The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Pei Liechuan stared at her, almost unable to control his composure.

He wanted to embrace her, then open the door to the room...

She was an enchantress.

But she herself didn't realize that he was already struggling to restrain himself.

Shang Yu looked at the three cards: "Why are you giving me money?"

Did she seem short of money to him?

Pei Liechuan held her hand: "Aren't you going to buy a house to support me? I can't wait any longer, use this money to buy one, and you can pay me back when you earn enough."

Shang Yu was always intelligent, but his words twisted her thinking, seeming to make sense.

"You're right." After all, he was her man.

"What's the other card for?"

"The ZK Group's black card," he said softly. "From now on, you can use it to order any ZK clothing online. Even if it's out of production, they'll remake it just for you."

"And you can use it to easily access ZK, to find me anytime."

Shang Yu thought this could be useful.

"Actually, I can just climb over the wall..."

"No more climbing walls from now on, be good," he caressed her face. "In this world, you're an ordinary person."

Although he would conceal her from those searching for her, he was worried that foreign forces might intrude if she attracted too much attention.

Those people wanted to capture her, and it seemed not just because of the gemstones.

But because she was special by nature—

He needed to investigate that.

"Wait a moment." Pei Liechuan went into the room.

Shang Yu hurriedly took off the blanket, since she wasn't cold, it was too strange to be wrapped in it.

Pei Liechuan brought out a box, seeing her discard the blanket, he turned and went back into the room.

He came out with one of his own shirts.

"Put this on for now."

Shang Yu: "...Never mind."

Pei Liechuan's jet-black eyes gazed at her, making Shang Yu feel he looked small, pitiful, and helpless.

She reached out and put on the long black shirt that almost reached her thighs.

"This is for you." He handed her the box.

Shang Yu looked at this man doubtfully, thinking he was acting rather foolishly, always giving her gifts.

She was supposed to be the queen supporting him...

Even though she hadn't earned much money yet.

She opened the box, and upon seeing the pearl inside, she felt her heart pounding.

Not out of anxiety, but...

Because of his actions, her heart rate quickened.

She raised her eyes: "This..." How did it end up in his possession?

Pei Liechuan poured her a glass of warm water: "After you left, my people searched the area and found this pearl."

"Don't worry, we paid the farmer who owned the land."

"Things like this shouldn't be given away casually, since it's been with you for a thousand years."

"If you ever need money, just ask me," he said gently.

Shang Yu took a sip of water, not quite understanding why he should treat her so well.

Shouldn't he hate her for making him a blood servant...?

Moreover, because she bit him, he would only feel aroused because of her from now on.

She was controlling him.

Did he even know what it meant to become her blood servant?

Yet he was still foolishly good to her.

"Pei Liechuan."


"Do you know what it means for you to become my blood servant?"

"No." Pei Liechuan fastened the buttons on her shirt, his handsome face all seriousness.

"It means..."

But he looked into her eyes: "But it doesn't matter, because I accept it willingly."

Shang Yu's pupils contracted slightly upon hearing this. He said he accepted it willingly?

"You're being controlled by me, that's why you're saying this," Shang Yu gripped the box. "You might die at any moment."

She could excitedly bite and kill him.

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