The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Is this something that can be explained by science?

Is she really human or a zombie that has come back to life?!

Can a corpse be preserved so completely and still be revived?

It can't be those M Country bastards.

"Oh? You want me to forgive him, what will you give me in return?" Shang Yu played with the bullet that was still hot, looking at him.

Seeing the blood flowing from his shoulder, she felt a little regretful, because his blood tasted really good.

Pei Liechuan looked at her, his voice hoarse: "However you need, miss, just say it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Bei was flipped over on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Shang Yu was now in front of Pei Liechuan, pinching his chin. Her foot stepped on the car next to them, blocking him between her and the car: "I want you."

The others raised their guns again, all ready to fight to the death.

"Put them down!" Pei Liechuan's voice was cold, but full of compelling force.

Although unwilling in their hearts, the others could only obey the order.

On the ground, Lin Bei was in so much pain. What kind of monster was this woman!

When Yu Yuan crawled out of the coffin, she saw Miss Shang teasing a handsome man from a good family.

It stretched its round but nonexistent waist, waving its two wings that were so white they were almost transparent, and flew over fluttering.

Pei Liechuan looked at the woman in front of him: "Miss, how do you want to take me?"

The others felt their boss had been humiliated, but could only watch in shame and anger.

Shang Yu pressed him against the front of the car. When surprise appeared in his dark eyes, she tore open his clothes and bit the wound on his shoulder.

Her hand pressed against his chest, contrasting strikingly with his bronzed skin. It was a very attractive scene.

Yu Yuan covered her eyes, unable to bear watching.

Was it always this explosive just after waking up?

Even as a vampire you have to pay attention to your influence, look at the other boys.

Oh, the others weren't shy, they were just furious.

Pei Liechuan's face was pale as he looked at the woman pressing him down, confusion in his eyes.

The wound didn't seem to hurt anymore—

Shang Yu was very satisfied. This blood was so sweet. Waking up to something delicious erased her bad mood from being woken up.

She sucked out a bullet and held it between her teeth, looking at him enduring with closed eyes. She reached out and turned his face towards her, then kissed his lips.

The few others closed their eyes and lowered their heads. Their boss definitely didn't want them to see him being coerced by this girl.

Shang Yu pushed the bullet into his mouth, looking at him wickedly, biting his lips until they bled and gently licking them.

"You taste so sweet."

She had never drunk such delicious blood before, it was like that strong fragrant liquor.

What a pity she couldn't drink too much of it.

This man had already lost blood. If she kept drinking he would die.

Hmm, then there wouldn't be such delicious blood anymore in the future.

She looked at his thigh. Although it was covered by black pants over the wound, she could smell the sweet and tempting scent of blood.

There was another bullet there. Before Pei Liechuan could react, she squatted down and bit it, sucking the bullet out, and drinking some blood along the way.

She tore off a strip of the shirt hanging on him to tie around his wound.

"You can't die."

"I'll keep you to have delicious blood always available in the future."

Pei Liechuan pinched the bullet from his mouth in his hand. When she had squatted down to remove the bullet from him, he stared blankly at her face for a moment.

There was slyness on the woman's face, as well as coldness and obsession that he couldn't understand.

These combined together very strangely, but on her breathtakingly beautiful face they looked so suitable.

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