow, this era is really convenient." Little Yu Yuan flew in the air, looking curiously at everything in this place: "I also want to get a hairstyle. Lord Xiao Yu, can I dye this green?"

It flew in front of Shang Yu, looking ingratiating.

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