The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Shang Yu looked at the person above, and was silent for two seconds before grabbing Yu Yuan.

"Are you saying that Chuan Chuan is him?"

She saw his full name, Pei Liechuan.

This name seemed a little familiar.

But she would never forget this face - wasn't this her delicious little blood servant?

She was still thinking about how to find him, she didn't expect him to just show up like this.

Yu Yuan nodded: "Yes, Chuan Chuan is him, Pei Liechuan."

Shang Yu narrowed her eyes, her beautiful irises becoming sharp: "Can you explain why you know his name?"

She didn't even know his name was Pei Liechuan!

Yet it knew.

This was very strange.

Yu Yuan was grabbed, unable to break free no matter how it struggled. It looked at Shang Yu fearfully.

"Master Yu, I was wrong! ~๑•́.•̀๑~."

Shang Yu was unmoved, but just then the school broadcast sounded, and she had no time to waste words with it.

"I'll deal with you later." She casually left a sentence, took out her phone to take a photo of the celebrity plaque, and strode quickly towards the classroom.

Yu Yuan was stuffed into her pants pocket. It quietly poked its head out, shrinking its neck under her threatening gaze before going back in to hide.

Later, how would Master Yu punish it?

Would she pluck all its fur?

Or put it in hot water and turn it into a painful boiled lobster?

Wooo, just thinking about it was so scary.

Was there anyone who could save it?


Shang Yu arrived at the classroom just in time. This was the last time this class would gather together.

"Wooo, it's been three years already, and you still haven't said a word to me. I'm so heartbroken, do I look like a lapdog to you..."

The girl sitting in front of her turned around and started crying while hugging a book on Shang Yu's desk.

Shang Yu: "..."

She looked up with tears streaming down her face: "Why? Why? You heartbreaker!!"

Shang Yu: "..."

"You only flirt but don't love, you're a scumbag! Wooo..."

Shang Yu: "..."

She mercilessly accused her: "You ignore me, so why did you even bother saving me? You should have just let those thugs bully me back then!"

"It's been three years and you still ignore me, you're so impressive, Su Xiaoyu!!"

"My name is Shang Yu now," Shang Yu couldn't help but correct the name she called out.

It wasn't because of the business, but because she was only used to this name.

She only felt that this was her - after all, she had used this name for so many years.

The name Su Xiaoyu still didn't feel familiar.

Xia Qingyue stopped crying and stared blankly at her face.

"Your makeup is running," Shang Yu kindly reminded.

She didn't know why she suddenly felt so kind.

"You're finally willing to talk to me!" Xia Qingyue cried and grabbed her hand, "It's been three years, from the first day of sophomore year when you helped me fight off some hooligans in the alley, until today it's been three years!!"

"And this is only the second sentence you've said to me!!"

"You are heartless, you woman!!"

"These three years, I asked you to go to the bathroom with me and you refused."

"I asked you to go to the cafeteria with me and you refused."

"I asked you to go see handsome guys with me and you refused."

"I gave you test papers, made you breakfast, and now you're only just talking to me, only three sentences in three years."

"If not for you being able to chat away during academic forums, I would've thought you were mute!!"

Shang Yu was silent. From her memories, it seemed...indeed...this was the case.

It was probably because she didn't really like interacting with people.

She probably had social anxiety.

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